Leave a Light On {Matt Murdoc...

By kimmyiewrites

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Evelyn Jones' mother always warned her about falling in love with the hero types. So, she fell in love with a... More



177 2 3
By kimmyiewrites

After they ate, Matt began meditating. He needed to heal so he could go out. They were too close to ending things with Fisk now. And in his current state, he knew that he wouldn't be able to argue with Evelyn about him going out. All she'd have to do was push him and he'd fall over. Not to mention, when she returned, she also came back with a duffle bag. She was fully planning on staying however long and when he teased her about it, she told him it was his punishment. Except he didn't have the heart to tell her that having her around was the opposite of a punishment for him.

As he meditated, Evelyn worked on some marketing. A couple of her clients were planning some big sales soon and she needed to start creating ads and scheduling posts. She even marked them in her calendar because they were definitely something she wanted to check out for herself. She deserved some retail therapy after all she had been dealing with lately.

Just as she finished helping get Matt into bed for the night, her phone rang, Shirley's name popping up. She let out a small groan causing him to tilt his head to the side. "It's Shirley." She informed him before answering in her usual cheery voice.

"Eve, I'm so sorry to call so late, especially after Claire told me you're helping to take care of a sick friend but a high-profile patient has just come in and we could really use your help."

"There's really no one else there that could help with setting up a room or making sure they know where the good coffee is while they wait for updates?"

"It's Wilson Fisk and everyone is already buzzing. You've always been so good at discretion and treating everyone equally. We could really use you."

Evelyn let out a sigh. "Text me the details and I'm assuming you've already got a room in mind?"

"Yes, ma'am. I owe you big time. See you soon."

With a sigh, she hung up and went over to where she left her duffle bag. Not long after, Shirley had sent all of the details. The ER nurse had upset him, he had called in his own private physician, and he had quite the security detail. Claire was assigned a different area. The others who were typically assigned to help with the patient experience weren't too thrilled at the fact that the irate person was Wilson Fisk. And of course, after she had just dealt with the aftermath of keeping secrets.

There was no way she was going to tell Matt or even Foggy. They'd both fight to keep her at home and she did not need either of them to get pulled in any further than they already were. She supposed HIPAA was on her side.

"When did you start to be on call?" Matt asked.

She chuckled as she pulled on a nicer shirt. Luckily she could still wear her leggings and she still looked professional. "When apparently a high profile patient comes in and everyone forgets how to behave."

"I hope you're being taken care of for doing this."

"I will be." She placed a kiss on his forehead. "Now please try to get some sleep. And please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"Yes, doctor. " He smirked a bit up at her.

She rolled her eyes affectionately. "Good night, Matty." And she was out the door.


The scene she came across when she arrived in the ER lobby was intimidating, to say the least. Suits filled the room, all of them men looking completely serious as they scanned the room, awaiting orders. She took a deep breath, tugged on the hem of her shirt to straighten it out, and made her way over to Wilson Fisk.

Before she could even reach him, a man with dark hair and glasses stepped forward and stopped her in her path. "And you are?"

"My name is Evelyn Jones. I work with patient experience here and I first wanted to come out to apologize for how Miss Marianna was escorted back into the ER. We know this is a scary time but it is for the safety of the patient that we don't allow loved ones to go immediately back with them, especially until we know everything that's going on. We wouldn't be able to provide timely care if we also were attending to loved ones at the same time."

The man in glasses nodded and Fisk gave a disgruntled hum. "Very well. Is that all?"

"I do know that Dr. Rosenberg is nearly done with his assessment so it won't be much longer before he comes out with an update and we can get her settled into her room. While you wait, can I get anyone some coffee or some food?"

"No, thank you, Miss Jones but we appreciate the hospitality."

She nodded and pulled out her business card. "Very well. If you change your mind, here's my card and the better coffee machine is out of these doors, down the hall, and in the room that's the third door on your left." She gave a curt nod to both the man in glasses and to Fisk before turning to leave.


"You are crazy for coming in," Claire said as she saw Evelyn approach the nurse's station.

"No one else was going to do it."

Claire gave her friend a pointed look. "You know damn well Shirley could have handled things just fine."

Evelyn shrugged. "Maybe I just needed to get out of Matt's apartment for a little while."

"Does he know why you're here?"

"Are you kidding? He would have popped all of his stitches trying to get me to not come in. I'll be fine. He's in here for his girlfriend. I just gotta feel icky for helping him for a little bit but despite what we know, having a loved one on the brink of death is never an experience I would wish on anyone."

Claire gave her a knowing look before bringing her in for a hug. "How'd things go?"

"About as well as they could have. Foggy will call me when he's ready and I've just got to keep Matt from going out until he heals."

"Come with me on vacation. I'm going out of town soon for a few days and you need one badly."

Evelyn shook her head. "As lovely as that sounds, I can't leave them just yet."

With a sigh, she nodded. "Just take care of yourself, please."

"I am."

She gave her a pointed look, causing Evelyn to laugh. "I am! Now, do you need anything before I go back down to the ICU?"

"No. Have fun down there."

She let out an amused huff. "See you later. I wanna hear more about this vacation."


Evelyn stopped by the nurse's station first, getting the rundown of what Shirley had already put in place. It really was one of the better rooms on the unit. Dr. Rosenberg brought Fisk and his men up and soon the hallway was filled with his security detail. The doctor motioned toward her and she stepped forward with a smile. "And I'm assuming that you've met Miss Jones?"

Fisk nodded. "Yes, she came out to apologize on behalf of her colleagues."

"Good. She was introduced to me as the woman who can solve any problems you may have during your stay. She'll be sure everyone is well taken care of, including Vanessa." The doctor further explained.

"Yes, that's right. The room you have is one of the best. It has a great view of the city. Is right near the nurse's station in case you need any medical assistance and is currently the only room occupied on this part of the unit. The seating under the window pulls out into a bed or we also have a few respite rooms available if any of you would like to rest throughout her stay. I'll be around during meal times to make sure everyone gets something to eat and once Miss Marianna wakes up, make sure she gets only the best. Is there anything I can do for you now?"

"Do you know of a florist who delivers here?" Fisk asked.

"Well, there's a couple of options. Our gift shop does have some beautiful arrangements or there's a florist about 2 blocks up that's a favorite of mine. They do deliver if you don't feel like making the trip yourself or sending someone for you."

"Thank you. That is all for now. I do not wish to be disturbed unless absolutely necessary or I call upon you."

Evelyn gave a curt nod. "Very well. I'll be sure to inform the nurses of your request as well." She then made her way back to the nurse's station before going to her office.


She wound up having to use one of the respite rooms herself. As long as Fisk was in the building apparently she had to stay too. Luckily she had a go bag tucked away from the days the snow threatened to actually shut down the city for a few days. Claire came into her office the moment after she clocked in. "Guess where I just came from?"

"Please don't say Matt's."

The nurse just gave her friend an apologetic smile. "Said he was testing his mobility."

Evelyn groaned, tipping her head back. "I told him to not overdo it while I was stuck here." He had called in the morning, asking when she'd be back.

"I really don't think that's an option for him."

"I know." She said with a sigh. "I just hoped he actually listened to me this time."

"You're stuck here as long Fisk is here, aren't you?"

"Yup. So hopefully he doesn't do anything too stupid while I'm here and you're on vacation."

"Last chance, you can come with me. You've got until my shift ends."

"I'll take you up on that offer on the next one."

Claire chuckled, nodding as she stood. "Alright, see you around Jonesey."


"Do you pray, Miss Jones?" Fisk asked her as she walked into the room.

"Probably not as much as I used to. I was raised Catholic but left the church after the towers fell."

Fisk nodded. "I never really learned how, no matter how hard I tried in my youth and how much my mother wanted to be religious. I have made Vanessa a promise but perhaps if you still pray she might like a prayer too."

"May I?" She asked motioning to come closer to Vanessa's side. When he nodded his consent, Evelyn moved over and lightly placed her hand on the other woman's shoulder. She slowly closed her eyes as she sent up her thoughts to God, asking that Vanessa woke up soon, that whoever did this would be shown justice, and that Fisk wouldn't harm anyone else to seek his own personal vengeance. "Amen." She whispered out loud, removing her hand and opening her eyes.

"Thank you, Miss Jones."

"My pleasure."

She hurried out of the room, hopefully without him realizing she practically ran out of there. She just had a human moment with Wilson Fisk and she wanted to throw up. She didn't mind praying over Vanessa, she was happy to do it for any of her patients that asked, it just made it weird that it was Wilson Fisk asking. She really hoped Vanessa woke up soon. She did feel bad which was a conundrum in itself. She supposed her superpower was being able to relate to anyone. It came in handy most days but this just felt odd.

Evelyn took a deep breath as she got to the elevators and pressed the button to go down. A cookie from the cafeteria was in order. She claimed a booth in the far corner of the larger dining room. She thought about calling Matt but instead, she texted Foggy. Yes, she was fine with waiting until he called her but a simple check-in text would be harmless, right?

She waited with bated breath as she broke the cookie she got into smaller, bite-sized pieces. Why she constantly put herself in these types of situations was a conversation to have with her therapist. Except the ring that startled her wasn't because her best friend was calling, it was because an unknown number was.

Clearing her throat and taking a deep breath, she finally answered the call once she felt calmer from her frightened state. "This is Eve."

"Miss Jones, this is Wesley. I've been called away to handle business off-site and I was wondering if you would be available to assist Mr. Fisk with any needs that may arise while I'm away."

"As long as those needs pertain to his or Miss Marianna's stay at Metro-General, I'll be happy to assist."

"Very well, I'll inform my men you'll be arriving back to the floor shortly." And with that, he hung up.

With a sigh, she lowered her phone, seeing that Foggy had indeed replied. He may have drunkenly gotten with Marci but she would take that over him not talking to her. She was curious about the crazy idea he had, though. After finishing her cookie, she made her way back up to the ICU. Luckily, while Wesley was gone, all Fisk required was food and clean linens. Vanessa also woke up which meant that Evelyn finally got to go home. Or so she thought.

Just as she clocked out, Karen called. "Hey, are you at work right now?" Karen asked as soon as Evelyn answered.

"I'm actually just leaving. Is everything okay?"

Karen sighed. At the moment it was a bit of a loaded question since she didn't know that she was actually calling on behalf of their mutual friend. He hadn't asked her to, but she knew exactly who to call to help Matt through his crappy night. He and Foggy still weren't speaking with each other but each time she brought up Evelyn to them individually it seemed like she was still talking to both of them. Besides, no matter what kind of mood Matt was in, just the mention of her made the corners of his mouth quirk up. "It's Matt. He seemed to have a really shitty night and told me that he couldn't take another step alone. I told him that he's never been alone but he might believe it more if it came from you."

Evelyn's heart broke in between the frustration that flared up knowing that Matt must have gone out as his masked vigilante alter ego. "I'm on my way. Are you guys at the office?"

"Yeah. Just knock four times and I'll let you in. I'm, uh, keeping the door locked for the moment so a stray client doesn't come in."

Her brows furrowed as she changed directions to start making her way to the Nelson and Murdock office. "You sure that's the only reason? Are you okay, Karen?"

There was a brief pause before she shakily answered. "I'm fine, yeah, I'm fine. Just worried about Matt, you know? And Foggy. Have they ever been this way before?"

So she clearly didn't want to talk about it. She would drop it for now but she'd also let her know that she was there if she needed a friend. "I haven't actually but I have faith that they'll come around. They're both stubborn as hell so once they come to their senses they'll get the band back together as it were. I'll see you soon though, okay? And Karen, if you need anything, seriously just let me know."

"Thanks, Eve. See you soon."

Once she arrived at her best friends' office, she knocked four times just as Karen had asked. She still thought it a bit odd but she could have her secrets, after all, they were keeping plenty from her.

"He in his office?" Evelyn asked after pulling away from the hug she greeted Karen with. For a moment there she thought the other woman was going to burst into tears, which made her even more worried for her friend. One thing at a time though.

"Yeah." Karen nodded, motioning for her to feel free to go on in.

She just about did before turning around to face the other woman. "You sure you don't need to talk?"

Karen laughed softly. God, Evelyn was perceptive. Maybe that's what she got for trying to fool a woman who spent most of her day in a hospital. "We can talk later. He needs you more than I do right now."

"We'll do a girl's night then. I just got this great bottle of wine." She smiled before entering Matt's office, closing the door behind her. Now to focus on her best friend who she still couldn't figure out how to feel about at this moment.

Matt looked up from the case file he was trying to read. He thought he heard Evelyn's footsteps and her voice but he wasn't focused enough to be certain. But the moment her perfume flooded his office, he couldn't help but be relieved. He was going to have to give Karen a raise or something. "Eve?" He asked. Even though he knew she was there, he was still in a bit of disbelief. He went from thinking that he was going to have her around for quite some time to not having her at all and then he figured out how Gao ran her side of the business. He didn't have her and he didn't have Foggy and he just felt like crumbling.

"Hey." She greeted as she made her way over to his side. The moment she was close enough, he pulled her into his lap and rested his forehead against her temple. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned into him.

"You smell like the hospital." He murmured.

"I just came from work. They finally let me go."

He of course knew that she had been called into work but after everything his mind made him believe that she took it to have an excuse to get away from him. And he didn't blame her. Yet, here she was always coming back to prove the voice inside his head wrong. "They're going to give you some time off, right?"

"My paycheck is going to look extra nice and I'll actually be able to go home regular time now." She quipped as she moved to start running her fingers through his hair. "But I didn't come here to talk about me. You wanna tell me what's going on and why you are not in bed like you're supposed to be?"

He let out a sigh and just pulled her closer. He couldn't tell her about the horrors he saw tonight. Not right now. They were too fresh. "I came across something that I just, I don't know how I'm supposed to keep going at this alone."

"Matt, you have never had to do this alone."

He scoffed. "Not according to Stick."

Evelyn rolled her eyes. She never met the man, glad that they didn't cross paths when he apparently had visited. "Well, Stick is an asshole who forgets you're a human being first and foremost."

"He kept the bracelet I made him so there has to be some good."

"And you don't think that was to manipulate you to continue helping him if he showed up again?"

Matt sighed. The tightness in her voice always made him happy that they would never cross paths because if they did and if she was even able to, he was quite certain she'd punch his old mentor in the face on his behalf. "I don't know. Maybe."

"How's your side?" She asked to change the topic. She wasn't sure if it was more for her sake or for his.

"I've had to restitch it twice now." He admitted sheepishly.

"Matt!" She knew about the one time since Claire told her but there was a second time she didn't know about.

"I know. Claire already yelled at me. But now's not the time to slow down. We're backing him into a corner. We've nearly got him."

"And cornered animals usually attack. Look what he already did to you."

"I know. I know but I've already taken down Gao and her heroin operation. He no longer has drugs to distribute which means no cash flow. We just need something solid to tie him to everything and we can put him away."

Evelyn sighed. She felt like she was having déjà vu now. Foggy wound up calling her sometime after their little text conversation. Her stay at the hospital had really messed up her sense of time. He had looped her in on what he was doing. He brought the information Matt had given Ben to Marci and then she was supposed to check her records at Landman and Zack's. She told him that he and Matt were going to be the death of her and that he better say something nice at her funeral and not let Matt get Father Lantom to lead the service. "Foggy's looking into that actually."

"What? You've talked to him?"

"Yes. He's gonna come to you soon. He's just waiting for a few more pieces to come into place."

Matt nodded. He didn't want to let her go but he was sure she was tired and wanted to get to her own bed. It's not like he could keep her here the entire time he planned on staying. "You should go home and get some sleep, Evie."

"I'm fine right here."

He sighed at her stubbornness but didn't let up his hold. He wouldn't fight her on this. Again the thought of figuring out how to thank Karen crossed his mind. "Would you mind reading to me then?" He did still have some work to do and he did like listening to the sound of Evelyn's voice.

A soft smile lit up her features. "Not at all." She said as she brought his laptop closer and began to read the latest case file out loud.

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