Amidst Our Hearts

By escritoraa__

69K 7.1K 517

Sakeena Ibrahim Abdulmaleek; Fierce, bold, challenging and brave. Never thought her life will turn out that w... More

Author's note/copyright
Cast | Aesthetics
Twenty one.
Twenty two.
Twenty three.
Twenty four.
Twenty five.
Twenty six.
Twenty seven.
Twenty eight.
Twenty nine.
Thirty one.
Thirty two.
Thirty three.
Thirty four.
Thirty five.
Thirty six.
Thirty seven.
Thirty eight.
Thirty nine.
Forty one.
Forty two.
Forty three.
Forty four.
Forty five.
Forty six.
Forty seven.
Forty eight.
Forty nine.
Fifty one.
Fifty two.
Fifty three.
Fifty four.
Fifty five.
Fifty six.
Fifty seven.
Fifty eight.
Fifty nine.
Sixty one.
Sixty two.
Sixty three.
Sixty four (Part I)
Sixty four (Part II)
Sixty five.
Author's note (Must read)
50k Reads💃 | New Book?


956 103 3
By escritoraa__

Cairo, Egypt.

"3..2..1.." Sakeena clicked her fingers together.

"Hello Naisa's vlog" Inaya waved at the camera. "My name is Inaya and I am here to give a well detailed explanation on what really happened during the engagement last week."

"The marriage arrangement is made up of two parts; the mahr and the shakba, where the groom has to bring gifts to the girl's family. The mahr is the sum of money that the groom to be pays to the girl's family, while the shakba is a tradition where the groom gives his wife to be jewelries. All these normally happen before the ring exchange ceremony."

Sakeena raised a hand up, halting Inaya's words. "All these happened last week during the engagement?"

"It did, where were you?" Inaya asked.

Sakeena turned her head to the other side, away from Inaya's teasing gaze. "Somewhere." Came her short reply.

"With?" Inaya nudged her shoulder.

Sakeena gave her a blank look. "Myself. Back to the issue at hand." Sakeena adjusted her veil that is about to fall off.

"What are we having tonight?" Sakeena asked.

"The Laylat Al-Hinna which is the henna night. An event for the bride, all the bride's sisters, close friends and cousins where we get our henna done, belly dancers are invited and older women spend hours singing. Dancing also included." Inaya explained.

It's Sakeena's turn to speak. "In Nigeria we call it the 'Sa lalle'. It's basically the same thing, you know doing henna and all except the belly dancing."

"It's going to be fun." Inaya stood up from the couch. "Let's go and start getting ready."

Sakeena stood up as well and grabbed the camera off the oak coffee table. "I hope I'll be able to vlog honestly, maybe I'll ask ya Fadeel for help because he seems to enjoy vlogging more that I do." Sakeena spoke into the camera at the same time speaking to Inaya as they walk to her room.

"The event is females only. The males will be having their own bachelorette kinda party tonight." Inaya said crushing Sakeena's desire of seeing Khalifa.

"Ohh." Was all Sakeena could say.

"I'll help you." Inaya offered.

"Okay." Sakeena smiled. "I'll see you guys later when we finish getting ready for the laylat Al-Hinna. Bye." Sakeena blew a kiss and waved at the camera then she stopped recording.

Inaya waited for Sakeena to pack all the things she needs because all the bridesmaid will be getting ready in the mansion. Stuffing her contact case, shoes, jewelry box, hair brushes, styling gel, scrunchy and some hair clips then flinged the backpack over her shoulder.

"I need to get my dress from Amma." Sakeena announced.

"I'll come with you." They both walked out of the room and down the corridor to her mother in law's room which they found empty. "Call her phone or we can come back later to check again." Sakeena nodded in response and together, they both walked out of the apartment.

Fadeel walked through the gate with a pair of air pods max covering his ears. A camouflage v neck shirt clung to his muscular body paired with black sweatpants, a pair of white crocs with black splatter paint all over covered his foot. He didn't notice the two walking out of the door with his head looking down, hands tucked in the pockets of the pants.

Sakeena noticed Inaya's mouth slightly open, a gasp escaping. She did notice that Inaya acts weird sometimes when Fadeel is around her. The girl always blushes hard, is always nervous and the way her body stiffens whenever he talks to her didn't go unnoticed by Sakeena.

She's starting to think that Inaya may sort of have a teeny tiny crush on her brother. That's the only explanation to how the girl always acts around him. They'll make a cute couple though considering the fact that it may work out between them if Fadeel can reciprocate Inaya's feelings back to her.

Well, all Sakeena needs to do is watch how it will unfold between the two.

"Hello ladies, Inaya and Naisa." He flashed a charming smile their way, making Inaya blush. Sakeena nearly burst with laughter how the girl that's always talking none stop is suddenly this quiet and shy around one person.

"Ya Fadeel, aren't you supposed to be at your own guy party?" Sakeena asked.

"I need to get something and I'll be on my way." Sakeena nudged Inaya in the stomach with her elbow, trying to get her attention off his every single move. The girl is staring at him like a lion waiting to pounce on its prey.

"We'll also leave to go get ready." Sakeena waved at him as she literally dragged Inaya with her. "Bye." He did the same and disappeared into the house.

"What was that?" Inaya asked as soon as Sakeena let go of her hand.

"Control your speeding heart girl. I can hear your heartbeat from here." Inaya glared at her making Sakeena laugh, the laughter she's been holding within.

The two hurried to the twins' room where a makeup artist is there glamming Fadia up. Inaya was next and then Sakeena. All the bridesmaids will be wearing matching outfits, a white inner body hug with an outer white kimono. A mixture of gold and pink floral embroidery runs round the neck, the bottom of the butterfly sleeves as well as the middle ends of the kimono being held together by a wide golden belt round the waist.

A knock came on the door, causing the attention of the three to snap towards the door. "Who could it be?" Fadia asked.

"I'll check." Sakeena, who is sitting in front of the vanity just finished styling her hair into a high sleek ponytail with two curly bangs falling on both sides of her face, offered.

Khalifa and Amir stood on the other side of the door dressed in matching outfits as well. Khalifa held a bag in his hand containing Sakeena's outfit he collected from his mother to deliver it to her. Amir raised his hand to knock on the door again when it opened.

Sakeena offered both of them a smile as she raises the veil on her shoulders to cover her hair. "Hey."

Khalifa stretched his hand out, passing the bag to her. "Thank you." Khalifa didn't respond to her thanks because he's too busy admiring her made up face. The dark gradient smoky eyes, nude lips and double winged eyeliner caught his entire attention the moment she opened the door.

It's a bummer that it'll be a ladies only event if not, he will have to steal her away from the crowd when he gets fed up.

"Judging by the way you're staring, I have to drag you away from her if not you'll swallow her whole." Amir tugged at Khalifa's arm. "You look amazing, bye." Amir dragged Khalifa away as he said without letting him say bye because the goodbye will leave him to going back to the penthouse, where their own bachelorette party is happening, alone.

The three ladies finished getting ready and made their way out to get some pictures before heading to the family room where the henna night is going on.

Loud music comes from the huge speakers, the dance floor contains some young ladies swaying their hips to the music while others are already getting their hands designed with either red henna or black. The bride is sitting on a lounge sofa, her legs stretched on a round puff pillow where a lady is already on the job, decorating her feet.

Sakeena gave her a hug from behind. "You look muah." Sakeena complimented.

"Thank you Naisa, you look dazzling as well." Sakeena blushed at the compliment.

"You haven't done your henna yet." Farah voiced, her statement more of a question. Farah leaned down and said something to the lady decoration her feet in arabic which Sakeena couldn't understand. Another lady appeared in front of them with two tubes of henna in her hand. "She'll do yours and the rest of the girls." Sakeena nodded and made herself comfortable on the carpet.

The lady got to work decoration Sakeena's feet first while Inaya hovers over her, vlogging every second of the event. The lady did black henna on Sakeena's feet and the back of her hands but red on the palms of her hands.

"Khalifa will go crazy once he sees how beautiful your henna looks." Inaya said making Sakeena's cheeks heat up.

"Just wait for it to dry then you can wash it off." The henna artist who has just finished Sakeena's said, but Sakeena only looked at her with a raised brow, confused. Sakeena doesn't really know why anybody that doesn't know her speak to her in arabic. Does she look arabian to them?

"What she said is you can wash it off once it dries." Inaya translated. Sakeena mumbled an okay, then moves to the side making room for Inaya to sit down for hers.

With the aid of all the cool air coming from the air cons, the henna dried off quickly. Sakeena went out of the family room to the twins' room to wash her henna in the toilet. Down the corridor on her way, a figure appeared before her, causing her to stumble backwards.

"Sorry." A deep muscular voice announced.

"It's fine." Sakeena replied without looking at the person then sidestepped him and continued her journey but then stopped again when she heard her name.

"Sakeena." The person called. Sakeena looked up to see a person she recognizes.

"Araiz." Sakeena turned, facing him, also called his name the way he did hers.

"No sweetie." The person chuckled. "I'm not Araiz. I'm Areez, his better looking twin."

"Okay." Sakeena mumbled, suddenly remembering Khalifa's words about him the day they landed in Egypt.

"You're just going to walk away without having a conversation with me?" Areez tucked his hands into the pockets of the plaid pants he's wearing, he's always wearing formal wears. Sakeena is now starting to wonder why he's here and not at the bachelorette party.

"I'm in a hurry." Sakeena tried to cut the conversation short but Areez isn't having any of it.

"Your henna looks beautiful on your dark skin." He voiced, making Sakeena look at him with an irritating look. She's married to his cousin for God's sake and he knows it, then why is he looking at her and complimenting her that way? "I never thought Khalifa can have someone as gorgeous as you in his life." This is getting out of hand, Sakeena thought.

"Thank you for the compliment Araiz, I should be on my way." Sakeena turned, ready to walk away when his next words made her hair her steps.

"I never thought he'll find a beauty like you after what really happened, we all know in this family that anybody Khalifa loves always falls in the claws of danger." Sakeena's brows drew together, confusion taking over her features.

"What are you saying?" Sakeena asked.

Areez chuckled, again. "You really haven't been told about what happened with Khalifa, the reason behind his seizures, his nightmares, all those day dreams and why he's a mommy's boy."


"Well then." Areez clapped his hands. "You don't know what you signed up for Sakeena but, you can back out anytime by asking for a divorce. It's not hard to ask." All his words made anger to start brewing within her. He's definitely crossing the line here.

"I don't mean to be rude but you can't appear out of nowhere and say all those things to me expecting me to believe you. I don't even know whether you're actually saying the truth or not." Sakeena tried her very best to calm down because her temper isn't a good one.

"You see Sakeena, our family is a really complicated one. Suspicions events happen that will leave you questioning your own family why. And for a gentle, calm and pretty girl like you, this life is just not the type that you deserve. I don't see how Khalifa can take care of you as his life partner when he can't really save himself from his own self." Areez pushed the matter forward, making Sakeena more angry.

And that is the last string of her patience. "I don't care. I don't care what happened to Khalifa in the past. I don't care about your family's complicated way of life, all I know is Khalifa is my future, Khalifa and I were meant to be from the beginning. Our lives were already planned out before we were all born so why are you here spewing nonsense to my face. What are you going to say now, something about that Haaya girl or what?"

After her outburst, she expected Areez to be angry at the way she spoke to him but he did exactly the opposite. "So you know about Haaya too, interesting."

Sakeena is seriously starting to not like this Haaya girl, why does her name have to pop up everytime someone says something about Khalifa? What kind of connection does this Haaya girl has with Khalifa? And what is this past that they're talking about? Why won't anyone tell her anything? Why are they all leaving her in the dark?

Areez smirked knowing that he has her right where he wants her. He wants her to start doubting her decision. He wants her to start questioning Khalifa and judging at the way her face is twisting up, she's doing exactly what he wants her to do in her own mind.

Sakeena swallowed back down the bile starting to rise in her throat. "Listen, I don't want to have this conversation with you anymore. If you'll excuse me, I have something to do."

Areez shrugged his broad shoulders. "Okay, but I want you to know this. You just signed up for your own miserable life. Good luck." With that, he walked away in the direction he came from leaving Sakeena rooted to her spot. Why did he just say all these to her?

Shaking her head and all the negative thoughts away, Sakeena continued her journey but the questions still swirl in her head.


Sakeena admired her henna-ed hands under the moonlight. It's a little past 21:00 and the henna night is still going on. She decided to clear her head a little bit, away from the loud music and crowd.

The moon shone bright from above. The lanterns in the garden also glistened, lighting up the entire place with a warm glow. The mixture of fragrance from all the flowers instantly calm down her mind, giving her peace.

Sakeena heard footsteps from behind. A smile made way to her lips but instantly fell when she heard a certain voice. "Hey."

Sakeena looked up to see Amir standing over her. His height is almost the same with Khalifa's, considering the fact that they're the same age, only months apart. His features scream that he's definitely arabian, from his fair skin to his shiny, silky hair.

His calm, cool and collected aura never fails to amuse Sakeena. How can a guy be so gentle? Even though he has that deep voice, it sounds so fragile at the same time.

"Mind if I join?" Sakeena nodded, offering him a smile. Amir sat on one of the chairs adjacent to Sakeena's. "Judging from the way you're out here, I can tell that you definitely don't like loud crowds."

"You're right, even though I love attending weddings, the loud atmosphere always gets to me." Sakeena replied without looking down. She has been staring at the moon since she got out because the moon always fascinates her. How its glow is so bright that it lights up everywhere at night.

"How do you like Egypt so far?" He asked.

"Egypt's nice." Came her short reply.

"It has always been."

"You can say that because it's your home. I would also say the same about Nigeria as well."

"I've never been to Nigeria." Amir announced.

Sakeena looked down, only to find him doung the same things she is, staring at the moon. "You should visit soon then. It's a really fun but annoying place." Sakeena chuckled at her own statement.

"I will, really soon In Sha Allah." Amir hesitated for a while before asking. "Can I ask you a question?" Sakeena nodded in response.


Sakeena looked at him with a raised brow, confusion engulfing her face. "Excuse me."

"Why did you agree to all these when you're this young and got a long journey of life ahead?" Sakeena blinked once, twice. She hasn't thought about herself even a single bit, during the time her parents decided to marry her off.

She only focused on not letting her parent's down rather than save herself for all these. It's actually leading to something good, right?

"I never gave a single thought about myself. The only thing I focused about is not letting my parents feel like I'm a disappointment to them that I can't even fulfill this one thing they asked from me. I'll never be able to live my life with the guilt that I've let my parents down." Sakeena topped her explanation up with a smile.

Amir could only stare at her, the next question he wants to ask her at the tip of his tongue. "Even if it means putting yourself in harm's way?"

"I'm perfectly alright." She can't seem to understand why they're all trying to say. This is the second time her and something not so good have been put in the same sentence. Are they trying to warn her about something she doesn't know of?

Amir folded his lips inward before he say more than he's intended to say tonight. He just hopes that nothing goes wrong with Sakeena here in Egypt.

"You two are here, I've been looking everywhere." Khalifa popped out of nowhere.

"Just say that you've been looking for her everywhere." Amir teased.

Khalifa narrowed his eyes at him before replying. "You're right. I've been looking for Sakeena everywhere and not you."

"You're back early." Sakeena chirped in.

"Yes, we actually wanted to come and enjoy the wedding here at the house so we all closed the bachelorette party early. Everyone's here." Khalifa offered her his hand which she instantly took.

"Let's go and enjoy the after party. It's chilly out here." Khalifa dragged her back into the mansion with Amir trailing behind, leaving a good distance between them.

All the elders are now absent leaving only the youngsters who are scattered all over the dance floor, the bride and groom to be in the middle. Most of the bridesmaids and groomsmen having confetti sticks in their hands, coloured spotlights on and a smoke machine producing fog which has covered half of the dance floor.

"Here." Khalifa handed Sakeena a confetti stick which she collected excitedly. This is definitely her type of vibe.

Sugarcane remix by Camidoh ft. Mayorkun, Darkoo and king promise blasted through the speakers making Sakeena drag Khalifa with her to the dance floor, adrenalin pumping through her blood. She is now on hyperactive level.

"I never knew Nigerian musicians are this famous now." Sakeena yelled over the music.

"This song is a hit. This wedding won't be complete without dancing to this song." Amani, who's standing beside Sakeena replied. "I've seen this song challenge countless of times on tiktok."

🎶Show me your jiggle lemme see
And lemme see the woman that he's with
I put a couple thousand dollars on your wrist
Omo omo they can't touch you
I neva see this kind babe who dey do some kind thing make me feel some kind way🎶

They all sang along to the song, getting the choreography right and nailing everything with the bride and groom taking the lead. Indeed, everyone's got their dancing shoes ready for this one.

🎶baby make I fire you with my machine gun
Sixteen runs
I be king kong
Girl make I sample you with my brand new song
Baby love🎶

Amidst all the dancing, Sakeena felt her dress being tugged from behind. She looked back over her shoulder to see who it is only to find everyone dancing and minding their own business. Her dress got tugged again but this time she looked down, only look a boy around the age of three staring back at her.

Sakeena looked around for any sign of a woman looking for her child but none. He must be lost, Sakeena thought.

Carrying the child in her arms, she walked towards the exit, away from the crowd. The child doesn't look bothered though.  Had it been it's another child, he would've been a wailing mess by now. The boy hasn't said anything since when she met him.

She decided to take the child to her Amma, maybe she knows his mother. Walking through the backyard and into their apartment, the living room is filled with many women who she could only guess are there because of the loud music coming from the mansion.

Her Amma wasn't hard to spot, sitting between her twin and her elder sister.

"Nisa." The boy said, his eyes on a little girl who has their back to them.

"You found him." A lady voiced.

Sakeena walked forward to where her Amma is sitting and tried to set the boy down but he held onto her neck.

"Faghir get down." The lady commanded at the boy, a hint of British accent clearly evident in her voice.

Sakeena looked at the boy with chubby cheeks with heart shaped lips, his fair falling onto his forehead. He is the real definition of a cutie pie. He is adorned in a white and blue stripped polo shirt, denim jeans and a black puffed jacket on top of the shirt.

The lady extended her hand towards the boy but he only looked away.

"Weird how he always cries when people carry him but he's now snuggling into Sakeena even more." Sakeena could only make out her name from the statement Dalia just made.

"He seems to like her." Her Amma replied.

Before Naisa could understand what they're saying, her dress got tugged again, this time around by the little girl. Sakeena looked down at her only to be amazed. The girl is an exact carbon copy of the boy, they must me twins then because they look the same age.

This family has more pairs of twins than she's ever expected.

The girl raised her hand up, pulling the foot of her twin causing him to let out a cry. This is the part where Sakeena's mind becomes blank. She loves babies but she doesn't know how to deal with them when they cry.

"Anisa, stop." The same lady who spoke to the boy warned the girl. Sakeena's guess is she is their mother but she looks way too young to be a mother of two.

The girl, Anisa paid zero heed to her mother's words and continue to pull her brother's foot. The lady stepped in before her daughter can do some damages and scooped her in her arms.

"I'm sorry." The lady apologized. "This is how she gets everytime she sees someone paying attention to her brother."

Sakeena sent a soft smile her way. "It's fine."

"Sakeena, meet Fa'iza, my niece and Khalifa's cousin who is only able to make it tonight." Her Amma took the opportunity to make an introduction.

"She's Sakeena?" Fa'iza asked, eyes widened.

"Yes." Arwa answered.

"But she looks nothing like her. Are you sure she's the one?" Fa'iza asked again to confirm.

"Fa'iza she is the one." Dalia assured.

"Wow, she's all grown up." The suprise is clearly evident on Fa'iza's face, she didn't even try to hide it which got Sakeena curious about what she's so shocked about.

Faghir pulled one of Sakeena's curly bangs, making her wince. He held it tight in his chubby wrist making some of the hair products to transfer onto his hand.

Fa'iza extended her hand towards Faghir but he refused to go back to his mother yet again. "I'll take care of him for the night." Sakeena offered.

"It isn't about that. If you take him along with you then you also have to take her." Fa'iza gestured at Anisa who is sitting quietly on Amma's laps.

"It's fine, I can handle both of them."

"Are you sure?" Fa'iza asked again because she knows just how the twins can get.

"Khalifa, Inaya, Fadia and the rest will be there to help me so it's fine." Sakeena extended the confetti stick towards Anisa which she quickly grabbed. Sakeena held the other side of the confetti stick, pulling Naisa together with her back to the mansion while Faghir is still in her arms.

The crowd has lessened a bit but the cousin clan are still on the dance floor. Khalifa spotted Sakeena as she walked through the open door with a girl tailing beside her and a boy in her arms. A smile made way to his face because of how cute they look but she will definitely need help with those two.

He searched for her everywhere in the family room only to find her walking back in with two children. He walked towards them and carried the girl who now has the confetti stick with her.

"Anisa." Khalifa tickled the little girl who giggled in response. "You've grown quiet big." He has never seen them physically, only via FaceTime when he talks to their mother sometimes.

His gaze moved back to Sakeena who is making faces at Faghir. "Hey champ." He tugged his chubby cheeks making him giggle as well.

"Where did you find them?" He directed his question to Sakeena.

"I found him here then I decided to take him to Amma because I don't know who his mother was only to meet his twin who wanted to tag along." Sakeena explained.

"He seems to like you because this boy doesn't like to be in people's hold."

"Exactly what I was told. It's a good thing he likes me then." Sakeena smiled at Faghir, bumping her nose together with his earning herself a cheeky smile.

"You two look nice together with the kids." Fawaz smirked at the couple, coming out of nowhere.

"What can I say?" Khalifa shrugged. "We make the best mum and dad." Sakeena's face instantly heat up at the comment.

"She's shy." Fadia teased, standing behind Fawaz.

Caught up on their conversation, Sakeena didn't notice Faghir putting the curly bang he has been playing with in his mouth, sucking on it.

"He's definitely hungry." Khalifa brought everyone's attention on Faghir who has Sakeena's hair in his mouth. "Let's get him something to eat."

Sakeena scrunched up her nose as she pulled her hair out of his mouth then followed Khalifa. They walked up to the food table where many delicacies, both traditional and continental lay. Sakeena grabbed a paper plate and put a piece of cupcake and beef, then grabbed a bottle of homemade juice.

Khalifa did the same for Anisa but different type of food and together, they walked to a vacant carpet laid on the floor behind all the crowd and sat down, legs crossed and the children in front of them.

Sakeena fed Faghir with her bare hands while Khalifa stared at Anisa who's staring back at him. Sakeena looked up to see the duo in a staring contest causing her to burst with laughter.

"You have to feed her silly." Sakeena gestured at the plate and Anisa.

Khalifa raised his brows. "I don't know how to."

"It's simple." Sakeena fed Anisa. "See."

"Let me try." Khalifa pushed a piece of meat into her mouth only to wince. "She bit me." Khalifa pouted, raising his finger to Sakeena's eye level.

"You have a long way to go with children. I wonder how Ammar actually grew up with you as an elder brother."

"What do you mean?" Khalifa asked.

"Nothing offensive." Sakeena raised her hands in surrender.

"Don't worry, I'll be the best dad."

"Hope so."

"With you by my side, nothing could ever go wrong." He topped the statement with a heart melting smile.

With a smile adorning her features, she replied. "What could possibly go wrong?"

What could possible to wrong? Something always definitely goes wrong whenever a person says that.


Got nothing to say!



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