Once upon a December - The in...

بواسطة rose_sparrow17

96.9K 2.9K 939

10 years ago you woke up all alone, covered in snow and in pain; now you're living in new york with your now... المزيد

In my dreams
A rumor in St. Petersburg
Paris holds the key to her heart
something there
No good deed
It's all coming back
Friends on the other side
Why does my heart cry?
I see the light
Extras - art and moodboards
A wolf in sheep's clothing
Ain't no doubt about it
Ma Belle Evangeline - SMUT
deleted scene!
here have more content
Scrapped OUAD plots/ideas
deleted/alternate ending

once upon a December

5.3K 223 133
بواسطة rose_sparrow17


Dancing bears, painted wings, Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings; Once upon a December.


"It's-it's the original Deville home, Carfax Abbey castle"

"it's gorgeous" you whispered, feeling Walter's hand on the small of your back as you leaned over the moss-covered stone railing, looking up at the seemingly abandoned castle, covered in plant life but looking just as beautiful as it used to be.

...used to be?

The castle was incredibly familiar to you, it-it felt like....Home. you felt another tug at your heart, pulling you towards the iron gates. You obeyed that tug, Walter's hand trailing from your waist to your hand as you walked into the courtyard. Walter looked a bit nervous, glancing around as you took in the abandoned castle.

"How old is this place?" you whispered, but you felt you already knew that answer "it was built in the tenth century, it actually belonged to a different family before the Deville's were married into it." Walter answered, licking his lips as you pulled him towards the grand doors, one of the large rotted wooden doors broken off its hinge and leaving the main hall open to the elements and you. "but it was abandoned in the thirteenth century after...after the lady of the castle disappeared."

You looked back at him, seeing a deep sadness within his eyes. You smiled, squeezing his hand before continuing into the castle "Who owned the castle before the Deville's?" you asked, glancing back at Walter as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, doing his best to remember the family name "The uh-Godkin's, they were a noble family if I remember correctly" you hummed at his answer, Godkin....that was very-familiar, almost as if...no-not possible. you slowly went up the cracked stone steps, admiring the faded paintings on the wall as the moon beamed through the broken windows. "This place is amazing" you muttered, and Walter hummed in agreement.

"yeah, I come here every once in a while, just to get some alone time. Being a lord is basically translation for; never getting any proper privacy" Walter joked, smirking as you laughed. You both walked down the stone halls of the castle, the tugs on your heart telling you where to go; until finally, you reached the ballroom.

You gasped as you and Walter pushed open the grand doors, your breath stolen as you looked upon the moon-lit room, the floor grand and wide, the walls decorated with paintings and carved detailing upon the stone pillars "holy shit" you muttered, stepping up to the balcony that overlooked the ballroom, two sets of stairs leading down to it on either side. "This place it's-"

"Amazing, I know." Walter muttered, his eyes soft and sad, as if just being here was a painful memory. You shook your head, the feeling of being twirled and the echo of laughter resounding in your mind "-it's like a memory from a dream" you whispered, slowly making your way down to the ballroom floor, fiddling with your necklace as Walter followed close behind.

You closed your eyes as music began to play within your mind, swirling and elegant, those ocean blue eyes and lazy smile laughing into your neck as he took you about the room, either alone or surrounded by your guests.

You opened your eyes to see those very eyes you had just seen within the darkness, Walter holding his hand out to you, nodding back towards the ballroom "May I?" he whispered, and suddenly; you knew him, if only for a moment, you knew him. He had said those words before, within this very ballroom, on the docks by the lake, in the clearing within the forest, in your bedroom as the full moon illuminated your dance floor.

"there's no music" you whispered back, but you took his hand and let him lead you out into the middle of the ballroom, his right hand taking the small of your back as the other was planted firmly behind his own. "we never needed it" he laughed, absentmindedly, as if he didn't mean to say 'we'. But you smiled, taking a deep sudden breath as he looked into your eyes and began to sway to the music playing within his mind.

And that same music echoed in yours, you had danced like this before; many times, so many times, alone with him, at a ball, in the forest, in your shared room.

At your wedding.

This had been your dance with Harrison, your dance. One you had repeated many times, only love and laughter between you as you were held by him. You looked back into Walter's eyes as the room around you seemed to bloom to life, the mossy stone clean and illuminated by candles, the floor polished and crowded with guests.

His eyes...his eyes-you knew those eyes-not of a twin but-of-of

Could he be-was Walter-no-impossible-but-it

All too soon, the dance ended, Walter stepping away to bow as you did the same, unable to keep your eyes off him as he smiled, but it was sad, a million thoughts behind his eyes as he stared back at you. And suddenly, you were back in the abandoned castle as Walter checked his pocket watch, clicking his tongue as he saw the time "Damn, I have to get back" he muttered, giving you an apologetic smile.

You just stared, mind whirling with the thought that had suddenly appeared, because-it made all the sense in the world while also making everything so confusing. "Come, they'll be wondering where we went," Walter said, taking your hand and leading you out of the castle, glancing back at you every once in a while to see you staring at him, brows furrowed slightly as you tried to figure out your maze of memories.

He let go of your hand as you rounded the corner back to the manor gardens, everyone still lively and talking "I have to go do lord of the manor things" he chuckled, turning to you and bowing his head "thank you (y/n)" when you didn't respond, just continued to stare at him, he nodded and walked off, his shoulders slumping slightly as he re-entered the party.

You took a deep shuddering breath, clutching your necklace as you continued to stare at Walter.

"Harry?" you whispered, and you saw his ear twitch, his eyes darting over to you for a moment before he forced himself to look back at the guests he was talking to. You swallowed hard, taking another deep breath before you turned to go retire for the night, but first-you needed to see Evie.

If just to talk about what happened at the castle, and not about your re-emerged memories.


"Thank you for coming" Walter shook the hands of the leaving Klopstock family, smiling and nodding as they thanked him for hosting. He turned on his heel, about to go retreat to his room for the rest of the night (of course after checking up on you) when the poised voice of Viktoria interrupted him. "Did your girl turn into a pumpkin?" she asked, looking straight ahead as Walter closed his eyes, holding himself back from pinching his nose.

"What I do in my personal time should be of no concern to you, Viktoria" Walter muttered, fixing his sleeves and shaking his head. She had always been a bit, nosey, about his private life. When they had first gotten together, nearly 500 years ago, she had wondered how he became a vampire, wondered who he was before; all too much for someone like him to truly do more for than tolerate.

"You looked to be enjoying yourself" Viktoria redirected, trying to see below the surface without truly prying beneath it; it was never wise to anger Lord Deville after all. Walter just stared at her "Again, what I do in my personal time, should be of no concern to you" Walter reiterated, he didn't need Viktoria in his or your business, especially when her...Jealously, came out in many vicious ways.

Viktoria just stared at him, then tilted her head, her eyes flashing dangerously "who is Harrison? I never knew you to have a brother" Walter closed his eyes again, taking a long deep breath before he turned to face Viktoria fully, licking his lips before he spoke, "a man long dead, from before any of this-"

He gestured to the manor, to the families, to her "-ever existed" Viktoria only looked confused, tilting her head even further "then how would this, girl-" she sneered at the word, and Walter almost smacked it off her face, she was getting on his nerves "-know him? hmm?"

Walter then just smirked, knowing all these questions were driving Viktoria mad, and what was the fun in just-answering those questions? "I think you'll find the answer to be quite...obvious" Walter muttered, turning away and about to walk away, but stopped just before he left Viktoria's earshot. "Play nice, and that is a warning, not a request."

And with that, he walked off, leaving Viktoria alone, still very confused.

And very angry.


While she meant well, Evie had only teased you about your little castle adventure and dance with Walter, offering no advice about how to move forward.

You sighed, turning over in your bed, staring out at your balcony, the moon shining through the glass doors. It just-couldn't be possible...could it? Could Walter really be....him?

Your hand trailed up to your necklace, the gem almost burning beneath your fingertips. "Have you been right in front of me all this time?" you whispered to yourself, sitting up and looking at your portrait, gazing into your own eyes; your warm, kind eyes. You remembered his eyes, from earlier that night in the castle, and his eyes. They were just the same, exactly the same, overflowing with love and something new, bitter-sweetness.

He had said Harrison had died just after you disappeared...but-it made you wonder...if he meant a different type, of dying. You sighed, flopping back into your pillows, letting out a huff of air "I'm insane, that has to be it, there's no way he could be him" you muttered to yourself, closing your eyes and taking several deep breaths, willing yourself to sleep.

Your eyes snapped open at the sound of creaking, like footsteps in your room. you did your best to keep your breath even, listing as the creaks continued around the room, circling you like prey. Soon, they stopped in a pitch-black corner and you carefully sat up, your brain screaming at you with a thousand danger signs.


You looked into the corner, your heartbeat picking up as did your breath.


There, in the darkness, shining only by the moonlight, sat two eyes, reflecting back at you, narrowed and filled with hungered rage.


You held a staring contest with those hate-filled eyes for what felt like hours, but was most likely only a few moments before they lunged at you, a clawed hand arching over its shoulder and aiming for your throat.


You gasped, launching out of bed and diving for the floor, screaming as you felt your skin being sliced open as the claws caught your upper left back; blood pouring down the deep wounds. You hit the floor, sobbing out in pain as you screamed, unable to move through the lava licking down your back.

You heard a dark chuckle from behind your shoulder and you threw your hand back, screaming again as the pain flared anew; you felt something pulse from within you, your necklace burning your skin as whatever it was, was pushed back and thrown into the wall, the bedframe rattling as it hit the floor.

You gasped, trying to get yourself to safety as the creature, the monster-whatever it was- got to its feet and snarled, stalking you like an animal as you tried to crawl towards the door. You sobbed, the fear and pain paralyzing you to your spot next to the bed, so; you did the only thing you could think of.

Calling for him.

"HARRY!" you screamed out, screaming again in fear and immense pain as your ankle was grabbed and you were pinned under a set of claws. "HARRY!!!"

Your door slammed open and the pressure on your back and neck was suddenly gone. Strong and safe arms wrapped around you and pulled you taut into a comforting chest as you sobbed, clawing at his tank top and pulling yourself further into his arms. "Hey, hey hey hey" he whispered, a calloused and familiar hand cupping your neck and jaw as the other rubbed your lower back "I'm right here, I came, I'm here, you're safe"

The only thing you could do was gasp and sob, your back flaring with blinding pain as he whispered comforts to you, until his hand felt something warm and wet on your back "(y/n)-what's on your-oh fuck" you were suddenly picked up, curled into his chest as he raced out of your room and practically threw himself down the stairs into his study.

You heard the service bell ring as you were set onto the couch, stomach down, his hands hovering over your back as he muttered curses to himself. "my lord? What's-oh gods" Mr. Fields had entered the room, only to be surprised by your limp form on the couch, Walter hovering over it with an almost scared expression.

"Get me the medical kit, and Mrs. Swift-NOW!" Walter yelled, turning back to you, the butler almost too calmly walking off to go fetch Mrs. Swift. "you're going to be just fine darling, it's just a few deep scratches, I promise, you'll be just fine" he whispered into your ear, kneeling next to you as his hand rubbed the back of your head comfortingly.

You grabbed his free wrist, staring into his shaking ocean eyes "Harry" you whispered, almost sobbing out the name, and Walter- H̵̛̪̯̮̣̉͗̂̑͂̒̌̽̈́͠a̴̡̢̧̫̲͇̗͂̊̐̈́͂͊̿̃͌̂̀r̸̺̗͎̟̱̫̎̐̑̉͛͛ṙ̸͍̠͝ǐ̵̛͎̮̟͓̿̽͋̊̓͋̌ś̴̘͙͉̙̀̀̍̏͊̕o̷̡̺̰̫̤̟̘̻͙͛̾̔̐̌̔̚͝͠n̶͙̬̿͂̇̈́̽̚̕ , crumbled, his face scrunching as he pressed his forehead to yours "I'm here darling, I'm right here"

You let your eyes close, feeling truly safe for the first time in 10 years. Everything faded out, coming back once you felt your head lift and be set in a lap as someone cleaned your back and stitched the two deepest cuts, your hand gripping his tightly as he shushed you. Soon enough, the job was done and Mrs. Swift was excused, leaving you alone with Walter.

By that time, you had fallen asleep again, a soft blanket covering you as Walter's lap had been replaced with a pillow, the aforementioned man pacing the study as the lit fireplace illuminated the room and you in a flickering warm glow.

He came to a stop in front of you, looking down at your body, red already beginning to stain the bandages on your back. He closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths to calm himself as he imagined putting Viktoria's head on a spike.

But unless you remembered everything or another Klopstock bride came along, that would have to wait. For now though-

Walter kneeled at your side, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before he stormed out of the room, making sure the door was locked before making his way upstairs.


Viktoria picked out a flake of dried blood, humming satisfied when she drew back to see her hands clean once more. She gasped as she was slammed into the wall, clawed hands pressing down on her neck as she was lifted off her feet. "I told you" Walter snarled; his eyes gleaming under the dim light of Viktoria's suite "to play nice. That it wasn't a request. And what do you do?"

Viktoria gagged as Walter's palm pressed into her throat "you hurt her" Viktoria spit in his face, making him flinch back, closing his eyes as she snarled, her teeth bared and sharp "What does it matter? she's just some commoner who claimed to be connected to you; and you took it like a fish to a hook."

Walter slowly opened his eyes, and Viktoria's breath caught, they were red; bright glowing red. She had never seen his eyes like that "I would not say such things if I were you" he growled, his hand nearly crushing Viktoria's throat as she gasped for air she hadn't needed for centuries.

"Who is she then?" Viktoria wheezed, her clawed hands grasping at Walter's wrist, if he didn't know any better; he would say she was begging for mercy "some whore you've gotten attached to? A peasant who fucked you so well you fell in-" she didn't get to finish that sentence, she was thrown across the room; coughing as she sat up, eyes widening as Walter's glowing red eyes stalked towards her.

"She is more to me than anyone, anything! Could ever offer me. Power, money, privilege; None of it compares to her. She is the reason I stand here today; she is the reason the Deville legacy exists, she is why I made myself anew to protect what she loved" Walter snapped, voice almost demonic as he stepped closer to the now cowering Viktoria, something she hadn't done since her days as a human. "I was nothing before her, the Deville legacy, it's fortune, is hers, my soul is hers, my heart is hers; you, lucy, this manor, all the power in the world-" he pointed at Viktoria, his words bleeding with hate and poison "-are nothing; compared to her, this deal is nothing compared to her-so mark my words"

Suddenly he was in her face, and she was reminded why he had been called the son of the dragon, his eyes glowing with the embers of hell. "you fuck with her again, if you even try to harm her, I will destroy you. All of you. I do not care for your family's little deal." He stood, brushing his hair back, his eyes still glowing as his fangs and claws retreated. "Think before you act, Viktoria." Those were his final words, laced with steel and frost.

He turned on his heel, leaving Viktoria alone, fear pulsing through her body; shocked to see four deep scratches down the top left of his back.

Right here she had gotten (y/n).


Walter returned to his study, sighing in relief to see you still asleep. "I'm so sorry my love," he whispered, kneeling next to you and caressing your warm cheek, the fire about to die behind him "I should've tried harder to protect you" he stared at your sleeping face, eyes then catching onto your necklace, the Deville name staring back at him.

He bared his fangs, taking his thumb and pricking it on his fang; watching as blood beaded out from the puncture. He then pressed his bleeding thumb to the gem, watching as it absorbed his blood and the gem glowed, sinking into your body as you took a deep breath. He watched as the red glow traveled down your skin to your back, the four long slashes healing in an instant.

"Forever bound to one" Walter whispered, kissing your forehead again, rubbing the back of your head where your scar used to be.

-end of part 7-


So yeah, if you haven't gotten the hint by now about Harrison and Walter....I'll spell it out for you in the next chapter if you haven't-but to those who have, how'd I do on the kinda reveal~ I fucking love it-mans is so down bad for you XD

Also yes-the necklace is kinda magic-again-I'll explain in more detail...if I remember to do so OKAY BYE TILL NEXT CHAPTER~!

OH and the dance in the beginning is the one from Cinderella 2015....i couldn't help myself~ 

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