I'll Always Choose You #Watty...

By arabella_tomlinson

204K 8.3K 618

Giovani 'Gio' D'Angelo, Mafia Leader of The Greeks is known for his ruthlessness, his infamous glare that cou... More

1. Nico
2. Gio
3. Nico
4. Gio
5. Nico
6. Gio
7. Nico
8. Gio
9. Nico
10. Gio
11. Nico
12. Gio
13. Nico
14. Gio
15. Nico
16. Gio
17. Nico
18. Gio
19. Nico
20. Gio
21. Nico
22. Gio
23. Nico
24. Gio
25. Nico
26. Gio
27. Nico
28. Gio
29. Nico
30. Gio
31. Nico
32. Gio
34. Gio
35. Nico
36. Gio
37. Nico
38. Gio
39. Nico
40. Gio
41. Nico
42. Gio
43. Nico
44. Gio
45. Nico
46. Gio
47. Nico
48. Gio
49. Nico
50. Gio
51. Nico
52. Gio
53. Nico
54. Gio
55. Nico
56. Gio
57. Nico
58. Gio
59. Nico
60. Gio
61. Nico
62. Gio
63. Nico
64. Gio
65. Nico
66. Gio
67. Nico
68. Gio
69. Nico
Epilogue. Gio

33. Nico

2.1K 96 5
By arabella_tomlinson

September 11, 2022  (week 6 of pregnancy)

Learning I was pregnant was not what I had anticipated when I went down to Kenzie's office after my bout of vomiting. It was surreal as I never thought that I'd ever get to experience this not after what happened throughout my childhood—not there snot reason to think do the past again because thats what tit was, the past. There's no need for me to keep thinking of that moment in my life that I want to forget ever happened. I need to focus on the now and the future.

Though I wish my parents were here to guide me and help me and experience this new journey I'm about to experiment with Gio. I wish they were here to meet their two grandsons and I know that they would absolutely love them like I know they would. They would be wrapped around their little fingers from day one.

I sighed and looked a the picture frame on my side of the bed and picked it up.

"I really wish you were here," I whispered as I stared at the smiling faces of my parents . The only photo I had of them since Patrick had destroyed everything of theirs when they died. "I need you both now more than ever."

"Mama?" Tanner's small voice called from the doorway and I quickly wiped the tears away and set the frame back down in the night stand and smiled as I turned to him.

"Yes baby?" I asked and he walked into the room and gave me hug as he looked up at me making me raise a brow.

"Sad," he muttered with a frown making me swallow the lump in my throat. He picked up on it.

"Don't worry, baby, I'm alright. Now why don't we go prepare Daddy's lunch? He should be coming up to the apartment soon." I asked as I led him out into the hall before waking to the kitchen.

"Wants sandwich, please?" He asked as i helps him onto the island chair and I nodded.

"Where's Aros?" I asked noticing the seven year old was missing.

"Bathwoom," Tanner repelled just as the door down the hall opened and Aros emerged from it. I nodded and beg a preparing lunch for us. Sandwiches for the boys, and pasta for Gio and I.

"Hi mama," Aros greeted with a smile.

"Hi, love," I replied with a smile as he climbed into his chair beside Tanner, "how are you feeling?"

"Better," he answered and I nodded. Cam and I went to pick him up from school an hour ago after the school nurse called saying that he had thrown up.

"That's good, is your tummy up to eating? Or do you want something light instead of a sandwich?"

"Sandwich is okay, mama," he replied and I nodded. He did have a little more color to him then he had earlier. He probably caught a stomach bug from one of his classmates or from one of the gang's kids. I gave him some crackers and juice to see if that wood bell which apparently it did since he was feeling better and up to eating. The door to the apartment opened and Gio walked in.

"How are you feeling bud?" He asked Aros once he had taken his shoes and coat off by the door and padded his way towards the dining room.

"Good, daddy," he replied with a smile and Gio nodded pressing his hand to his forehead.

"You're not warm so that's good," he said as he pressed a kiss to the top of his head before song the same to Tanner who beamed up at him, "were you good for mommy?"

"Mhm" the four year old replied nodding his little head and Gio nodded with a smile beige saying he'll be back once he change out of his work clothes. We decided to tell the boys that they were getting a baby sibling but after our appointment with Kenzie. Aros and Tanner will be watched by Cam and Arrow.

"Eat up," I said placing their respective plates in front of them before I plated mine and Gio's.

"Alright, I'm back."


"Hello, Donna and Don," Kenzie greeted us as we walked into her office half an hour later. We had to change our appointment for 1 since Aros got sick and Gio was called into a conference call that went longer than either of us had expected.

"Hi, Kenzie," I smiled and apologized for having to change our appointment last minute  but she waved me off with a head shake and a smile.

"Things happen, I'm just glad Master Aros is doing better." It was still strange hearing everyone calling Tanner and Aros masters but Gio said that it was form  of the worsted since they were the sons of the Don and Donna of the gang. It was as if they were royalty with how they treat them. I think that's one of the reasons why Tanner and Aros barely have any friends inside the gang. And more so with Aros since he gave one of those boys a lesson for hurting his brother.

"Yes, so are we," Gio nodded, "I was worried that he would get worse but we're glad that it was just a bug and that he'll be better tomorrow."

"It would be best if he stays home tomorrow incase his fever returns," she said and we nodded, "you gave him the medicine I prescribed?" She looked at me and I nodded. "good, that should help keep his fever down."

"Yes, he hasn't gotten sick since this morning when I went to pick him up." I said as she nodded,

"That's good," she said before asking, "and you? How have you been feeling since our last meeting?"

"Good, still having morning sickness and my chest has started to feel tender." I answered and she nodded jotting it down in her notes.

"Anything else?" She asked and I shook my head, "perfect, I'm going to take a few measurements of your belly even though you're still in the early stages, blood pressure and weight."

"That's fine."

She first had me climb onto the scale and my right hasn't changed and she nodded then I climbed onto the exam cot where she took my blood pressure, temperature and listens to my heart and lungs before I laid back on it while lifting my shirt so she could measure my belly.

"Everything is normal, your weight should start to increase in the coming weeks and your blood pressure, heart rate and lungs are all good." She said as she typed it into her computer and I sighed in relief. Gio stood beside me and smiled before pressing a kiss to the forehead. "Alright, now let's hear your baby's heartbeat."

She said as she grabbed a Doppler along with gel from one the drawers and walked over to me, "it's going to be cold so brace yourself." I nodded and she squirted a fair amount of the gel onto my belly making me wince and she gave an apologetic smile but I shook my bead as she began moving the wand attached to it around for  a few moments before a faint thump thump filled the room. I blinked my tears away as I looked up at Gio to see that he was in a similar situation as me as he grinned, tears glistening his eyes. He liked at me and smiled as we listened to the steady rhythm of our baby's heartbeat through the Doppler.

"Where can we get one of this, if we want to listen to the heartbeat?" I asked after several moments as she pulled the device away while handing me some tissue paper to wipe the gel off.

"You can purchase these anywhere really," she said and I nodded, "You've got a healthy baby in there."

"When should I come see you again?" I asked as she put away her things. She pulled up her calendar and scammed it.

"Not for another 8 weeks." She replied and I blinked making her smile, "I don't need to see you every week, unless there's something wrong with either you or the bag or both. But so far everything is progressing as it should."

"When would we be able to know the sex of the baby?" Gio asked her and Kenzie liked at her chart.

"We can have a blood test done and the results will be ready in a few days or we wait until he's 18 weeks along and we're able to see it on the ultrasound."

I bit my lip and Gio gave my hand a gentle squeeze making me look up at him, "It's up to you, love. What do you want to do? Wait until your 18 weeks or do you want to get the blood test done?"

I thought it over before nodding and saying, "I'll do the blood test."

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