Eternal (Fairy Tail x Male Re...


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A young man with the power to create and destroy, the ability of manipulating life and death, and the magic o... More

Fairy Tail's Eternal
Galuna Island
Fairies vs Phantoms: Part 1
Fairies vs Phantoms: Part 2
Fairies vs Phantoms: Part 3
Side Job
Tower of Heaven: Part 1
Tower of Heaven: Part 2
Tower of Heaven: Part 3
New and Improved

Fairy Tail's Strongest Team!?

1.2K 35 6

(Y/n): Hey Rey...

(Y/n)'s voice was weakly, wasting all that magic on one attack got him running on empty. 

Rey: Yeah?

(Y/n): If anyone asks... Tell them I went to take a quick rest....

Rey: Y-yeah... Sure thing.

(Y/n) smiled and went somewhere secluded while the rest of the Fairy Tail members celebrated their win. (Y/n) grabbed a vial from his robe and drank it all. He can feel the life return to him once more. He decided to lie down, and get some shut eye.

- Timeskip -

It had been a week since the battle with Phantom. Fairy Tail members have been working endlessly to repair their once great Guild Hall. However, they were suddenly completely surrounded by the Council's soldiers, the Rune Knights.

Rune Knight Captain: Nobody move! We are the Rune Knights, enforcement and detainment division, under orders from the Magic Council!

Gray: Aw, man!

Cana: So they sniffed us out already!?


Mirajane: Don't even try Natsu. They'll catch you anyway.

Makarov: Whaaa!

Erza: Master! Pull yourself together!

The Rune Knights "requested and required" Fairy Tail to accompany them to their base camp for an extended investigation. They questioned the members everyday for a whole week. It was decided that Fairy Tail's disposition would be taken up by the council and decided at a later date. After that, repairs on the Guild Hall continued as normal.

(Y/n): Hey, Rey. Pass me some nails.

Rey: Coming 'atcha!

Rey threw a box of nails at (y/n) who caught it with one hand. He placed them down and the nails started to glow a (f/c) and levitate. They inserted themselves onto the planks to form a wall. Natsu then passed by carrying a number of logs.

Natsu: Thiiiis iiis heeeaaavvvyyy!

Gray: That's because you're trying to carry them all at once. Are you an idiot or something?

Gray was just carrying one.

Natsu: Ha haa! You're just a weakling, so that's all that you can manage to carry!

Gray: Huh? I could carry double that if I feel like it!

Rey: (Y/n)! Check it out...

(Y/n) turned and saw Gray carrying a whole bunch of logs on his back.

Gray: U-ungh! What about this!?

Gray seemed to have spotted something and lost concentration, causing all the logs to fall on him.

Natsu: How pitiful! Did you see that Happy!?

Happy: Aye!

(Y/n): You two need to stop messing around and start working. And this is the last time I ask...

Natsu gulped.

Natsu: N-no problem.

Erza: I was just about to come over here.

(Y/n): I got it under control. No need t—

(Y/n) turned and saw Erza in work clothes.

(Y/n): Is that really necessary Erza?

Erza: Of course!

Natsu: I'm hungry!

Gray: Now that you mention it, I could use some food myself.

Suddenly a bento box was in his hands.

Natsu: What was that?

Happy: A girl?

Rey: Definitely a girl.

Gray opened the box and saw all kinds of food.

Gray: B-but... What is this? Bento!?

Natsu: Ooh! I've got no idea but it looks really good!

Gray: Don't be ridiculous! I can't eat something when I don't even know where it came from!

Natsu: Then you don't mind if I have it?

Gray: Go right ahead!

Natsu: Ok! I'm digging in!

(Y/n) smiled and went back to work, but was stopped by Loki.

Loki: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Something you need Loki?

He showed him some keys.

Loki: H-here... Could you give them to Lucy?

(Y/n) grabbed them and inspected them in his hand.

Rey: These Lucy's keys?

Natsu, Happy, and Gray walked over to them.

Gray: Loki... You don't look so good. I haven't seen you in a while.

Gray noticed the keys that (y/n) was holding.

Gray: Were you looking for those?

Loki: No, I... Ha ha ha... That's what I get for being a feminist.

Happy: If you had just said something, we would have helped you.

Natsu: Mhm!

Loki: A-anyway, how's Lucy doing?

Natsu: She mm mflbrff mmgulp in her house and mufflmunch brmfl.

Happy: Why don't we talk after we swallow our food, hm?

(Y/n): Last I heard, she was at her apartment.

Natsu: Why don't we drop her a visit?

Rey: I'm down!

Happy: Aye!

Gray: Yeah, maybe... I'm a little worried...

(Y/n): I think it would be best if we do—

Natsu: Loki, you've never been to Lucy's place before, huh?

Loki: No... I think I'll pass. You know, right? I've got some bad memories about Celestial Wizards.

Natsu: Yeah, well that was then, and Lucy is Lucy, you know. Oh, well.

Natsu and Happy were already running towards the direction where Lucy lives.

Erza: You slackers! Where do you think you're going!? Get to work!

Natsu: Let's get outta here!

Gray and Rey followed behind them.

Erza: (Y/n), why didn't you stop them!?

(Y/n): They're going to Lucy's.

Erza: Lucy?

(Y/n): They wanted to see how she was doing. You want to come?

Erza: Sure...

Erza calmed down and requipped to her normal clothes.

(Y/n): Ready?

Erza: Ready.

- Timeskip -

As Erza and (y/n) got closer to the apartment door, they heard loud noises coming from the inside.

Erza: Sounds like she isn't home...

(Y/n): I already know those three are making a mess...

(Y/n) opened the door and saw Happy fall, followed by a bunch of letters falling on top of him.

Rey: Letters?

Natsu: What are those?

Gray: Letters?

Natsu and Gray started to open some and start reading.

Natsu: "Mama... I finally managed to get into the guild I've always loved, Fairy Tail!"

Gray: Hey! Don't go reading her letters without permission!

(Y/n) hit Natsu's hand with his staff.

(Y/n): For once Gray is right, stop opening these.

Natsu touched his hand and rubbed it, before grabbing another one.

Natsu: "Mama... Today I've met a woman named Erza! She's so pretty and cool! Then that guy Natsu I've been telling you about..."

Erza seemed to have been interest when Natsu read her name.

(Y/n) picked up a letter and noticed that they were all written to be sent to "Mama."

(Y/n): All these letters... They're for her mom.

Natsu: Wonder why she never sent mailed them?

Gray: Why else? She's a runaway of course!

Natsu: Then why'd she write them in the first place?

The gears in (y/n)'s head started to turn.

(Y/n): I think it's best we stop looking through these...

Erza: Lucy left a note.

Gray: Hm?

Rey: What's it say?

Erza: "I'm going home..." Is what it says.

Gray/Natsu/Happy: WHAT WAS THAT!?


Happy: Sh-she wouldn't be doing this because she feels responsible, would she?


- Timeskip -

Erza/Natsu/Gray/Happy: LUCY!

Happy flies towards Lucy and hugs her with tears in his eyes.

Lucy: What are you guys doing here!?

(Y/n): We were worried about you.

Lucy: I'm fine guys, really. I'll explain it on the way, c'mon on.

The group was confused by they followed her. When they got some distance away for the Heartfilia Estate, Lucy started to explain why she was all the way out here.


Lucy: Right!

Happy: Huh? Lucy... Speaking of your mother—

Rey slapped him on the back of the head.

Rey: Shutup!

Lucy: Sorry to have worried you!

Gray: It looks like we were all anxious for nothing, huh?

Erza: Don't worry about us, Lucy. It was our own fault for jumping to conclusions.

Rey: Happy cried the whole way here too! Ha ha ha!

Happy: I-I DIDN'T CRY!

Gray: This town you come from is pretty big.

Lucy: Ah... No! This is just the garden. Everything from here to beyond that mountain is my family's place.

Lucy pointed to a mountain pretty far from their current location. The group went wide eyed. Natsu and Gray saluted and stood tall.

Natsu: The young mistress has arrived!

Gray: And she brags with such a causal look on her face!

Lucy: Huh? What's with you guys?

Happy: Natsu and Gray have gone bye-bye. Commander Erza, could you say a word please?

Erza: Such a blue sky...

Happy: Oh no! Commander Erza is broken too!

Happy then flies in front of (y/n) and Rey, who was standing on (y/n)'s shoulders.

Happy: General (y/n), what about you!

(Y/n): Pretty big place, huh Happy.

Happy looked relieved.

Happy: I can always count on you to keep it cool.

Rey: And yet you struggle to pay rent... I'm starting to think me and (y/n) are too generous to the jewel we donate to the guild...

(Y/n): By the way... I have something for you Lucy.

Lucy: Hm?

(Y/n) took her keys out from his pocket and handed them to her.

(Y/n): Loki found them. Told me to give them to you.

Lucy grabbed the keys, and clutched them close.

- Timeskip -

The group was now back at the Guild Hall, repairs have been going well. Everyone was hanging out at the temporary bar area while the rest of the guild gets built.

Mirajane: Everybody! From today on, we will start to take on jobs again! This counter is just a temporary set up, but let's bring lots of work to the guild.


Lucy: What's with all this? Normally they just laze around and drink all the liquor!

Mirajane: Ah ha ha!

Lucy: By the way, I don't see Loki.

Rey: So you got the hots for Loki now too?

(Y/n) and Rey walked side by side, (y/n) pulled out a stool and sat next to them. Rey jumped on the table and stood in between (y/n) and Lucy.

Lucy: No, I haven't! But... I he found my keys for me. I just wanted to say a word of thanks.

Mirajane: If I see him, I'll be sure to mention it. But you lost your keys. Weren't the spirits upset with you?

Lucy chuckled.

Lucy: Yeah, well... The word "upset" might not be enough... Just remembering makes my rear end throb in pain...

Mirajane: Oh dear...

Gray: I could ice it done for you.

Lucy: Please spare me your casual sexual harassment.

Happy: Lucy, show me your red shiny butt!

Lucy: I don't want outright harassment either!

Natsu: If we gave it a stinging burn, I wonder what kind of face Lucy would make?


Suddenly table was thrown and hit Natsu.


Everyone turned to see an angry Erza staring down Laxus.

(Y/n): Here we go...

Laxus: Let me spell it out so you really understand! This guild has no need of weaklings!

Erza: You cretin...

Laxus: Those wimps from Phantom were able to show us up! I can hardly show my face out of shame!

Happy: Laxus... So he's back?

Gray: That creep! Coming back and mouthing off!

Lucy: That S-Class Wizard, Laxus?

Laxus: I'm talking about you! And You!

Laxus pointed at Jet, Droy, and Levy.

Laxus: This all got started when you got your butts handed to you by Gajeel, right? You know, I don't even know your names! Who are you? You guys are pathetic! Ha ha ha!

Lucy: How dare you...

Laxus: Well, well! If it isn't the chickie who's the root cause of it all!

(Y/n) stood up and walked towards him.

(Y/n): That's enough Laxus.

Laxus smirked when he saw (y/n) get up?

Laxus: And what were you doing? Maybe you ain't as strong as everyone says you are?

(Y/n): I beat Jose.

Laxus: All late!

(Y/n): At least I bother to show up and defend the guild. You seem to be gone when things go south though.

Laxus: If I had been here, we'd never been brought down like that!

Erza grew angry and started to walk forward. (Y/n) put his hand out to stop her.

(Y/n): You talk a lot... But you never seem to be able to back it up.

Laxus: Want to see me back it up?

Lightning started to crackle around Laxus. (Y/n) and Laxus were face to face with each other. The smile frozen on Laxus' face.

(Y/n): Do you really want try this? Do I have to give a recap of what happened last time?

Laxus' smile quickly turned to a snarl.

Laxus: You got lucky...

(Y/n): If it was only once maybe I'll agree with you, but we both know the wasn't the first... And it won't be the last.


Natsu lunged at Laxus, but he turned to lightning and teleported away.

Natsu: Laxus! Come on and fight me, you heartless creep!

Laxus: Ah ha ha! What kind of fight would it be when you can't even touch me!? When I inherit this guild, I'm going to clean out all the weaklings! The weaklings and anybody who tries to oppose me! Every last one! This guild will be the strongest guild there is! It'll be the most powerful in history and nobody will ever think of giving us any crap!

Laxus walked away, laughing. When he left, everyone went back to what they were doing previously.

Lucy: "Inherit?" Listen to the man that makes empty threats!

Mirajane: They may not be empty... Laxus is the Master's grandson.

Lucy: Whaaat!?

Mirajane: So when the Master retires, the odds that Laxus will become the new Master are extremely good.

Lucy: Y-you're kidding!?

(Y/n): She's not.

Lucy: But I'm against that! I would never want a Master who feels that way about his fellow guild members.

Rey: That's why people are saying that the Master will never retire.

Lucy: You mean he's waiting for that creep to shape up?

Mirajane: They're just rumors. In reality, nobody's ever heard of the Master mention anything about who the next Master will be.

Rey: But there are a couple that people think are on that list...

Lucy: Really? Who?

Rey: You're looking at one.

Lucy: You?

Rey: No! Not me! (Y/n)!

Lucy: Whaaat!?

(Y/n): I don't know who started that rumor, but it needs to stop.

Lucy: I can totally see that happening! You'll make a great Master, (y/n)!

Mirajane giggled.

(Y/n): I still have a lot to go if I ever want to be as great as Gramps...

Mirajane: You know he cares deeply about you (y/n). And everyone else here has you pretty high up there too. You're among the very few who know the guild so well for so

Lucy: How long have been a member (y/n)?

(Y/n): Uh... It's been a long time. I was an infant when Makarov found me, along with Rey. Gramps treated me like family. He taught me to read, write... Everything basically.

Lucy: Wow... But who leaves a baby alone!?

(Y/n): My parents... I'm sure they had their reasons.

Suddenly, Erza, Natsu, and Gray walked over.

Erza: Why don't we turn to a more pressing manner? Let's take a job.

Natsu: Wha?

Erza: Of course Gray and Lucy will join come along.

Gray: Huh!?

Lucy: Excuse me!?

Erza: We've been working together anyway ever since the Eisenwald incident. Why don't we officially form a team? Just the four us! Five including Happy.

Lucy: Wow!

Max: The official formation of Fairy Tail's greatest team!

Jet: Um, Lucy? On the greatest team?

Droy: Well if she brought out Aquarius, I doubt we'll win against that.

Meanwhile Natsu and Gray butted heads.

Natsu/Gray: Y-you mean with him!?

Erza: Any complaints?

Natsu/Gray: No! We're overjoyed!

Erza: Very well. Here's our first job! We're to go and take down a secret magic fraternity in the castle town of Lupinus.

(Y/n): You guys do make a really great team.

Rey: Totally! You guys are full of... Chemistry... And stuff!

Erza: (Y/n)... Rey... Will you join the team too?

(Y/n) and Rey smiled.

(Y/n)/Rey: Sure./You bet!

(Y/n): Someone has to keep all you guys in check.

Max: Now it's the greatest team!

Erza: Let's go!

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