A match made in Heaven

By phenomenal_writer

347 187 116

They say "The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies". What happens when the o... More

Author's Note
Chapter 11.


8 4 0
By phenomenal_writer

"Tell me, how did it go? What did he say?"
My mum almost catching up with me as I walked up the stairs to my room,  flooded my ears with numerous questions at once.

"Mummy can we not talk about this now. I need to rest, I beg you", I calmly stated.

"You've been saying this right from when we were in the car, on our way home, now we're home and you're still acting rigid here.  What exactly is the matter with you?", She frowned at me, her voice now acrid.

I simply ignored her and walked into my room, heaved a sigh of relief as soon as I set my legs free from the constraint my block heels provided and settled to sit on my bed, while she stood at the entrance staring at me with a sad frown.
She sighed and came over to me.

"Okay, I'm sorry for yelling, but would you just talk to me, please? Your expression at Prescott's house was something I could not exactly make out but I could tell all wasn't very well".

"Did he say anything hurtful?", She asked softly.

"What do you think? Were you really expecting something good to come from that dinner?", I kissed my teeth.

"But Kenneth looked all cool throughout today, he didn't seem like you both had any issues", she shrugged and rolled her eyes slightly.

"Very apparent you fell for that", I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Ohh, I should be suspecting some foul play then, isn't it?", She widened her eyes, feigning surprise.

"Really mummy?",
"Should you be more concerned about him or your own daughter?" My eyebrows furrowed intently at her.

My eyes caught my father looking through the little space offered by the half closed door.

"I guess I'm free to come in", I heard him say from outside, as he gently opened the door to get in.

"I'm really happy about today you know, you and Kenneth finally meeting each other", he relaxed on a chair and grinned like a young boy.
I sneered as I gave a mocking nod and stared blankly at a wall opposite me.

"He'd be coming to T.C Corporations in a few weeks so that you both can commence work on the project."

"Excuse me?", I scrunched up my face in shock.

"I said you and Kenneth would be working on the project".

"What the...!", I held myself back from cussing.

"C'mon, it's supposed to be a partnership. Pardon me for not telling you initially but it's not just a contract Prescott's company is awarding to our company, it's more like they want a partnership with us for a project, which I think would really be of good for us as an individual organization as it would mean more recognition, and more recognition equals more profit for our company, you know", he leaned forward and winked.

"So, Kenneth would be working for his father's company on the project."

"Have I not received enough humiliation daddy?", I said in a heavy tone.

"What humiliation Dara?". My father lifted an eyebrow as he leaned back in the chair.

"Look, stop making things up just because you don't like Kenneth. How many times do I have to tell you to just give it time?". He hissed and shook his head.
"Well...there was no love at first sight like I hoped it would turn out but that doesn't mean the relationship would notwork out", he frowned.

"And stop making me feel like a bad person for wanting my only daughter to marry into a reputable family", he added.

"Or wanting my grandchildren to have the best of life", he calmly added with a pout on his lips.

"Of course you are daddy!". I retorted in an outburst that shocked both him and my mother, including myself.

"If forcing your only child into marriage is what being a good father means to you then you got it all wrong dad! It's my future here, this is a life of my own, in which I should have the freedom of  choice and here you are, trying to deprive me of that, that's pure wickedness and inhumane of you daddy.", I yelled.
"What even makes you think I'd have a good life if I end up marrying Kenneth?"

"Can you just stop acting like you have my life all worked out in your head?"

"You never liked Damon, everyone knows that. Now he's gone, you can stay as happy as you want to for all I care, just please leave me to figure out what I want by myself, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Dara!!", My mom yelled almost in a whisper, frowning at me.

"Would you speak to your father in that manner? You must be very foolish for that". I sniffled and wiped away a tear drop that had just escaped from my eye.

"My husband, please don't listen to her, it's obvious she's in a bad mood", my mum calmly said to my dad as she stretched her hand towards one of his knees and gently rubbed it.

"Hmnn, hmn hmn", my father sighed and gave a sarcastic smile.

"Of course, you're adult enough to make decisions for youself. But know this Shindara..",  he leaned forward in my direction and looked intently at me.

"You could grow as old as you want, but you cannot change the fact that I am your father and I have a say over you. So as long as I am still live, you would do only what makes me happy!", he said in a stern tone, clearly spelling out every single word, and got up to leave immediately.

"Shindara..." My mum turned to me immediately he left.

"What has come over you? Are you insane or somet..."

"I'm fine mum, I'm fine!" I yelled, not allowing her finish her statement.

"Didn't you see how he spoke, look at what he wants me to do. Don't you see he's planning to sell me off..."

"Are you gonna allow that, mummy? I added, almost in tears.

"Don't you see his planning to sell me off". She made a voice mimick of me.

"Do you have your senses with you Dara?", She frowned at me.

"You had better watch what you say about your father", she waved her fore finger at me as she widened her eyes.

"What is even your problem?? Look I'm starting to think you're making this much more of a fuss than it really is!"

"Mummy I have never felt as humiliated as I felt today at Mr Prescott's house. All because I have to do the wish of an inconsiderate father. Is that good enough?"

"Is it not the same calm and lovely looking Kenneth I met earlier today that you're complaining of? Be careful to not speak from a place of hatred", She eyed me.

"Mummy what do you mean? Would I tell a lie against him", I softly spoke as the welled up tears in my eyes gradually began to be set free.

"How would I know? Since you hate him, it's very easy to guess that you suddenly want to start speaking ill of him"
"I hope you know he could have dumped his father's invitation and just come up with an excuse just to not meet you, but no he didn't. He even established a jovial ambience for your father and I, including you I'm sure".

"Were you in there with us?!" I replied, almost yelling.

"Mummy, why are you being like this? I thought you were never going to support daddy on a bad idea or anything that could jeopardize my future" I said amidst tears, confused. I began wondering why and how the fake attitude Kenneth put up in their presence, could successfully make brainwash her.

"Well that still stands, but I'm also not going to back or support you on any wrong doings"
"...such as speaking ill of someone who apparently seems like an innocent young man", she added, eyeing me.

"Even if at all your claims are true, I'm sure it's nothing very serious. Besides it's your first meeting Dara, you shouldn't expect him to start acting all lovey-dovey that fast", she rolled her eyes slightly.

"And don't forget your mother knows how much of a savage you can be when in your angry state". She casually said while I eyed her.
"But remember I warned you, Dara", she squinted her eyes and gently waved a forefinger at me. "I warned you to not pull an attitude while at Prescott's house, who knows what you must have said to piss him off".

"Really? I hate that you now think of me this way mummy", I replied, shocked and pained to the bones.

"Ohh please, I didn't put it to you, I was just saying so stop making me feel like some inconsiderate mother", she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Shindara, Just give this time and allow yourself see a friend in Kenneth, for starters at least. And quit this whole drama"
"I am not saying your father is making the right decision but, it's not wise to speak bad about Kenneth when you haven't really experienced him, you know?". She calmly added.

"That would have made sense but not anymore, not when he treated me like shit earlier today"

"Dara, I want you to be very reasonable here, especially since it now seems like your father would not approve your marriage to any man who isn't kenneth". She said as she leaned forward in her seat.

"Quit seeing this as an arranged marriage...okay...see it more like...you got a new suitor!", She cheerfully said, with glistening eyes.

"Mum stop making this seem like it's all easy", I cried out as my fingers danced back and forth through my loosened black natural hair.

She sighed. "Dara, I think we've spoken about this enough for tonight, I wouldn't say more than all I just said, think and act wisely", she tapped her index finger on the side of her forehead and clicked her tongue, then got up to leave.

"Goodnight my darling", she turned back to look at me, expecting to get a response.

Instead, I snuggled into my bed and laid down, with my belly up and my feet kissing the cold floor tiles of my room. Grabbing a throw pillow that laid on my bed, I buried my face in it and groaned, forgetting I was yet to wipe my makeup off my face.

I heard my mum sigh..."Wouldn't you at least have a shower before you decide to sleep".

"There's no way I'd forget to do that", I replied with a deadpanned look as I sat up and tried to remove the partially stained pillow cloth which had clad the pillow I buried my face in.

"not even when I had a makeup on all evening", I muttered.

"And you'd need to clean that pillow c..."

"Yes! I know" I interrupted her coldly.

"Mum can you just leave, please. I need to think straight"

I heard her sigh again...
"of course i will. Just be fine and remember you don't have to cry yourself to sleep again". She said and pursed her lips as she stared at me.

"I'll try, goodnight too". I reluctantly replied and tried undressing as I headed to my bathroom, not sparing her a glance.

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