~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger hu...

Door Oliver_isnt_emo

34.5K 879 1.9K

Slow updates. :( ROTTMNT human male brother reader insert! Woohoo. I didn't see any so I made one, your welco... Meer

Chap.1 Mystic Mayhem
Chap 2. Origami Tsunami
Chap 3. Donnie's gifts
Chap. 4 War and pizza
Chap 5. Newsworthy
Chap. 6 Repo mantis
Chap 7. Down with the sickness
Education! bonus chap
Chap. 8 The fast and the furriest
Chap 9. Mascot Melee
Chap.10 Shell in a Cell
Chap. 11 Minotaur Maze
Chap 13. The longest fight.
Chap. 14 Hypno! Part deux
Chap 15. The gumbus
Chap. 16 Mrs. Cuddles
Useless. Bonus chap.
Chap 17. Stuck on you.
Lil bit of a friendship! really small bonus!chap
Chap 18. Al be back
About the axe
Chap 19. The purple jacket
Chap 20. Pizza pit
Chap.21 Smart Lair
Chap 22. Hot soup:the game!
Chap 23. The Evil League of Mutants P1
Chap. 24 The Evil League of Mutants P2

Chap. 12 Bug Busters

1K 21 88
Door Oliver_isnt_emo

In the turtle tank.

Mikey:"Donnie I need an update."

D:"okay, one more time: baron draxum created ooze and put them in carrier bugs that bite people and turn them into mutants, and for some reason, it's up to us to stop the whole situation."


Mikey:"no, I need an update for my phone."

Raph:"focus! The news said this hotel was full of oozequitoes. We're suited up so let's get to business."

[Name]:"ughhhhh. It had to be mosquitoes to mix with." you flopped on the floor and curled up in your blanket which raph snatched away from you so you wouldn't sleep.

You all busted in. Super cool costumes by the way!

Raph:"okay bugs! It's just you and us."

??:"And me! I'm here too."

Leo:"do not fear sir! We are unlicensed amateurs, and we have the situation mildly under control."

??:"ew. Your skins all green. "

Leo:"relax sir, it's a perfectly normal side effect of all the chemicals we use."

[Name]:"this is a bad time to have low patience."

Raph:"All right. Remember the plan. Attract, smash. Zap, smash! Bash! Smash!"

Something got knocked over and the bellhop jumped to catch it.

??:"don't break anything! The boss'll have my hide."

[Name]:"mE pErSoNAllY I wOuLd nOt leT thAt sLidE~" you fell over. And Donnie helps you up and passed you to Leo.

The guy runs away from the oozequitoes.

Leo:"I say we revise raphs plan to make sure this guy doesn't get mutated. "

Raph:"stick too the plan. If we capture the oozequitoes nobody gets mutated. All right, Mikey, you're up."

M:"Roger skipper! Honey based distraction released." He pores honey on himself. "I'm so sweet, baby! Come get me!"

You fall in the floor again. Mmmm running on no sleep again [name]? Don't worry. Me too.

The bellhop runs after Mikey trying to make sure he doesn't break anything.

Raph tried to go for one but the guy gets in the way.

??:"Not me! The bugs!"

Leo:"get behind me." A green gas emits. "My trusty cloud of noxious gas will save you."

Raph:"Leo, you're wasting it! We need that for the bugs!"

You finally are standing and you whack any bug that comes near you. You are like, I dunno, 10 times more successful than your brothers at this.

Leo:"I'm protecting this guy!" They start fighting.

Donnie:"okay, bugs, check-in time is now o' clock." He throws something and catches one. "Yes!"

The bug breaks out.

Mikey:"COWABUNGA!" He lands on Donnie, activating something and they bonce around inside of it. You watch the chaos, useally excited but instead you're just tired and bored.

They land into raph and Leo. Now all your brothers are in a ball. This does actually make you laugh.

Leo:"plan is really coming together raph. No more honey next plan." You follow them around while taking pictures. You've gotta send them to April! and don't tell April this buttttt April is labeled as 'Big sis April' in your phone. (Or some other big sister name for contact listing)

Little guy that saved all the 'priceless' items is now a big clumsy bull. Soooo

"Mm so that's how it happens. Oh, his love of beef jerky was his downfall."

??:"AHHHH" He ran out and your brothers were still in the ball.

Raph:"Gah! No! Leo., If you just listened to me, we would have gotten the bugs and been hosing Mikey down by now."

Leo:"We did listen to you, raph, and that persnickety guy was ironically mutated into a clumsy bull."

Donnie noticed you and Mikey looking uncomfortable so he jumped in. (Stan him for that🕺)

D:"how about we countine this classic raph-leo argument outside the trap?"

Donnie released the trap.

Mikey:"Look at this mess. We gotta do the right thing, guys, and get outta here" you all nodded your heads.


Mikey:"Omigosh. Humans, be cool."

A red carpet rolled down to which you stared at like you were going to die if you didn't. You didn't even notice the lady coming down until Donnie moved you head up so you could see.

"Well, you've turned my hotel into quite the fizzy-winkle!" You scrunched your face. Why does she talk like that? 

Raph:"You sure that was us? I tell you what, we totally human exterminators will waive our usual fee and-"

"Don't fret. My people will sort out this crackadoo! " A bunch of copy'n'paste men came out and began cleaning.

Raph:"well since you have this under control, we'll be heading back to our human office, like humans do." You face palmed.

"No need for flim flam. You're amongst your own kind." You raised an eyebrow.🤨

All the guys turned into different creatures.

You and your brothers de activated the suits.

Mikey:"mutants can work here?"

"Mutant? What strange words you use. We prefer to call ourselves yokai. Come, I'll give you the grand tour!"

Raph nods his head and you all start walking. You and Leo stay behind Abit to mention something to raph tho.

Leo:"Okay, anyone else think we shouldn't follow a stranger we just met into who knows what now?"

You aggressively raise your hand.

[Name]:"uh me! Something feels so off. And it's not just her usage of fake words."

Raph sighed, he thought it was just Leo being Leo. You pat Leo on the shoulder and ran to catch up.

Raph:"she's a nice lady Leo."

[Name]:*aggressive fake cough*

Raph:"and [name]. What's not to trust?"

You guys keep walking to the elevator. You feel tempted to press all the buttons but decide not to.

"Yokai level five please."

??:"yes big mama! Welcome gentleturtles and gentlehuman! to the best hotel in town!" The elevator changed colors. You were wide awake now. Also is this lady's name , big mama? Is that not Abit weird?

Raph:"did draxum create everyone in here?"

You sigh. You figured out something your brothers didn't seem to understand about yokai.

"Draxum? Whatever is a draxum?"

Leo:"I'm sorry, you've never heard of Baron draxum? Tall, ugly dude with talking gargoyles for shoulder pads? Likes to make mutants in his spare time?  None of this is ringin' a bell?"

You pat Leo's shoulder and he smiled lightly at you. Bro was stressed.

"Hmm, sounds fascinating. No, we yokai have existed for thousands of eons. Most live in the hidden city, but my hotel gives them a chance to kick up their flippers and stretch out their hollydoos!"

She clicks something and you all are impressed at what it reveals.

Mikey:"This place is amazing! What is it?"

"Our sporting lounge, where you can take in the ferocious fights of the battle nexus."

Mikey:"sound scary."

[Name]:"sounds more like traumatizing, good marketing tho."

Big mama looked over at you. She would have looked shocked if she wasn't keeping a facade on. Your like, 10? How are you so smart? (You aren't 10 btw. I just thing it's funny for everyone to underestimate [name]'s age 💀💀)

"Heavens, no, unless you're put off by blood-curdling battles where warriors are ripped limb for limbity limb!"

[Name]:"why. I hate this, I hate her, I hate how she speaks. i wanna go home. Why would she even say that. It's common sense that he meant that was scary. And she doesn't even use real words!"

You were real upset and tired. Kinda like a five year old having a tantrum. Leo gave you a side hug and Donnie pat your head.

Mikey:"Hey, guys, remind me not to ask anymore questions." You all walked forward.

Two little black gargoyles we're sitting down or smth. Idk they're really small.

"Hey, do those turtles and human look familiar to you?"

"I think they do, but I can't be sure."

"Well that's what familiar means. I think they're the ones who exploded boss' lab and let all his oozequitoes loose."

"Oh yeah. I thought I just knew 'em from spin class."

You all walked into a very nice office.

"So this draxum's oozequitoes are causing quite the tissle-tassle by creating all these new mutants. Oh, so troubling. Gives us yokai a bad name. I prefer a low profile. Exuse me while I slip into something a little more comfortable."

You backed away. An weird old women saying that- awh hell nah.

She clicked her broach and you all were confused until she turned into a giant spider.


You all said something about her appearance. I just don't know what you all said💀

Leo and [name]:"oh I knew it!"

Leo:"not that specifically but there had to be something."

[Name]:"EXACTLY! ITS NOT JUST HER WEIRD MADE UP WORDS!" You and Leo high fived(threed).

"I see my true form shocks you."

Raph:"You would hurt a nice spider lady's feelings, wouldn't you, Leo and [name]!"

You hid behind Leo. Of course raph and Leo are fighting about this and dragging you into it just because you agreed with one thing. Making it all about them still though. Bleh.


"You know, come to think of it, perhaps my webs could be of use in catching the bugs."

Your face darkened in disgust. Ewewewew. DO YOU KNOW WEAR WEBS COME FROM?

"I have no means to splort" you gagged.,"them all around town, but surely a genius like you can create a clever device to use them to capture the bugs."

You sighed. Of course she was going to just use him for his tech. Yes obviously d is great and so is his tech. He deserves compliments.but she is just doing it for something.

D:"okay I know what your doing." You sighed in relief. "Your just trying to flatter me, with the truth," you leaned against Leo.,"and I love it!"

You stood up and crossed your arms. You love your brothers but why do they trust her so much already. You made death glares at the lady to which she just smiled back at.

"Well than, allow me." She threw up the webs and you ran to a trash can and puked. EWEWEW. (I actually threw up the first time watching this episode. The noise was not nice for my sensory issues.)

Donnie was pinned to the wall with webs.

D:"As fascinating, *gag* as it is hideous. *Gag* Oh, I hate it."

All of your brothers gagged and backed away from him.

"Once you catch the oozequitoes, bring them to me and I'll safely return them to the hidden city."

Raph:"You got yourself a deal"

You finally finished throwing up and cleaning your mouth and face.

Leo:"Raph, what are we getting into? In case you haven't noticed these mystic types have a nasty habit of trying to kill us."

[Name]:"Plus she runs a illegal fighting business! You can't trust those type of people! And, I cannot stress this enough, SHE KEEPS USING FAKE WORDS."

Raph:"you're being crazy. She's helping us catch the oozequitoes.  Don't look a gift spider in the mouth."

[Name]:*gags*"only part I agree with."

Donnie:*shivering*:"never look her in the mouth."

The turtle tank is zooming in the roads.

Donnie:"I looked it up. Bitey bugs from phylum arthropoda are attracted to carbon dioxide."

Raph:"Leo, let it loose!"

Leo is up on the roof and he sighs before taking off the nozzle.

Raph:"fire up the bug slapper!"

Donnie is running on the roofs of buildings.

Donnie:"Genius power, go!"

You are rolling around on the floor in the turtle tank. Don't ask me why, I'm not you I just control everything that happens and what you do.


Donnie throws a suitcase and it turns into like- a flying bike? I dunno man.

He shoots out webs and follows the oozequito.

Donnie:"Eat silk, bug eyes!"

He shoots it with the webs.

Donnie:"Deadeye Donnie shoots, and touchdown!"

[Name]:"I don't think that's how- uh- just- nevermind."

D:*not hearing you*"Or insert correct sports reference."

"Woo. Baron draxum ain't gonna like that."

Both:"dibs not telling him! No you tell him! Jinx, you owe me a corndog. You tell him no take backs! Fine, we'll tell him together."

They fly off.

Donnie:"Got an oozequito!"

One sticks to Leo.

D:"Bagged another!"
D:"oops that- -that is a cantaloupe."
D:"that's a pro basketball player. I'm sorry, sir. My mistake."

Mikey takes a picture with him.

D:"Boo to the yeah, another oozequito!"
D:"you know, big mama was smart to believe in me. Because I am killing it!"

There is a whole webs covered in them.

Raph:"nice work team. We must have got a hundred of 'em! Good thing we didn't do Leo or [name]'s idea of being afraid of spiders."

You rolled around some more. Mikey poked you when you rolled into his legs.

Leo:"I don't know. I still don't trust her."

[Name]:"I second thaaaaat"

You guys finally stopped and went into the elevator. Big tall owl man. Nothing else, there was just a big tall owl man, in the elevator.

Leo:"so other guys day off?"

The owl guys eye twitches and you all walked into the elevator.

More guys got in and only you and Leo were scared. You because they were people. Not human, but people. People that can judge you for anything. Leo more so because the whole thing weirds him out. Your brothers start humming a tune. (WOOO MORE OLD TMNT REFERENCES???)

You all walk out of the elevator. Donnie's tech accidentally actives.

"Greenie boos, gifts for big mama?"

Raph, Donnie and Mikey were in a circle surrounded by workers of big mama.

Raph:"Oozequitoes! But we're almost out of web goo."

"Fanumptuous. And look at that marvelous device you've built me."

Donnie:"Oh! Glad you like it, but, actually, it's mine, and why are your extra large bellhops standing so close to us all of a sudden?"

One snatched the oozequitoes.

"Oh, they'll just be taking those bugs and your device. My battle nexus thanks you."

Raph:"wait a minute, you run that barbaric battle nexus?"

"Yessss, big Mama's kind of the bee's knees down in the hidden city. You see the pickings have gotten a little slim lately, and with these oozequitoes, I'll be creating wondrous warrior mutants who will be more exciting than ever! And I'll be putting you boys to work in my battle nexus as well."

Mikey:"no way! We are not fighting for you."

"Hah! Heavens no. You'll be my bumbling arena clowns."

Mikey:"no we won't!"

He slipped on a banana peel and all your brothers fell.

Big mama laughed. It was really ugly.

Raph:"okay, Leo, [name], I admit it. You guys were right. You guys were right. Leo? [Name]? Hey where are they?"

Mikey:"I'm sure wherever they are they're trying to save us!"

You and Leo were in the elevator. Leo was clicking the button sporadically, while you were hiding behind him hugging him like you were about to die.

The elevator closed.


All the men started running and they put cuffs on your brothers.

"Wait! I've got a better idea. 🎶Gus!🎶"

Donnie:"Gus? What kind of mutant is named Gus?"

A traumatizingly sized dog-beast walks forward.  Then it's revealed that he isn't that scary..

Raph:"yep, that's a Gus."

Gus:"whoa, dude, is this about me chewing all those slippers? I totally didn't do it!"

"Never mind the stupid slippers. Get their scent and find the missing turtle. And uh the human too."

Gus:*howls*"on it brah."

He sniffs your brothers and... Becomes spikey? I dunno but he howls again so.

"Put this splendiferously ingenious contrapulation in my safe."

Donnie:"huh? I'm flattered but also betrayed."

"Take these charming young clowns to the battle nexus gateway."

You and Leo land in the vents. He lead and you followed behind.

Leo:"come out to the mutant hotel. We'll get together, have a few laughs."

[Name]:"tho is so stupid. I feel sweaty and dusty at the same time.."

Leo:"I knew we couldn't trust that spider lady!" He stopped and stared out the vent because he heard the elevator noise.

[Name]:"ew gross brother feet."

Leo:"shut up [name] I think I see some sorta vault."

He watched the fox guy put in the code and throw the stuff in the vault.

Leo:"I can't wait to save raph so I can rub it in his face."

[Name]:"and I can't wait to save our brothers so I can prove that I should've been allowed to stay home and nap. I hate being a 'bug Buster'. We are like the worst Ghostbusters rip off. At least all those guys are smart, and actually catch stuff."

Leo:"you're such a buzz kill. Oh woe is me, I'm [name] and I get mad when I don't get to sleep for 24 hours a day."

[Name]:"at least I don't spend 24 hours a day arguing with raph over stupid shit that doesn't even matter."

Leo:"...whatever let's just save our brothers."


Leo stopped again.

[Name]:"I swear if you randomly stop again and I have to make a quick break so I don't run into your feet, I will break your spine."


??:"Be a henchman, see the world. Worst job ever." He kept throwing laundry into a shoot.

You and Leo went down there.

Leo:"oh, boy, dirty yokai laundry is not gonna be fun. Those guys are gonna owe me!" Leo hopped down.

[Name]:"ewewew. Don't think about it [name]. Just don't breathe threw your nose." You jumped after Leo.

You both landed in a pile of gross clothes. You came out of the pile. You didn't touch yourself in anyway and shook your body.

Leo however came up with underwear on his head.

Leo:"ugh, I'm just gonna tell myself this is a t-shirt. " He opened it up and it sapped itself back on.

You both cringed in disgust and you bursted out laughing.

Donnie:"Oh, I can't believe we're gonna end up being rodeo clowns."

Mikey:"and you laughed at me for taking that class. Who's gonna be laughing when I'm miming up a storm?" Raph nudged Mikey.

There was a giant scary portal.


??:"here we are. Gateway to the battle nexus. Say goodbye to New York, turtles."

The start walking forward when a laundry cart moves forward. All on its own.

??:"alright now hold up. Laundry bin in the middle of the hallway?"

??:"classic trap. I shall investigate." He took the clothes out an there was... Nothing. Nothing was there.

??:"oh it's empty." He turned around. "Well I guess we can let our guard down then."

??:"sounds right."

A sword peeks down from the ceiling vent. It's obviously Leo.

Leo:"c'mon make a portal."

You stare bored at him. Man you were grumpy. That's what you get for not getting any sleep and not explaining it🕺

Leo finally makes a portal.

Leo:"Step back, step back. Yes! Now step into my trap you-"

The vent falls, which means you and Leo fall into the portal. So raph, Donnie, and Mikey jump in.

You all land in a random hallway.

Leo:"you're welcome for saving you."

You curled into a ball on the ground and fell asleep.

Raph:"if you hadn't left us, we all could have saved ourselves together."


You woke up and stretched. Man instead of being bitch less, your sleepless. (and bitchless probably 🙄)

Gus breaks in and runs at you all.

Mikey stops him with a ball.

Mikey:"Hey, boy, what's this?"

Gus:"whoa! What is that? Oh, oh, oh, man! I gotta get that thing and bring it back!"

Mikey threw the ball.

You sighed and played back down on the floor.

Leo:"I'm sorry, who was that?"

Donnie:"Gus was sent to eat you."

[Name]*groan*:"seriously? Man he sucks at his job. Bro didn't even get a bite."

Leo:"in that case, maybe it's time we blow this balloon factory." He opened the elevator and you groggily stood up. "Once we're safe at home, I can brag about how right I was-"

[Name]:"I was right too!"

Leo:"-and, in turn, how wrong you were. So let's do it."

Raph:"I got it, but we're not going without Donnie's bug slapper or the oozequitoes. We can't leave them in queen eight-legs' hands."

You and your other brothers walked into the elevator. You leaned against Leo. You were waiting for his speech of 'i was right, you were wrong, I'm the best. I already know that' etc, to be over with so you could go home and sleep.

Leo:"Well, since we indubitably have no idea where-"

Raph:"spill the beans Leo."

You started dozing off and Mikey grabbed you and gave you a hug.

Raph:"everytime you say indubitably, I know you're up to something."

Leo:"fine. Everythings in big Mama's office and we could risk our lives getting it back right now."

Raph:"and that's exactly what we're gonna do. Guys, STEALTH MODE."

You woke up and clutched onto Mikey. That scared the shit outta you. (It scared me so much wtaf)

Leo:"orrr.."*whispering*"stealth mode."

You all walked into big mama office. Donnie almost knocked a vase over and they obnoxiously shushed each other.

Leo looked at the painting and put his fingers in so he could access it.

Donnie went wide eyed and pushed Leo out of the way.

Donnie:"this calls for the delicate touch of a genius." He started sawing at it. You paced back and forth.

Mikey:"I'll cover the sound for you!" He knocked over a lamp.

Donnie:"We should be through in a couple of hours!"

Leo:"Or we could do this!" He fishes the passcode. It's literally just all ones. C'mon big mama. Be better.

It opens up and you all run in except for Mikey. His ball rolls up to him.

Mikey:"hey, my ball."

Gus:"don't start a game of fetch you can't finish."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, dears. This simply will not do. If there's one rule big mama has- "

Leo:"is it forgive and forget?"

Raph:"is it don't chew on the guests slippers?"

Mikey:"is it no using raphs toothbrush?"

[Name]:"is it [name] is allowed to sleep instead of having to do anything?"

Donnie:"is it ohm's law?"

"NO!" She spat her gross webs at you all. "My rule is, no stealing from big mama!"


Baron draxum:"and my rule is no stealing from me!"

Mikey:"Mr. Sheep to the rescue!"

Donnie:"and that's a good thing?'

[Name]:"Ohmygod- It's 'no Pillow' guy!!"

Donnie:"seriously? He tried to destroy us last time we saw him!"

"Scramulent to see you again, baron draxum, but you really must learn to use the dimbally door."

Baron draxum:"You must learn to use real words!"

[Name]:"That's what I'm saying!"

Leo:"Huh, they know each other. If only one of us had seen that coming."

Raph:"you are a poor winner, Leo."

Baron draxum:"those are my property. Fetch them my pets!" The gargoyles jump out and Gus attacks them.

"I need these bimbally bugs for all those tasty victims. They will mutate for my battle nexus."

B.D.:"those were made for something much greater than your silly battle nexus. They're here to eliminate the human threat forever. I will have every last one on the surface."

[Name]:"awh man. This sucks for me. As the only human here, I am offended. I am the opposite of a threat!"

You brothers stare at you before going back to watching the fight.

Leo:"ah what is this? Another one of your success-proff plans?"

Raph:"Yes! I mean, no-no. Look, use my shell." You all use it too cut open the webs.

[Name]:"awh man. This was really comfy. Like a webber bed."

B.D.:"Too the roof! Time for us yokai to take over the surface!"

Raph:"Leo! Portal to the roof now!"

Leo:"there you go, telling me what to do again. Well actually, no, that's a plan I can get behind."

He made a portal.

Leo:"can we rename today Leo day?"

[Name]:"no because I didn't get my nap." Raph dragged Leo in.

You, mikey, and Donnie jumped for it but it closed.

Mikey:"What are we supposed to do?" Big mama crashes in. "Oh right."

Donnie:"Thai will teach you to comment my work, and give me my first positive reinforcement from a parent-aged adult ever!"

You and Mikey hoped onto the back of his flybi ( get it? Cause it flys and it's a bi-cycle? Hah? Hah? my new name btw. I'm trademarking it.)

Leo grabbed the oozequitoes.

Leo:"Leon's got it!"

The vines throw Leon around.

Raph:"Leo, toss me the oozequitoes!"

Raph catches the oozequitoes. And Leo gets hang over a roof.

B.D.:"I may have created you, but i will not hesitate to destroy you. "

Leo:"uh, who created what now?"

Raph:"let my brother go!"

Leo:"Not literally!"

B.D.:"oh, brotherly loyalty. But my bugs are important to you aswell. Which one will you choose."

Leo:"Give him the bug! Just give him the bugs!"

Raph:"I'm not giving him the bugs. These villains are all talk. He ain't gonna-"


He dropped Leo.


Leo:"with my last breathe, I told you so!"

Raph jumped off the roof, leaving the bugs behind.

Raph:"POWER PUNCH JITSU!" His weapons made a bigger version of him and grabbed Leo. "SAVING LIKE A BOSS"

Leo:"thanks buddy."

Raph:"I have no idea what I just did, but anytime."

Leo:"hey, what happened to the bugs?"

The bugs flew off.

Baron draxum:"go and mutate the humans." He walked into a portal and teleported away.

You Mikey and Donnie were running away from big mama.

You all flew out the window and big mamas' web grabbed onto Mikey's leg.

Donnie:"only one web left. Better make it count."

Mikey:"let me go!"

Donnie:"no Mikey, you let go."

Mikey:"oh, okeydokey."

Mikey let go and the web shot backwards towards big mama. Donnie did a backflip on his flybi and you hugged onto the vehicle in worry of falling.

Mikey was falling and Donnie's bike caught him. You hugged onto him tightly.

Donnie pat both of your heads.

Donnie:"everyone okay?"

Raph:"we're fine, but the oozequitoes got away. Another failed mission."

Donnie:"not a total failure. We've got this to go get them now. Oh, I am however, out of webs. So, uh, partial failure? yay.."

Leo:"raph, what was that crazy power-up? You saved my life!"

Raph:"I don't know. I just knew if I didn't save your life, I'd never hear the end of it from you."

Leo:"and on a side note, draxum created us. He told me right before he threw me off the roof,  so I don't think he's very attached."

That got you thinking about something. You were the only human in family of mutants. Obivoulsy you were adopted, in some sort of way, but how? 

Mikey:"what, does that mean we're teenage.."




You started snoring. Bro was real tired and real fed up. Probably because this chapter took me four days to write. I dunno.

You all walked away/drove away.

Baron draxum:"my plan is coming to fruition. My bugs are hard at work turning humans into yokai."


Baron draxum:"what?"

"Uh, it's oozequitoes.  Uh, that's, uh, what those turtles were calling them."

"It is so catchy!"

"I know! It's like it just rolls off the tongue. It's kinda like-"

Baron draxum:"millions of humans will be mutated. If I don't get rid of those turtles, they'll ruin everything. I must eliminate them."

A/n 4714 words guys. That's... ACK! alot.

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