Healing (Obito Uchiha X Reade...

By Midori_Midori_Midori

8.4K 345 92

Y/N was adopted by the Uchiha clan after the tragic passing of her parents. She then builds an amazing comrad... More

1. Your
2. Touch
3. On
5. Skin
6. Ignites
7. A
8. Wildfire
9. Of
10. Passion
11. That
12. Burns
13. Me
14. Completely

4. My

569 27 0
By Midori_Midori_Midori

Time Skip: After the Massacre

Upon hearing the news of the Uchiha massacre, a weight of responsibility settled heavily upon your shoulders, particularly regarding Sasuke. Having been a member of the clan yourself, you knew all too well the gravity of the tragedy that had befallen them.

Although your relationship with the other Uchihas was not intimate, the loss of Sasuke's parents was a painful shock that shook you to the core. The involvement of Itachi, a once angelic being, in the slaughter was an unfathomable horror that left you questioning the very nature of the clan's cursed legacy.

To pay homage to Mikoto and Fugaku, you made a daily pilgrimage to their gravesite, leaving behind freshly picked flowers as a gesture of remembrance. The cemetery became a sanctuary, a place where you could seek solace and commune with those who had departed before their time.

In those hallowed moments, you found yourself spending hours conversing with their empty graves, sharing your sorrow and reminiscing about the good times. Occasionally, Kakashi would join you, and the two of you would find solace in each other's company, mourning the loss of loved ones taken too soon.

Sasuke, a child who had suffered profound loss, became a focal point of your responsibility. Though he was often cold and distant to most people, he would occasionally open up to you, recognizing you as an older sister figure. In this capacity, you visited him frequently, cooked for him, and trained with him, doing all you could to offer him some semblance of comfort in his time of need.

As the years wore on, you found solace and healing in your own life. Although the loss of your loved ones still weighed heavily upon your heart, you managed to forge a path forward. After living with Kakashi for several years, you eventually found your own apartment. There, you breathed new life into the space with your personal touch, making it a warm and inviting refuge big enough for at least two people.

There was a time when you felt utterly hopeless, a time when the thought of ending it all seemed the only option. However, Kakashi's constant support and unwavering presence pulled you through, and you slowly began to rediscover your zest for life.

Now, when you reflect on the past, you do so with a sense of joy and gratitude. Your smile radiates warmth, a testament to the strength and resilience you have cultivated over the years. While the curse of the Uchiha clan may still linger, you have found a way to honour the past while moving forward with hope for the future.


As you strolled through the quaint village, the exhaustion of a rigorous training session with Sasuke still fresh in your mind, you were suddenly interrupted by the sound of children's voices. Initially, you paid little attention to the commotion, but as the volume increased, you could hear the unmistakable sound of a child crying. Curiosity piqued, and you decided to investigate further.

As you drew closer, you witnessed a distressing sight: a pink-haired girl was berating a sad-looking blonde boy, shouting that he was an outcast and should leave the village for good. Horrified by the bullying, you felt compelled to intervene.

"What's going on here?" you demanded, approaching the group of children with caution giving them the benefit of doubt.

"It's him," the girl sneered, pointing at the boy. "This monster keeps asking us to play with him!"

As you gazed upon the poor boy, you were struck by his big, tear-filled blue eyes and his bright yellow hair. He reminded you of someone - the son of Minato sensei and Kushina, two of your favourite senseis.

"Piss off, pink-haired nitwit!" you growled to the children causing them to scatter away from you, it was now only you and him.

"What's your name, kid?" you asked kindly, kneeling down to his level.

"Naruto Uzumaki," he replied, his eyes lighting up at your friendly tone. You knew he had the murderer of your parents inside him, and you couldn't feel more sorry for the poor child. So young and with such a tremendous burden.

"Uzumaki, huh?" you mused. "I know a great ramen place that will cheer you up. How about we go there?"

"WOULD YOU DO THAT!? Thank you so much, big sis!" Naruto exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

"Of course! Any time." you smiled. "And you can call me Y/N."

Naruto unexpectedly grabbed your hand and together, you walked hand in hand to Ichiraku's, where Naruto devoured five bowls of delicious ramen while chatting away merrily. As he talked about his dreams of becoming Hokage and earning the respect of everyone in the village, you couldn't help but think of Obito. The similarities between the two boys were striking.

"I believe in you, Naruto," you said, beaming at him.

After dinner, you walked Naruto to his house. As you stood at his front door, ready to wish him goodnight, he unexpectedly clung to your leg.

"I don't want you to go,
Y/N," he pleaded, tugging at your heartstrings.

"I have to, but I can tuck you in if you like," you offered, moved by his desperation for affection.

"Please," he whispered.

Entering Naruto's messy home, you were struck by the sight of expired food in the fridge and the absence of any parental figure. The poor child had no one to comfort him in his nightmares or pack him a healthy lunch for school. He had never felt the refreshing feeling of a pair of motherly lips kissing his forehead when he had a fever or even had the pleasure of hearing a bedtime story. Your heart ached at the thought of him being all alone.

Once Naruto was dressed in his pyjamas, you tucked him in and ruffled his hair, giving him a goodnight bump on the forehead. As you bid him farewell, you couldn't help but think of how desperately he needed someone to care for him. You resolved to be that person.

"Good night, Naruto," you said softly.

"Good night, Y/N!" he beamed.

As you exited his room, you decided to take matters into your own hands and clean up the neglected household. This poor child deserved better than rotten milk and instant ramen.


It was a quiet Sunday morning when you finally woke up, having slept in later than usual. You slowly stretched your limbs and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, taking a few moments to gather your thoughts before realizing you needed to go grocery shopping. You had promised to get some supplies for Naruto, and as a responsible ninja, you always kept your promises.

As you walked through the crowded streets of the village, you spotted Kakashi walking towards you, his silver hair shining in the sunlight. You smiled and waved, happy to see a familiar face.

"Hey Y/N, how are you doing?" Kakashi greeted you with his usual nonchalant tone.

"Great! How about you, Kashi?" you replied, feeling energized and ready for the day ahead.

"I am good. How about we go have lunch, huh?" he suggested, a mischievous twinkle in his visible eye.

"Fine, but the last one to get there pays for both!" you shouted, already sprinting towards the restaurant in a playful race.

"Come back here! That's not fair!" Kakashi yelled, trying his best to catch up to you.

"Come on, old man!" you taunted him, feeling the wind rushing past your face as you ran.

"We are the same age, you idiot!" he retorted, his breath coming out in gasps.

"Yeah, but you don't look like it with those white-ass hairs!" you teased, a big grin on your face.

"They are grey, and you know it!" he huffed, trying to keep up with you.

"Cause that's so much better..." you laughed, feeling victorious as you reached the restaurant first.

"You know Y/N, I have always respected you. You are such a great ninja..." Kakashi said, his eyes shining with admiration.

"Enough with the sweet talk, bakashi. You are paying, that's the deal!" you said, playfully punching him in the arm.

"Ugh, fine, but I never agreed to do this in the first place," he grumbled, his hand already reaching for his wallet.

"I knew I would convince you," you said, getting on your tippy toes to pat his silver hair lightly.

"You know Kakashi, I haven't seen your face in a while... I almost forgot about your features..." you said, a hint of nostalgia in your voice.

"Well, you can see it," he said, discreetly pulling his mask down.

"Just like I remember it... Ugly." you said, a small smile playing on your lips.

He faked an offended expression.

" You know I am just kidding right? If you showed your face more, you would have all the ladies at your feet. You are quite an handsome man "

" Do you want to tell me something Y/N? Huh? " he smirked with a cocky and smug expression

" Keep dreaming, oldie " you said laughing out loud at the ridiculous thought of dating him

After a delicious meal, Kakashi pulled out his mysterious book, something he had been reading for years. You had always been curious about its contents, but he had never let you take a peek.

"You are always reading those damn books! What's so interesting about it? Can I take a look?" you asked, curiosity getting the best of you.

"No, Y/N. You are not old enough, besides you had your chance. " he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"We are the same age, you idiot." you retorted, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

"Well, no, I am much older, and my white hair proves it. You can wait until you are a little bit more mature to take a look at this masterpiece." he said, blushing slightly as he looked at the forbidden content of the book.

"One day, I'll get it when you are least expecting and expose your little secret!" you said, feeling playful.

"We wouldn't want that, would we now?" he said, his visible eye crinkling in amusement.


You left the restaurant and made your way to Naruto's house, your arms full of groceries. You knocked on the door, but no one answered, so you pushed it open and let yourself in. As you entered, the aroma of fresh ramen wafted through the air. You smiled to yourself, knowing that Naruto must have been cooking up a storm.

After putting the groceries in the fridge, you couldn't help but tidy up the place a bit. You folded the blankets on the couch, straightened up the bookshelves, and put away the dishes that were left in the sink. It was a small gesture, but it made you feel at home in the cosy little apartment.

Feeling satisfied with your work, you headed to the training grounds for your daily routine. When you arrived, you spotted Naruto attempting to throw some shuriken at a wooden post. To put it kindly, he was not doing well.

"Hey Naruto, want some help training?" you called out, trying not to laugh.

"Y/N! Of course I do!" Naruto's eyes lit up, and he ran over to hug you.

Together, you spent hours practising. You showed him the proper stance and technique, and he listened eagerly, hanging on your every word. As the sun began to set, Naruto finally hit the target with a triumphant yell. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as you watched him improve.

After saying your goodbyes and giving Naruto a tight hug, you made your way to Sasuke's house. As you arrived, you noticed that the usually quiet street was even quieter than usual. You let yourself in and found Sasuke sitting at the kitchen table, staring into space.

You greeted him with a smile, but he didn't seem to notice. It was only when you sat down across from him that he spoke up, his voice uncharacteristically soft.

"Hey Y/N, you babysat Itachi, right?"

Your heart skipped a beat. You knew where this conversation was headed.

"Yes, I did." you replied, bracing yourself.

"Was he a monster back then too?" Sasuke's voice was barely above a whisper.

You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "No, he was a kind boy. He always looked out for you and cared about you."

Sasuke's eyes filled with tears. "Then why did he kill my family?"

You didn't have an answer for that, and you knew there wasn't one that would satisfy him. Instead, you simply held him as he cried, letting him grieve in his way.

After a while, you gently pulled away and suggested making dinner. Sasuke seemed grateful for the distraction, and together you whipped up a simple but comforting meal of rice, grilled chicken, and vegetables. The kitchen was filled with the soothing sound of sizzling oil and the tantalizing smell of roasting garlic.

As you ate, Sasuke slowly began to open up, sharing stories of his childhood and his family. You listened intently, feeling privileged to be trusted with his memories. The food was delicious, but it was the conversation that made the meal truly special.

After dinner, Sasuke walked you to the door, and you exchanged a long, meaningful hug before making your way to the guest room, where you spent the night to watch over him.

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