A Little Giant

Bởi Ms_Lillian

160 13 15

A backstory on how One Direction came to be! Xem Thêm

(2) My Little Cupcake {Harry}

(1) Flipped {Zayn}

113 9 15
Bởi Ms_Lillian

"Hey Niall! Let's see what would happen if we turned this turtle upside down!" a giant above me exclaimed to his friend. 

Immediately, I froze, sensing that I was in danger. Before I knew it, he extended his hand towards me and lifted me up off the ground. Trying hard to resist, I kicked my legs as fast as I could but to no avail. The menaces above me chuckled as I started yelling out in protest, and snapping at them for disrupting my peaceful evening. After a couple of seconds had gone by, they pleasantly started to let me back down to the ground.

"It's working! It's working!" I thought excitedly, but to my dismay, the world now seemed as though it were flipped. The grass was now my cieling and the sky was the floor. 

"Darn it!" I muttered to myself as another giant above me started to speak in a funny accent.

"Louis, there's a tradition back in Ireland, where if you turn a turtle upside down, a wish may be granted! Quick! Let's make a wish!" Niall, or so I think that's his name, jumped up and down excitedly. 

As the two closed their eyes, I silently prayed I could be their size, so no one would ever pick on me again. Oddly enough, after I wished it to happen, they seemed to shrink in size and the sky now seemed more touchable. Suddenly, it dawned on me that my legs now matched the appendages of the humans beside me. In place of my forefeet, sprouted arms longer than I could imagine. then i realized I was now considered a little giant.

"L-Louis," Niall stuttered as his friend kept his eyes closed and wished hard with all his might. 

"Shh! Be quiet Niall! I'm wishing!" he shot back. 

"B-but Louis!!" Niall whimpered as he intensely looked at me with his blue eyes widened out of fear.

"What Niall?!?" Louis eyes popped open, and soon his mouth dropped to the ground. 

"Who-who are you?" Niall asked me as his friend continued to gawk at me. 

"I'm Zayn." I replied happily, extending out one of my arms like I've seen other humans do before.

"Nice to meet you Zayn!" Louis beamed and hugged me tightly, causing me to redden at such an intimate embrace that only friends do. "Welcome to the human world! Wanna be friends?!?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, feeling the corners of my lips tug upward into a gigantic smile.

"But you were just a turtle.." Niall pondered, causing me to look at him, noticing tears form in his eyes. "What about your turtle friends?"

"I didn't really fit in, they all are their own individuals." I answered back truthfully. Nobody really liked me back at the pond. I was just the random turtle who would sit on a rock all alone. 

Suddenly, Niall's smile soon mirrored my own. "Well then, we're just going to have to change that aren't we?!?" 

Before I could think any further, they whisked me away from the only home I knew and led me to a new one. Later, eventually Louis admitted that he wished to find more friends. Niall responded that he wished for some ice cream, and all of us laughed, being that we had been sitting at an ice-cream parlor eating heaps of sundaes. From that moment on, I knew that my home would be with them. We all promised each other we would never leave each other's sides no matter what. They are my new brothers now. 

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