{Her reign}

By Melekshah

978 42 5

Gulce nur sultan ,is the daughter of Dilruba sultan ve sultan Mehmet She was married of at the age of 12, he... More

Characters {Ottoman family}
characters 2. {Crimean family}


147 9 0
By Melekshah

Her cries could be heard from the palace gates,for this young girl oh what a fate she shared
Gulcer sultan, the last daughter and child of sultan mehmet and dilara sultan ,she just found out that at the age of 12 not fully matured yet ,she's going to be married, her baba sold her like a slave ,she's gonna marry grand vizer's son Ali who is 17 .
Her mother on the other hand ,she was shocked, she tried to get the sultan to change his mind,but once the spell of huma already worked in there is no changing that
The young moon faced girl prayed to Allah for help ,her doors opened and entered her mother ,all she could do was hug her mother
Her mother wiped her tears away "My beautiful sultana,don't worry I won't allow anyone to hurt you ,I try but your baba isn't changing his mind"
The young girls tears dried up she knew she had to be strong or they would eat her alive "you don't worry mother,I will take part in this marriage if its baba wish" she said ,as much as she was sacred she knew they couldn't harm her as she was an Ottoman princess

Dilara sultan was still angry with the sultan, she planned to confront him,she knew that huma was the reason of this marriage, but what could she have done
She was also forced into a marriage with the sultan, before she was "dilara sultan" she was known as "Katherine Eleanor princess of Hungaria " but at the age of 15 she was a sold off to the Ottoman by her own father ,she and the sultan had a love less marriage til this day
She gived him is first daughter and second son,Gulcer is the youngest of her siblings.
Obviously hatice-geverhan sultan and shezade Ateş heard of this marriage and boy there rage could be felt

*The day of the wedding*

There stood the bride ,looking for a way out ,but she was already in ,she was going insane,they say marriages are supposed to be a day of happiness yet she was in pain all because she was going insane .

She wore a red dress ,with a red veil, this young girl wasn't happy and she made sure everyone noticed with the sour look on her face

The valide sultan was very upset with the power that huma held on her son, she tried to convince her son that marrying the young girl off so young isn't the best idea but of course she wasted her breath

The ceremony took place and the Gulcer was ready to go to her new home ,her family greeted her and wished her luck,but the sad part is her father didn't showed up ....


The young 13 year old screamed like her life depends on it because it did ,she was giving birth and obviously it was painful, she screamed and cry but her best friend was there to comfort her ,she was in so pain until she heard her baby's voice

"Congratulations sultana ,you have a beautiful baby girl " said the doctor as she handed the young girl her daughter

Looking down at her daughter she swore to protect her,even if its the last thing she does....

Days past and the girls family was here ,yet again everyone but the sultan ,obviously valide sultan took her son's role and names the little girl; "From now on your name is devlet halime " she repeated in the girls ears


Years past by ,her daughter had grown into a beautiful girl ,her husband had become abusive, he started drinking, he would also cheat on her ,but she couldn't do anything, he would even threaten to harm their daughter ,if gulcer didn't give in to sexual activities.
She did everything and I mean everything to protect her daughter, she was 8 months pregnant when he came home drunk with another women, obviously gulcer was made but Ali slapped her and kicked her until she started to bleed

Aylin(Ali's adopted sister ) rushed her best friend to the doctor luckily the baby made it ,she gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy .

Devlet halime knew what her father was like and how he would hurt her mother,she saw and heard her mothers cries ,she wanted to take revenge on him ,but when she got a new sibling she knew she can't have him brought up to see his mother pain like she did


Gulcer sultan is now 23 years old and for the first time in years she's going to the Palace where she sold of in, Gulcer wasn't born in th topkapi palace like her siblings, she was born in Hungarian Palace, when her mother went to visit

Her maids were packing the kids clothing as the children played games . she smiled at the sight but then call her daughter
"Aylin go call devlet" she said to her best friend .
Aylin compiled and went to bring the young girl to her mother

With a wave of her hand ,everyone left gulcer and her daughter alone .
Gulcer sat on her bed as her daughter stand infront of her
"Devlet my canim kizim, were going to the topkapi Palace, stick near me and your brother, and remember your a sultan by blood ,all keep your head up" she told her daughter

"Valide, I will always be with you,they did some bad things to you ,they haven't seen or heard about me yet all of them will suffer, I'll make sure of it" said devlet proudly as she gulcer raised her daughters head with a smirk

They were packed up and were in the carriage ,the children were talking to each other as gulcer was talking to Aylin ,see the reason for the sudden visit is because Gulcer husband had died so she had to go to the Palace

She looked out the window with a smile on her face at this point she's coming to take revenge

The would surely arrive soon ,they slept and woke up they finally reached the Palace, it was also a holiday going on and her visit was kept secret ,she raised her head and walked as he children followed behind her gracefully
When Abul agha noticed her and announced
"Destur Gulcer nur sultan"

As everyone turned to look at her ,it was going to be a fun event she thought .....

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