Marry Me? - HaruKyu FF

Por Uri_Peachyy

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Throughout the years the two deemed enemies namely Watanabe Haruto and Kim Junkyu have been hostile against e... Más

Chapter 1: I Fucking Hate You
Chapter 2 : Unexpected Plans?
Chapter 3 : The Contract
Chapter 4 : The start
Chapter 5 : Hot and Cold
Chapter 6 : Rivalry?
Chapter 7 : Is Chivalry dead?
Chapter 8 : Loser = Lover?
Chapter 9 : You're mine!
Chapter 10 : Bonita?
Chapter 11 : Jealously?
Chapter 13 : Confession
What happened
Chapter 14 : Is this War?
Chapter 15 : Sugar and Spice
Chapter 16: Take You Down

Chapter 12 : He's mine?

393 16 4
Por Uri_Peachyy

Stuck in the traffic the four individuals stood still inside Hyunjin's car. A dreading thirty minutes have already passed, and Haruto quickly dozed off, leaning his head on Junkyu's shoulders. For Junkyu he inwardly found it appealing, getting unconsciously swayed by his emotions, while Jongho on the other hand noticed his flustered expression of Junkyu.

He stirs closer to Junkyu slightly tapping his hand, "Is something bothering you?", Jongho worriedly stared at him.

Waving his hand Junkyu shook his head, "I'm fine, I am honestly stoked to see some paintings. How about you?", he softly mumbled cautious enough so that Haruto wouldn't wake up. Despite his prideful self, Junkyu would never admit first that he has been into the Japanese for a few years. He decided to gate-keep it for himself instead. 

"Just like my interest in music, art itself fascinates me. This whole day contained many 'firsts' for me", Jongho shyly admitted, breaking off eye contact. "How come?", Junkyu shrugged his shoulders, intensely being attentive to Jongho, causing him to be more nervous due to Junkyu's eyes. 

Hyunjin sees them through the rearview mirror, observing his cousin's body language. Chuckling to himself, he tells them that they arrived at the venue. 

"I guess I'll answer your question for another time", Jongho replied, shifting himself. 

Gently moving himself, Junkyu carefully ruffled Haruto's hair waking him up. The eyes of the Japanese fluttered open, revealing the close proximity of Junkyu's face to him, immediately pursing his lips. "Your head was too heavy", Junkyu complained, removing the tension to subside. 

Stretching peacefully, Haruto opens the door for Junkyu. Ignoring the expecting Japanese aside, Junkyu hovers over Hyunjin instead, seeking refuge from Haruto.

Oppositely Haruto felt discomfit, shrugging his shoulders off, visioning his plans that were about to get ruined due to Junkyu's unpredictable mood.

Standing beside Haruto, Jongho gave a small smile, consoling him. Leaving Hyunjin linking his arms with Junkyu.

"Well there goes my luck again, I did what I can just to spend time with him", soughed Haruto, nervously fidgeting with his hands. "So are you guys a thing?", randomly muttered Jongho instantly frightening Haruto.

Composing himself, Haruto shook his head defeatedly. "I do wish that we were a real thing you know, it hurts like a bitch", unconsciously answered Haruto, later realizing his mistake.

Grabbing the confused Jongho by his wrist he sincerely apologizes. Jongho understood his grief, rather he went with the flow to ease the tension eluding from the Japanese. 

"Since my cousin and Junkyu left us, mind accompanying me instead?", added Jongho still wearing a sympathetic expression. "I guess that would suffice bro", Haruto grinned. 

The two went in a different direction after coming up with a consensus. 

Haruto and Jongho enjoyed conversing with each other, unexpectedly the two got along pretty well. Continuing to talk about certain interests revolving around art, Jongho noticed how attractive Haruto was whenever he would unguardedly chuckle, or he would be attentive to whoever person he was discussing. 

Eventually all prejudices Jongho held went away for he was there for a reason. It wasn't a secret that he was sent to a new school regardless of his family's inner agendas where he had to deal with being a son of a conglomerate. 

His thoughts were disrupted when Haruto tapped his shoulders, asking if he was alright. 

"You seem out of it Jongho, is something up?", worriedly asked Haruto, boring his eyes into him. 

It took a millisecond for Jongho to feel hot, unhesitatingly fanning himself aggressively. Haruto became bewildered by his behavior, coming up with a way to alleviate the distressed Jongho.

"Why don't we grab coffee around the corner?, this gallery has an artisan café, how does that sound Jongho? You up for it?", gently asked Haruto earnestly glancing at him.

"Sure", hurriedly replied Jongho, going along with him.

Engrossed with their world, Hyunjin constantly laughed at Junkyu's odd antics. Apparently, the two were endlessly admiring amazing pieces inside the gallery, heedlessly overlooking that Haruto and Jongho should've gone with them.

Hyunjin sensing his cousin's absence, his eyes traveled through the whole area, contemplating where Jongho went. Admittedly he appreciated how Junkyu was friendly to him, however, his innermost sentiments skyrocketed dramatically. As much as he knew that Junkyu was Haruto's boyfriend, fiancé to be exact, it did pain him a little. Mustering his courage in fear of regretting shortly, Hyunjin calmly inhales.

"Sunbae, you alright?", Junkyu nudged him, since his mouth was abruptly shut after a while, from afar someone familiar came into the scene, widening his eyes. Junkyu straightaway pulled Hyunjin along, squeezing themselves into a blindspot apart from everyone else. 


A few inches from each other, reluctantly facing elsewhere, Hyunjin pursed his lips, closing his eyes to collect himself from bursting in any minute because of Junkyu. Uneven breaths came out from his mouth, gripping the hem of his shirt whilst the latter remained stood, observing the view, pressing his body against Hyunjin's. Junkyu had no clue how devious it was for Hyunjin to endure himself.

"Okay the cost is clear sunbae, I'm sorry. It's just that girl was Arin and she hates me with her life, I want to refrain from crossing paths with her", explained Junkyu, in Hyunjin's perspective, he didn't want to further question the strange validation the latter proved.

"Speaking of that, may I excuse myself? I have to make a quick call and ask Jongho's whereabouts, we kinda lost them along the way. Meanwhile, you can get drinks in the artisan café here, they have good chocolate-based drinks, you aren't fond of coffee right?", Hyunjin pats Junkyu's back.

"Okay sunbae, I'll wait for you there", Junkyu mumbled, carefully checking whether the coast was clear and there wasn't any sight of Haruto's father. 

Reaching the aesthetically pleasing café, Junkyu catches Haruto laughing with Jongho, cozily having drinks together. 

"Tsssk..the nerve of him to casually savor Jongho's presence when they met not long ago, what a flirt", yammered Junkyu, gritting his teeth. 

Yes, he was agitated. He knew that he was selfish and rude for declining Haruto's efforts earlier as a result of his pride getting in the way, now that his attractive special person is genuinely happy in the comfort of others. 

For the years that Junkyu has known Haruto, it was never easy for the Japanese to instantly get along with a stranger owing it to several traumas that he received from too much attention.

A small sting persisted inside Junkyu's heart, especially when he saw Haruto's behavior changed to a serious one, witnessing him rub circles on Jongho's hand accelerated his anger. 

"Jesus, I know that we aren't a real couple and that stupid contract ended. I thought that he was supposed to be loyal to me and be mine?. But how can he speedily show interest on Jongho?. Am I that easy?, give up Junkyu. Haruto will never reciprocate how you feel, those are empty words. What a fool you are to actually hope that you will have a chance with him after all these years", Junkyu sighed, biting his lips.

"You aren't a real couple?", a voice said fro the back.

Turning to face the person, Junkyu's mouth fell agape, clutching his jacket. 

"All this time you and Haruto aren't a thing. Well that gives me more reasons to pursue you then", Hyunjin smirked going near the stunned individual.

"What sunbae?, please elaborate.. I know that I blurted those out of spite but-"

"No need to be thorough Junkyu, even if you were actually together I would've done the same thing as well, likewise", Hyunjin mumbled, holding his hands.

"What would you do?", Junkyu furrowed his eyes at Hyunjin.

"I like you Kim Junkyu, as much as absurd it sounds. I have never felt this unexplainable array of emotions inside me, so I'll be frank with you. Ever since you were on that field, I set my eyes on you. I am not expecting a direct answer from you but I am more than willing to be gradual in courting you, I respect your decision", finished Hyunjin hence stirring Junkyu's torn emotional baggage.

"Thank you for understanding me sunbae", bowed Junkyu and hugged Hyunjin not perceived in a romantic attitude but as a result of being overwhelmed with the unforeseen confession he got.

Sadness seethed through Haruto's eyes, as he was actually observing how Junkyu embraced Hyunjin, he didn't know if Junkyu was soley doing it on purpose just to irritate him.

On the other hand Jongho detected Haruto's dejected aura, similarly looking at the same direction where Haruto set his eyes at.

"Do you want me to help you in breaking them off?, I think that Hyunjin has the hots for Junkyu. I know a plan", Jongho chimed.

"What?", Haruto scratched his back.

"Watanabe Haruto, it is easy to make him steam from jealousy", Jongho nonchalantly said, different from his behavior earlier.

"I don't get it", Haruto slowly answered.

Jongho's thumb came in contact with Haruto's lips, wiping off the cream from the lips of the Japanese.

Haruto stood there speechless, as he had a spellbinding idea.

"If this is the way to get him to confess to me then I will", Haruto resorted in committing himself with the ambition to reduce the process of slowly pursuing Junkyu, he knew that he had more tricks upon his sleeve.

"I'll do what I can just to hear your true feelings Kim Junkyu, forgive me for this will be very pestiferous", claimed Haruto.

Junkyu's eyes released invisible flames, completely thrown off guard by Jongho's unexpected gesture especially it did include Haruto.

"Now I know that my plan will work, just wait for it", devilishly thought by Jongho.

Author's note

This was just a filler chapter, will be updating soon!

So is Jongho someone good or bad?

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