
By adamabyss12

144K 2.7K 3.2K

This is Glitchtale, but the beginning is different. Instead of Sans being his usual self, he turns into himse... More

Dusty Megalomaniac
EVEN DUSTIER/☜︎✞︎☜︎☠︎ 👎︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎✋︎☜︎☼︎
Your Best Friend
A Near-Horrific Visit
Ashes to Dust
Another Unwanted Visitor
My Promise
Game Over
Twin Sanses at Near Death
Glitch and Abyss
Dusttrust and Seraphim
Bad Time Trio
Nightmare Beginning
Omega Timeline
A Glitched Thought
Paper Crane
Last Breath/Last Genocide
Fatal_Error and Anti-Error
Attack on the Omega Timeline
Protect All
Alternate Positivity Guardian
Royal Pain
Loading Fail(to keep)Safe
Let's Rock
Fearful Determination
Hollow Righteousness
Talk from the Void
The Punk and The Mafia
Dustbelief and Disbelief
LV20 Cross
The Strongest Error of All
Battle of God and Demon
MainFrame Battle
GlitchDust Sans Info
Purified!Dream Info
Rising Nightmare
Nightmarish Battle
Something New
The Parasitic Ruler
Betty's Revenge
An Unlikely Alliance
Unusual Partnership
Getting Closer
Battle between Alpha Brothers
Judge, Jury, and Executioner
The Battle Within
Mostly Back to Normal
An Invited/Uninvited Guest
Fatal Error Fight
One Left
Coded Cosmic Determination
The True King
Infectious Abomination
Destructive Abomination
One More
A Hacking Creator
Concern in Wattpad


1.6K 38 8
By adamabyss12

It has been about days, since Dust has recruited both GlitchKiller and GlitchSeraphim. So far, bringing them to the Omega Timeline seems to be very beneficial for the both of them, due to the fact that they can be used to counter the Murder Time Trio, and that is with GlitchDust to counter the original Dust Sans, GlitchKiller to counter the original Killer, and Axetale Sans to counter Horror. In fact, they are able to become a trio of some sort, though they name has not been decided as of now. And this is mainly because Ink is supposed to name them, but is busy with other stuff.

GlitchSeraphim is even training with GlitchDust Asriel, as they are shown to be able to fight against each other and pushed each other to the limit of their power. This is due to the fact that he wants Asriel to be more battle-hardened than ever before, in order to make sure that he is much more prepared to fight against the members of Team Void. Thanks to Dust being able to recruit them, they are getting even more stronger by the passing day. And with each member that they gain, they are able to fight against Team Void on much more even grounds than ever before. Core hopes that they can continue this and be able to bring down Team Void so that they can defeat Dream and try to bring him back to who he once was in the past.

Right now, Dust is wandering around the Omega Timeline, as he looks to see how the others denizens of the Omega Timeline are doing, and needless to say, they seem to be having a very good time right now. Dust smiled, as he went forward, with Aliza next to him, as he skinny arms are wrapped around Sans' arms, being very attached to him completely. It seems that no matter what Dust does, Aliza will never leave him, unless it is on a mission, and a mission that Dust is forced to leave and go to, if it is very important.

As Dust is walking around, he ends up bumping into Axe!Sans, who has a blue right eye in. B it swung Dust made him turn on his left yellow eye as well, as Dust spoke out.

"Oh, hello, Axe Me."

Axe!Sans than looks down at Dust and spoke out to him.

"Hello, Dust."

Dust looks up at Axe, as he spoke out.

"So, how's it going, with you and your whole family?"

Axe shrugged his shoulders, as he than spoke out to him.

"Going very well. Aliza is getting a lot of new friends everyday, and oddly many of them are of Frisk, her mother. Kinda strange when your mother's counterpart becomes your friend."

Sans than spoke back to Axe.

"And it is even more strange when Gaster, your father, ends up becoming your friend, even from a different AU."

Axe shrugged his shoulder, as he than spoke out.

"Well, can't argue with that."

Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Still, at least you are out of that repulsive and disgusting situation that you are in. You're happy with this, aren't ya?"

Axe nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah, just glad that were were out of the situation before Nightmare found even have a chance to get us. I wouldn't want to work for someone such as him, who is very vile, and I will not let him threaten my daughter the way that he did."

Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I bet. Well, on the bright side, you guys are safe in here, at least for now. Though I won't doubt that Nightmare wand Shattered!Dream will attempt to find their way into the Omega Timeline, but whatever."

Axe also shrugged, as he than looked and sees Aliza playing with Flowerfell Frisk, as well as some of the other Frisks from the differ AUs, as he than spoke out.

"Better go and and check on how they are doing. I'm also betting that Flowerfell me is going to check on his Frisk as well. Take care, Dust."

Dust than spoke back to him.

"You too, Axe."

Axe than turned around and began to walk to Aliza, and at the same time, he sees that Flowerfell is also about to walk up to Flowerfell Frisk, in order to see that she is okay, and that she is still as fine as she ever was.

Dust smiled, as he looked at how the other Frisks are doing, especially with GlitchKiller and FP!Frisk, who are running around and having fun. Killer is acting more and being more like a normal Sans, although he is still the same appearance and possesses the same powers as he had before in the past. But even so, having FP!Frisk by his side made him very happy, and thus, he will not, nor well he ever let go of this Frisk, no matter how long it is, nor will it matter how far Frisk is from him.

As Dust looked at the sight that is before his very eyes, and he is able to smile at that, a female voice spoke out from behind him.


Dust than turned around and looks to see Core Frisk standing right behind him, her empty blank eyes, looking up at Dust, as Dust than looks down at Core and spoke out.

"Oh, heya, Core. What do you want from me this time? New place for me to explore and visit, and some new people to recruit?"

Core nodded her head, as she than spoke out to him.

"Yes, actually, and this one is very important for me, as it has a lot of strong monsters, although having been corrupted by an evil form of magic, are also good people, and they are having trouble fighting one of Nightmare's servants. You are needed to bring them into the Omega Timeline and recruit them to our cause, in order to stop Team Void."

Dust nodded his head, as he extended his hand out and took out his Scythe of Fear, as he than spoke out to Core.

"Name the AU, and get Ink to bring me to that place."

Core nodded, as she than spoke out the name of the AU and what it does. Needless to say, Dust in going to be in one hell of a Devilish time of his whole life.


The sounds of blades striking against each other is heard, as well as the sounds of grunting are heard from a monster's mouth. Sword and Knife struck and clash, as a punch is heard, and the monster is sent backwards, flying into a tree, which he than hit, as the snow fell down on top of him very hard. Than, the sound of snow crunching against the ground is heard, as a male voice spoke out.

"You made a big mistake coming to my Universe, you lookalike of me. Now I am going to make sure they you die for your invasion."

The figure in question reveals himself underneath of light, and he is shown to be very menacing, especially with his tall height.

This is a version of Sans from an AU that is known as Demitale. In this AU, after Asgore has lost his son, he became tyrannical, he became dedicated to make sure that any human gather comes down into The Underground dies immediately after they first come down. Basically, he is similar to Underfell Asgore, except a bit more harsher. But in that vow, he had made a deal with a demon of great power, and because of this, while he did gain immense power and turned every single monster into Demons, except for the ones in the Ruins, such as Toriel. Sans became one of them, along with his brother, as Sans, in that AU, became a member of the Royal Guard to protect Papyrus from what is happening outside, and due to how he trained and how skilled he is with the use of the blade, Sans became one of the most skilled Sanses ever created, as well as becoming second in command to Asgore's army.

But now, his AU has been attacked, and he is now doing all that he can to protect his brother, Papyrus.

He is the younger brother of Sans, and is one of the few lucky monsters to not help harmed by what has been happening. Unlike the original Papyrus, this version of Papyrus is not able to gain the ambition of joining the Royal guard, and instead, he stays inside of the house, where he is safe, or at least, that is what Sans had to put him in, so that his innocence remains intact. Because of this, he acts as an emotional pillar to both Sans and a friend of his, named Undyne, who is a general that is ranked above Sans, being first in command

And they are not the only ones that are present. There is also the Frisk of that Alternate Universe, and she has a Temmie by her side, and they are very large compared to the original Temmies, not to mention being slightly violent. And most importantly of all, there is a monster that is in front of them, one that has been brought back in the form of a flower, now becoming the most powerful demon to be ever made.

This is Asriel Dreemurr of Demitale, who is the reason that Asgore became the way he is, due to his death. Originally, he was Flowey, who acts as the advisor to Asgore, his own father, but now...he had came back. This is due to the fact that Demi!Sans manage to get a red soul. Asgore had always assigned Sans and Undyne to a different timeline to take on a mission that seems every cruel for him and Undyne, with neither taking pleasure in what they have done, and would have every much like to leave them alone, but in one of them, a Genocide timeline, he took pleasure in killing the Frisk of that Timeline, and kept the soul, even under Asgore's snout, who had no idea that Sans had it. And since he had been killed, and knowing who Flowey is, he is able to get all 6 of the Human Souls, and along with the Genocidal Frisk's Soul, gave it to Flowey, who had came back as the Demon of Hyperdeath. Now unbound by anyone's chains and no longer controller, despite having a chain on his neck, he is now able to fight back against the ones that are dare attacking his home, with his rainbow demonic soul empowering him.

There is someone stepping in front of them, as they looked to see who it is that has decided to attack their AU. The feet crunched on the snow, as he went forward, and then figured who is attacking them is revealed.

It is none other than Killer Sans himself, who has decided to come and attack this AU under Nightmare's orders. This is mainly because Nightmare wants to recruit Demi!Sans to his cause, along with their Asriel of this AU, so that he can continue to spread his Negativity across all of the Multiverse, he is able to become a perfect candidate for such a thing. But knowing that Sans will not come along with them willingly, they decide that they need to threaten his brother in order to make that happen. Thing is, Undyne is going to be protecting him, which will make trying to attack Papyrus difficult, due to the fact that he will be under the protection of one of Sans' allies. Of course, Nightmare will only intervene if he has to, but for now, he wants to give Killer a try, and since he can RESET, even when inside of an AU, he is able to stand a chance against all 3 of the entities that he is fighting against, all at the same time. And he is not alone.

Error Sans is also here, as his strings are now out, with the intent on using it on Asriel, who's the strongest in this AU, and he is even stronger than the Classic Asriel, due to his immense power, which is why he is needed to be taken down by Error himself.

Killer smiled, as he went forward, his Knife tightly in his hand, as he than spoke out.

"The boss won't take no for an answer, Demi. He will bring you to him, no matter the cost it takes."

This made Demi smile, as he than spoke out in a demonic tone.

"Than I guess he'll have to take his answers up his ass, and have himself he killed!!"

Demi!Sans' face twisted and changed, as both of his eyes are empty, his teeth had became sharp and separated, and the line in the middle of his face opened up, revealing itself to be a third eye, cracks around said eye, as a yellow eye light appeared in the third eye that has been formed. Now in his rage state, he attacks at Killer Sans, and swung his Bone Sword, while Killer swung his Knife, and the 2 weapons clashed, as both Demi and Killer struggle against each other's strength. While Killer has overwhelming power, Demi has gained experience and skill. Because of this, he is one of the most powerful and dangerous threats to Killer, but is also one of the most useful, due to his skills in leadership, and being able to lead Asgore's fraction of an army. Which is why he will become a very useful person to have by Nightmare, especially since he is able to become a General of Team Void.

Demi Sans pushed forward, as he than launched Killer off of his feet, while Killer launched red knives at Demi, who blocked it with a bone wall, which is durable enough to take on the Red Knives. Killer than teleported right in front of Demi, and tried to decapitate him, but Demi raised his sword and block the attack. Killer than launched a red slash at Demi, but Demi did a blue slash, causing both the red and blue slashes to counter each other. But than, Killer is lifted into the air, before Demi is shown into the air, sword raised above his head, before Killer raised his knife and blocked the attack, sending him crashing down to the ground painfully, before Demi than tried to stab Killer while he is on the ground, only for Killer to teleport out of the way, as Killer looked at Demi, his black tears leaking out of his eye sockets, as Demi stands up and looks at Killer, as Killer can feel the bloodlust intent coming from the strong, demonic version of himself, and it is very satisfying for Killer to see.

Demi's smile was a very sinister and demonic looking smile, as he wants Killer to suffer to attacking his home. But he than looks above and sees that the Goop Blaster is above Killer, and Killer points his Knife, as the Goop Blaster began to fire. But Demi reacted at the last moment, as he jumped on top of his one weapon.

Demi!Sans than summoned his Demi Blaster, all 3 eyes opened up, as the Blaster fired at the Good Blaster that Killer has, and surprisingly, the Demi Blaster was able to hold its own against the Killer Blaster, even being able to match it in terms of sheer strength. Demi and Killer kept fighting at each other, as both Blasters try to overpower the other, but to no avail, as they are locked in a war of beams. And beside them, Demi Asriel and Error are shown to be finding each other. Error launched strings at Demi Asriel, while Asriel used his Chaos Sabers in order to destroy the strings. Error than tried to launch the Blue Strings at Frisk, in order to take her, but Undyne than used her spear to slice through the string was fast as she can, and luckily, was able to do it before the strings can get to Frisk. Undyne snarled, as Papyrus stepped beside Frisk and held onto her, as he is very scared of what he is seeing. And Monster Kid of DemiTale, he is also here, as he is beside Frisk and Papyrus, and he looked very scared, but also unhappy at the fact that his home is attacked. He needs to hope there there is someone that is able to get them out of the mess that they are in.

As Demi and Killer struck at each other back and forth, with Demi attempted to decapitate Killer's head, only for Killer to dodge and attempt to do the same thing that Demi had tried to do, which results on Demi blocking the attack, Killer snarled a little bit, due to how annoying this is for him. But than, Killer has an idea in mind, and he smiled. He may not be able to defeat Killer, but he can at least target his brother, and all he needs, is an opening, and the thing is, Undyne, even with all of her power, does not have the might to take him down that easily. And so, Demi and Killer kept on fighting, but when Killer brought them both into position, Killer smiled, as he then turned around, and teleported right behind both Papyrus and Frisk, and Undyne is too slow to react to the situation.

"OH NO!!!!!!"

Sans looked, his face changed back to normal, as he shouted out,


Sans than teleported in front of Killer, as he tries to raise his sword to protect his brother, Frisk and the remaining members of the demon race. He may not live, but at least his brother will be safe from the hit! But before Killer can strike...


This made Killer stunned, as both Demitale entities look to see who it is, only to see that it is none other than Dust himself, who has his scythe in his hand, and blocked Killer's attack, before Demi used his blue magic, and picked up Killer, before throwing him into a tree, as Dust turned around, and Demi sees that Dust, just like Killer has a resemblance to himself, except with the clothing and horns, as well as with his powers. Demi snarled, as he spoke out.

"Who are you?"

Dust than look up Demi, and spoke out to him.

"I'll explain everything later. Right now, you and your friends needs to get out of your AU, and fast!"

Demi roared out at Dust, his face turning demonic, as he spoke out.

"And why should we trust you?"

Dust than narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out to him.

"Would you prefer your brother to die if you don't trust me?"

This made Demi stop, before he relents, and Dust points his thumb in a direction, too see that the Ink portal is over there, as Dust spoke out.

"Bring all of your friends and your brother in there. You'll be safe, I can promise you that."

Demi looks at Dust, before he sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Asriel, we need to leave, now!! There's a way out!!!"

Asriel heard this, as he than fired a Chaos Buster at Error, sending him far away, before flying towards the others, his wings flapping, as Demi and the others went inside of the Ink Portal, with Dust running as well. But as that happened, Error spoke out to the others.

"You are not going anywhere!!!"

He than launched his blue strings at the others, but Dust turns around and rose up Purple Bones to block Error's view, and before anyone else know of what is about to happen, they had made it to the other side, unharmed, as the Ink Portal closed from being them.

Omega Timeline...

Demi!Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Monster Kid, Temmie, and Frisk all made it to the other side, as Dust also went to the other side, safe from harm. Dust looks behind him, as Ink got rid of the portal before Error or Killer can get through to the other side, as Ink spoke out.

"Glad to see that you are alright, Dust. And I see that you are able to bring the denizens of Demitale with you, safe and sound."

Dust nodded his head, as he than looked at Demitale Sans, who looks around the area, as he than spoke out.

"Where are we?"

Dust than spoke out.

"Welcome to the Omega Timeline."

Demi looks at Dust, and while Demi!Frisk is looking around, a familiar voice spoke out to her.

"My child, you are alive!"

Frisk turned around, only to see the Toriel of her AU having survived the attack.

Frisk is surprised, as Toriel rushed in and hugged Frisk, and Frisk hugged back. Asriel looks at Toriel and smiled, but does not want to reveal his identity to her, lest he gives Toriel a heart attack, or rather a souk attack.

Dust smiled, as the Demitale Temmie wandered around, and Demi!Sans looks at Dust, as he spoke out.

"Heh...didn't think you were going to get us out of that so easily, Dust. Thank you, and sorry for not trusting you."

Dust than shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

" is no biggie. Besides, you are out of harm's way, and also, make sure your bro does not wander off and get lose."

Demi looks and sees Papyrus wandering and about to get lost, as Demi spoke out.


Demi ran forward to catch up to Papyrus, as Dust sighed with a smile on his face, as he looks at Demi!Monster Kid, who's going to a medical ward to get some new robotic arms, as Dust than spoke out.

"Who knew we'd get some demons to become our new allies? This is getting more and more interesting with each people that we are now recruiting."

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