Hang Your Halo

By chasethemayhem

82K 1.5K 286

"Aw baby, do I need to explain the difference between harder and faster?" -Beckham "Do I need to remind you o... More

Coming soon!
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


2.3K 46 7
By chasethemayhem

It started with some off-time
Dancing in the kitchen led to red wine
Painted on your lips, and takin' my time
Kissin' it off, trail of clothes down the hall
Led to all night long
Come Back To Bed x Sean Stemaly


Roo and Nix come over and we tell them everything we learned today.  Granted, there wasn't a lot to even tell, but we wanted to make sure we were all on the same page.  They told Jake and I about their excursion to the city and how they tried to gauge the police interactions with everyone.  It seems like they're super friendly with the locals and aren't too concerned with mild infarctions like speeding. 

We catch up while we eat, shoot the shit for a little bit, then pile up and watch a movie before Roo and Nix head home for the night.  We decided that after tonight, we'd discuss all work matters at the office.  That way, we'll be able to have all of our research laid out without worry someone will drop by unannounced and we'll have to frantically put it away.  Plus it gives us a reason to get out of the house and act like we actually have normal jobs. 

We say goodbye to our friends, and Jake has me pinned to the door the second it's fully shut. 

"Really, tiny?  Are you tryin' to kill me?!" He asks, one hand on the door by my head and the other locked onto my hip.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Bagman," I smirk in response. 

"Oh so everything you did tonight was unintentional?  Running your nails down the back of my neck while we ate, pushing your ass up against my dick anytime you had to pass me, practically sitting in my lap on the couch during the movie?  Those were all just accidental?  I'm not sure if I believe that, sweetheart." 

He had started tracing small circles on my hip as he spoke to keep me distracted, which left me unaware that he had slid one of his feet between mine.  Suddenly, he kicks one of my feet out to the side, making room for his leg to snake in between mine. 

Slightly losing my footing, I stumble forward and catch myself on his insanely muscular chest.  I look up and lock eyes with Jake, finding a thin ring of green around his lust blown pupils. I bite my lip at the sight, because holy shit that's hot. 

Jake gently brushes his thumb over my lip, pulling it down and freeing it from my teeth.  He flexes the thigh he pushed between mine, putting the perfect amount of pressure on the seam of my denim cutoffs and making a whimper escape my lips. 

"I already told you, gorgeous. Only I bite that lip, remember?  Tell me you understand."

I nod, my brain not able to process anything more than that at the moment with the way he's sporadically flexing his muscle where I need it most. 

"Words, baby girl."

"Understood...sir," I smirk at him.  His thumb still lingers at the corner of my mouth, so I slightly turn my head and slip it between my lips and bite down gently on his fingertip. 

The growl that reverberates through his chest makes a huge grin cross my face. 

"You're trouble, my little vixen.  But we both know I happen to enjoy finding myself in it, don't we?"  The double entendre is not lost on me.

I take this moment to run my hands down his chest, my eyes still holding fierce contact with his, and stop at the waistband of his gym shorts.  I tease him, barely dipping my fingers into elastic and trace a teasing line between his hip bones. 

I slide my hand down further and between his skin and boxers, then readjust the position of his already rock solid dick for better access. 

He lets out a damn near feral growl as I slide to my knees, bringing his shorts and boxers to the ground with me.

Once he's fully freed, I run my hands up and down the insides of his thighs, enjoying how his cock twitches every time I get close to it.  I look up at him to find both hands pressed against the door to hold him up and his head tilted towards the ceiling and resting back on his shoulders. 

Seeing him all torn up like this, knowing it's because of me, has my stomach tied in excited knots.  I have this huge, muscular, cocky, badass pilot quite literally in the palms of my hands. 

Deciding to finally put him out of his misery, I run my tongue up the indent at his hip and then move over to lick his tip.  He shudders and lets out a strangled gasp, which makes me grin and turns me on even more.  Teasing him, teases me and I love every bit of it.  I run my tongue around the entire length of him, giving myself a little extra slickness, before taking him completely in my mouth.

His hands quickly drop from the door to my hair, quickly gripping onto the strands into handfuls. 

"Fuuuuuck, sweetheart.  You're too fuckin good at that and I've been hard almost all day," he groaned as he guides my head at the pace he needs.  "I'm not gonna last long like this, it feels too good."

I smile, the best I can manage with my lips wrapped around his cock, and dig my nails into his thighs.  I start to move faster, the tip hitting the back of my throat repeatedly and making me gag.  I look up to see Jake's eyes roll back when I do this, and he pulls tighter on my hair, trying to pull me off of him. 

"Ah. Baby, you gotta stop. I'm-"

His words are cut off, probably forgotten too, when I run my fingernail down the seam of his balls. 

"FUCK!  Dammit, honey," Jake shouts between guttural moans.  Gripping my hair tight enough to make tears well in my eyes, he holds my head still and moves his hips with ridiculous speed until he finally finishes down my throat.  I swallow around him, making him groan as he pulls out of my mouth.  A little leaks out of the side of my mouth and I wipe the corner with my thumb, licking it off while staring Jake down. 

"Pants off. Now," he commands.

I can't help but be a smartass, so I decide to push him a little bit.

"Or what?"  I ask with a smirk. 

He reaches down and scoops me up under my arms, placing me back onto my feet. 

"Keep testing me and you'll find out.  I'm not gonna tell you again; pants. off. now.   If I have to take them off myself, you may regret it," he tells me, voice low and full of authority.  Damn is that hot. 

My mind is set on pushing his buttons.  I mean, how mad could a man who just came down my throat less than 2 minutes ago be anyway?  So I lean against the door, arms crossed and an eyebrow cocked in his direction.

"I see you've made your choice for the night and traded the halo for horns tonight, princess."   Ooooh, that's a new one.  How does everything he says make me so hot for him, dammit?!  I don't say anything, standing firm in my decision to be a brat at the moment. 

"I have a feeling you'll be regretting that decision when I don't let you cum until I decide you can, no matter how much you beg or cry for it." 

Suddenly, he drops to his knees and all but tears the button of my shorts off as he yanks them off, the black lace of my thong following immediately behind them.  Before I can even blink, he has one of my legs hooked over his shoulder, one hand firmly clasped around it to keep it there and the other pinning my hip to the door. 

My eyes widen and I let out a shocked yet excited squeak. 

"Oh, my little firecracker.  You're about to be so much louder than that," he tells me half a second before he dives into me. 

My hands quickly find his hair as his tongue lashes at me, running flat along the outside of wet heat but never dipping all the way in.  I already thought his tongue was magic when it made me come just from playing with my nipples, but this is even better.  He chooses that moment to finally part me with his tongue and push into where I'm dying to have him.  My head thunks back against the door and I moan like a porn star at the feeling. 

"Holy shit, honey.  That feels so good," I tell him, somehow managing to string a sentence together. 

My words spur him on, and I feel him smirk against me before he devours me like he hasn't eaten in weeks.  The groan he lets out makes my knee buckle and I'm only held up by his hand pressing my hip against the door and his broad shoulder underneath me.  My breathing gets shorter as I get closer, on the edge of cumming.  Electricity zaps through my veins, and just as I'm about to let it consume me, he rips his mouth away from me.

I scream in frustration.  "Dammit, Bagman!  I was almost there!"

I attempt to shove at his shoulders to push him away from me, but my leg latched onto him doesn't allow it.  He looks up at me, his normally moss green eyes darkened to match the color of the forest at night.  His lips are shiny, providing physical proof of how close I was.  His tongue peeks out, running from one corner of his lips to the other, as he closes his eyes and moans. 

"Mmm, I was right.  You do taste like honey.  Are you ready to be a good girl and follow directions yet?" He asks me with his stupid, annoying, hot smirk. 

I look down at him, mad as hell that he ripped my orgasm right out of my grasp.  "No, you dick!" I reply angrily, still panting from my almost release.  This only causes him to smirk as he slowly rises from his position on the ground.  Once he's back up to his full height, towering over me, he grabs my hips and spins me.  I hiss at the slight chill of the door against the bare, overheated skin of my hips.  Shifting my eyes to look at Jake, he pushes his full body against me and pins me completely to the door.

"Try again, angel," he coos in my ear. 

"I said what I said," I snark back.

"I tried to give you one more chance, remember that," he murmurs before pulling back.

I immediately miss his warmth against me, but that's short lived, because he rears back and lands a solid slap to my ass.  I yelp, starting to turn to give him a piece of my mind. He places his palms on me, one between my shoulder blades and and the other firmly on my hip.  He pushes my body forward while tilting my hips back. 

"Both hands on the door," comes his gravelly demand.  Something in the tone of his voice has me complying before I can process what I'm doing.  "Much better sweetheart.  Now, how many times did you run that perfect little mouth or not do as I asked?  5, was it?"  I nod. 

"Ok gorgeous, you get 5.  Remember, you don't cum until I say you can.  If you behave, I'll give you what you want. Understand?"  Jake asks me.

"Yes," I reply, looking over my shoulder.  The man looks so damn good right now.  Hair disheveled from running my hands through it, shirt crumpled, pants somehow back up over his hips, eyes dark and locked in on mine like I'm a target. 

"You're gonna give me a color based on how you feel between them. Obviously red means top, green means good to go, yellow means pause for a second.  I don't want to hurt you more than what feels good, so promise me you'll be honest?"  The look on his face screams sincerity.

"Pinky," I promise, holding my finger out to him.  He smiles and locks his little finger with mine, then his face falls back into a look of sheer control.  I brace myself against the door, expecting a slap similar to the last one.

That one was stronger than the last, but I'm still ok.

"Still green!"

Smack! Smack!
He lands two strikes back to back and I can't contain the moan that escapes.  "So green cowboy," I tell him. 

The last blow is the hardest, and I know I'm gonna have a hard time sitting down tomorrow.  I choke on a sob of pleasure and feel my own wetness reach the tops of my thighs with how turned on I am. 

"Ok, pretty girl.  Are you ready to behave?" He asks. 

I'm basically a babbling mess at this point and would agree to just about anything.  "Yes, daddy!" comes my automatic response.  My eyes widen when I realize what just slipped from my lips, and I'm being turned back around in a flash.  For half a second, I'm worried that freaked Jake out so much that he'll never come near me again.  That fear vanishes the second I see that cocky mother fucking smirk appear on his face. 

"Mmm, I think I like how that sounds coming from you.  We'll have to explore that later though, because I have other plans for you," he tells me as he leans back in and smashes his lips on mine.  Teeth click and tongues lash against each other, his hands moving to the backs of my thighs and lifting, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.  My back is pressed against the door once again.  I move my hands to the hem of his shirt and do my best to pull it up and over his head.  I get as far as the death grip my legs have around his waist before he takes over, ripping his shirt the rest of the way off then quickly discarding mine along with my bra.   He holds me up with one hand, using the other to push his shorts and boxers back down. I try to be helpful and push the elastic down with my heels. 

Soon we're both completely naked and I can feel his hard cock against me.  I'm slightly shocked at how quickly he bounced back, and then I'm so happy that he's in such incredible shape thanks to being an elite pilot.  I decide to show my appreciation for his rapid regeneration.

"Holy shit, Hungman.  Your rebound rate is impressive!"  I groan, pulling his head towards my neck and hoping he gets the picture. 

He does.

He immediately starts kissing and sucking small marks into my skin, and I arch my back, pushing my chest into his.  He shudders at the feel of the metal of my piercings pressing to his chest.  Last time we had sex he told me it felt amazing, so I've tried to press them against him as much as possible.  I shift my hips in hope of slipping down the door a little bit to find friction against him, and am rewarded with a delicious groan from Jake as my pussy slips against his cock.  He quickly shifts, sliding completely into me with hardly any resistance.  I gasp at the full feeling, the head of his cock seamlessly finding the sensitive spot near my cervix. My arms snake around his neck, his lips having already found their way back to my collarbone. 

"Holy fucking shit, Jake!  You feel so good," I whine as my head falls back against the door again. 

"You do too, angel.  Made just for me, a perfect fuckin' fit, baby girl." He pants in between thrusts.

"Honey, I'm close," I warn.  Him just sliding into me, filling me is about enough to do me in. 

"Hold it, I meant what I said," the authority in his voice shining through again.  I nod, somehow managing to stave off my impending climax.

Jake slowly draws his hips back and pushes back in, lighting every nerve ending of mine on fire.  Adjusting his hands, one locks under my knee and pulls it up to rest high on his waist, the new angle pushing him even deeper inside me.  The other rests along my neck again and he pulls my lips to his. 

"Faster, Jake.  Please," I beg. 

Shifting his feet, he rams his hips up harder and rolls them at the top, making me scream.  Whether it was in pleasure or frustration, I'm not sure.  Probably both.  He keeps this pace for what seems like an eternity and I can't take much more. 

"Jake!  Baby, please. Please let me cum.  It hurts so bad," I sob.

"I told you, Beck.  Not until I decide, no matter how much you cry or beg. Hold. It."

I'm a sweaty, dripping mess when he finally decides I've had enough.  He knocks the leg he wasn't holding onto off of his hip and I rest the ball of my foot on the floor.  Once I'm balanced, he grips the calf of the leg still around him and pulls it up, the bend of my knee over his shoulder and my foot dangling against his back.  My hands drop to his forearms to hold on for dear life.  I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors called the cops at this point with the obscene noises that have escaped me. 

"Almost there, baby.  Just hold on a little bit longer," Jake breathes in my ear. The southern drawl kills me and brings me that much closer.  He starts pounding into me in a rapid rhythm.  "Ok honey, you can let go now.  Cum all over my cock. Now!"  He growls, the permission from him unlocking a level of ecstasy I didn't know existed.  I cum with a scream, my nails sinking into his skin. He tips over the edge right after me, releasing a moan that will no doubt reappear in my dreams for the rest of my life.  He fills me as he cums, so much so that it overflows and drips down my leg. 

We catch our breath and he pushes my sweaty hair off of my face.  The look he gives me is full of adoration and I don't think I'll ever get enough of it.  "Learn your lesson, darlin'?"  He asks. 

"For now, you'll probably have to teach it again at a later date," I giggle.

"You really are trouble, woman.  Let's go get washed up and crash.  Wanna watch something in bed?"  Jake asks, bringing my legs back to his waist from their respective places on the floor and over his shoulder. 

"Ooooh, wanna watch the new Dahmer series on Netflix?  And maybe some ice cream too?" I suggest. 

"Ice cream and serial killer shows.  You're the woman of my dreams!" He laughs and kisses the top of my head as he carries me to the shower. 

This is damn near perfect, I think to myself.


Sorry I didn't post the last few days!   We were at a baseball tournament all weekend and then a game last night so I've been sweating or screaming my ass off 😂

Hope you enjoyed this chapter to make up for it!

Xoxo 💋

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