~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger hu...

By Oliver_isnt_emo

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Slow updates. :( ROTTMNT human male brother reader insert! Woohoo. I didn't see any so I made one, your welco... More

Chap.1 Mystic Mayhem
Chap 2. Origami Tsunami
Chap 3. Donnie's gifts
Chap. 4 War and pizza
Chap 5. Newsworthy
Chap. 6 Repo mantis
Chap 7. Down with the sickness
Education! bonus chap
Chap. 8 The fast and the furriest
Chap 9. Mascot Melee
Chap.10 Shell in a Cell
Chap. 11 Minotaur Maze
Chap. 12 Bug Busters
Chap. 14 Hypno! Part deux
Chap 15. The gumbus
Chap. 16 Mrs. Cuddles
Useless. Bonus chap.
Chap 17. Stuck on you.
Lil bit of a friendship! really small bonus!chap
Chap 18. Al be back
About the axe
Chap 19. The purple jacket
Chap 20. Pizza pit
Chap.21 Smart Lair
Chap 22. Hot soup:the game!
Chap 23. The Evil League of Mutants P1
Chap. 24 The Evil League of Mutants P2

Chap 13. The longest fight.

891 21 25
By Oliver_isnt_emo

Leo does some cool skating tricks while raph lifts weights. Donnie is sitting with his phone in one of his robotic hands. You are pacing around so you don't fall asleep. Mikey is with the food!

Mikey:"Okay, we got pizza rolls, pizza balls, pizza tots, pizza puffs and duck a l'orange pizza!"

D:"as if today could get anymore perfect." The screen turned on and the show started.

"Live from Tokyo, the Extreme Skateboard Finals!"

You walk over to Donnie and sit behind him with your head on his shoulder. Raph slides over.

Raph:"Hey, it's starting, guys!"

Mikey:"Wahoo!" He looks over you and Donnie.

Leo skates by and makes a 'huh?' noise.

"Three hours of insane tricks. And the rumors are true- Sydney Allen will attempt a 14-40 on the mega ramp!"


D:"is that even possible?"

Mikey:"No way!"

Raph:"she's gotta be a mutant!"

Leo:"Hey. I bet I could do a 14-40"

You look over exited.


Don:"*sigh* I will forego my usual 'no don't. That's four rotations. That's crazy talk, Leo.' and skip right ahead to, 'cover the food.'"

Raph and Mikey dart off to cover the food and you watch excitedly as Leo gets ready to do the trick.

Leo:"For Sydney! Hot soup!"

He jumps and skates down the ramp. He goes up and does a little flip before coming down. Donnie doesn't even look while raph Mikey, and you are impressed. He starts to lose his balance but regains it.


He does another flip but then he loses his board and slides down. You sigh while raph and Mikey laugh at him. His board bounces around and hits the power.

Raph:"The wifi! Wi-Fi. Skating. Raph watch. Donnie fix. Raph happy."

You look concerned.

Donnie:"I need pre-game stats, Highlights of past stats, projections of future stats. WE'RE MISSING THE STATS, PEOPLE!"

You all start running around frantically.

Mikey:"and we're gonna miss Sydney and the 14-40!!"

Raph:"everybody cool it." You all freeze. "There's worse things in the world than- oh, who am I kidding? Our lives are ruined!... no, wait. I got a fix. But it ain't gonna be pretty."

Raph:"dad, you gotta let us watch TV."

Mikey:"we'll do anything!"

Splinter:"anything? Hmm. That is more than something and just shy of everything. Go on."

Mikey:"gourmet dinners."
Donnie:"nostril waxing."
Leo:"Hey raph'll even carry you around 24/7."

Mikey reaches for the remote and splinter smacks his hand away.

Splinter:"despite the generous offer, I must refuse. We are in the golden age of commercials! I would bring disgrace on my family if I missed even one."

You sighed and cross your arms.

"You ever wanted ice cubes but found pouring water directly into the freezer isn't helpful? *Chuckles* then you need...🎶Ice tray brand trays for ice! The thrill of chill in ev-er-y fill!🎶"

Donnie:"okay, idea's, people. My eyes need Extreme skateboarding asap."

Leo:"maybe next time, let's not put the WiFi in a high traffic crash zone."

Raph:"WiFi! That's it. I know what to do. "Raph grabs all of your heads. Leo and Donnie look annoyed while Mikey looks intrigued. You are getting tired. I mean without Sydney why are you even awake?

Donnie:"Gilbert's department store after hours- an idea par excellence, Raphael."

You sighed and leaned you head on Donnie's shoulder. Bro was tired. Nah wait. Bro is tired.

Raph:"I was due."

Donnie:"and thanks to April's job here last year, we have the WiFi password." He clicked the one button. "One."

"We'll be right back with more skateboarding! Brought to you by Ice tray brand trays for ice."

All your brothers cheered while you sighed.

[Name]:"I hate ice tray commercials. They aren't selling you anything new why do they act like they are?"

Mikey:"I love you guys, and watching this with all of you is my favorite brother bonding day of the year!"

Mikey tackles you and Donnie in a hug and everyone joins in.

You all are spread out across the room. Your brothers are each in different tables and you are laying on the floor looking up at your screen. Yes the floor is filthy but you live in a sewer so-

Crowd on show:"Sydney! Sydney! Sydney!"

Something crashes.

Raph:"did you guys hear that? "

Leo:"you mean that loud bang? No."

Raph:"is anyone gonna check it out?"

D:"and miss skateboarding? Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling us he's our leader."

[Name]:"Ooh! Burn! *Quiet laugh*"

Raph:"fine. I'll go."

Raph goes up an escalator while his eyes are glued to the screen. Raph crashes into a mannequin.

Anyways foot feds are back in townnnn.

"Did you hear that?"

"You mean that loud thud of a mannequin falling over? No."

"Well are you going to check it out?"

"Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling the other guy he's boss, but it's clear that the other guy should be the boss and that creates a lot of workplace tension. Fine I'll go."

"Hello??? Mr.Security guard? I am a local school child locked in here after hours.  Can you help me find my sensei- I mean, my mommy-san?"

He found a mannequin head and tossed it away. Raph was pretending to be a mannequin and it probably only worked because the guy is an idiot.

Raph:"that foot face guy? What's he doing here?"

"It was just a mannequin. Who could have seen that coming? Oh, right. Me."

Raph snuck around watching them. And you were with your brothers getting tired of so many fucking ice commercials. So you, fell asleep. Are you really surprised tho?

"Enough buffoonery. Get back to work."

He pulled out a small blowtorch and started to break into the room. It seems like the are going after a ring..

Raph:"not good."

He ran back to all of his brothers.

Raph:"GUYS! Those freaky flame-head guys are back stealing jewelry!" He shook you awake. "Gear up fellas! Time to show em what we think of that!"

Leo:"yeah, okay, you mean like after we're done watching the finals? Cool."

[Name]:*mumbling*"why was I woken up-"

Raph:"Come on, Leo, crime never takes a break, so neither can we."

[Name]:"shit I fell asleep. Did I miss anything d?"

Donnie:"nope. Just ads. *Mumbling* lucky. But I'm not sure I follow. You mean, like, on commercials?"

Raph:"oh, man, you guys are killing me. *Giant crash noise*" you perk up from your laying down position. "Look, this is serious, fella's. Okay?"

[N]:"what's happening-"

Raph groaned.

Raph:"Fine. We'll try to do both. Fight bad guys and watch skating. Hey, and we are real heroes. "

Leo:"Let's get em!"
[Name]:"I still don't know what happening but okay!"

"Sydney signing autographs for the judges before she goes!"

You all watch the finals as you go up the escalator.

"For those of you just tuning in, Sydney Allen is about to attempt the 14-40 on the mega ramp! It's the moment skate fans have been waiting their whole lives for."

You all walk off the escalator with your noses buried into your screens.

"We've got it!"

Raph:"alright, hot heads. Hand over the ruby ring and- "

"Sydney Allen is climbing up the mega ramp as I speak!"


The foot guy coughed and the crowd continued to cheer Sydney's name.

Raph:"Hey, with ya in a sec pal."

"But before she goes- let's learn a little bit about our judges."

You all sigh and stop paying attention to your devices.

Leo:"Look here forehead flambé, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. "

Donnie:"but since we only have a quick minute till Sydney's back on, we are really lobbying for the easy way."

Mikey:"super easy!"

[Name]:"like so easy I can finally take a well deserved nap."

Raph pushed you all out of the way.

Raph:"less talky, more smashy-" the foot guy punched raph.

Leo:"so that's a hard pass?"

Raph:"nice punch hoss. To bad I snagged the ring."

"What? You have no idea what you're dealing with. Give it back now! " He summoned paper guys.

Leo:"These paper guys ag-"

Paper guys flew in and attacked Leo and Donnie. The big guy fought raph and the hand and ring fell into Mikey's hands.

Mikey:"attention all bad guys- Your villainy ends now!"

He jumped around dodging the guys. You played on the floor since no paper ninjas bothered to fight you for some reason. Who knows? :]

"And now, Sydney's warm up run on the mega ramp. "

Mikey:"She's back on guys! Just an easy run Sydney. Save your strength for the main event." Mikey got kicked back and Leo caught the glove.

You lifted your phone above your head and watched the screen.

"Sydney couldn't be more primed to slay that 14-40!"

Leo:"can we call a quick time-out? Then I promise we'll go back to kicking your butts."

The paper ninja knocked Leo all the way across the big ass room. but he and his thick skull were alright. And he still had the hand and the ring.

Donnie fought a paper ninja while keeping his eyes on his screen. His screen was held up with one of his cool asf robotic arms. The ninja got in the way tho.

D:"down in front. Come on. Do I come to your life and block your view of your favorite show?"

Raph and the big guy were fighting it outttt. Raph kicked him up to the roof and slide out from under him. Pretty cool move tbh.

Raph:"Don't mess with NYC! Not on our watch!" He had his phone in his hand.

"Your intrusion has delayed our operation."

Raph:"nobody likes being interrupted in the middle of plans they had their heart set on. Am I right? Hah! Good irony, raph! Mic drop!" He....dropped his phone. Dang no more Sydney for him. "No! Sydney!"

"What's a 'sydney'?"

Raph:"'WHAT'S A 'SYDNEY'?" He beat him up with a mannequin arm. Then Leo walks over.

Raph:"What'd I miss?"

Leo:"everything. It's a commercial again."

[Name]*in the distance*:"UGHHH!"


The small foot guy punched Mikey's phone out of his hands and catches it. The stupid ice tray commercial plays.

Mikey:"My Sydney box! No!"

"A trade. Tell the purple one to give us back our plundered prize, and then I'll return your precious phone."

Mikey:"or we can do it my way." He throws a clothes hanger. It kills the paper ninja and steals Mikey's phone but then it runs into Leo and raph and boom. Those phones are now broken too.

Mikey:"Guys catch it! No! Take me instead. Wait, Donnie's tablet! It's our last hope to not watch it on a cracked screen!"

[Name]:"Hey! My phone isn't...that bad."

Donnie:"Phalange sandwich!" He does flips and shit. Also what is that catchfrase. C'mon don.

There a whole ass long fight scene that I don't really know what happens in it cause it goes by to quickly. But bada Bing Bada boom one guy ends up in a onesie and both the foot guys get thrown into each other with Donnie's tablet in-between. Soooo.

All your brothers cried and looked at Donnie's tablet. You were looking at them concerned while on your phone.

Leo:"is there even anything left to fight for?"

Donnie:"you think she got it on her first try?"

Leo:"if anybody could."

Raph:"my bad fella's." I never shoulda thought we could watch Sydney and stop them."

The guys snuck off while you just watched Sydney. She didn't make it on her first try and you sighed. Nobody heard tho.

Mikey:"you're right. We're heroes.vheroes don't wait until commercial. Wait, where'd they go?"

They were at the top of the escalator.

Leo:"They've got the ruby ring!"

Raph:"Awh nah. They ruined our night. We're ruining there's!" You sat silently. No use in telling them. I mean now they will actually fight. Plus you get to still watch Sydney.

Raph:"Hey, Leo, another try at the 14-40?"

You got another string of commercials so you slipped your phone in your pocket and watched this.

Leo smirked and boom idk how he got there but he skated down the escalator railing.

He did a bunch of cool flips and you and other your brothers were amazed. Also he got the ring ig. He made a nice landing and got the ring.

D:"not a 14-40, but three rotations and a ring-saving steal! Boo-to-the-yah!"

Mikey:"Too bad, so sad! Better luck next time!"

Leo:"look what I found at the guard desk! It's battery powered."

All your brothers cheered while you just pulled out your phone and they stared at you in shock.

Mikey:"You had that the whole time?"

[Name]:"duh. I'm just cool like that."

You guys had your phone and the other screen set up so you all could see.

"So close on the first two. I bet she's gonna nail the 14-40 now!"

D:"I believe in you Sydney!"
R:"let's go Sydney!"

Mikey:"I'll say it again, I love you guys" (bro's over here melting my familial affection deprived heart.)

"Last chance. Can she do it folks? One, two, three, f-"

"We interrupt our program to report a break-in at Gilbert's department store."

You all cry and say no but Mikey keeps going on and on and on and on and on and- you get the point, right?

The foot clan guys run off.

"Fools. They thought we were after a puny ring."

He held up the shiny metal hand.

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