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Today is they day ,after all these years I finally get to see my sister, its obvious we have alot to discuss ,I also know me coming to this palace caused alot of angryness to some ,but I didn't care nor did I mind , The Crimean family is still here ,which lead me to wonder why, and on what occasion did they come ,but it wasn't any of my concern for now...

I walked through the halls ,with my daughter trailing behind me ,I paid no mind as my arrival was announced, but it was made known who has the power ,when alk the girls stand and bowed ,I wasn't planning on stopping to talk to him, I wanted to ignore him but obviously my brother saw means wanted to talk to me

I walked through the halls ,with my daughter trailing behind me ,I paid no mind as my arrival was announced, but it was made known who has the power ,when alk the girls stand and bowed ,I wasn't planning on stopping to talk to him, I wanted to ign...

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He came up to me ,and then looked at my daughter " my beautiful niece, how are you" he asked my daughter
Before she could even replie I send her to wait outside for me ,he looked at me very confused for a bit,but seen to catch on ,I didn't bother now as I walked away.

It seemed that today was not NY day as I bumped into Sahin ,he smiled at me ," Good morning sultana ,I hope your enjoying your morning " he said to me ,I admit I cracked a small smile
"Good morning to you your majesty, I would love to chat but I'm busy" I said while walking away ,if there's anything I refuse to catch feelings ,no one is gonna break me again

The carriage finally stopped, and the guards helped me and the kids out ,I looked at the beautiful castle taking it all in ,we finally went in ,and I was greeted by a smiling  hatice ,she had gotten so pretty and her beauty is to die for ,the light was beeming on her features making her look more beautiful

The carriage finally stopped, and the guards helped me and the kids out ,I looked at the beautiful castle taking it all in ,we finally went in ,and I was greeted by a smiling  hatice ,she had gotten so pretty and her beauty is to die for ,the ligh...

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He looked at my kids ,before coming to hug me ,just then a man came ,he looked between us and finally bowed ,"Gulce meet my husband Hamza pasha" she said ,I nodded my head as he lowered his ....

We all sat ,and I knew they were in love especially how he looks at her made me a little jealous ,but not of my sister,just of how life works

We chatted for a while before me and my kids return to the palace ,as soon as we returrned  an aga informed me that the sultan wanted my presence.....

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