Secret Love- Auslly Fanfic

By skyofpie

97.2K 1.1K 227

Ally Dawson is head-over-heels in love with Austin Moon. She just doesn't know it yet. But as Austin's music... More

Auslly Begins
Something's Up
Those Almost Perfect Moments
Nothing Can Go Wrong...Right?
Mixed Feelings
What to Do, What to Do?
Finding the Sparkle
Looking Back
Make or Break
Feeling Like the End
It Was Nice...Until it Wasn't
From the Heart
Crumbled to Dust
Fifty Percent Strength
Just Okay
To Be Afraid

Don't Leave Me

4.7K 74 11
By skyofpie

OMG people! I like just watched Chapters and Choices for the second time, but on YouTube, and even though I already knew what was going to happen, I'm in a really good mood now!!! But seriously Disney Channel? I have to wait until March 17 until the next episode? Okay I'm done talking now, so read and if you like it, vote and comment please!


Ally burst through the front door of her house. 

"Dad," she called to her father. "Is everything okay?" Her dad came down the stairs with a grim look on his face.

"Ally-bear. I need to talk to you." Ally don't you dare touch your hair! "We may need to move to California." Just like that. So bluntly, so serious, so horribly believable. Ally was speechless. She opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a squeak. 

"W-why?" she finally managed to choke out. 

"If the store doesn't meet the budget this next quarter, we can no longer rent out the space in the mall. If we can do good this quarter, we can stay. I did some research, and found a nice spot on the west coast, that doesn't cost as much, and we can continue business there.  We'll be fine, Ally." Mr. Dawson assured her.

"No," Ally whispered.

"What was that, Ally?"

"No," she said more forcefully. "You'll be fine. How could this happen to me? It's always about business with you. It's never whatever you think is best, Ally. It's whatever you think will be the best way to earn money. I will not be fine!" And with that Ally stormed out the door back the way she had come, tears streaming down her face. 

She ran and ran, not even paying attention to where she was headed. She didn't even like running most of the time. Eventually she found herself on a bench at a nearby park. She wiped her eyes, realization filling her veins. One quarter equals three months. Three months, just three months to spend with Austin. At least I get to see him in Times Square...  And then what? He would never know how she felt. She would never have a chance to make him feel the same way. 

She stood up slowly. Her cell phone told her that it was only ten thirty. Maybe Austin would still be awake. He would help her get through this, like he had comforted her earlier. He just would'nt know the real reason she was upset. 

That reminded Ally of when he had put his arm around her earlier. When he touched her, she could feel something, like a buzzing blooming in her heart and spreading around to the rest of her. Ally had never experienced anything like that before. But nonetheless, she liked the feeling. 

She dialed Austin's number. 

"Ally? Is everything okay?" He sounded genuinly concerned for her. She hardly called past nine. She tried not to cry when she responded.

"More or less, yeah. But, uh, do you mind if I come over? I kinda need to tell you something."

"Sure thing. Don't ring the doorbell though, 'cuz my mom's sleeping. I'll be waiting," he assured her. His comforting voice almost made her forget her troubles. But they still loomed great over her, like a black cloud. 

"Thanks, Austin." She hung up, then headed over to his house. Just before she turned the corner to his block, she wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. She kind of didn't want Austin to know she had been crying. Maybe he wouldn't see how red and puffy her eyes were in the dark. But she doubted it. 

When she reached his house, Ally knocked lightly on his front door. He opened it almost immediately. Taking in her face, like she expected him to, he asked,

"Are you sure you're okay?" She gave him a half-hearted smile.

"Well...not exactly," she began, but before she could continue, a fresh wave of tears rushed out of her eyes, and she couldn't seem to control it.  Austin led her to the couch, his face full of worry. 

"Ally, what's wrong?"

"I might h-h-have to m-m-move," she sobbed. 

"What! You- Ally, I would miss you so much! Why are you leaving? Where are you going?" Austin inquired, wrapping Ally in a bear hug on the couch. Ally shook her head.

"It's Sonic Boom. If it doesn't get enough business to pay the rent, we have to move to California I guess. Oh, Austin, I just can't leave you...guys," she cried into his shoulder. 

Austin didn't know what to say. Ally couldn't move away. She just couldn't. For his own selfish reasons, she could not. He would never get to tell her the truth. According to Dez (although Dez wasn't always the reliable source for information), he loved her. But now she would never know.

"Hey Ally. I know you're upset. But try to look on the bright side of things. I'm sure we can raise money, too. Remember that time we raised ten thousand dollars for the instruments you gave away? We can do that again. We'll help you, I promise."

"But what about when that money runs out?" Ally whispered, looking up at him with such sad eyes, it made him that sad too.

"We'll do it all over again. You're not alone. I'm there for you, no matter what." Ally dried her eyes.

"Thanks Austin. You're really awesome, you know." 

"What else do expect from Austin Moon?" he joked. "I have that movie we were watching at Dez's, do you wanna finish it, just to get your mind off of things?"

"Sure, I guess." Austin grabbed the remote control and fast-forwarded to the part they had stopped at. Ally yawned.

"Tired?" Austin asked.

"Just a little," Ally replied. They watched the movie in silence for a little while. When Austin looked over at her, he could see that her eyelids were barely managing to stay opened. Ten minutes later, her head was drooping on his shoulder. It was...nice. 

By the time the movie ended, Austin was barely awake himself. Maybe he was too tired to really pay attention to what he was doing, but just before he closed his eyes, he leaned over and lightly kissed the top of Ally's head.

"Don't leave me," he murmured quietly, then drifted off to sleep. Ally's eyes fluttered opened.

"I won't."


Okay guys, sorry this took kind of longer than my other chapters, but last week I had a break from school so I had a bunch of time, now I don't, so this chapter took me like three days to complete, and that will probably be the case for future chapters. Sorry! If I didn't have to go to school I wouldn't, but in this modern age, unfortunately that's not possible.

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