Pain in my Eyes

By Tommytyson

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The story that has been missing us the story you are holding. The pain is real when you see it from The Crime... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter Four

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By Tommytyson

Demmec jumps over the garbage can that was intentionally knocked over to prevent capture, by slowing him down. The man he was chasing was wanted for skipping bail. Demmec and his partner had been placed on patrol in the area that he frequented in. His partner, a female, had turned off from the chase. He didn't know what she had in mind but he hoped it was something good because the man they were chasing after was gaining leverage and didn't seem to be losing his burst. The man turns the corner and BOOM! Demmec partner tackles the man to the ground hard. Demmec caught up to the with a smile and a bit of a chuckle. There was no need to read him his rights he was out cold. They would do it when he woke up.

"Good job partner" Demmec says as he cuffs the man and secures him. "We're going to need a medic though. Damn girl you came down on him like a brick wall where the hell did you come from?" Demmec asked looking from the area where she tackled him.

"I spent a lot of time in London with some of my non favorite side of the family. These cities are not much different" she said as if it was nothing. By the looks of it she came down a building.

"Parkour" Demmec says knowing exactly what she was talking about. "My brother is in to that type of stuff"

"He sounds awesome. Thanks. You want to hold him while I go get the car?"

"Yeah why not?" Demmec called for an ambulance while she received the vehicle.  After all the next paper work was done they were able to go home. "What you have in mind for the night?" Demmec asked as they exit the precinct. They were both in their civilian clothing and one couldn't associate then with the precinct unless they knew they were cops.

"Maybe a drink then off to bed" she replies. Demmec had something like that planned. Five years passed since the murder of his father. He still felt the obligation to find out who killed his father. The thought of capturing his father killer was what pushed him to get up every day and put on his uniform to capture bad guys. He gets home an hour later and sets his alarm clock. Not having his own family had really been trouble some. He was family orientated and his bachelor lifestyle has avoided him from growing one as his brother did. Being the early age of thirty six he felt that he missed out on a lot.

His cell phone rang bringing him out of his daze thoughts. He realized that he spent thirty minutes on the couch thinking about his father and his future family. The phone signaled that he had a text message. He read the text message and sends one in return. He lies down the phone and went to go take a shower. Today alone they chased down two perps. Both were caught but running had taken a light toll on him, which made him a bit tired. After the shower he dries in his room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He goes to the kitchen for a drink if bourbon alcohol. He pours a glass and went to the living room. As he sips on his drinkhe text back and forth with a female friend that he met at a social event.

He turns on the television and watched the news. Today had been a good day. More days like this and...... His cell phone rang as he is holding it. It was his captain calling. "Sir"

"Demmec we need you to come in" the captain states with firm conviction. Meaning he wasn't taking a no. Something has come down and this needed full attention.

"Sir I just..."

"Let me make this clear. It's your turn not get here in the hour" with that the phone disconnected. Demmec knew what this meant and the fear of what was going on was hitting him with pure excitement.

"This is special agent whiskey and his partner special agent McKnight. They are with the federal bureau of investigation. We picked up a case that summoned them to this precinct. Agents?" The captain states giving the agents the floor to speak.

Special Agent McNight was a female and had the most time on the job between the two. Agent McNight takes the lead and breaks down the meaning of their visit. She finished with, "His name is Gerald Hampton he runs an organization known as THE BLACK MAFIA. We have been studying this group for six years and today one of them was arrested"

"Okay seems like a point in our books. What's does that have to do with me?" Demmec took in all the information he could what it sounded like was they needed a cover man and he was the one because everything they described he was capable of and fit in perfectly. Of course he wanted to hear this from one of them. It's always better when the boss suggest what you had in mind.

Special Agent Whiskey takes her place, "It means that by arresting him a new person needs to take his place. We haven't been able to infiltrate thier organization sorry to say, but this precinct has. Somehow. Which is really not good in the press." He says to the them. The last part more to him self.


"And we know it's best to allow this precinct to continue it's lead in bringing this organization down" Whiskey responds

"So?" Demmec, acting like he didn't get the catch line.

"So we want you to lead the investigation" say Agent McKnight figuring out that Demmec was way much smarter then they gave him credit for.

"Why me? There are hundreds of detectives that are far more experience for the job. Why not get them out of bed?"

"You weren't in bed" the captain responds.

Demmec smiles. It wasn't that he was under qualified he just didn't like working with our side agency people. Or just people period. Demmec was cool with people but sometimes a person could do too much and he wasn't a good peace leaver just maker. If it made sense it sure did to him.

"Correct. There are. But we need someone fresh, who is able to relate. You fit all aspects. We weren't the ones who chose you, your captain suggested we should talk to you" Agent Whiskey says getting frustrated with Demmec.

"Yeah I picked you. You know I picked you. This is what you wanted something more. Here it is besides, you know these streets better then most of these cops on the beat twice as long as you. In my books that qualifies you." The captain says easily but Demmec could tell this wasn't all though, "If there maybe a lead in this....... One that we haven't been working on. Your my first man now find me something. Most of our detectives have been made the others don't fit the bill. So here you are Demmec a chance to prove your worth."

"That sounds like it came off a movie" Demmec, getting the point but just had to point that fact out.

"Actually it did. It just sounded right to say" the agents cleared their throat at the same time. "Sorry, but yeah this is your chance what do you say?"

Demmec quickly thinks about the pros and cons of working with the feds. This was something that many dreamed about. This could hypen his career as a cop. There was a lot that could come out of this but also there was a lot that could go wrong if this wasn't played right. After processing all these thoughts he decided to go along with a kick offer of his own. "My partner come with me. I don't work alone or with other people."


"Oh and I want to know everything. I feel like you lying im out." Demmec says.


Donte and his crew of four sat in his navigator truck and watched their opponents operation. Donte was convinced to look passed the thief and focus on the bigger picture. Funny how it took some to steal for him to realize that he was being too nice to his enemies. His main lieutenant Brock sat beside him in the passenger seat. "What do you know this dude might have really come through" Donte say complimenting the thief. Donte nods his head, the three goons in the back seat climb out the truck and walk off. "Let's see if our man can keep his hands"


The three goons walk by a crew of men rolling dice. They were in front of the building that the crew worked out of. The crew were huddled up playing and observing the dice game. The three goons enter the building and head straight to the staircase where they could equip their automatic pistols with suppressors. Once this task was complete, one goon exit out the back, one goes up a flight of stairs and the other went straight out the front door of the building. He goes around the block with the gun tucked in his coat. The crew were so into the intended dice game that they didn't realize the man coming towards them. "Yo, you remember me!" The goon say getting their immediate attention. He pulls out his gun and let the bullet fly. Two men ducked and received bullets in the head. He stopped shooting allowing them to think they were escaping only to fall in the aim of the other two shooters. One closing in from behind and the other in the building. With the message sent they fogged back to the car and Donte drove off like nothing happen. Back home Donte relaxes on his couch and watched the news. The killing of seven in East New York was breaking news. He turned the television up even though the apartment was quiet. He wanted to hear every word the had to report. According to the news police discovered packets of crack cocaine on four of the seven dead bodies. They had no witnesses and no leads. This was music to his ears.

When the news ended the story Donte was happy. So far he had gotten away but this was far from over. He was at war with the BLACK NATION ARMY which was a branch of the BLACK MAFIA. Though he had never actually ran across The Black Mafia members knocking down the army was a start that would open their eyes.

Agent McNight walks with Demmec by her side. They were going to a bar that was known to frequent members of the Columbian Mafia. The bar owner Jimmy was known to be one of the made characters in this Columbian Mafia. McNight secretly had a crush on Jimmy and occasionally dropped some information on his lap for a few favors in return. Tonight was one of the nights where she would collect some information that could help them with this investigation. Demmec just knew they were going to a bar. They enter the bar through the cowboy swinging set doors. Jimmy was the only other colored person besides them in the bar. Everyone else was some sort of the Hispanic culture.

"You sure we got the right place?" Questions Demmec in her ear.

She smiles and continues in the bar. Demmec falls in place throwing his hood swagger on. They say at the bar and Jimmy came over to them. "What would it be?"

"Two shots of Intel Black Mafia" Agent McNight say with a smile on her face. Demmec just leans on the bar and looked at him.

"He's one of your new guys?" Jimmy says referring to Demmec. His face was new to the scene and new faces usually came with bad business in his line of work.

"No, but is the person in need with only you and I can only know" Agent McKnight say.

"The code is 3566" he walks off and so do they.

Jimmy ditched the apron and was now draped in his usual expensive attire. "Rose haven't seen you in a while" Jimmy says once he came out his bedroom.

"Been out of town. This is Demmec Powers. We are working on a case of interest and I decided that I knew just the right person that can give him a perfect head start" Agent McKnight explains in her smooth tone.

"Personal or business?" Jimmy turned his attention to Demmec asking this question.

"Business" Demmec replies. Not knowing now how wrong he was.

Jimmy sits on his one seater couch and looks at Demmec. Probably to see if he was lying. When he seen nothing that betrayed his take he continued, "a very organized group. Still at the amateur level but they have a lot of potential growth in between these next few years. Thier leader is undecided but they are under a siege by a man named Simon. A white man, people say that the Black Mafia is actually under an umbrella, it's only rumors but the name to that organization is called BLACK NATION ARMY and if they are an umbrella unit then they are more organized then what I gave them credit for"

"Some of it has a ring in my book so you are on the same page we are" Agent McKnight folds her legs. "Except the fact that it's an umbrella unit then they are more organized then I gave them credit for"

"Some of it has a ring in my book so you are on the same page we are" Agent McKnight folds her legs. "Except the fact that it's an umbrella organization, we never knew that. Can you prove this?" Agent McKnight questions.

"I could do some snooping around. Besides the top ranked the organization in the street is unruly. It seems there are legions of Black Mafia in the urban neighborhoods. Everyone just trying to get a taste of the real world" Jimmy adds.

"We are going after Simon" She says then thinks, could Simon be Gerad Hampton, "That's why we keep missing him" The name Gerad Hampton was out the window.

"These guys are also trained in martial arts. Heard that from someone again don't know if it's true or has anything to do with your investigation. I will keep my ears to the streets. You will be the first person I call when something new comes to my ears' Jimmy explains. He wanted to be more helpful but he didn't know much on the subject because they weren't strong enough to put a dent in his operation.

"The feds have been chasing this guy for six years. How do you expect me to catch this guy?" Demmec questions. He wasn't too sure about this mission. Then he thought about something his captain said something they have been investigating is part of this wild goose chase.

"You are just the right person that can fit in with them. I know it sounds like far fetched idea but the truth is you really can help" Agent McKnight looks at him. She faces Jimmy, "tell us more " and Jimmy did. When he was done Demmec knew how they ranked their leaders. How many approximately of them there was. He told them about their drug spots. He also informed them that they were employed by the Cuban Mafia. Demmec soaked up all this information. He asked questions, most Jimmy could answer some he couldn't.

After they were done with Jimmy they headed back to Agent McNight's car. "This guy Simon sounds like he knew how to run the show. The best way to get in is only the streets. It's the person with the best reputation that got noticed" Demmec says as she pulls away from the curb.

"We will try from other angles, but as of now the streets is what we may have to look into" McNight say not liking the sound of the idea her self

"And that's not even a great that will get noticed in the next five years" Demmec complains. He didn't like the idea. The sound of being undercover living a whole different life was not too compelling. The streets has been calling his name for a while and now was his chance to legitimately get in the streets. Demmec stays quiet and listens to McKnight talk. He understood some of what she was saying. The main thing was this was a job that few could win with decision. She drops him in front of his house.and drives off. Demmec walks to his front door and unlocks it. Demmec loves his location thirty minutes out of the city heading south. It helped him think when he was under enough pressure, like he was now. He sits back on the couch where he was sitting three hours ago, before McKnight ruined his time and bought him to the bar.

He knew this case was important to the feds. The tension between the feds and local police was put to the side just to get this job done. He puts his foot on his coffee table and sat back on his couch. His thoughts were on what he got him self into. He has been giving absent indefinite leave to work on the feds operation. They had set up a whole profile of who he was going to be. Building a profile that made him resembled a made man in the eyes of the suspects.

Demmec wondered how long this job would take. He wondered what he would have to do just to get in such an organization. The ringing cellphone bought him to reality. He answers, "hello"

"Hey bro, how are you?" Sandra says coming through the line. Sandra always checked up on her big brother. They were tight siblings, like Donte and Stacey. They all loved each other equally but having a twin is like having two different personalities, one each sister understood or compared likeness to.

"Fine glad you called. I've been thinking about you" Demmec say speaking the half truth. When things got hectic he would sit back and talk with his sister. She usually had the answers that he was looking for.

"Ahh, me too. Hey when are we going to get a chance to get to a movie or something. You know with me being on the other side of the world and all" this made her chuckle, because she was only in Connecticut.

"We'll think of something I'm pretty sure" Demmec say with a smile.

"So you have something on your mind that you want to talk about?" Sandra says knowingly.

"Actually yeah, but I'm not even sure I'm allowed to even tell you anything" Demmec says confused. Though he was never told to keep his mouth shut, no one knew what he was up to. So to him a close mouth policy was in effect. "I can tell you this though. Going undercover never seemed so bad"

"Sounds like a confusing frustrating situation" Sandra suggest lightly.

"Tell me about it" Demmec replies.

"I can't" Sandra shoots back making them laugh. They speak a little while longer then they disconnect. Tomorrow he would have to leave all this behind and become someone totally different then what he was raised to be. He hoped what he was doing wasn't in vain. The captain told him it would answer a question they were connected to. He wondered what question. He had so many he got up and went to the shower.

Stacey, Lisa, and CooCoo ride in Stacey's car. They were looking for a place to park. "Bitch, I told you we should have took the train" Stacey complains as she drives around block after block.

Lisa convinced her to drive. They were on a mission and driving seemed to be the best option to get away from robbers. Even though Stacey had pepper spray she was always better when she wasn't in danger at all. After twenty minutes of searching they found a parking space across the street from where they were heading. Stacey looked at Lisa and they both laughed. CooCoo was focused on her make up. After all of them were ready they stepped out of the car into the cold Manhattan night. Stacey goes to the trunk and grabs the duffle bag. She closes the trunk and they proceed across the street. The place they were going went by the name 'THE CIRCUS' it was a club, owned by a man named Speedy. Everyone who was someone knew who Speedy was. His club franchised in four different states, all of which had a popular background. Speedy also sold drugs in his club which was the reason why Stacey and crew were here. Well that and because they also wanted to party. They walked up to the bouncer and Stacey speaks saying, "I need to speak with Speedy" she places the heavy duffel bag on the floor.

"Who are you?" The bouncer asked her looking through dark shades even though it was dark outside.

"My name's Nicky, he'll know who I am. Go ahead and call him so I can get out this cold" Stacey orders. The bouncer does what he is told. After confirmation he pointed her towards the back of the building.

Stacey proceeds to the back of the club going through a parking lot that was just as crowded as the club. No one seemed to be playing any mind to her. This was good because she didn't have time for parking lot pimps. She got to the door that was open with a man waiting on her. The man resembled Mike Tyson this made Stacey laugh inside. When she got him he nods and she proceeds inside the club. Instead of taking the stairs they hop on the elevator that bought them to the back of Speedy's plush office. This was the first time Stacey had come across Speedy's name. By the weight of the bag she knew he was a major player. Once they got to the office the Mike Tyson look alike accepts the duffel bag and placed it on the chair. He checked through it and then nod approval to Speedy.

Tayshawn Jackson was the name on the label plate on top of his desk. Stacey assumed this was his GOD forgiven name. She takes a seat not knowing what else to do. Speedy had to pay for the drugs and she wasn't leaving the office until he did. She wished he hurried up because CooCoo and Lisa were waiting on her on the dance floor.

Speedy looks at another woman, who looked like she was doing his books. As in financial records. She slides a bag from under her chair and slides it over to Stacey. "It's all there you can count it if you want" Speedy states.

"We trust you. So are you going to give me a ride or do I have to jack a car"

"Bruno here will give you a ride to your destination. Tell Mr. Martinez I appreciate the blessing of you" Speedy say with a smirk on his face. He pours a line of cocaine in the act of dismissing Stacey. He straightens the line, rolls a one hundred dollar bill, snorts the cocaine and shrug his shoulders. Stacey exit through the back stairway. Bruno was behind her carrying the money. They took his car and Stacey pointed him where they were going. After the money was safely tucked away they headed back to the club.

At the club Stacey caught up with CooCoo and Lisa. "Damn bitch I thought they were up there killing you, how long you took. Did you get the money?" Lisa asked in Stacey's ear.

"Yes and thanks for the concern. Speedy had his hunch man to drive me to the hotel so I could tuck the money away" Stacey explains. They were screaming in each other's ears.

"Alright let's have some fun then" And fun they had. Men were sending bottles to them from all around the club. Only Stacey and CooCoo drunk. Lisa had to stay sober to make sure they got back to the hotel in one piece  Stacey ended up on stage toying around with another stripper. Things were pretty  exciting and was definitely a night to remember if they could. Around four in the morning they all left and went to the hotel.

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