The Rift, a Hermitcraft/Legen...

By ShadeslayerWT

170 9 4

This is a crossover story, between the world of the popular Minecraft SMP, Hermitcraft and the Legend of Zeld... More

The Mad Scientist

The Rift

78 3 2
By ShadeslayerWT

Grian placed the final piece of copper on his build. He stepped back, wiping the sweat off of his forehead and activating his Elytra, taking off to view his creation from the air.

As Grian soared through the air, he studded his handywork. The roof finally looked good, matching the other roofs, while maintaining that nice weathering effect. He flew over to Mumbo's vault in order to see the whole thing from the ground.

The build looked good from the lower angle as well, which was a relief. Making something look good from both the ground and the sky was a challenge, but was an art that Grian had perfected.

While examining his base, Grian suddenly noticed a small speck circling in the sky. As he squinted, trying to figure out what it was, the speck suddenly turned into a dive, heading straight for him.

"Oh, not again," Grian muttered, taking off quickly as an arrow whizzed by his head.

"Hawkeye- dang it! I missed," a voice called. Grian streaked off, away from the figure shooting at him.

"Oh no you don't," the figure said, flying behind him. Another arrow flew by Grian, missing by an inch.

Grian flew into his base, twisting around rocks, between pillars, and through windows, trying to loose his tail.

As Grian flew, he heard a voice close behind him.

"Man, he's a good flyer. But we've got this, dodging and weaving, through the pillars and- Oh!" Smack!

"Oh Scar, come on," Grian lamented, looping back around to find Scar's items spewed everywhere. "You weren't supposed to follow me."

Grian landed and began gathering up the items. Before long, a figure flew into the base beside Grian.

"Come on Grian, what was that for?" Scar asked, collecting his items off of the ground.

"You were trying to shoot me!" Grian exclaimed.

"It wouldn't have killed you," Scar replied. "You know that. I've Hawkeyed you before."

"I'm still going to run when I see you," Grian told him, handing over what he had picked up. Scar took it, thanking him.

"Your base is coming along nicely," Scar commented, dismissing his elytra. "I love what you've done withe the roof."

"You think I got the design right?" Grian asked.

"Oh, definitely," Scar replied. "Very weathered and rustic."

"Thanks for that. I've been working on that roof for hours." Grian told him.

"Oh, so that's what you've been up to," Scare exclaimed. "For a second there, I thought that you were working on the back of your base."

Grian stared at Scar with an exasperated look on his face. "Really Scar?" he asked. "Me? Work on the back of my base? Don't you know me?"

"That's why I was worried," Scar said. "I was afraid that Grian had been replaced with an imposter."

Grian shook his head in amusement, turning to fly back out of the base.

"Oh, one more thing," Scar said behind him. Grian went cold.

"Scar no!" he was cut off by an arrow slamming into his back.

"Hawkeye!" Scar shouted in jubilation.

The bow shot threw Grian out of his base and off the bridge, where he started gliding twords the ground. As he landed, he noticed something odd.

"Hey Scar, could you come down here?" he called.

Scar promptly flew down to him, landing just out of reach of Grian's sword. He was apparently wary of retaliation.

Grian pointed to the cave opening below his base.

"Do you see that?" he asked Scar. "That purple glow?" Scar squinted, studying the opening.

"I do see something.'' Scar replied. "What could it be?"

"Beats me," Grian answered.

"How could you not know?" Scar demanded. "It's your mysterious cave."

"The key word there is, 'mysterious'," Grian replied, kneeling at the edge of the entrance. He peered down into the cave, trying to locate the source of the glow.

"I think it's coming from the Rift," Grian remarked, completely baffled.

"Well, let's go see," called Scar, as he leaped into the cave.

"Scar, wait!" Grian shook his head and followed Scar down.

They spiraled down, passing by Grumbot Prime as they approached the floor. They both stared at the Rift, the massive interdimensional crack in the cave wall.

"Well, you don't see that every day," Grian muttered. The Rift was glowing brightly, nearly too bright to look at.

"Has it ever done this before?" Scar asked.

"No," Grian answered. "The only thing even remotely like this was when Grumbot came through, but it wasn't even glowing then."

Something stirred in the Rift, making the two of them jump, before closing in to see what it was.

"Something's coming out of it," Grian realized, stepping back. "but what?"

"How should I know?" Scar asked. "It's your creepy Rift after all."

"Maybe we should get our weapons ready," Grian suggested, pulling out his sword. Scar followed in suit, preparing his Hot Guy bow.

The Rift began swirling more violently, causing Grian and Scar to raise their weapons. They cautiously backed away from the Rift.

Suddenly a young man burst out of the Rift welding a sword and a shield. He launched through the air at them, yelling "HYA!" as he flew.

Grian and Scar scattered away from the figure. He landed between them, holding his weapon out and covering himself with the shield. He turned and studied both of them, eyes like iron.

The man wore a blue tunic with a stylized white sword symbol on it, and dark tan trousers. He had shoulder-length, dirty blong hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. His sword and shield were very fancy, though no less deadly because of it. He had the look of a hardened warrior, one who had seen many battles.

The strangest thing about the man, however, was his right arm. That arm was charred black with intricate golden bands running around it. As they watched, the arm pulsed with energy, the black part of the arm taking on a tealish green color.

"Who are you?" Grian asked, "And what are you doing in my base?"

The man's eyes locked on Grian. As he studied him, Scar knocked an arrow in his bow and took aim at the man.

"Scar, no!" Grian shouted, but Scar had already fired. The arrow flew true, straight for the man's back. But in a shocking display of reflexes and precision, the man quickly spun around, cutting the arrow out of the air.

Both Scar and Grian froze in shock, not believing their eyes. Had this strange man really just cat an arrow out of the air? This was not someone that they wanted to fight.

Fortunately, the man seemed to realize that Scar's arrow had been a reflexive reaction, as he didn't attack either of them.

Grian opened his mouth to speak again, but stopped when he saw that the Rift was swirling again. A young woman steped through and glanced around, taking in the situation.

She wore similar clothing to the man, tan trousers and a blue and white shirt, but her hair was golden blond and was cut shorter than the man's. She didn't appear to have a weapon, but she had a strange device hanging from her hip. It was small, only about the size of Grian's hand, but it gave off an orange glow, and looked very complicated.

The woman saw Grian and Scar's confused faces, and said, "Stand down Link. I don't think that these people mean us any harm."

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