Aurora (Andy Barber ~ Five Ki...

By caprogersfan

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Andy Barber ruled his city with an iron first. Everything in order, everything in its place. Broken a long... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Seven
Inspirational Song List

Part Six

829 52 15
By caprogersfan

⚠️ Warnings: SMUT! Forced oral (female receiving) mean! Lloyd, kidnapping. Please do not read it if it makes you comfortable. ⚠️

Aurora wished her life was over.  Lloyd would come into her room to "check" on her.  More like taste what he had paid for. At first, it was just unwanted touches to her face or neck.  Soon, it became kisses in the same places. She sobbed after he left, feeling like she was betraying Andy.

Lloyd knew exactly what he was doing.  He had a little time to make Rory his and he knew it.  As he planned out his next move, Charles came in.  "Miss Romanoff is here, boss."

"Send her to my room, Blackwood.  Have Kemp bring my bride in as well."

"Yes, sir."

Lloyd looked over the computers.  He had a feeling, not a good one.  There hadn't been many threats coming from Andy's team, and it was a little unnerving. He sat, crossing his legs to see the monitors at a distant and took a sip of his Glenlivet. "What are you doing Andy?" He asked out loud.  "I know you aren't just going to let her go."

After a moment, he got up and headed to the room.  Natasha spun when she heard him come in. "Mr. Hansen."  She offered her hand.

"Miss Romanoff," as he took her hand and kissing her knuckles.  "You brought what I asked?"

"Dresses in different silhouettes." She motioned to the rack.  "Where is the future bride?"

The door opened at that moment and Kemp brought in Rory, his hand roughly on his arm.  "She bit me."

"Well, you're hurting her," Lloyd said sarcastically.  "And who the fuck gave you permission to touch my woman."  He withdrew his gun and pointed it at Steve.

He held his hands up.  "I'm sorry.  She didn't want to get up and I knew you were waiting."

Lloyd stared at his man.  "Touch her again without my permission and I will make sure to decorate your room with your brains.  Understand?"

"Understood sir."  He quickly left the room. Lloyd spun back to the women.

"Now, darling," he looked at Rory.  "Natasha here will be putting you into some dresses for our big day.  Have fun and pick one." He kissed her cheek.  "Don't try anything, Aurora," he whispered. "I have guards just outside. You have nowhere to run."  He kissed her forehead before nodding at Natasha and leaving the room.

Rory looked at the red head, tears streaming down her face.  Natasha studied her and could see what Andy had seen.  She was a cute little thing, perfect for someone who was looking to run his business quietly.  She turned to the rack and pulled the first dress. She walked towards Rory to hand it to her.  "Andy is on his way," she whispered.

Rory's eyes went wide and she looked around.  "What?" She breathed.

"I'm a friend of Andy's but also a local dress maker.  That's how Lloyd found me." She pulled a dress out.  "This one, I think," she said loudly. Nat dropped her voice again. "Andy is surrounding the building until I'm out and give them intel on you and where you are being kept."

Rory let out a tear but quickly wiped it away.  "I'm in a back room with a high window. I can't reach it to get out."

Nat nodded as she pulled the fabric around Rory's body.  "This is stunning I think."

Rory barely noticed the princess gown that was wrapped around her.  It was not something she would have ever wanted for her wedding dress.  But then again, all she had pictured for the last few months was when she would marry Andy.  Not if but when. "It looks great."  She shrugged her shoulders.

"Look, the sooner you choose one, the sooner I can leave and give Andy the intel," she whispered on the pretense of checking the hem. "Lloyd is dangerous."

"I know," she whispered.  "I think you are right," she said aloud. "Thank you, Miss Romanoff." They swiftly took off the dress.

"You will be a beautiful bride, Miss Rory."  Nat gathered up her belonging and opened the door. Lloyd was waiting.  "She picked one, needs to be hemmed.  It'll take a day."

"Fine," Lloyd said.  "I want it to be perfect for my pumpkin's special day."  Rory tried not to flinch when the sociopath touched her.  He looked at Charles.  "Escort her back to her room, nicely.  I'll see you soon, pumpkin."  He left the room as Natasha was led out by Steve.

Charles offered his arm like a gentleman to walk Rory to her room.  She took it hesitantly, knowing if she refused, it would be devastating to her in the long run. He walked her to the room and opened the door.  She barely took a step in before she was shoved up against the wall, Charles's body pressed up against hers.  "Scream and you die."  She nodded.  "God, Lloyd is a lucky son of a bitch.  I just want to taste what is bringing such powerful men to their knees."  He placed a bruising kiss to her lips, forcing his tongue in her mouth.

Rory bit his tongue and pushed him away with a scream.  "Don't touch me!" It was loud enough to alert Lloyd.  He came running in seeing Charles spit out blood and Rory back herself into a corner.

Lloyd drew his gun.  "Did you touch her?"

There really wasn't a point in lying since the evidence was quite literally in his face. "Just wanted a taste."

Lloyd's face twisted in anger.  He pressed the barrel of the gun to Charles's head. "She. Is. MINE!"

Charles closed his eyes, knowing the shot was coming.  Instead, her heard in his ear, "touch her without my permission again and I will paint the walls with your bowels. Understood?" He nodded and swallowed.

Lloyd turned to Rory.  "Pumpkin, I'm sorry that happened."  He whipped around and backhanded Charles. "It won't happen again."  He offered his hand to her. "Let me get you to a place that is more comfortable."

"I'm ok," she whispered.

"Move. Now," Lloyd growled.

Rory didn't hesitate.  She got up and took his hand. He could feel the tremble in his hand from her.  She was scared and rightfully so.  She was the prize in a very dangerous game. He led her to his suite and into the bathroom.  He checked her face and arms.  "I'm sorry about the bruises Aurora."

"I'm fine. Doesn't hurt," she mumbled, now looking down at the ground.

"I'll change the guards.  My Soldier and a new hire will take care of you."

"I can't escape," she stated.  "Why do I need a guard?"

"Because when I make you my queen, people will try to get to you to get to me and I can't have that.  So be a good girl and just do as I say."  Lloyd looked at her and saw the tear fall.  "Don't cry.  I will make you a very happy woman." He took her hand and placed it over his growing erection.  "See what you do to me? I will make you feel so good on our wedding night.  Unlike Andy who defiled you before marriage. Dishonorable."  He wiped the tear away.  "Now, give me a kiss and I will walk you back to your room."

She hesitated. But realize she need to play the long game.  She leaned up and pressed a small kiss on his cheek.  "I said a kiss."  He pulled at her and pressed a hard kiss on her lips, the mustache scratching her face. "Still taste good sunshine. It'll be better when you are my wife."  He took her back to her room and locked the door.

Rory huddled down in the corner.  She just had to wait.  Andy was coming and all hell was about the break loose.

Andy studied the blueprints of the house where Rory was being held.  While Hansen was smart in having Natasha blindfolded and driven to the house, his arrogance neglected to check for any GPS trackers.  As soon as Natasha stopped and was just moving in the same area, they found the house.  Jensen was quick, moving to get every detail he could find and printing it as fast as possible.  The rest of the men studies it on his dining room table, making notes until Natasha returned.

Andy stood up and went to the window.  The same window where just the day before, she had placed a bouquet of pink and yellow daisies and roses he had given her.

"Do you like them sweetheart?"  He watched as she leaned down to smell them again, her blue dress riding up her legs slightly.

"I love them Andy," Rory replied, standing up and turning to him.  She caught him perving on her and she giggled.  "Are you trying to see up my dress Mr. Barber?

He smirked, "Maybe."

She danced her way to him and straddled his lap.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him.  "All you have to do is ask, my love," she whispered in his ear, kissing the skin right behind it, sending goosebumps down his spine.

He didn't wait.  He grasped her thighs and ran her up to their room, her giggles floating around the room.

Andy snapped back, looking at the flowers that had begun to wilt.  They needed her just like he did.  He made a promise that Rory would always have flowers. She would have anything he could give her.  He just needed to get her back.  The slam of the door brought his attention back to reality and Nick stepped closer.  "Andy, Natasha is back."

Andy marched into the dining room as Natasha poured herself a drink.  "That man is the worst dirtbag ever," she raged as she threw back her drink.

"What did he say?  How is she?  Did he hurt her?"

"No."  Nat looked him square.  "He's protecting her. But he looks at her like some sort of meat he is getting ready to devour." She reached for the vodka a poured another. "I bought you a day."

Andy let out a breath.  "Tell us everything."

"I counted ten guards, two at her door.  Lloyd is having his best stay with her if it's not himself. I saw her Andy, and she looks ok.  One of the men, Kemp, did bruise her but Hansen was quick to discipline.  She is in the back of the house, one window, high up.  She's tried climbing up to escape but it's too tall." Nat stopped to think.  "There is a back door, a side door, the front door and a door to the basement."

Jensen pulled the blueprints.  "Boss, there is only room that fits the description of the window." He pointed, "here in the back. It will fit one body but its high, eight feet."

Andy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dammit. Ok, so..."

"I can jump it." Peter raised his hand.  "I can get up there no problem.  Kinda have a talent to climb."

Nick scoffed.  "I know you're good at getting into places, but this is..." he mouth fell open as Peter was able to scale the bookcase with ease, getting up to the overlook from the second floor in less than 10 seconds.  "I stand corrected."

Peter came down and stood in front of his boss.  "Sir, I've been on her protection since you planted me but more than that, she is my best friend. I need to help her."

Andy's heart swelled with pride that his girl had made his men fall in love with her. Peter had been with him ever since his family had been killed and he had moved to be with his aunt.  He had taken the boy under his wing and treated him like a son before he became a soldier. "Alright, Peter you and Paul will take the window.  Paul will be cover while you go in. Nick, we need as many soldiers as possible to distract in the front.  They need full body armor. You and Sam will direct."  He sighed.  "I'm going with Parker and Diskant."

"Boss, do you think that is a good idea?" Sam asked.  "That might put you in the line of fire."

"I know.  But I need to know she's ok and if I get the chance to get to my brother as well, then better.  You know nis coward ass is going to be waiting with her."

"When do we want to hit?  The men are ready and just awaiting orders," Nick said.


Rory sat on the bed, looking straight ahead. Her thoughts were solely on Andy.  "He is coming," she repeated to herself. "He is coming for me." She felt a tear slide down her cheek when she heard the lock on the door move.  She quickly wiped her face and sat sit again as Lloyd entered the room holding a box. "Mr. Hansen," she whispered.

"I told you to call me Lloyd, cupcake. I will be your husband in just a few days so you really need to get used to that."  He strutted right in front of her and kneeled. "You are so pretty.  I knew that when you were 10 and I knew you would just grow in a beauty." He thumbed her cheek and she flinched away.

"Please let me go," she whispered.  She finally looked him in the eye.  "Please let me go home."

Lloyd smirked.  "You are home, sunshine.  You are home with me like I was promised."  He placed the box next to her.  "Open it."  She hesitated. "Open. It," he growled as he drew out his gun.  Her hands trembled as she pulled the ribbon on the box and opened the lip.  Inside was a blood red dress. "Do you like it?"

Rory was silent as she continued to look at the lace. She looked up at Lloyd.

"Put it on and knock when you are ready.  If you take more than an hour, I will be upset.  And you don't want me to be upset." He kissed her cheek and left the room.

Rory threw herself on the bed and sobbed.  "Andy," she cried out.  After a few minutes, she calmed herself.  What would Andy want her to do? A look of determination crossed her face. He would want her to survive.  She careful got dressed.  The red lace was spaghetti strapped with a modest V but still showed off the swell of her breast.  The A-line cut accentuated her waist and the hi-low cut showed offer legs.  There were matching red heels as well.  She liked the dress but wished it was Andy she was wearing it for.  She knocked and waited for someone to get her. 

Lloyd smiled as he heard the knock.  He unlocked the door to see her standing tall, his bride in blood red. "Oh you little devil."  He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.  "So beautiful. Dinner is waiting for us." He put her hand in the crook of his arms. They walked down the corridor to the dining area where candles and flowers decorated the table.  Lloyd pulled the chair to the left of the head of the table for her and she sat.

He took his seat and a new person showed with salads.  Lloyd nodded at Rory to begin, and she took a small bite, not sure of what to expect.  Would he poison her?  Would he feed her so he could gut her later?  Ever scenario, every worry grew with each bite. Her hand trembled as she put the fork down to hide her hands.

"Something wrong?" Lloyd studied the girl.

"No, I just don't want to fill up."  Rory pointedly refused to look up.

"Alright, well. Tell me, why baking?"

"Excuse me?"

"Baking.  You opened a bakery. Must say, your muffins are delicious."

"Th-thank you." Rory started to pinch her fingertips in an effort to ground herself from the nightmare she found herself in.

Lloyd noticed and took her hands in his.  "I'm not gonna hurt you, princess. I want you to feel good. I want to make you feel good understand?"

She trembled.  "I want to go home," she whispered.

"You are home."  He leaned in and kissed her, forcing his tongue in her mouth.  He pulled her into his lap, put a hand in her hair and held her head to him.  He deepened the kiss and moaned at her taste.  A taste that only his brother had before.  He pulled back enough to breath. "You are delicious.  I want to taste more." He kissed her again and this time her brain sparked, and she pulled back.

"I belong to Andy!" She stood up and backed herself to a wall. "I'm Andy's," not yours! she screamed.

The look on Lloyd's face was something she had only seen once.  It was a look that had crossed Andy's face when he found out Lloyd had been to the bakery.  A look of calm rage.  He stood up and walked with eerie calm and put his hands on either side of Rory's head. "Listen to me well, Aurora. You are not leaving here; you are never going to see Andy again. You. ARE. MINE!" He grabbed her arm just as the chef walked in.  "Save it, we'll be back."

Rory fought against him, dragging her feet as he dragged her to her room.  He threw her to the bed and straddled her.  "Please," she pleaded, "don't do this."

Lloyd grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the bed. "I will do whatever I want to what is mine.  I was going to wait for the wedding night but since you insist on being a brat, then I'll have to tame you a bit."

"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry," she cried.

"Oh princess, you should have thought of that before."  He leaned in to kiss her again as his erection was pressed into her belly. She gasped and he took the opportunity to taste her deeper.  As he pulled back, he looked at her swollen lips and grinned.  He pulled his belt from his pants and wrapped them around her wrists and then the bed post.

Rory pulled.  "Stop.  Right now," he barked.  "I want you to feel but I don't want you to be in pain. So stop pulling on your wrists."

"Please let me go," she whispered.

"No." Lloyd climbed off of her.  "Now I want to taste my prize." His hands skimmed down her sides. She whimpered at his touch, and he smiled.  "God, I love that sound." He pushed the red lace up and saw the angelic white panties she had on.  He groaned in delight.  His innocent angel underneath him.  "Has Andy done this? Made you see stars? Float in the clouds like the angel you are."  He rubbed against the sweet silk, and she bucked her hips. "Just a taste."  He flattened his tongue, pushed the silk aside and licked a long stripe from the bottom to the top.  Belle clenched her teeth, not wanting any noises to escape, to give this devil any satisfaction. Lloyd looked to see her jaw clenched and it made him determined.

He continued with his assault, ripping the panties away, aggressively licking and sucking the sensitive flesh. "I will make you sing like a choir of angels, princess."

Rory shook her head, refusing, fighting against the sensations.  Lloyd knew how to use his current weapon of choice, as inexperienced as she was but nothing was compared to her Andy.  She couldn't plead for the end, for him to stop, to force him away.  She feared what would exit from her mouth if she unclenched her jaw.  That didn't stop the tear from escaping. Or the moisture exiting from her.

"You like it, don't you princess?  You taste like the best chocolate, the best wine.  And soon, we'll be man and wife and it will taste even better."  Lloyd slid a finger in.  "Oohhh, so tight still.  Didn't think my brother's cock was so tiny but now I know."  He plunged his finger in relentlessly and Rory tried to push away.

She finally unlocked her jaw and screamed at the intrusion.  "Please! Leave me alone! I hate it!"

"Hate it?  No, your body is telling me otherwise."  Lloyd added another finger.  "Gonna make you cum, princess.  Go ahead, squirt all over me.  I would bath in it if I could.  You know you want to."

"No!" Rory could feel her body betraying her as she fought against the lashes of heat across her belly.

This just made Lloyd work harder.  He was a man determined, determined to get what he wanted.  He wanted to see her come undone as Andy had before, as he had watched on the secret cameras.  "Fucking slut, just give it up!"  He leaned down and sucked hard on her clit and it tipped her over, screaming as her back arched. Lloyd though he had died and gone to heaven, drinking all of her release, bathing in the glory of her orgasm.  When she was in the throes of aftershocks, he slowly let go of her and untied her hands.

He cleaned himself as he listened to her sobs. "You made that harder on yourself.  Get some rest princess. We marry tomorrow."  He walked out of the room and locked the door.

"Worth it?" Charles leaned against the opposite wall.

Lloyd wiped at the corners of his mouth.  "Every drop."

A/N: Hi friends, I know I said that this would be the last part but my mind decided to make the story just a bit longer. I am the cliffhanger queen after all. See you for the finale. 😘

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