No Straight Roads: Heroes of...

By Reptilario

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6 months after the events of No Straight Roads. A new threat arises in the city of Vinyl City, dangerous musi... More

Cover of the First Season
Chapter 1: Vinyl City Under Attack
Chapter 2: First Encounter
Chapter 3: "Saving Cast Tech" On the way to Club Planetarium
Chapter 4: "Saving Cast Tech" DIGITAL
Chapter 5: The Little Mermaids in Distress
Chapter 6: "Saving Akusuka" Attending the Little Mermaid Concert
Chapter 7: "Saving Akusuka" Octorchea
Chapter 8: The Orchestra of Discordance
Chapter 9: "Saving Natura" the Child Prodigy in Peril
Chapter 10: "Saving Natura" Orchestral
Chapter 11: Rhythm Stopped
Chapter 12: Returning to the Rhythm
Chapter 13: "Saving Metro Division" Musical Battlefield
Chapter 14: "Division Saving Metro" Primal
Chapter 15: Shattered Work
Chapter 16: "Saving Dream Fever" Art Recovery
Chapter 18: "Saving Dream Fever" Harmonious Shadow and Discordant Shadow
Chapter 19: No Final Roads
Season Final Chapter: Farewell Voice
<||Acknowledgments, Notice and Synopsis of the Second Season||>
Coming soon
2nd Season | Chapter 1: Damages and Recovery
2nd Season | Chapter 2: An Inharmonious Tenant
2nd Season | Chapter 3: Viral Scandal
2nd Season | Chapter 4: Escape
2nd Season | Chapter 5: The Call of Discordance

Chapter 17: "Saving Dream Fever" Trópical

82 3 0
By Reptilario

—In the Metro Division District, minutes before BBJ arrived at the Evenfall Gallery in Dream Fever—

DK West had reached the industrial district of Vinyl City, he was heading towards the Dream Fever district using the main road where vehicular activity was completely inactive due to the situation in Vinyl City which made it a little easier for him to navigate. On his way he saw detailed results caused by battles in certain areas of the road, there were also several encounters of the same small subjects who, as a result, avoided making contact with the rapper who tried to ask them about what happened, also in his step I notice that a couple of those little guys were carrying someone tall and unconscious and of the same appearance as them, they were taking him out of the Industrial district, in an attempt to help them he ended up receiving a possible threat from one of them who had generated a kind of knife throwing which pointed it out as a warning not to approach them, the rapper understanding the message would withdraw to continue on his way.

The minutes passed, the Metro Division limit would soon arrive to find the next district, Nadia's district, Dream Fever, while now he was taking a different direction since apparently there were certain blockades that prevented him from passing with his cart, he would be right now going through several short streets which were clear unlike the previous district of the city, while taking the road to go to the lighthouse, he stopped for a few seconds to notice that in sight, the pyramidal structure of a certain acquaintance was seen in the distance few kilometers away.

DK West: Hmm... maybe I'll drop by, who knows? Surely she probably won't try to kick me out -He said to herself in a relaxed way- Yes-i... I hope not...

Leaving the street that would take him to the lighthouse, he would take another path that would lead him to the pyramid building, it would only take him half an hour to get there.

—Inside the Evenfall Gallery—

The door after being destroyed by a kick from the guitarist, both rockers entered a wide rectangular space with colors divided into halves whose right side was neon pink while the other left half was dark obsidian.

Mayday: Ok... at least this isn't as awesome as Eve's, it's more... nice? -She said being attentive to the surroundings of the rectangular place, looking towards the end of said room, on the wall she would see a tall figure with recognizable colors- Look Zuke, Eve is there!

When Zuke also saw Nadia, both rockers would run until they reached the bicolor artist. When they arrived, they clearly saw that Eve was unconscious and almost completely covered in a sticky substance that BBJ recognized when they faced those arachnids in Natura.

Zuke: Well, you just have to carefully hit certain areas -Looking towards the sides of the cloth prison, I was looking for the support areas of the Resonant web-

Mayday: What strange? So far I haven't seen any of those creepy spiders -She said feeling creepy when remembering that type of Discordant- Oh my... Zuke

Mayday, who looked worried, pointed with her right hand towards something that dripped in a crimson color on the bicolor artist's left leg, Zuke would also notice it, they both looked closer in that area and noticed with even more concern that there was a long A spiral-shaped lacerating wound that covered most of Eve's left lower extremity, which had apparently had someone make a poorly improvised bandage.

Zuke: We have to get her out of here as soon as possible, we don't know how much blood she lost! -He exclaimed as she prepared to use her instruments-

Mayday: Done! -She agreed, doing the same as her friend-

Both with their instruments prepared to hit and cut the pink sticky substance to free the artist from NSR, blow after blow after blow it turned out that this web was much more resistant than the previous ones, frustrated because they were not making any progress to free Eve They stopped doing that action.

Mayday: This-or is i-useless -She said looking a little tired- what the hell is it made of?

Zuke: There has to be some way... -In a serious way, she was trying to think of a solution that could allow them to free the bicolor artist- May, I think she's waking up...

The drummer who would notice how Eve began to open her eyes while in a few seconds she gave heavy blinks and then noticed with some surprise the presence of BBJ, opening her mouth to speak to them, she felt that her mouth was wrapped in an unknown sticky substance causing her She would lose her calm a bit as she tried to move feeling the same result as her mouth at the same time that she would feel a strong burning sensation running through her left leg, immediately remembering that she was fighting against a couple of dangerous enemies.

Mayday: Hey, hey! Don't do it, you'll hurt yourself -She said sounding worried as she placed her instrument on her back to make signs for Eve to calm down- don't worry, Tatiana called us, we've come to give you a hand with the Discordants but it seems we've been late... we feel...

Eve in response would give a low, narrowed look, trying to shake her head in denial to indicate that they didn't feel guilty, Zuke would understand and give a slight smile.

Zuke: Thanks Nadia, well May, let's keep trying to destroy this prison of cobwebs -He directed her gaze at Mayday-

Mayday: You said it! -I answer positively-

Immediately, both rockers continued to concentrate their blows on the areas that joined the edges between the web and the wall on the lower side, although the damage was less, it slowly gave way to each consecutive blow from BBJ.

As the rock duo continued to release the two-tone artist, Eve would gaze at her ahead, behind the duo, suddenly alarmed as she saw a male figure with neon pink skin; a humanoid Discordant, silently falling from the ceiling, approaching without making any apparent noise, recognizing him immediately.

Eve: MphHh Mph! -I speak with my mouth covered-

Mayday: Huh? Did you say something Eve? -I ask towards the bicolor artist-

Eve: MPmmHp MMmHh! -She showed a worried face as she tried to shake her head, even make expressions to indicate Mayday and Zuke to turn back-

Zuke: Okay Eve, we'll get you out of this soon -Giving a smile she would pay attention again to hitting the sticky substance- May, let's continue

Mayday: Okay! -She agreed-

Both rockers would continue to free the artist, Eve would show a somewhat annoyed expression for it but quickly her expression would change to one of horror as soon as that figure known to her had taken a neon pink blade from her pants pocket. More and more she was getting closer to the duo who had a hard time getting rid of the web, Eve in a desperate attempt to get BBJ's attention, she would move her right leg a little to hit the heel of her shoe against the wall but , also carelessly out of desperation, would even move his left leg causing him to give some covered moans and expressions of pain whose face showed some beads of sweat.

Zuke: Eve no, your wound is opening even more, if you continue like this you will lose a lot of blood -Calmly I try to reassure her former partner who will tell her to turn around but it wasn't working-

Eve: Mmph! mMNpHH! -Her face was turning to despair when she saw that the Discordant was already there- MPhhY!

Mayday: Ugh, this isn't moving forward at all! How the hell can we cut this thing fast -She talked to herself while she was frustrated for wanting to quickly cut the web. Suddenly from the left side of her, someone would hand her a neon pink blade- Oh! That may help. Thanks Zuke! -She would leave her guitar next to her to take it-

In a few seconds Zuke was confused by the sudden thanks of his friend.

Zuke: Huh? -He would turn her eyes to the right side of her to see her friend- What are you talking about May?

Mayday: Oh, you weren't the one who happened to me? -I ask showing the neon pink blade in her right hand-

The drummer would deny with his eyes, the guitarist would be a little surprised until he heard the covered noises of Eve who was indicating them already annoyed so that they both turned around, by the time both rockers turned their eyes from behind, someone was centimeters away from them. Their backs.

Mayday/Zuke: AAAAAAAH! -They would scream in unison from the fright-

Trópical: AAAAAAAH! -I would scream with happiness to accompany the screams of the rock duo-

By Mayday's instinct, she would take her guitar and try to hit him in the head, but just like her, the enemy that was in front of her would avoid it by moving at high speed to move again and be behind the guitarist.

Trópical: Wow! That was a good hit! -I happily congratulate Mayday and then hold her right forearm and the neck of the rocker's guitar whose eyes were fixed on the string instrument- How cool... this body and headstock design, even the neck *He begins to slide his hand from top to bottom on the neck* impregnates that strong bolero sensation, surely its creator must have had a good taste for that element to dedicate a good amount of time to such an impressive instrumental work

At such words from the unknown Discordant, Mayday would feel unmoved, which had a smiling expression that was noticeable at Eve's annoyed look that she wanted to sigh while Zuke would soon take out her drumsticks to help her friend.

Mayday: Is it true?! -I call out to the unknown enemy without worrying- This is the guitar of one of Vinyl City's best rock artists!

Trópical: Really?! It sure was someone fabulous!! in that genre, he must have been able to burn with passion over the hearts and minds of his listeners -He said in a cheerful and smiling way that he looked creepy in front of the rest but that did not scare Mayday-

Mayday was nodding frantically, there was a good conversation on the subject but unfortunately his time was very short as once again the Discordant stranger had dodged the drummer's failed attempt at a drumstick strike which had instead hit Mayday's forearm her friend who would give a short cry.

Mayday: Ouch! Zuke! -I mention with an annoyed face while she rubbed the area of ​​the arm where she had received the blow-

Zuke: I-I'm sorry May... -He said he was sorry for his action-

Trópical: Wow... so you must be the drummer of the band -He said with curiosity while he was behind Zuke's back for him in a surprised way to see that he was holding the drummer's drumsticks in both hands to analyze them- Mmm... oak *playfully shakes said instruments*, good flexibility, NSR...

Mayday: Hey! -I shout something annoyed by the discordant's action- You can't just take the instruments of others like that!

Trópical: Oops, I'm sorry -I hum smiling and then throw them into the air and return said chopsticks to their owner- hehe, sorry for not introducing myself before, I'm Trópical!, the discordant Sergeant!

After his introduction, trumpet sounds could be heard in the background before various amounts of obsidian and neon pink confetti and streamers fell around the discordant Sergeant. Both Mayday and Zuke looked taken aback by the Discordant's friendly demeanor while Eve would roll her eyes to the side of her in frustration at him. BBJ after recovering from their disoriented state, they would raise their instruments to face the discordant Sergeant.

Mayday: Very good Trópical! I am Mayday and he is Zuke and we are, Bunk Bed Junction -She said, presenting himself in a joint and extravagant pose with his friend before the enemy who looked open-mouthed in astonishment while applauding so that later both rockers were again bewildered by the sudden fall of confetti and green and orange streamers around him- eh-eh and *Cough* and we're here to stop you and save the district and its artist from the Discordant force!

Trópical: *Slap x20* Whoa, amazing, wuujuu that is being brave, but! Will they be able to prove it? -I speak in a hyperactive way while his smile did not change his positive emotions at all-

Mayday: Prove it? Show that?! -Having a serious look-

Trópical: Pfff well, what else? your silly goal! -He answered in a friendly and mocking way- although I warn you, I am not someone so simple when it comes to fighting

Zuke: Well, it's time for you to show that you're not bragging about it -I spoke seriously while spinning his drumsticks between the fingers of his hands-

May Day: Exactly! Now, where are your boys?! -Sounding it would look towards the surroundings of the great room-

Trópical: Guys? what guys? Aaaahh! You must refer to my troops, don't worry, I ordered them to rest after having complied with what I ordered -He spoke happily while making a gesture with his right hand as a sign of not worrying- also... we all deserve a good rest of having fulfilled our work!

Immediately, the discordant Sergeant would pull out a pair of spiked maracas from his pants pockets. BBJ seeing that his enemy had armed himself with his instruments, both rockers prepared to charge against the discordant Sergeant.

|Start Music (Looped or not)|

Mayday and Zuke took the time to scan their surroundings a second time for any discordant enemies lurking but noticing that no one was in sight, an offensive run had begun for BBJ.

Mayday/Zuke: AAAHH!


Trópical: *Zooom!*

In a flashing slip, the discordant Sergeant had easily dodged the joint attack of the rock duo who would soon be running back to approach Tropical and try to hit him.

Trópical: *Zooooom!* Oops, ♪failed♪! -He Said in a cheerful tone towards Mayday whose attack he had dodged so that she would then move on the ground again avoiding Zuke's attacks- *Zooooom!* Haha *Zooooom!* What's wrong? *Zooooom!* Can't keep up with this pace? *Zooom!*

Attack after attack, BBJ was having a bit of a hard time trying to land a hit on this guy who was sliding like the discordant Lancers they faced only this one had more freedom of movement, Tropical meanwhile, was having fun with his new "Friends" who were frustrated that all he was doing was dodging their offensive moves, so so they wouldn't feel annoyed, it was now their turn to dodge the next attacks from his pair of instruments.

Trópical: *Zooooom!* *♫Bunk-Cha!♫*

Zuke: Ouch! -He had received a blow to his back which had caused him to give a short cry of pain as he turned to face the Sergeant and began to consecutively provide an offensive number of drum combos against Tropical-

*♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!* *♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!* *♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!* *♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!*

The sounds of the drumsticks and maracas were heard being hit against each other by their carriers whose rhythm was not yielded at the moment.

Zuke: (Damn... he's so fast) -He was mentally overwhelmed by the speed of the blows that blocked each of his combos-

Trópical: Whoa! -He showed a surprisingly happy face while still keeping up with his dual attacks with his instruments- It's the first time I've faced someone who can keep up with my fighting rhythm... Can we be friends when I beat them in this! play?!

Zuke: What? -Stunned by the Sergeant's unexpected question, due to an oversight, his speed in his attacks had become unequal and uncoordinated with his enemy's, causing the discordant Sergeant to gradually gain the upper hand- (Oh no, I just missed a second)

Mayday: Ayyhaa! -She gave a war cry as he descended in a nosedive-

Trópical would see the guitarist descend for him in time and in a quick slip, he would avoid Mayday's diving attack for him to now focus on hitting her with her dual instruments towards her.

Mayday: Oh! -Standing back and blocking fast attacks with her guitar, she felt in a bind-

Trópical: Come on friend! What happened to that energetic spirit?! Did the weather negatively affect your talent?! -He told her jokingly while he advanced in a dancing and offensive way against the guitarist-

Offended, Mayday giving an annoyed growl, she had backed away to a decent enough distance to charge a 1st rank finisher and execute it. Tropic seeing such a horizontal attack, he amusedly leaned half of her body back as he advanced in a dance towards the guitarist.

Trópical: Limbo! -I exclaim with joy to return to his straight posture from before- You don't know how much I love that game!

Mayday: What the...?! -She said a little impressed by the flexibility of her enemy, but her words unfortunately had been cut off when she received a double blow from maracas in the front of her head, powerful enough to make her end up standing upright for a few seconds until she fell knocked to the ground to stop then be held and placed on the ground by Sergeant-

Trópical: Just like a jenga -Closing his eyes, he will smile victoriously to watch and hear the footsteps of a drummer-

Zuke: May! -Worried, he would come running to help her friend- get away from her!

Trópical: Don't worry! -Making a nonchalant gesture and at great speed she slid until she was in front of the drummer- she alone is sleeping with the little notes

Attempting to give a tender look that he couldn't express, the discordant Sergeant would now continue to focus on the drummer who would attack him with drum combos right now.

*♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!* *♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!* *♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!* *♫Pfoom, Pfoom!♫* *♫Bunk-Cha, Cha♫!*

The dual instruments would collide constantly again, Trópical continued to perform his offensive moves without missing a beat, but as soon as his "friend", Zuke felt that his arms were tired, he soon felt as if his muscles were engulfed in flames, if this continued like this, the muscular result on the drummer could result in quite a painful feeling if he continued or even worse.

Zuke: (Damn, I can't use one of my modifications because he keeps attacking) -Mentally he felt frustrated, his movements in his upper extremities were losing strength, his look showed disappointment in himself, for not keeping up with his enemy who was in front of me and showed no signs of tiredness or exhaustion at all- (I can't take it anymore... my arms can't go on...)

In just a few seconds, his arms gave way to muscle wasting and immediately, the front of his body would feel the blows of the dual percussion instrument without stopping, leaving some superficial marks on Zuke's body. Tropical who was still hitting him, would react too late for him to instantly stop his blows against the drummer.


|End Music|

Trópical: O-Oops... -Looking worried about the result caused-

Zuke: *Cough* Ugh-uhh... *Plop!* -After giving an almost choked sound, he would end up falling backwards against the ground, causing a considerably loud sound that had echoed inside-

Eve: MMPH!! -Attempting to give a loud scream, he would react in a terrified way while he tried to struggle in vain the body of him trapped by him-

Trópical: U-Uh... Victory? Yey! hehe... aa-ah, w-well... I think it will be a good idea to take them with her -Keeping calm, she continued to take the unconscious and beaten bodies of both rockers towards where the trapped bicolor artist was who would give a look of I hate him- H-Hey, don't see me like that, it's not my fault that they couldn't keep up with my rhythm, eh-eh, that also happened to them for wanting to play with me, yes, yes!

With a hasty nod and eyes closed, he would be affirming his actions as soon as he noticed a new non-discordant presence enter the room. Said presence was noted by those present who consented, who one of them was able to recognize immediately.

Eve: Mmph? -With a look that she couldn't believe, she saw how Zuke's older brother had arrived at her gallery- Mph, mmmph!

Trópical: Huh? Is it a new "friend" who came to join the game?! -Feeling happy again, she would take several short jumps and then with both instruments ready and in a quick glide, she headed towards where the new individual was standing-

Eve who gave a look of concern, not wanting to know what would happen to West, closed her eyes for not wanting to witness the same scene that BBJ went through.

—With DK West, minutes before entering to arrive on stage—

After a while of jogging endlessly through the streets and byways of Dream Fever, the Malaysian rapper had made his way uninterrupted all the way to the outside of the pyramid building, parking his cart in the parking lot at the back of the gallery and shaking a little dust from the outside of his clothing, would leave in the direction of the back door of the building. When he entered the building, he was able to notice with some concern the state of its interior, some sculptures knocked down and destroyed, artistic paintings torn between 2 or 3 lines, both vertical and horizontal, which were lying on the ground, a scene that would give him an attack of fury towards the artist that the rapper had in his mind.

Continuing down corridor after corridor, the rapper was slowly noticing that the state of the works and the interior of the areas was returning to normal, with no traces of having been vandalized, this made West feel a little relaxed. In his mind he was certain that the cause of this had received what they deserved and fled, but as soon as he went to where there was a destroyed door, where several noises of percussion instruments could be heard in the rapper's ears, where decided and curious entered the other side.


DK West: Bro... -In a low tone and a hurt look, she saw the state of her younger brother's body that was on the ground next to her equally unconscious friend and her ex-partner trapped and injured in some substance sticky-

Trópical: Huh? Is it a new "friend" who came to join the game?!

It was the words of someone unknown that he was with three acquaintances of his and two other small subjects that he recognized immediately, as for that "person", he would see him with a happily excessive look. West, who immediately noticed how that "person" after observing him, would see how it would be approaching at high speed towards him.

The rapper would give a stern look towards Tropical who would already be approaching in front of him until something unexpected for the discordant Sergeant made him stop but not voluntarily.


Trópical: Ggghha... -He murmured in pain as soon as he felt that he had collided head-on with a solid wall, which caused his whole body to be stamped for a few seconds, in those seconds that passed, his body had freed itself naturally to he staggered back a few steps while he had a lost look in his surroundings- II-iit... i-is an hono-oor... Lieutenante-e... *Plop!*

Falling forward, the body of the discordant Sergeant yielded to the knockout received at the serious sight of the Malaysian rapper whose left side towards a wall would be seen as a humanoid creature of shadows with the head of a bull who had put the left palm of his hand to the ground , in a raised position being the reason to stop Trópical's advance by using his shadow against his. After having left the cause of this in ko, West immediately ran to where his younger brother, friend and ex-partner were, when he arrived, he could better notice their condition, with a look that detonated unease, he would try to wake up to both unconscious rockers that soon, to the relief of the Malaysian rapper, they would wake up with some discomfort.

Mayday: Ughhh... -Murmur as she tried to get up on her own- augh my head, what happened?

Zuke: *Cough* *COUGH* Oh! * Cough x5 * -Suddenly waking up with a shock and coughs, he would manage to wake up although feeling a late wave of pain that would soon cause a strong grimace to later notice that next to him was neither more nor less than his older brother- B-Brother?

DK West: What's up Zuke Bro? -In a quiet and calm tone he would see that his brother still felt good, more or less-

Mayday: One second? West?! How did you get here?! ouch! -Immediately, she would press his forehead since her sudden reaction caused a pang to run through the area affected by the blow received-

DK West: Well Miss Mayday, that's what happened...

As West, Zuke and Mayday tried to free Eve once more, he began to explain why he came to Vinyl City, the call of the horn he had given to Tatiana that had made it sound once more, although he did not know why. Both his younger brother and his friend needed to explain what had happened in Vinyl City, when West heard what had happened he felt upset as well as regretting that he had not been able to help in this fight before, leaving only his brother and her friend and her acquaintances fight against these terrifying enemies.

Having finally freed Eve, both rockers would hold her by both arms since she was feeling very weak due to the anemia caused by her wound, when everyone was about to leave the rectangular room, the sound of a recognizable voice he put on alert and tension towards the direction where the exit of the room was located.

Trópical: Haaahh... Brbrbrbrbr! -He would shake his head to recover while looking lost to the opposite side where West was before, when he turned around, he was surprised at the same time that he was glad that his "friends" were still there, although he noticed a little worried to see Eve who was released, but his calm was quick when he saw that she was too weak in his sight- Great, they're still here! Does that mean we're still in the "game"?

Preparing his maracas, which he was shaking in an animated way, he would be about to prepare to continue with the "game" until, in the distance, a hand in a stop sign stopped the steps of the Sergeant who would see with a look of doubt, DK West he had put in front of BBJ and Eve who had a look of concern towards the rapper that would give him an equally friendly smile towards the discordant Sergeant.

DK West: Okay, okay... relax friend, relax... -Making some signs with both hands, he prepared to continue the "game" that the discordant Sergeant wanted only this time, he wanted to make him a proposal- I propose something , why don't we devise and play in an E-E-E-Ewak, rap battle! Do you enter?

Tropical: Rap battle? Super, I enter! -He said animatedly as he moved at high speed to go back and take distance- *Zooooom!* I'm ready and I'm also warning you that my brothers Primal and Octorchea taught me some rap in the Jungles of Feeling in Symphony, so don't you underestimate me!

As the discordant Sergeant prepared for action, Zuke, Mayday and Eve approached and speaking in whispers and low voices, they would still remain concerned about the Malaysian rapper.

Zuke: Brother, don't do it!

Mayday: Yes, this guy is very fast, he will knead you like a loaf before baking!

Eve: As much-ch as hard as I-admit it, don't do this, let us s-help you against this energetic jester

Hearing her words, West would calmly shake his head as he advanced several steps forward until he was at a distance away from BBJ and Eve, he would soon look towards his opponent who looked completely animated by this, not knowing that soon this battle would be one of the first in the series. that West would do it in a more aggressive way.

DK West: I'm ready, Belut Sumbang... -In a serious and smiling tone he would be ready for this rap battle that would start at the Evenfall Gallery-

Good evening readers, here I bring you the new translated chapter of this story. I am going to divide this chapter into two parts, the next one will be the rapbattle between DK West and Trópical, it will take me a long time to write it translated since I have no knowledge when it comes to making rhymes so be patient. Oh, I also forgot to mention that the song I added in this Chapter is called Murmansk Underground by OTE, this song was chosen to be used as music for one of the extra levels of the Soundfall game. Well... that would be all for now, with nothing more to write, we'll see you in the next Chapter.

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