By ReptileEdge

243K 3.3K 4.9K

Inspired by Unidentified's story with the same concept, but with my own twist. Jessie had lived through a tr... More

Jessie's Bio.
Haunted Past... Hunted Present...
The Monsters Return.
Jessie's Return.
More Girls, More Problems.
More Girls, More Problems. Part 2.
Freeeeeeeeeee Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeessie!
Birds of a feather, keep Jessie FOREVER.
A Mother's Persuasion.
Hey, check out this fan art!
Family Dinner Birds.
The Beast Unleashed.
City for Sinners.
30 thousand view special/Sequel cover.
Their names start with V.
Pretty Little Psycho Demons.
New Character, and Three Employees.
More Fanart!
Short and small teaser.
She's his WHAT?!
Aftermath of the Shitshow.
Discovering Another Beast.
Secrets of Paimon.
Demon Dinosaurs.
Holy Rumble: Part 1.

Everyone knows!

3.9K 71 132
By ReptileEdge

The original title for this chapter was created by DeathKip12 which was called "A Teacher, a Mother, and an Obsessor." But after a long while, I decided to change it to fit the chapter's description. Sorry DeathKip12. I've also been chatting with SoryuSigma again after such a long while, and they've helped me with some ideas to help build up this chapter.

Also, I forgot to mention in the story that Jessie's voice actor has been changed to "Johnny Yong Bosch" who's Nero's voice actor in Devil May Cry 5. Last year, people had pointed out how he sounded like a good fit for Jessie's voice because of Nero. So I went with it.

Anyways, let's continue.


Pentagram City, Hazbin Hotel...

The roar of an engine is heard as it speeds closer to the hotel.

A black and red mustang drives up to the hotel garage before stopping. Inside is, Rick, in the driver's seat. In the back seats are Charlie, and Vaggie. Both of them are back there instead of one of them in the front is because Rick is still covered in demon blood from the scuffle he got into earlier, and also because Vaggie doesn't trust him enough to sit up front with him, or have Charlie sit up front with him either.

"Do one of you have a button for the garage door? Or is there one on the side of the wall somewhere?" Rick asked.

"I got this." Charlie said.

She snapped her fingers, and the overhanging garage door began to rise.

"Thanks." Rick said.

"You're welcome!" Charlie said with her innocent smile.

Rick drove the mustang inside, and parked it in an empty spot. Afterwards, he turned off the engine, and the trio left the vehicle. They entered the hotel where they see Husk, and Niffty still in the lobby with the tv on for background noise. Yet Alastor wasn't around this time, and someone like Vaggie doesn't care as long as he's gone.

The two sinners notice the state that Rick's in.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Husk questioned.

"Got into a little death battle during my walk, and it didn't end well for my attackers... I also got a new car out of it!" Rick answered, sounding joyful at the end because of the car he got out of it.

"What kind of car is it?" Niffty asked.

"A black and red 1967 Ford Mustang." Said Rick.

"What? You're joking." Husk said, not believing it.

"Nope. Got it parked in the garage. Just needs to be cleaned out." Rick said.

"I'LL CLEAN IT!!!" Niffty exclaimed excitedly in her hyperactive tone before zipping away towards the garage.

"DO NOT SCRATCH IT!!!" Rick called out, though he's unsure if she heard him or not.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I definitely need a shower after the whole ordeal." Rick said simply.

However, just as he's about to leave, and take said shower, the news came on.

"We interrupt this program for this shocking news announcement!" The news program said.

"Ugh. Another one?" Husk groaned.

"Hello everyone, Katie Killjoy here with another shocking announcement!" The demoness news reporter said with a creepy smile on her face.

"Great, what's this bitch bitching about now?" Vaggie groaned in annoyance.

"A human has been spotted in Hell!" Katie said suddenly.

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock, except for Husk, who spat out his drink.

"You heard right! A human has been spotted in Hell, and he appears to have demonic powers!" Katie reported with that off putting tv smile.

"She's not talking about me, is she?" Rick questioned, a little worried.

"Here's exclusive security footage we received from a business building in the city!"

The footage shows someone in a brown hoodie with the hood up, and they have a group of raptors beside them. Two on each side of them. The raptors themselves appear to be from Jurassic World: Dominion. They all stood by the elevator doors, and as soon as they opened, they scared the secretary out of the elevator before entering.

Later, we see the security footage on the ground floor, and the supposed human with the raptors exiting the elevator. The raptors shrieked, barked, and snapped their jaws at anyone that got too close. The human turns to look back to be sure they're not being followed, and sees a security guard did rush from behind. The human suddenly breathes ice blue colored fire from his mouth like a dragon, setting the demon on fire, and they collapse on the floor as they writhing on the floor in agony. The human then turns back around as he marched toward the main doors of the building. However, that's when the footage pauses, and zooms in on their face. The video gets enhanced, and shows what he looks like.

"As you can see, there's definitely a human in Hell, or at least what appears to be a human. It's also confirmed that these are the same dinosaurs that were with the monster that took on Vox and Valentino, and won! Is there a connection between the human, and the monster? Are they one in the same? Who knows?!"

Katie is soon interrupted by someone handing her papers.

"What is it now?! Can't you see we're live?!" Katie spat irritably.

"Just take the damn papers! It's more info on the human!" The co-worker spat, not in the mood for her bullshit tonight.

Katie snatched the papers from his hand, and he walked away while muttering "fucking bitch" under his breath.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Katie yelled angrily at him.

She began to view the papers, and her eyes went wide with shock. Even more so when she looked at the second paper before returning her attention to the camera.

"We have just received some shocking info on the human!" Katie said with her usual smile.

It then switches to show two images taken by Verosika Mayday. Each showed a human boy, but in one image it shows a five year old, and the second shows a teen.

Charlie gasped when she recognized the image of the five year old.

"Oh my god, IT'S HIM!!!" Charlie exclaimed with joy, stars in her eyes.

"'Him' who?" Vaggie asked.

"The human has been confirmed to be named Jessie Drackus, thanks to these posts made by Hell's most popular succubus popstar, Verosika Mayday, and it appears it's not his first time down here in Hell." Katie explained.

Vaggie's eye widened in shock. She hadn't heard that name in a long time.

"It is him!!! It's him, it's him, it's him, it's HIM!!!" Charlie said excitedly while shaking Vaggie.

"I know, hun, I know! You don't have to shake me!" Vaggie said, trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it!" Charlie said, still overly excited but did stop shaking Vaggie.

"I can't believe that that's the same sweet little boy all those years ago! He shouldn't be out there where he could get killed! Especially now that Hell knows his name, and what he looks like!" Charlie said with worry.

"Calm down, Charlie, we'll get him back... somehow." Vaggie said reassuringly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Rick was still in the room, and he couldn't help but get an odd feeling about this. He's not sure how to describe it any other way at the moment. So he decides to just walk away, and head up to his room he checked in for so he can get himself cleaned up. Once he entered the elevator, he began speaking with Dez.

"You read the room the moment Charlie started to go crazy excited the moment that human was shown on tv, right?" Rick asked.

"Without a shadow of a doubt. Something didn't feel right." Dez said.


Meanwhile, Pentagram City, Three V Studio...



Gunshots rang throughout the studio. More specifically on the floor where Saber Thorn had blood eagled Jessie's abusive uncle, aka Velvette's brother. Max's body had been shot with two rounds of holy bullets from a blessing tipped gun.

Speaking of Velvette, she's the one who delivered two bullets into his lifeless mutilated carcass with a blessing tipped pistol in her hand, and stood over his body with a cold uncaring glare.

He may be already dead, and this would be unnecessary because of it, but he would eventually regenerate at some point. However, since his body, his dead body, has been shot with holy rounds... he's not coming back... EVER.

"You get what you fucking deserve, asshole." Velvette spat.

She simply kicks his head as if she were walking by, and kicking a pebble. She walks back to the elevator, and presses a button to head back down to the main floor. She's also carrying a duffel bag full of weapons and ammo for the search for her son.

Once she is back on the floor, she exits the elevator. The main floor hasn't changed since Jessie's partner in crime went on a rampage, and killed Vox and Valentino before departing from the premises. The only difference is that the fires from the aftermath are put out.

She walks past the two bodies of Vox and Valentino, and over to a table where Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, Summer, and Dia are waiting.

"You done with what you needed to do?" Angel Dust asks in a bored tone.

"Yes. Now let's move. With his monster friend, he could be who knows how far, and I don't want him to get any farther than I want him to." Velvette said with a serious tone.

Which is odd coming from someone like her.

"Summer. Dia. Remember to watch over the place until I get back, or until one of the two idiots respawns." Velvette ordered.

"Hold up. If those two tried to kill your kid, why do you want them back?" Cherri asked.

"What?" Velvette questioned.

"Didn't Valentino try to shoot him but fail, and didn't Vox electrocute him but only resulted in giving this Saber Thorn guy a little bit of energy?" Cherri questioned.

Velvette arched an eyebrow as she thought about what Cherri said. It didn't take long for her to come to a conclusion.

"You know what... you make a good point." Velvette said.

Before anyone could react, Velvette whipped around, and began shoot the corpses of Vox and Valentino.

*BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!*

Once she had finished unloading the magazine, she blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, took out the empty magazine, and reloaded the pistol with more holy bullets. She turns back around to see the shocked faces of four demon girls.

"Did... did you just-?! Because I think you did!" Angel Dust said in shock.

"YOU FUCKING SHOT THEM?!" Dia and Summer exclaimed in shock, and horror.

"Yes. I did." Velvette stated firmly with a cold glare.

"Ok... not that I care about those two, but why would-?"


Cherri is interrupted by Velvette slamming her hands on the table everyone is sitting at, startling them, and is staring Cherri down with wide eyes and furrowed brows. The look she's giving her would be called wild, crazed, and angry rolled into one.

"Because I said that if anyone leaves a scratch, or hurts my baby, I'd tear this city apart until there's nothing but ashes. That includes attempts to do so, and if anyone ever does, THEY WILL DIE BY MY HANDS!!!" Velvette yelled suddenly in anger at the end.

"Any more comments?!" Velvette dared angrily.

No one said another word.

"That's what I thought. Now let's go find him." She said.

Before they left, Velvette got a notification on her phone.

"UGH!!! Picked one of the WORST TIMES to get a notification!!!" She spat irritably.

She pulls out her phone to see what it is.

Her eyes go wide when she sees a news notification with the headline reading "Human in Hell?!"

"What the hell?!" She exclaims in shock.

She clicks on the notification, and it takes her to a news video.

"Hello everyone, Katie Killjoy here with another shocking announcement! A human has been spotted in Hell!" The demon news reporter says.

Velvette was about to blow a fuse.



Meanwhile, somewhere in the city...

Jessie's POV:

I've been walking along the sidewalk to... nowhere. I have no idea where I'm going. I'm just walking further, and further away from that damn studio. Away from the overlords that lay dead, away from my FUCKING ABUSIVE DRUG MONEY LOVING UNCLE!!!... and away from my own damn mother.

... Fuck 'em all!

At least I'm not walking alone. I got Ghost, Red, Tiger, Panthera, and Saber Thorn with me.

'Thinking back to what happened back there?' Asked Saber Thorn.

"How can I not? I was fucking around the building like the Joker on a crime spree, and then I snap the moment I found out my dead biological family is in the damn place. You should know, considering you see what I see."

'I do know that, and I took immense satisfaction in giving that bastard an old viking torture method. Especially when I went crazy on Vox, and Val. Shame that-'

"DON'T. Say. Her. Name." I warned bitterly.

'Easy, kid, relax. I wasn't gonna.'

"'Kid?' Why are you calling me kid? Aren't you technically younger than I am by like five years?" I asked him.

'I... honestly don't know. I think it's because I sound older, or that I was born from... you know.'

"Yeah. That."

'Anyways, I was just saying it's a shame she hid like a coward during the whole thing.'

"But then the fuel tank ran low, and we scrammed."

'Hey it's better than sticking around that place any longer, right?' Saber Thorn asked.

"I'd be lying if I said that wasn't true."

'So what's the plan now? Just keep walking until something convenient or inconvenient happens?'

I take a deep breath, and sigh tiredly.

"I'm honestly not sure. I'm still set on grabbing that damn book from the chicken coop, yet I don't know how. Besides even when we're fully charged, it'll only last a few minutes until we're absolutely fucked like a sitting duck. Next thing we know, we won't be able to get out of hell. Ever." I explained.

'I suppose you're right. We've been lucky so far, so it's best not to test it.'

"By the way, how long have we been down here? I honestly forgot during each chaotic event that keeps happening." I asked.

'Three days.'

"THREE DAYS?! You mean to tell me all of that shit happening to us was three days worth?!" I exclaimed in shock.

Apparently I've been losing track of days, because holy shit!

'The only time you've had any actual sleep was after you got brought back down here, and the day afterwards you've met the succubi again, as well as the angry birds. Any other time you've fell asleep was when you got tranquilized. The third day was when you woke up at the studio, then... well, all this shit happened.' Saber Thorn explained.

"For fucks sake, seriously?"

'Yep. I've been counting the days, and within those days I've emerged twice.' He said.


'Nothing. I just felt like pointing it out.' He said.

"Regardless, it's still baffling. By the way, while I do appreciate the extra security, won't the raptors attract too much attention?" I asked.

'Hmmm... I suppose that's true. I do sense that the longer they're out, and about the more energy I feel being drained from us.'

"Why didn't you say anything about that?" I asked.

'The energy usage was too slow for me to notice. My guess is that they don't take up as much energy as we do when our abilities are active.' Saber Thorn explained.

"Do they gain energy themselves when they eat or drink?" I asked.

"Yes." The four Atrociraptors confirmed.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that I could understand the four of you." I apologized.

"It's alright. If you're so concerned about us drawing too much attention, why not just make us disappear?" Red, the only other female Atrociraptor besides Ghost, suggested.

"I'm not sure how to do that. It was Saber Thorn who summoned you." I pointed out.

"Plus, won't that just... I don't know, erase you, and replace you with a copy?" I asked with worry.

"I don't think so." Red said.

"How about testing it to be sure?" Tiger suggested.

"I guess... Hey, Saber Thorn, wanna do the honors?" I asked my partner in crime.

I felt Saber Thorn takeover my body, but my body didn't change.

"Can do. Just a second. Uhhh, eeny, meeny, miney, Panthera." He said.

He suddenly snapped his, I mean, our fingers, and Panthera dissipated in a cloud of red smoke.

"Ok, now respawn." He said, snapping our fingers to make Panthera reappear in a cloud of red smoke.

"So, Panthera, what do you remember?" Saber Thorn asked.

"Trashing the studio, as well as attacking whatever demon I could get my claws on, and then you poofing me away. A little warning next time, will ya?" He said.

"Well, at least we now know you're not a copy. So it's safe to say that you can be summoned when needed. Catch you four later." Saber Thorn said, dissipating the four familiars in four clouds of red smoke. At the same time, we felt some energy being restored in my body.

I felt myself regain control of my body before I spoke up.

"Well that's convenient. But why did I feel a minor surge of energy?" I asked.

'Since they themselves are beings made of energy, it probably gave us a boost. Well, only enough for us to stand a fighting chance against whoever we might run into.' Saber Thorn explained.

"But not enough for beast mode?" I asked.

'Correct.' He confirmed.


I then felt, and heard, my stomach growl.


"Double dammit, now I'm hungry." I grumbled.

'Shit. I didn't account for this. The only times we ever got food was when we were with under the roof of which ever demons took us. Millie, the Goetias, and... uh, you know who.' Saber Thorn explained.

"Then what do you suggest? I have my wallet, but I don't know if they accept the same currency down here." I asked.

'Fuck. That's true. However, on the small chance that they do I'd recommend NOT going to a restaurant. Just somewhere where we can get in, and get out. Simple as that.' He explained.

"I doubt it'll be that simple."



No one's POV:

Jessie kept walking until he found a cafe that didn't look sketchy... or at least one that looked the least sketchy. However, he's being watched once again.

While Jessie stood in line behind other demons, and keeping face hidden with his hoodie, he continues to mentally talk to Saber Thorn.

'You know, Saber, I just realized something. Why didn't we just break open some wiring, and absorb energy that way?' He asked mentally.

'Fuck... I didn't think of that.' Said Saber Thorn.

'Neither did I until now.' Jessie thought.

'Next time we're by a lamppost, let's slice it down, and get a recharge that way.' Said Saber Thorn.

'Why not a building?' Jessie asked.

'It'll draw too much attention. A simple lamppost on the street wouldn't be a big deal.' Saber Thorn explained.

'Makes sense to me.' Said Jessie.

Eventually, it was Jessie's turn to order.

"What can I get you?" The barista asked him.

"I'll have a-"

"Wait." The barista interrupts him.

The barista squints her eyes at him like she's studying him. Her eyes go wide when she realizes something.

"Oh shit, you're the human from the news!" She exclaims out loud, pointing at him.

Jessie's eyes go wide as he felt his blood go cold. She had blurted that out loud in front of everyone, so he had to quickly deny it, and play dumb to it.

"Uh, no I'm not." He said.

"Yeah you are!" She insisted.

She then pulled up her phone, and showed him the security video of him with the raptors.


"That could've been anyone. You can barely even see the face!" Jessie pointed out.

But then the video pauses, zooms in on the face, and clears up to show that it's Jessie.

"You're Jessie Drackus, right?" The barista asked.

Jessie looked around to see that all the customers are staring at him. Either in shock, or as an easy potential for them with predatory grins.

'Dude, bail! Bail! BAIL!!!' Saber Thorn said in a panic.

Outside the cafe, Jessie busts through the large glass window with a crash, and pieces of broken glass littering the ground before he began running down the street.

"Shit shit shit SHIT!!!" Jessie cussed out in a panic as he ran.

'They fucking know! Everyone fucking knows!' Saber Thorn exclaimed in Jessie's head in a panic.

"I KNOW!!!" Jessie shouted out loud.

He rounds a corner to the right, but soon skids to a halt when a demon woman jumps down in front of him, and points the tip of a machete at him.

"Hold it!" She demands.

"SHIT!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Well well well, if it isn't the little critter." A sinister southern accent said.

Jessie heard this feminine voice before. It wasn't Millie, her sister, or her mother.

Jessie soon recognized this demon woman, and to his horror, it's another one of the demons that are obsessed with him.

She's a sinner demon. Meaning she was once human before dying, and having her soul sent here.

She has pale red grey skin, long but wild medium grey hair, a pair of dark maroon red curved horns on her head, a big single eye with pinkish red sclera, pale yellow iris, a black slit pupil, sharp teeth, big breasts, wide hips, black claws on her fingertips, dark grey skull earrings, black lipstick, dark grey jeans with tears on the legs, a dark maroon red spike wristband on her left hand, a faded dark red top with the shoulder straps on her arms with black heart shaped skulls on it, and a black machete in her right hand.

(A/n: Just swap out the rifle for a machete.)

"Though the little critter, ain't so little anymore." She said.

"Martha." Jessie growled as he backed up slowly.

"Awww, you remember me~" said Martha, pretending to feel touched.

"Don't flatter yourself. Who could forget the psycho cannibal that everyone stupidly called 'hero,' and her damn cannibal family?" Jessie spat.

Martha frowned at him disapprovingly.

"Seems you know more now than you did the last time we met." She said, sounding annoyed.

"Really? Ya miss ya little darlin' servant that much?" Jessie rhetorically asked while talking in a mock southern accent.

"Oh don't be like that, darlin'-"

"Don't. Call me. Darlin'!" Jessie warned with a threatening tone.

"Oh ho! Someone's got bite!" Said Martha.

"My bite is as bad as my bark, bitch." Jessie spat irritably.

"We'll see when you come back home with me, Darlin'." Said Martha.

Then another female voice rang out from the left. One that Jessie didn't recognize.


The two turn to look at who shouted, and suddenly, a hot cup of coffee splashed onto Martha's face, scalding her.

"AAAAH!!! COFFEE!!! COFFEE IN MY EYE!!!" Martha shrieked, trying to rub the burning caffeine drink out of her eye.

She's then struck with a metal bat, and falls flat on her back.

The demoness who intervened resembles a school teacher or librarian with purple skin, red eyes with yellow pupils, long greyish white hair with a black bandanna, a long thin tail with an arrowhead spade at the end, a pair of purple goat-like horns with thin red stripes on them, reddish pink rimmed glasses, pointed ears, digitigrade legs with hooves, a black dress that appears tattered along the bottom edges, a long sleeved maroon red shirt with light red stitches all over, a red circular jewel with a golden point making it look like an upside down teardrop, dark purple eyeshadow, and black lipstick.

"Who the hell are you?!" Jessie questioned in shock.

"No time to explain, just go! I'll catch up with you later!" She says.

"Uh, no you won't. See ya!" Jessie says before he takes off running once again.


Ok, I'm tapped out for this chapter, so I'll leave a cliffhanger for this one. Next chapter will be a somewhat "mini chapter" mainly about Paimon. It'll build up to some lore about Rick, and Jessie as well. I can't say much without spoiling it, but it was suggested by SoryuSigma and I really like the idea. So stay tuned until I get around to it, and hopefully you've enjoyed this chapter.

Also don't worry, Mayberry and Martha will have a full on fight scene in the mini chapter.

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