
By auroratvd

680K 13.5K 5.3K

"But what about your brother? My boyfriend." Elijah trails kisses down Madeline's stomach while her hand pull... More

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨


14.7K 252 122
By auroratvd

7 Years Later


"Just keep going Madeline. Breathe in and out."

"Where the fuck is Elijah! Where is he!"

"He's on his way lovey, just listen to the nurse."

Four kids later. And now Elijah has me pushing out another TWO. At the same TIME. And he's not even here.

I squeeze Delilah's hand tighter. I feel bad because I'm probably causing nails marks but I need something to hold on to. I've been in labor for a hour and the three nurses + two obstetrician can't deliver my babies.

I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"The first one is almost out Madeline keep going." I scream. This has to be the loudest I ever screamed. After already delivering four babies I thought this would be easy. But I was wrong. So wrong. This has to be the most painful birth ever.

"One more push."

"AHH." Mid screaming Elijah barges into the door. He's still in his work clothes and there's sweat coating his forehead.

"I'm her- AHH!" Elijah screams and covers his eyes. He should be used to this shit by now. It's his fault.

"Finally. You bitch- Oh my god." I look down and can see my babies hair popping out. I'm never doing this again. I'm sweating like crazy, my breathing is harsh, there's blood everywhere.

Elijah takes the wet rag from one of the nurses and starts to dab it on my head to even out my temperature. I'm burning up.

"One more push."


"I love you baby, your doing good." By now I'm crying. This is agonizing excruciating pain.

"Shut up Elijah." My eyes shoot open when I hear crying. My baby is born. The nurse is holding my baby in a blanket to wipe off the blood.

"Congratulations Madeline and Elijah your baby boy is here." Delilah smiles, the nurses smile, the two obstetrician smiles, Elijah smiles, I smile. But it completely falls when I feel another pain hit me in the stomach.

"The second one is coming Mrs.Petrova." I cry. Full on sobbing.

"No. I can't, I can't do it again. Please give me a epidural. Something."

Elijah kisses me on the head, whispering sweet words into my ear which helps me. From the corner of my eye I can see Delilah holding my son with a look of admiration. She just recently had her daughter two months ago so I know she's on cloud 9.

"Just right there... and... she's out!"

She? A girl?

"It's a girl. Oh my god finally a girl." These past four years I've only had boys. Four boys no girls.

Two years later, I get a girl with a twin boy. I am the most happiest women on earth.

Now me and Delilah could finally live out our childhood dream. Both our girls being best friends.

The nurse hands my daughter to Elijah and my son to me after I calm down. Elijah eyes sparkle when he looks at both of them.

"She's so beautiful. She looks just like you." My daughter has a head full of curly black hair and my skin tone. My son the exact same.

The other four look like Elijah. Same hair, same skin tone, same eyes. But the twins look like me. Their mom.

"My fifth son. He looks like you as well, so handsome. I know he's going to be a handful."

"What would you like to name them?" The nurse kindly ask.

"Adelena and August."


6 Months Later

"Damon you have to learn how to listen." I crouch down so I'm face to face with my oldest son, Damon. He's only seven and already doesn't listen. Mini Elijah at its finest.

"But mama Bellamy hit me first. Daddy said if someone hits me, hit them back. That's what I did." I sigh. Elijah of course, teaching our boys how to fight.

"Stop lying Damon I saw you hit him. It's okay he forgives you." Yesterday night Damon and Bellamy got into a fight. Bellamy is six years old so it was bound to happen. Their one year apart so I know they would argue over a lot of nonsense. But it never become physical.

Until now.

Last night Damon slapped Bellamy in the face which resulted to Bellamy slapping him back, which turned into a fight and I had to break it up.

"Bellamy is such a dick. I hate him." I gasp when he curses.

"Damon don't say that."

"Daddy says it all the time why can't I?" That's it. Elijah officially needs his ass beat.

He then starts to twirl my hair around his small finger.

"I love you mommy." Damon does this all time. When he gets in trouble he calls me pretty and says he loves me. Like father, like son.

"You will not charm your way out of trouble mister. Say right here I'll be right back." I make my way to me and Elijahs room. He better have a good explanation.

I walk through the door to see him laying in bed shirtless while reading a book.

"Hey baby."

"Don't hey baby me." He sits up with a worried look and puts his book aside.

"What's wrong?"

"Why would you teach Bellamy and Damon how to fight? You know I had to break them up last night. They almost murdered each other."

"Baby I didn't mean to teach them to fight each other. I was just trying to teach them how to defend themselves." I glare at him.

"Well you obviously didn't do it the right way." Elijah gets up from the bed and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry Princesa. I'll talk to them." He's still so handsome after all these years. 37 and still looks how he did when he was 30.

I give in.


"Give me a kiss now." I slip out his arms before running downstairs while laughing.

"No you're on punishment." He starts to chase after me.

"Madeline get back here." My feet stop when I get into the living room. My heart flutters at the sight of all my kids together.

Damon and Bellamy looking at my daughter, Adelena in her play pin.

Grey and Zayn looking at my son, August in his play pin.

"Mommy." Bellamy runs over to me while giggling which leads to my other three boys doing the same.

"Wow no love for your daddy." They hug him as well making Elijah smile. I look at him, he looks at me.

Time stops and I freeze. I finally got the guy I always deserved and wanted. It may have been on bad circumstances. But we still worked through it.

I will love Elijah forever.

"I will love you forever Madeline Rodríguez. Forever."


A/N I'm so sad to be saying goodbye to Madeline and Elijah but it had to come to a end. Let me know your thoughts on this story I would really appreciate it.

Go read the sequel Neighbor which is based on their daughter Adelena. It's a bad girl, good boy romance. Love you guys!❤️

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