By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 89

1.3K 69 48
By Lancelot1864

Virion Eralith POV

*ring* *ring*

I was currently in the council room with the other council members talking about recent events. My eyes fell to the pile of communication scrolls to my right as one of them began to glow. The council members fell silent, and I picked up the scroll and opened it.

"Ah, captain Shard, do you have something to report?" I asked as Helen's image appeared on the other side.

"Yes, Commander, per your request, I'm reporting that we have located the boss room. The Trailblazers are getting ready as we speak. We will set out for the boss room in approximately four hours." Helen stated.

"Understood, any signs of Alacryan soldiers or their Retainers?" I asked.

Helen shook her head, "None so far."

"Hmmm, either way, let me see if I can send a Lance your way. It's better to be safe than sorry." I said.

Helen nodded, "Thank you, Commander."

I looked at Buhnd, "Buhnd, check to see if there are any Lances available."

"Will do," Buhnd said as he picked up a communication scroll. He opened the communication scroll and called the captain in charge of Vildorial's defense.

"Iron Longfoot," Buhnd said.

I watched the communication scroll glow, and a picture of Captain Iron appeared. Iron was a short older dwarf with thick black hair and a long black beard. He was very stocky and had a lot of body hair.

"Council member Buhnd, what's going on?" Iron asked curiously.

"Captain Iron, the Trailblazers in the Beast Glades have located the boss dungeon. I was calling to see if there were any Lances available to assist them." Buhnd said.

"Hmmm, let me check," Iron said.

I could hear him shuffling papers around. After a few minutes, Iron spoke again.

"Afraid not. Aya is currently on a scout mission watching Alacryan troop movements. Bairon and Mica are currently at the defensive line. The Alacryans are massing and preparing to attack. Olfred is escorting the supply unit from Vildorial to the defensive line. Aya has already reported seeing a Retainer with the Alacryan forces, so I need the Lances. I'm sorry." Iron reported.

My stomach dropped slightly hearing this, how our forces are stretched thin, and we can't give the Trailblazers any help. Buhnd sighed, looking towards me, and I gave him an understanding nod.

"No, it's ok, I understand; thank you for checking. I know things haven't been easy since Rahdeas." Buhnd said.

"Yes. It definitely wasn't An Expected Betrayal." Iron said sorrowfully.

Buhnd nodded, "Good luck, Iron." The communication ended, and the scroll turned to dust in Buhnds's hands.

"That leaves Alea and Varay," Blaine said.

"Alea is the only one in Elenoir, and Varay is the only one in Sapin. Are we willing to send the only Lances defending those kingdoms? They'd be left defenseless if a Retainer attacked." Alduin pointed out.

"We can't send Elion either. He's in charge of the wall and the Beast Glades. If we send him, we give up the wall's best defense." Buhnd said.

"So there's no one to send then," Pricilla sighed in frustration as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well then, what do we do? Just let the Trailblazers go by themselves again? What if they encounter another Retainer?" Merial said, sounding concerned.

I looked down, sharing her concerns, not just for the Trailblazers, but for Tessia, who is with them. Part of me wanted to order her to come back, but I knew she wouldn't listen. I just needed to have faith in her abilities, knowing how strong she had become.

I sighed as I thought about what everyone was saying. The Lances in Darv were busy fighting to hold the line. Varay was in Sapin, protecting the human kingdom and the floating castle. If we send her, we, as well as Sapin, will be left defenseless. Alea was protecting Elenoir; if we send her, Elenoir loses its best defender. Elion was in charge of the wall, and the Beast Glades, remove him, and a Retainer could easily attack and destroy the wall, leaving death and destruction in their path.

I looked at Helen and sighed, "I'm sorry, Captain; as of right now, we have no one available. If you want to wait for a Lance to be available, I understand."

Helen looked down, seeming to be deep in thought, before she looked back at me, "Understood, Commander. As of now, we will proceed as planned. I don't want to stay in this dungeon longer than we need to. The longer we're here, the greater the chance the Alacryans will know what dungeon we're in."

I nodded as I understood her reasoning. I wanted to selfishly tell her to hold off due to Tessia. However, I trusted Helen's judgment.

"Very well. Good luck, Captain. And be safe." I said as the communication ended.

"What if they meet a retainer?" Merial asked, concerned. Alduin sat beside her, looking concerned as well. He reached out and took her hand consolingly before looking at me.

My stomach dropped thinking about the idea, and I balled my fists in frustration, "Let's just pray they don't."


Tessia Eralith POV

The Trailblazers made it to the entrance of the boss room. Helen told us before we left base camp that a Lance couldn't join us. So, Helen wanted to be on the safe side. Her plan was to have the sensory mages see if they could detect any Retainers inside. If so, we would immediately fall back and contact Granda.

We all stood spread out as two sensory mages approached the entrance. I stood next to Jasmine, Theo, Claire, Lilia, and Caera as we watched them intently. I didn't know the sensory mages well; I've met them maybe once or twice. I knew their names were Jesse and Anna.

Jesse was a tall skinny man with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. He carried a bow and arrows and had an affinity for wind magic.

Anna was a petite girl who was a head shorter than Roland. She had light brown hair that she let flow freely down to her shoulders. She carried a wand and had an affinity for fire.

Jesse and Anna approached the archway and stood to the right side. Jesse subtly peaked his head around the corner. He carefully crouched down and held his hand out toward the boss's chamber.

Anna stood beside him as she held her hands in front of her and closed her eyes. They stood there for a few seconds, trying to see if they could sense anything inside. Soon they both looked and whispered something to each other before they both began to quickly move back to the group.

"Did you sense anything?" Helen asked as they approached.

"We could sense a strong presence of foreign mana inside," Anna reported.

"A Retainer?" Helen asked in all seriousness.

"Unknown. It was definitely strong, but we don't think it was Retainer strong." Jesse said.

"It might be the beast," Caera chimed in.

Helen looked at her curiously, "What do you mean?

"The beast may have been corrupted already. So, therefore, it would give off a presence of foreign mana." Caera said.

Helen nodded as she looked down deep in thought. Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to make a decision. I could see the fear on some of the Trailblazer's faces, as we didn't want to face another Retainer. Helen sighed, and she looked up.

"Ok, with the presence not being of Retainer strength, and with Caera's information, I say we go in. Are there any objections?" Helen asked.

We all looked around, and no one spoke up. Some people shook their heads, while others whispered to each other.

"Very well, everyone, get ready; we're going in," Helen ordered.

We all got our weapons ready and quickly moved into the boss room. As we entered, I looked around the room, scanning my surroundings. We entered a large empty earth dome that was about five hundred yards long. The floor was nothing but soft sand that was a little hard to move in. The Trailblazers quickly got into a sizeable defensive circle standing back to back, and we looked around for the boss.

"Anyone see anything?" Helen asked.


"Got nothing."

"Nothing but dirt."

People replied.

As I looked around, I thought I felt the sand shifting beneath my feet. I looked down but didn't see anything.

"I thought I just felt the sand move," Claire called out.

"Ya, same here," I said.

Helen looked towards us, then looked down. Her eyes narrowed before she looked at Jesse and Anna.

"Jesse, Anna, can you sense the direction of the foreign mana?" Helen asked.

Jesse and Anna closed their eyes as they sensed their surroundings. We all looked at them, eagerly waiting for their answer. Suddenly, their eyes shot open.

"Beneath us!" Anna yelled.


A giant stone-looking snake shot out from the ground in the middle of the group head first. Six members of our group were flung into the air. Five of them landed on the sand with a thud. The earth-like snake captured the sixth member in its jaws. We could hear a wet crunch sound as the snake bit down, and blood ran down the corner of its mouth. The stone snake stopped, staring at us all, as we got into our defensive stances.

The snake appeared to be multiple large boulders put together in a serpentine shape. It had a large head with a horn coming out of the top.

"It's an AA-class boulder serpent, move!" Helen yelled.

"Rawrrr!!!" The serpent roared as we ran around the beast. Particles of sand flew out of the mouth, covering several of the soldiers.

"It's been corrupted! It's stronger than usual, be careful!!" Caera yelled as she ignited her sword in soul fire.

The bolder serpent roared as it slammed its body into the ground, sending out a shockwave mixed with sand. Several group members were knocked back and landed on the floor or flew into the air and struck the walls with significant impact. I stuck close to my squad as we tried to avoid the serpent.

The serpent began to slither across the floor, with sand washing over its rocky skin. Several group members fired arrows and spells at the serpent. The arrows bounced off the serpent's rock skin, and spells seemed to have no effect.

"Caera, use your soul fire!!" Helen yelled.

Caera swung her sword down, sending forth a wave of black fire. The soul fire collided with the serpent's side as it slithered around. The serpent roared as a layer of sand fell off the beast, knocking the soul fire off it. Sand quickly rose from the floor and wrapped around the serpent, replacing the protective layer of sand around it.

"Damnit!" Caera yelled through gritted teeth.

"Water mages, get that dirt off of it!" Helen ordered.

Water mages began to move around the beast, preparing their spells. Suddenly the serpent did a barrel roll, sending out large waves of sand in all directions.

"Scatter!" Helen yelled.

Waves of sand fell on top of several group members, burying them deep within the sand. A large wave moved toward my group, and I twirled my bladed staff in front of me, sending forth a gust of wind, breaking the wave apart.

"Earth mages, get the Trailblazers out of the sand!" Helen yelled.

Several earth mages worked together as they raised the buried group members. Several members gasped for air as they were released from the sand.

"We have to get that layer of sand off!" Helen yelled, pointing at the serpent.

"Adam, with me!" Aaron yelled.

Adam quickly moved to Aaron, as Aaron readied his sword, and Adam readied his spear.

"Jasmine, you and your wind mages give us a boost!" Aaron yelled, looking at Jasmine. Jasmine nodded to Aaron and looked at us.

"Alright, move to Aaron and Adam. Caera, Theo, protect us as we help them out!" Jasmine yelled.

"Got it!" We yelled back. 

We quickly moved towards Adam and Aaron, who were talking to each other, making a plan. The serpent spun again, sending out more waves of sand. Earth and wind mages worked in tandem to bring down the waves. Caera and Theo used their gravity and soul fire to keep the sand off us.

"What's the plan?!" Jasmine asked as she ran up to Aaron.

"Use your wind magic to fling us on top of the serpent!" Aaron yelled, pointing at the serpent.

Jasmine just glared at Aaron, dumbfounded, for a second.

"Are you a fucking idiot!! I'm not doing that!" Jasmine hissed.

"Why not?!" Aaron yelled, almost sounding insulted.

"It's a serpent made of rocks that fucking rolls! You'll be crushed!" Jasmine yelled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ya well... I don't know; it seemed like a good idea at the time!" Aaron yelled, realizing his dumb idea.

"Incoming!!" Caera yelled.

We all looked forward and went wide-eyed. The serpent was moving quickly toward us. Suddenly a large figure landed in front of us protectively.

"Durden!" We all yelled.

"Slow it down!" Durden yelled, looking at us over his shoulder.

Theo used his gravity magic to weigh the serpent down. Lilia, Claire, Jasmine, and I sent forth a gust of wind magic, trying to slow it down. Adam thrust his spear forward, shooting forward a water spike at the serpent. Aaron swung his sword vertically, shooting an arc of water toward the beast.

Theo's gravity magic and the combined wind attacks slowed it down. Adam and Aaron's water magic washed off some of the dust layers from the serpent's head. As the serpent closed in, Durden slammed his fists into the ground, and an earth wall erupted before the serpent. The serpent crashed into the wall, stopping it in its place.

"Fire!!!" Helen yelled.

Mages released their spells at the serpent. Spells exploded against the beast as it lifted the front half of its body off the ground. The serpent formed an S shape as it glared at the Trailblazers.

"Roarrr!" The serpent roared as the spells blew up against the beast.

"Its head is exposed; wrap it in water!" Aaron yelled.

Aaron and Adam swung their weapons down, shooting water at the serpent. Several other water mages also shot forward water attacks that covered the beast's head in a water bubble.

"Freeze it!" Helen yelled.

Ice mages quickly froze the water bubble around the beast's head. The beast fell to the ground and twitched around. I slammed my bladed staff on the ground and wrapped a significant amount of vines around the beast, keeping it in place.

"Durden, toss me above the beast's head!" Theo yelled.

Theo ran up to Durden as Theo lessened the gravity around him. Durden grabbed Theo and threw him into the air above the beast.

"Theo!" Claire yelled, concerned, watching him intently.

Once above the beast, Theo increased the gravity around him, and he plunged down towards the serpent's head, fists first. Theo crashed into the serpent's head, sending out a shockwave and breaking the beast's head to break apart. Theo landed on the ground harmlessly, and the serpent's body stopped moving.

"Yahhhh!!!" Everyone yelled in victory.

Theo slowly stood up, and Claire ran up to him as fast as possible. Theo turned toward Claire just in time for her to run into him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.

"You damn idiot!" Claire yelled, wrapping her hand around the back of his head and reeling him in for a kiss. They slowly broke the kiss, "Don't ever do that again."

Theo chuckled and smiled, "Yes, ma'am." 

I smiled, seeing them together, before I looked around. I noticed several members were lying on the ground wounded, being attended to by other members of the Trailblazers.

"Nice job, everyone!" Helen called out. "Now get the wounded, and let's get out of h-!"


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