Obito x Reader x Deidara

By oxloixvoixaoTT

5.5K 100 77

I choose... both of you." "Huh?" Deidara asked confused. "LIKE A THREESOME??" Obito said excitedly. "Y-yeah... More

The Mission
Deidara x Reader
Obito/Tobi x Reader
Their Reaction
Deidara's Baby

Obito's baby

425 6 4
By oxloixvoixaoTT

Now this is for all ya mfs that wanted to have a baby with Obito. I hope you like it <333

"I choose... to not choose yet." You answered shyly.

"What???" Deidara complained while Obito sat quietly.

"I'm sorry. Give me a couple days. Ok?" You tried to compromise but it just wasn't working.

"Fuck it. Fine. Only because I'll still have a chance with you. But I'm not happy about it." He groaned.

"Nobody asked you to be." Obito hissed. Deidara backed off.

Deidara and Obito both walked out soon because of the awkward silence.

You laid on your bed, and groaned in frustration. It was hard enough having to deal with this. It made it harder that you were almost on your period, so you had to contain your emotions and mood swings.

"FUUUUUUUUCKK!!!" You screamed into your pillow, as tears of anger ran down your cheeks.

You curled up in a ball and cried. Surprisingly you didn't have many physical changes, however you had a little more nausea than normal. It was only a little though..

You drank water and closed your eyes. You fell asleep until the next morning.

~The next morning~

You woke up to the sound of Kakuzu yelling out of rage when Hidan beat him in a gamble of some sort. He slammed his fists on the table.

"Give me the money." You could hear the smirk in Hidan's voice.

"FINE!!!" Kakuzu yelled.

You closed your eyes, not caring enough to go and see what it was all about; but you were curious. Kakuzu's reaction was kinda funny so you thought maybe later you'll challenge him to a gamble. Something that your really good at. Like speed or slap jack.

You rolled over and groaned. You forgot that you needed to buy tampons.

This'll be a hell of a day.

Maybe fifteen to thirty minutes later, you summoned the mental strength to get out of bet; even so, it was barely enough.

You went to go eat breakfast, but literally all you wanted was sugar or anything fried.

You looked in the pantry. Pretzels, canned soups and vegetables, and dried pasta.

The refrigerator. Milk, mayonnaise, turkey, and olives.

Then there were random things all over the counter. There were a bunch of fruits, peanut butter, and then bread.

You settled for pretzels with peanut butter, however you were not happy about it.

You ate in your room and watched TV for several hours. That's how you spent most of your day.

You decided that since you were supposed to start your period the next day, you'd ask for tampons. It would be kind of awkward though, as you and her didn't talk much. You don't think she likes you, but that's ok; the feeling is mutual.

You crawled out of bed and sauntered to Konan's room.

The problem wasn't that you disliked her, it was that she intimidated you. She was gorgeous and you felt inferior to her.

You knocked on her door. You heard loud noises of shuffling in bed and then something crashing into her closet and the doors closing.

Sounded like she was hiding someone in it.

"Shhh." She whispered.

"Ok." It sounded just like Pain-sama.

She opened the door in nothing but an oversized robe.

It was obvious what had been going on, but you weren't going to say anything snide about it because it's best to stay on Pain-sama's good side.

"What do you want." She breathed in annoyance.

"Uhhh, tampons? Please?" You lowered your head with embarrassment.

"Fuck it. Fine." She growled and stormed into the back of her room, scavenging through her lumps of shit that had piled up.

"Thank you." You said.

"Save it." She rolled her eyes and closed the door in your face. That was rough.

You walked to your bathroom and put them on your empty shelf, well, not empty any more.

You sat down and checked if you had started bleeding yet, just in case.


It was ok, it'll come tomorrow.

~Timeskip: The Next Day~

You ran into the bathroom afraid you'd bled on your sleep. You forgot to wear a pad just in case you'd start at night. Your underwear were abnormally clean for the circumstances.

There wasn't a drop of blood.

You wiped yourself just in case. Nope. Nothing.

No big deal. It'll come tomorrow. This should be nice because then you don't have to worry about it for another extra day.

Why do you feel so weird about it?- you just brushed it off.

The cravings were so much worse though. You ate the pretzels with peanut butter. Throughout the day you kept coming back and getting a scoop of peanut butter. You just couldn't help it.

At some point you found a stash of Sasori's chocolate chips. You didn't even know puppets could eat at all, but whatever. You snuck them in your room, planing to leave most and put them back so that you wouldn't be caught, but when you ate the first one, your plan changed.

"Where are my fucking chocolate chips?!" Sasori stomped around the hideout, and you felt no fear of him as you gobbled them down.

You had his chocolate chips; all but three. You felt like if you left three, he'd be even more pissed than I'd you left none. You don't even know why, it just sounded hilarious. If you were gonna get caught anyways, why not like this?

"Sasori. Here you go." You handed him the bag. He clenched his jaw and furrowed his brows.

"It's... empty." He ground hid teeth together in frustration.

"No it's not." He looked in the bag.

"You left me three. THREE???" He screeched with hos piercing eyes stabbing you with his intense glare.


He was about to stab you with his poison needled. He held it to your throat, then Pain-sama walked by and he shamefully held his head down low and walked to his room.

"Are you ok?" Pain asked.

"Yeah." You responded.

"Shut the fuck up." He said after you answered and glared at you. All you did was answer his question!!! You glared back suppressing your laughter.

"Oh my god what did I do?" You rolled your eyes.

"You were annoying."


"Shut the fuck up."

You flipped your hair in his face and walked away.

-a couple hours later-
You had been laying in your bed for quite a while now so you decided to go see if Kakuzu was ready to gamble.

"Oh Kakuzu!" You shouted.

"What." He grumbled as he counted his money.

"Wanna play a little game?"

"For what?" He smirked.

"I'll give you 100 if I win, and you give me 150 if you win." You smiled. You knew it sounded unfair, but you also knew he wouldn't be able to resist the possibility of becoming 100 dollars richer. He was practically drooling.

"Y-yes." He mumbled. "What game?"

"Rock, paper, scissors." You smirked. You already knew what he was gonna do so this was a perfect choice.


"Oh? Don't like my choice? If you want we don't have to play..." you teased.

"No! It's a fine game. Let's go! On shoot."

You took a deep breath in. He was trembling with excitement and fear.

You were gonna choose rock because, first of all, his chakra nature is earth, so he has a lot of Hutus that create rocks or things close to it, like mud walls.

Second, his expression is so hard... and you know what else is hard?- A ROCK!! He has the justu of a rock, and personality of a rock.

Kakuzu is just one big rock.

So that must be what he'll pick on rock, paper, scissors!

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" You and him shouted in unison.

You won.

"FUCK!!!" He bellowed.

"Well, good game." You put your hand out.

He slammed his arms on the table and punched a whole in the wall. His dark eyes flooded with rage.

Pain-sama came in with all the commotion and glared at him. Kakuzu went up to him and threw a punch at him, when Pain-sama caught his fist and twisted his arm behind his back and held a kunai to his throat.

"Stop." He said firmly. Kakuzu snorted in frustration and nodded.

"Awww. Does somebody need a little timeout?" You teased in a high pitched voice after Pain left.

"Shut the fuck up." He snarled. He slapped the money in your hand and walked away.

You sauntered to your room and laid on your bed. Life was uneventful with cramps, cravings, and mood swings. Life was shit.

After several seconds of laying there; no more than a minute- you felt another level of horny you'd never felt.

You closed your eyes and waited for it to go away. It wasn't.

You placed a hand on your inner thigh and creep your fingers in places you decided when you were young that they'd never go.

It was nice, but not... satisfying.

Out of the blue, Obito walked in to see how your decision making was going.

You hoped right up and backed him into the wall on the corner of your room. You put a hand on his chest and held him there. You got on your toes and pulled his head down and began making out with him.

His eyes filled with shock.

Eventually things lead to more things that lead to sex. He slammed his massive cock into your cunt and you screamed in pleasure.

"You... feel so... good." He grumbled in between thrusts.


"Of course!" He slammed harder and harder.

He later licked got down for you and locked around your lower areas. Surprise, surprise... he found your clit. You squirted on him and he thought that was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.

Then you got on your knees for him. You licked the top of his dick and then he thrusted into your face and you gagged. He grabbed the back of your head and bobbed it back and fourth.

He came in your mouth after a while and you swallowed most of it in an instinct.

"Fuck..." he moaned and it was the hottest thing toys ever heard.

When you were done, you cuddled him in bed. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you.

Deidara would be very mad. Whatever. You'd just choose Obito then. It was worth the sex.

The condom-less sex.

You fell asleep in his arms and woke up with the fear you'd bled over the bed. You wiggles out of his arms. He groaned in frustration.

"Be right back." You whispered.

You rushed to the bathroom. You grabbed the tampon box just incase.


You barely had time to get up before you felt a lump in your throat. You pulled up your pants and quickly threw your hair up before you threw up in the toilet.

Suddenly you had the worst cramps you ever experienced in your life. You kept throwing up and you collapsed on the floor. You panted as you felt the cramps intensify.

"What's going on, (y/n)?!" He worried.

"I... I'm fine." You mumbled weakly in a raspy voice.

"No your not."

"Your right. I'm embarrassed." You were truly so embarrassed but you didn't have the strength to cry.

"Don't be." He comforted. He crouched on the floor with you and soothed you by rubbing your back.

You felt another throb of pain, but there was no pain.

"My fucking cramps hurt like hell, but I'm not bleeding yet. I should have yesterday." You groaned.

"Holy shit are you pregnant?"

"Probably not."



"Take a pregnancy test."

"But I'm not pregnant."

"But your period is late."


"SO YOUR PREGNANT." His mood swings were worse than yours.

"Fine. If I still don't start bleeding tomorrow, I'll take one." You compromised.

"Ok." He trembled.

For the rest of the day he was pretty quiet. He looked very worried, but not quite sad or upset. He was very restless and jumpy.

He and you kept it a secret. Nobody in the Akatsuki needed to know. It wasn't even a for sure thing yet.

-the next day-
You ran to the bathroom. Nothing. Obito would freak out.

You walked to him. He was asleep in your bed again. So cute. He mumbled quiet nonsense about you in his sleep and it was fucking adorable. You hated to break this moment.

"Obito." You whispered and he kept his eyes closed but a smile slowly spread across his lips.

"Yeah." He groan tiredly.

"I haven't started yet." Suddenly all his tiredness went away. His head shot up and eyes widened.

"YOUR PREGNANT???" He yelped in excitement.

"Shhh! We don't know that yet. My period is only a few days late." You didn't want the whole akatsuki knowing the situation.

"Ok... so what do we do next?" He asked.

"Go find a pregnancy test I guess." He giggled devilishly for an unknown reason. "What?"

"I saw one in konan's room the other day." He snickered. You felt a wry grin lace your expression.

"Let me guess. Your gonna make me go ask for it?"


"Fine." You rolled your eyes and walked slowly to her room and knocked on the door. She opened it quicker than last time. Pain wasn't in there then. Great.

"Hey... Konan." You put on a fake smile.

"What the fuck do you want." You dropped your smile.

"A pregnancy test."

"WHAT THE FUCK??? WHOS IS IT? TOBI'S OR DEIDARA'S???" She yelled and you cupped your hand over her mouth.

"I don't even know if I'm pregnant. That's what I need the PREGNANCY TEST FOR!!!" You yelled.

"Whatever." She went into her room. Her closet door was cracked slightly and you saw nothing but lingeries. Mostly purple, but some red and a few black.

She must have sex with pain ALLLL the time.

"Here ya go." She came back with it in her hand.

"Now gimme twenty dollars." She demanded.


"I'm not repeating myself." She stuck her hand out.

"Wait why though."

"Because I payed for this and if you take it, your gonna pay. Be grateful. It was closer to 60 in the store. I'm being generous."

"Ok fine." You slapped the bill in her hand.

She ripped it.


"I don't need your money. I have Pain for that. I just wanted to piss you off by taking your money, and I figured it'd piss you off even more if I ripped it."

"YEAH NO SHIT!!!" You picked it up off of the floor. Right in half. No way anyone would take that. "Goddamnit, Konan!"

Just when you were getting to like her a lil she had to ruin it.

"Here it is." You said to Obito.

"PEE ON IT ALREADY!!" He shouted.

"Ok! Ok!" You walked into the bathroom. You didn't really need to pee but you made yourself.

You peed on the thing but nothing was happening.

You studied the test for a solid five minutes when you facepalmed at the realization of the fact that you never took the cap off.

"Fuuuuuck!" You groaned in frustration.

"What is it, baby?" He asked with worry.

"Nothing!" You threw as much artificial energy and cheer into your voice as possible.


You drank a lot of water and sat on the toilet for a while before you got to tinkle on the thing. You watched the reaction happen.

There were two lines. You double checked on the box to see if your assumptions were correct.

You were pregnant.

Your heart dropped and you started hyperventilating and your vision became blurry. You fell off the toilet and onto the floor after you fainted.

"Are you ok?!" Obito ran in and plopped you back on the toilet and put your pants back on. You were still too worked up to speak normally.

He saw the test in your hand as you hyperventilated and he gasped.

"Oh my god! I love you sooo much! We got thisss!" He held your hand in both of his and kissed your palm.

You hadn't realized until your tear ran down your chin and got your shirt wet that you were crying.

You hugged him closer and cried more, no longer silently anymore. Your sobs were loud and you were shaking in his arms. Your tears soaked his shirt and he held you tight.

"I'm sorry." You trembled.

"About what?" He asked.

"Getting your shirt wet and having a baby forming slowly in my pussy. It's my fault." He chuckled.

"My shirt is fine. And I'm happy to have a child. I'm so excited. As long as you want one too, I think we'll make great parents." That made you start crying again.

Fast forward a couple months~
The pregnancy was brutal. But after six whole months of vomiting in the toilet nearly every day, you finally gave birth. The hardest part.

You had twins, one girl, and one boy. The boy was older. It was perfect because the sister will always have an older brother to protect her and the boy will feel he has a purpose.

You names the boy Yoru (Night) and the girl Hiruma (Daytime). They were so cute and your labor was successful, as well as painful.

And Obito was right by your side for the whole thing.

You loved them both to bits and so did Obito.

By the time they were 10, they had both awakened the Sharingan. They trained together and almost never fought.

Surprisingly, the Akatsuki wasn't too upset about it. Kisame kind of took the roll of an uncle, and Deidara was like the older brother, while Konan and Pain were like their entire roll models.

Itachi trained with them every day.

The rest of the Akatsuki didn't really talk to them, but both Yoru and Hiruma looked up to them all.

Life was perfect, all because we were too stupid to use a condom.

Best two mistakes ever.

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