When Paths Collide

By CourtesyTrefflin

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As the Clone Wars worsen, Anakin and Aniya struggle with the aftermath of losing their Padawans. Elsewhere in... More

Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - Surviving
Chapter 3 - Serenno
Chapter 4 - The Syndulla's
Chapter 5 - Chaos on Scipio
Chapter 6 - Crisis at the Heart
Chapter 8 - The Disappeared
Chapter 9 - Utapau
Chapter 10 - To Find A Crystal
Chapter 11 - Crystal Hunting
Chapter 12 - Old Friends
Chapter 13 - Gone With A Trace

Chapter 7 - Path of Destiny

63 2 0
By CourtesyTrefflin

Qui-Gon Jinn

I wasn't expecting to be gone this long, even if should have been expected. Weeks have slowly faded into a month. I've been away from the twins for a long time now, and I can only hope that they're alright. I know it won't be easy for them, but Obi-Wan is there, and what I'm doing will help end the war in the long run. And hopefully, save them from the Sith.

I still don't fully know what to do. I need to get them away from everything and try teaching them what I've been learning from Dooku, but so long as the war is going on, that's impractical. At least Dooku and I have been working on our plans in the event Sidious succeeds in forming the Sith Empire, though. It's been much easier, now that I'm here to help him.

And he's been training me in the Dark Side. I'm not a Sith, to be sure, but... somewhere in between that and a Jedi. It's not as if what I am needs a name. I'm only doing what the Force is telling me to. More and more, I'm beginning to see what Dooku means about how the Jedi will never be able to last, not that that means I agree with outright destroying them, either.

It's late in the afternoon now, as the two of us finish our training session for the day in one of the private gardens on Serenno where we won't be interrupted. It's been... nice to be around him again, I have to admit. I missed him even if I haven't forgiven him for everything he's done.

That reminds me again, though, of something I've been wondering for a while. "What happened," I begin, cautiously, "When you left to find the Sith?"

Dooku's expression changes little – as usual – but I can feel the slight shift in his mood in the Force. "I briefly encountered Maul, if you remember him," Dooku replies. "He gave me pointers in the right direction, though at the time, he had no interest in doing anything against the Sith himself."

I nod, waiting for him to continue.

"I was trying to track down Plagueis and it worked," he continues, after a moment, "But they captured me."

I knew that. I still remember the least transmission Dooku was giving me, right before it cut off and the next time I heard from him, he was the leader of the Separatists.

"What happened?" I prompt, hesitantly.

He's silent for a pause, again. "They believed my skills to be useful," he answers, vaguely, "And I knew the only way to destroy them was if I agreed to join them."

There's a major part of the story missing here, I can tell that much, but I don't press for details. It's obviously something he doesn't want to talk about, and I can only imagine why. Was Falling not fully his choice? What did they do to him? I'm almost glad I'll never know the answer to that question.

"I would have come looking for you," I tell him, "But I didn't know where to start." And I'd had Aniya to take care of, so I could hardly take off to look for him, even if I wanted to.

"It's best that you didn't."

I hardly know how to feel about it. It doesn't change that he was willingly hurt the twins, but... He hasn't had the easiest time with the Sith, himself. I don't know what to think about that. I don't want to think about it.

"We still need to find Plagueis," I declare at last, switching topics entirely.

"He'll show up, once Sidious has his Empire," Dooku responds, "If we look for him, it will get us nowhere."

He's told me that repeatedly. I wish we didn't have to keep waiting for almost everything, but there is no other choice.


I knew the time for me to leave would be coming soon enough, but there's a small part of me that's almost disappointed when it does come. The Force is urging me again, that it's time to continue learning the secrets of the Force – and besides, Dooku and I have reached a point in our other work, that I don't have to be here, even if it would be easier.

"We're almost out of time," Dooku tells me, as we stand near the waiting shuttle.

"How much longer?" I ask, grimly.

"Sidious is trying to bring his plans to a close, but I expect it will drag out of for several more months," he responds.

That doesn't bode well. Whatever I do about the twins, I'll have to do it fast and with the Outer Rim sieges in progress, I don't actually know when I'll be able to see them again.

It's not quite time for me to return to the Jedi regardless, though. I have one more thing left to do. "May the Force be with you... Master."

"And with you, Qui-Gon," he says, and there's an actual, genuine smile on his face for a brief moment. "And remember, mention this to no one. No matter what happens, don't do anything... rash."

I really don't like these warnings he keeps giving me. "I won't," I assure him, and it makes me wonder for a fleeting moment, if one of my suspicious about who Sidious is, is actually right. I don't ask, though. It's not as if he'll tell me.

I linger for another moment, almost wanting to say something else, but there's really nothing to say. Giving him a final nod, I turn, heading up onto the ship. It's time to go. (I don't think about how much I'll miss him.)


I don't really know where I'm going. I'm following the Force on my journey as I travel across the galaxy, learning more about the Force as well as how to preserve consciousness after death from the Guardians of the Whills.

I don't see the Dark Side the same way I used to, but I'm still undeniably on edge when I land on Korriban. The sky is a dusty orange, and the entire landscape, covered with rocky formations from pretty much one horizon to another, looks completely abandoned. But I can still feel the sheer intensity of the Dark Side here, stronger than anywhere I've ever been. It's so strong it's nearly suffocating and in some ways, it has a distinct note of... evil to it. It's not simply dark.

I land my ship near the ruins of the ancient, half-destroyed Sith Temple, cautiously stepping out. Gusts of wind blow across the surface, stirring up sand around me as I head for the Temple. I know this is a dangerous place, and one that is off-limits for Jedi – and for good reason. I know why it's dangerous.

And it also feels almost like I'm not alone here, almost as though there's someone lurking in the shadows, watching me. I can feel the danger, but the Force led me here for a reason, whatever it is.

I haven't reached the entrance to the building yet when I hear a sudden movement behind me. I reach for my lightsaber instinctively, whirling around, just as a hooded figure steps out of the shadows. I can see him well enough even under his hood to tell that he's a Muun.

And that means...


Fear and confusion hit me first, because what is he doing here?! All this time Dooku said he had no idea where the Sith Master was, and now I find him completely by accident. It must have been the will of the Force to send me here, but I don't know why. I don't know what I could possibly do about him.

"Jedi," he greets coldly, yellow eyes boring into me.

"Sith," I retaliate, narrowing my eyes.

"What brings you here?"

"The Force sent me here," I answer simply.

"And you would follow it to the Sith homeworld? Is not this place forbidden to Jedi?" Plagueis asks rhetorically.

"Why are you here?" I demand, instead, "Isn't this world abandoned?"

"It is," he agrees, looking much too comfortable in his position blocking the route I used to come here in the first place. If he tried attacking me, I have no delusions the fight wouldn't end well, especially not on a world like this. "But it is not a place one would commonly find... a real Jedi."

Did he accidentally imply he tends to hide on abandoned Sith worlds? I had wondered as much already, but even if he did, it would be next to impossible to find him, and even more impossible to convince the Council to send Jedi to such worlds to look for him. So, yes, it looks like any attempt at tracking him down is practically futile right now. "Why would the Force send you here?" he presses. What is he getting at? I know it's something.

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't share it with you."

Plagueis doesn't seem remotely bothered by my refusal to answer the question. "You have used the Dark Side," he says, after a moment.

I force myself not to react outwardly. If anyone gets wind of what Dooku and I were planning.... "It's likely that all Jedi have touched the Dark Side at some point in their lives," I reply, easily.

Plagueis hums thoughtfully. "Yes, that is true," he agrees, "But I can sense the darkness in you, Qui-Gon Jinn. I know who you are. I know of your association with the Skywalker twins."

I tense instantly, hand closing around my lightsaber though I don't withdraw it – only because starting hostilities would be stupid right now. "What do you want with them?" I demand, sharply.

"Nothing, as of right now," he replies, "But I'm sure you know that they are in danger."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Yes, I have known that for over a decade, ever since you had them kidnapped."

"It was... an unfortunate necessity, one that would have spared them from the Jedi, had you not intervened."

Necessity? Spared them from the Jedi? Seriously? Okay, to a point, I can't entirely disagree that it would have been better for them if they weren't raised as Jedi, but being raised by Plagueis would be much worse. They do need to learn balance and I have every intention of teaching it to them, but I still don't know how, with the war going on. "But that is not the danger I speak of," he continues.

"Then what?" I ask, suspiciously. What is he getting at? He's obviously trying to manipulate me to do something, but...

"Once I worked with Sidious," he replies, "But now I see he is unworthy of being a true Sith Lord."

"What do you mean?" For a moment, the faintest hint of doubt enters my mind. Dooku was certain they were still working together, so where is this coming from? Unless he's lying...

"He is greedy and power-hungry. He only cares for controlling the galaxy, forcing it to bend to his will."

"Isn't that true about all of you Sith?" I retort bluntly.

"No," Plagueis replies, "He is unconcerned for the future of the Sith Order, so long as he remains all-powerful. He wants claim to the twins, but not even as true apprentices."

I don't know if that's... better or worse. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask suspiciously, "I doubt it's so I can return to Coruscant and tell the Council all that transpired here."

For a moment, the Sith looks almost amused. "You will not speak of this to the Council," he retorts, "They don't know you're here, and you know it would be unwise to speak of them about it. But no, that is not why I am discussing this. Sidious is no longer the apprentice I wanted."

I give him a flat look. "If you're hoping I can bring the twins to you, you are delusional."

"No, not them," Plagueis says, "But as I already mentioned, your presence here is an obvious indication of your interest in the Dark Side."

Oh. Oh. He's asking me to become his new apprentice?!

He seriously thinks I would agree to that? Although... I must admit I might have a little more interest in such an Alliance, if not for all the time I'd spent with Dooku. I already have all the help that I need, and I definitely have no need to ally with a Sith Master who I'm not entirely convinced is being legitimate.

For a moment, I think back to what Dooku was telling me about how Plagueis and Sidious had turned him. If Plagueis really wants me as an apprentice, though... leaving will not be easy.

"I will not join the Sith," I respond, firmly, ignoring how uneasy I suddenly feel.

"Do you not wish to protect the twins and help the rest of the galaxy?"

"You are not concerned about their fates," I retort. That much, I'm certain of. Or at least, any concern he does have is so twisted it might as well not be called "concern".

"I do not wish to see the galaxy destroyed the way it will be if Sidious rules," he argues.

I can't tell if it's a lie or not, but I don't trust it anyway. "Why would you ask me to join you?"

"You are not blinded by the lies of the Jedi, the way most others are. Consider this," the Sith Master urges, "If you joined me, I would allow you to train the twins as you chose."

Now that I find difficult to believe, even if I can't deny my momentary flare of... not quite hope. It would really help us – Dooku and I – if someone else was on our side, but I can't trust him. "I thought there could only be two Sith."

"I have come to realize that Rule of Two will only lead to the inevitable destruction of the Sith. The Order must expand. You view the Sith as evil, but what we do with our power is a choice, and not all Sith are like my former apprentice."

That, I know, from Dooku, but... No, I can't let myself fall for this. If I make one wrong move, everything we've worked for could fall apart. "No, I will not join you," I declare, firmly, "I only follow the Force, and it does not will me to join you."

There's a heartbeat of silence, the Sith's expression darkens a little. "Very well," he hisses, and just like that, he's gone.


How did that happen? Where did he go? It... reminds me of what Anakin and Aniya had told me, about how he must have been projecting himself the last time they ran into him. But it still means that he's somewhere close by. I need to get out of here before he... tries something else. I don't know if he's actually planning to, and I don't plan to stay around and find out either.

It's time for me to go back to Coruscant, see how Anakin and Aniya have really been doing in my absence. I can't imagine it's been easy for them, even if I know it's what I had to do. But it's definitely time for me to go back.

Anakin Skywalker

The war is the Outer Rim is raging relentlessly, and this is the one of the first battles since we left Coruscant that Aniya and I have been sent to the same place at once. It's good to at least be around her in person when I can't be with anyone else in my family.

So the last thing I'm expecting, is to get a private call from Coruscant.

From – wait. "Qui-Gon?" I breathe, disbelievingly, as the hologram materializes in front of Aniya and I. It's been so long since I last talked to him; I never expected to get a call so suddenly like this. I didn't even know when he was going to come back. (Or if something would happen to him, while we weren't able to do anything about it, because we didn't even know where he was.) I missed him so much, and I never knew when we were going to see him again. Only when he's gone did I realize exactly how much he was keeping me sane, especially now that our padawans are gone.

"Anakin, Aniya," he greets, with a smile. Something about him seems... different, though I can't quite place how. "I'm glad you had the time to answer right now."

"You're – you're back?" Aniya blurts, still trying to recollect herself as much as I am right now. In a way, it had almost felt like he was as gone as our padawans, because I never knew when I'd see him again. Except at least I knew I would, because he promised to come back, unlike them.

"I am. How have you been?"

Force, I've missed him so much. I wish we could actually be there in person. "We're... okay. Busy with the war," Aniya answers, glancing sideways at me.

"I'm sure," he agrees, "I didn't want to have to leave when I did after everything that happened, but I didn't see any other way."

"I understand," I assure him, even if... there's a part of me that can't deny being hurt by it. We had needed him then, Aniya especially. She's... growing darker and I don't know what to do about it. But I know Qui-Gon had to leave. He only tries to follow the Force, and I could hardly hold that against him, even if it still hurts. "What happened? Where did you go?" What he'd implied about where he was going certainly hadn't left me feeling any better about his disappearance. Anything could happen to him while he was gone, and after what just happened with Ahsoka and Alema... I know I'm not nearly as capable of protecting those I love as I should be.

"I can't explain that over a comm," he replies, "But... we have much to discuss once you return to Coruscant."

"That might be a while," Aniya points out.

"The situation is worsening out here," I supply, "I don't know when we will be back."

Qui-Gon only nods in understanding. "You will be back when the Force will it. Just be careful."

"We will be," I promise.

"May the Force be with you, Master," Aniya nods.

"You too," he replies, giving us a final smile before the connection breaks.

I feel... both better and worse than I have in a while. I try to keep my focus on the battle, so I don't think. It makes it easier. Talking to Qui-Gon again made me start thinking about everything happened, about how Ahsoka and Alema are gone, about how he was gone, but at least he's back now and alright. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"I don't know what to say," Aniya admits after a long pause. "I want to believe what he did was for the best, but I guess I can't really accept that."

"I know," I murmur, "We don't know what he went to do, but... it must have been important. He would never leave us needlessly." The justification still sounds lame, even if I know it's true. It still doesn't help.

"But why did he have to go right now?" she asks, rhetorically more than anything, because it's not a question either of us can answer.

"I don't know," I reply quietly, staring vacantly at the wall in front of us, "I... wish he hadn't left at all." Because now, I still can't shake the fear that this is only temporary, that he's going to be gone again when we get back, or... anything could happen, and it seems I can never do enough to protect anyone in my family. Not even Aniya.

She shakes her head, letting out a frustrated breath. "If he hadn't left right after everything happened... I'm just afraid there will be another reason he has to leave again, when we need him even more."

That is what I'm also afraid of, but I don't want to dwell on it. "I am too," I admit, "But he's back now. Maybe we will return to Coruscant soon, and he can explain what happened."

"We'll probably get answers," she agrees, "But I don't know if that will really help." She's definitely taking this really hard, and I don't know what to say, not when I'm feeling quite similarly. I'm just trying to look at the reasons why Qui-Gon did what he did, but she seems to be having a harder time with that.

"I don't know," I murmur again, "We can only wait."

Aniya is quiet for several long moments. "Sometimes, I want to go back to Coruscant, but... there's too many ghosts."

"Ghosts are everywhere," I remind, reaching out to take her hands in my own (another thing I wasn't able to protect her from). It does nothing, but it's the best I can offer. It's the best we can ever offer one another. I see them everywhere – the faces of friends and family long gone. "They're here, on the battlefield, in the Temple... but out here we can make a difference."

"I know, and I'm grateful," Aniya agrees, "But I want to be with Jaufre. Just a while longer."

"I thought you wanted to go back to the fronts so urgently."

She huffs quietly, opting not to argue with me.

"It is the will of the Force," I say, squeezing her flesh hand, "Or this would not have happened."

"Do you really believe that, Anakin?" she asks, her bright blue eyes searching mine. "Do you?"

No, but I have to believe. "If I don't have faith in the Force," I reply, holding her gaze unflinchingly. "I will have no faith in anything."

Obi-Wan Kenobi

I'm only back on Coruscant with the 212th to restock for supplies, but so long as we're here I briefly stop by the Temple to attend the next Council meeting in person for what I suspect will be the last time in a long while.

But the last thing I'm expecting to see when I'm making my way back to the hanger is to run right into Qui-Gon.

What?! When did he get back?! "Qui-Gon?" I exclaim in surprise. It's been well over a month since he left, and I had no idea when he would return. "When did you get back?"

"It's good to see you, Obi-Wan," he replies, "I got back not long ago."

"And you never thought of calling?" I grumble.

"I called Anakin and Aniya. I saw that you were back here, so I thought you would prefer a to meet in person."

Totally not my point, but I don't comment. "Where did you go?"

"I followed the Force across the galaxy," he answers cryptically, which seems to be the perfect way to give an answer that says absolutely nothing. That's normal of him though. He rarely answers questions in a straightforward manner.

"You still aren't planning to explain?"

"Not right now," he replies.

"I assume that means you won't be telling the Council anything about it either."

"It is definitely of no concern to them," he assures me in a way that only makes me even more curious.

"The twins have... missed you," I tell him, after a moment. I did too, but I know they took it far harder, with Ahsoka and Alema having left.

"I know," he replies, expression going grave again, "But I didn't have another choice. I needed to see what I could find about the Sith, to protect them."

"What did you find out? I don't think this is something you should refrain from mentioning to anyone."

"I still do not know Sidious' identity," he answers, mysteriously, "The rest is nothing that will be of use to anyone else."

That is completely unhelpful, and I can't help but find his vagueness a little irritating at the moment, but I know I can trust him to do what's in the twins' and the galaxy's best interests.

Besides, he might really not know much of anything, but is being cryptic because... this is Qui-Gon. He still makes no sense to me sometimes, even after all these years.

"I shouldn't keep you," he declares, finally, "I'm sure you're in a hurry with Council business."

"I was actually heading back for my cruiser. We'll be leaving planet within a couple hours," I reply.

Qui-Gon nods. "How are things with the war?"

"It only seems to be escalating," I admit, "Krell is... causing a lot of problems." The only one who remotely compared to him was Grievous, and Krell is still far better than him.

"I'll do what I can to bring this to a close as soon as possible," Qui-Gon says, which is... a little odd, but so is almost everything he says. "May the Force be with you, Obi-Wan."

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