The Kryptonian Quadbrid: From...

By BuckyBarnesLover19

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{Book 1 of "The Kryptonian Quadbrid" Trilogy}, Silas Mikaelson: The King Of Supernaturals. He's the Original... More

The Originals Cast
ShadowHunters Cast
Avengers Cast
C01 || Fate: The Watcher of the Multiverse
C02 || Introductions
C03 || The Originals Videos
C04 || ShadowHunters Videos
C05 || Avengers Videos
C06 || The Mortal Cup {1x01}
C07 || The Decent Into Hell Isn't Easy {1x02}
C08 || Dead Man's Party {1x03}
C09 || Raising Hell {1x04}
C10 || Moo Shu to Go {1x05}
C11 || Of Men and Angels {1x06}
C12 || First Break
C13 || Major Arcana {1x07}
C14 || Bad Blood {1x08}
C15 || Rise Up {1x09}
C16 || This World Inverted {1x10}
C17 || Second Break/The Lightwoods Talk & WinterTribrid Reunite
C18 || Blood Calls to Blood {1x11}
C19 || Malec {1x12}
C20 || Morning Star {1x13}
C21 || This Guilty Blood {2x01}
C22 || A Door Into the Dark {2x02}
C23 || Parabatai Lost {2x03}
C24 || Day of Wrath {2x04}
C25 || Dust and Shadows {2x05}
C26 || Iron Sisters {2x06}
C27 || How Are Thou Fallen {2x07}
C28 || Third Break/Clary and Simon Talk, Sisterly Reunions & Love Triangles
C29 || Love Is a Devil {2x08}
C30 || Bound by Blood {2x09}
C31 || By the Light of Dawn {2x10}
C32 || Mea Maxima Culpa {2x11}
C33 || You Are Not Your Own {2x12}
C34 || Those of Demon Blood {2x13}
C35 || The Fair Folk {2x14}
C37 || Day of Atonement {2x16}
C38 || A Dark Reflection {2x17}
C39 || Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen {2x18}
C40 || Hail and Farewell {2x19}
C41 || Beside Still Water {2x20}
C42 || Fourth Break/The New Arrivals
C43 || On Infernal Ground {3x01}
C44 || The Powers That Be {3x02}
C45 || What Lies Beneath {3x03}
C46 || Thy Soul Instructed {3x04}
C47 || Stronger Than Heaven {3x05}
C48 || A Window Into An Empty Room {3x06}
C49 || Salt in the Wound {3x07}
C50 || A Heart Of Darkness {3x08}
C51 || Familia Ante Omnia {3x09}
C52 || Erchomai {3x10}
C53 || Lost Souls {3x11}
C54 || Original Sin {3x12}
C55 || Beati Bellicosi {3x13}
C56 || A Kiss From A Rose {3x14}
C57 || To the Night Children {3x15}
C58 || Stay With Me {3x16}
C59 || Heavenly Fire {3x17}
C60 || The Beast Within {3x18}
C61 || Aku Cinta Kamu {3x19}
C62 || City of Glass {3x20}
C63 || Alliance {3x21}
C64 || All Good Things... Part 1 {3x22}
C65 || All Good Things... Part 2 {3x22}

C36 || A Problem of Memory {2x15}

346 7 2
By BuckyBarnesLover19


CLARY: [V.O.] My name is Clary and I'm a Shadowhunter, born to protect mankind from demons. [It shows Clary walking out of the Institute's training room and the Angelic rune appears behind her. It then shows Clary killing a demon and fighting Circle Members. Then, Valentine slashing his blade threw the air.] A never-ending battle against evil, but I know who I can count on. [Clary is looking at someone off screen with a fearless look. Clary then creates the sunlight rune on her hand and shines it on a demon.] Simon, my oldest friend. A vampire. [It shows Simon smiling at Clary. Simon holding Clary in his arms and then a scene of Simon and Clary laughing and smiling at each other.] Magnus, a warlock from Brooklyn. [It shows two scenes of Magnus using his magic. Then a scene of Magnus and Alec together.] Luke, a werewolf pack leader and New York City cop. [It shows Luke's eyes glowing green. A scene of Luke's werewolf transformation, and then Luke pointing his gun to someone off screen.] Silas, one of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Original Kryptonian Tribrid. [It shows the Avengers first Assemble. Then, Silas is walking threw a deserted street in his Tribrid form. It zooms out and you can see him standing in the center of red fire that creates the House of El symbol. In another scene, he's in his Tribrid form and standing face to face with Valentine, red flames forming a circle around them.] Helena, the un-triggered and fearless ShadowHunter Quinbrid and the Avenger known as Huntress, [Helena lands in a Black Widow pose with purple flames all around her. It shows Helena in her werewolf form on a cliff with a purple full moon behind her and she howls. Then scenes of her using her magic and her runes glowing violet purple. Then, it shows her fight scenes in Captain America & Superman: Civil War] and Jace, Izzy and Alec, three of the bravest Shadowhunters alive. [It shows Jace's eyes glowing golden, Izzy transforms her whip into a spear, then Alec shoots his arrow and it goes through glass. Then a montage of Jace, Alec, Izzy and Lena's fight scenes together.] Alone, we're strong. [A montage of everyone's fight scenes together.] Together, we are unstoppable.


[Simon enters the bar. His phone is ringing when he sits down at the bar. It's Clary. He declines the call. "Loud(y)" by Lewis Del Mar is playing in the background.]

Simon looks away hurt.

SIMON: [to the bartender] Can I have a pint of O-neg, please? To go.

BARTENDER: You got it.

[A guy approaches him and leans on the bar, it's another vamp, Quinn.]

QUINN: It's on me, Daylighter.

SIMON: Quinn. Thanks, but it's all good. I got it.

QUINN: Please.

SIMON: Okay.

QUINN: For a Daylighter, you're looking a little pale. You okay?

SIMON: I've had better days.

QUINN: How's that? You're living the life we all wanna live.

SIMON: You don't wanna be in my shoes. Trust me. Day or night, your heart can still get... shattered.

Clary looks down sadly.

QUINN: [to the bartender] Hey, make it two plasmas.

Luke looks concerned.

SIMON: Plasma?

QUINN: The hard stuff.

[The girl puts down two shot glasses and pours straight from the blood bag.]

BARTENDER: Your lucky night. Just enough for two.

[Quinn picks up a glass and holds it up.]

QUINN: Don't worry. This will make you forget your sorrow.

[Simon picks up the other glass and clinks it with Quinn's.]

SIMON: L'chaim.

[They take the shots and Simon's pupils widen.]

SIMON: Whoa. This is, this is strong. Really strong. [to bartender] Do you have any more of this?


QUINN: I know a place.

"By the Angel." Izzy said.


[Quinn opens a door and lets Simon in first.]


["Love Surrounds You" by Ramsey is playing. There are vampires feeding on people everywhere.]

"What the hell?" Pietro said.

"He brought you to a bleeder den." Silas deadpanned.

SIMON: What is this place?

QUINN: It's a bleeder den.

SIMON: So these people are just letting themselves be-

QUINN: Bitten.

"Isn't that a breach of the Accords?" Izzy said.

"I don't know." Alec said.

SIMON: There are mundanes that actually know that vampires exist?

QUINN: A few. They crave vampire venom more than we crave blood.

SIMON: Whoa. But isn't this all against the Accords?

QUINN: Uh, it's kind of a gray area. Everyone's having fun and no one is getting hurt.

Lena sighed.


[A blonde girl sees Simon from across the room. She smiles at him. Then she approaches Simon and Quinn.]

QUINN: Heidi, this is Simon.

[Heidi bites her lip. There's blood on it.]

HEIDI: Thirsty?

SIMON: I don't know. I... Last time I tried to feed on a human, I couldn't stop. I almost killed-

HEIDI: It's okay. It's okay. [getting closer and holding out her wrist] Just a little taste.

[Quinn holds up Heidi's arm to Simon's mouth.]

SIMON: Just a little...

[Simon bites in Heidi's arm. She moans.]

Izzy pales. Simon looks disgusted with himelf.


[Silas opens his eyes and flashes his Tribrid eyes. In his Tribrid form, red flames are surrounding him and the Oni come out of the shadows and stand behind him. It shows a flashback of Krypton exploding. Helena flashes her werewolf eyes and jumps off of a building and does a somersault in mid air. She lands in a Black Widow pose with purple flames all around her. It shows Helena in her werewolf form on a cliff with a purple full moon behind her and she howls. Clary is seen running with flaming papers all around her, then a flashback of her killing Valak, the memory demon. Jace's eyes glow golden and then it shows a badass montage of his fighting scenes. Alec is seen on the roof of the Institute and he aims his arrow in the sky. The arrow hits a window and it shatters. Glass shards float in the air around Isabelle as she runs, her whip is swinging around her. Then on Valentine's ship, Valentine is shown holding the Mortal Cup in the air. Jace is standing beside Valentine. It shows Silas in his Tribrid form standing face to face with Valentine, red flames forming a circle around them. Simon hugs Clary, then Simon is standing in the center of a grave yard. A vampire bat appears behind him in red flames. It hisses and flies away into the night. Raphael's eyes glow red. Then, he is seen sitting on a chair in the basement of the Institute. Raphael is then shown carrying a dead Simon towards the Institute. A police badge is shown and then Luke is holding up his gun towards someone, his eyes glowing green. Maia is shown, her eyes glowing green and tracing her werewolf scratch. Then, it shows her in her wolf form. Magnus kisses Alec, then is seen using his magic with his warlock eyes showing. Then it shows scenes of Idris and the Adamant Citadel. Scene splits and shows Silas and Helena using their magic and flashing their supernatural eyes. Then the angelic rune is shown burning and Silas, Helena, Clary, Jace, Alec and Isabelle are shown walking and the title ShadowHunters with The Mortal Instruments appears below. The screen turns black.]


[Sebastian is ironing clothes. He's staring into the distance and runs the iron on his hand, burning it.]

"What is wrong with him?" Hope shrieked.


[Alec wakes up in Magnus' bed. He sits up when he sees Magnus isn't lying next to him.]

ALEC: Magnus?

[At the dinner table, Magnus is staring at his teacup. He looks in the mirror. A voice of his young self echoes through his head.]


Magnus gasped.



[Young Magnus finds his mother in bed. He pulls away the sheets and sees a dagger stabbed into his mother's body. He screams.]

Everyone's eyes widened. Magnus looks down.


[Alec's voice brings Magnus back.]

ALEC: There you are.

[Magnus turns around to Alec.]

MAGNUS: Good morning.

ALEC: I'd say the same, but it looks like you haven't slept.

MAGNUS: Should I be insulted by that?

ALEC: No. I love that face. But this is, like, the fourth morning in a row that I've woken up to an empty bed. Is there something bothering you?

MAGNUS: Nothing is bothering me. I've even gotten used to your adorable little snores.

Wanda chuckled weakly.

ALEC: Hey. I don't snore. [Magnus imitates Alec's snoring.] Look... I know you well enough to know something's going on.

MAGNUS: Alexander... I'm fine. [He kisses Alec.] So, what about you? [walking to the living room] Have you decided what you're gonna report to the Clave?

ALEC: I'm torn. If I don't tell the Clave about Luke's attempt on Valentine's life, I'd be in violation. And if they find out, I could be deruned and just...

Alec sighed and Luke looked down.

[Alec's voice fades away. Magnus turns to Alec.]

MAGNUS: Whatever you decide, I'll stand by you.

ALEC: Are you sure you're okay?

MAGNUS: Positive.


[Izzy, Lena and Jace are walking to the Ops Center.]

ISABELLE: That manipulative little wench. I hate the Seelie Queen.

JACE: Look, I'm not a huge fan of her either. But like her or not, Seelie magic doesn't lie. What happened at the Seelie Court, it was real. You know, I felt it, and I know Clary did, too.

Jace's eyes widened. Clary gasped and Simon looked down. Everyone looked awkward.

[Izzy and Lena stops Jace.]

HELENA: Whoa, slow down hermano.

JACE: Lena, I can't just erase my feelings.

Clary flushed, this was awful.

ISABELLE: Do Clary and Simon a favour. Don't go there, Jace.

[Izzy, Lena and Jace go to the meeting table where Alec, Silas and Sebastian are.]

ALEC: I have requested that we move Valentine to the Gard in Idris. The Clave has approved the transfer.

JACE: What, you told them about the assassination attempt?

ALEC: No. I explained to them that moving Valentine out of the city is the best way to restore relations with the Downworld. I left Luke out of it.

"Thanks." Luke said.

Alec nodded.

SEBASTIAN: It is the right decision.

Everyone looked at the screen suspiciously.

ALEC: But we have not given up finding who orchestrated the hit on Valentine.

SEBASTIAN: I actually have a few leads on that. I'll, um, I'll get a report in by the end of the day.

ALEC: Great. [Sebastian leaves and Silas smiles at him before he leaves.] Izzy, you'll be leading the transfer mission. Jace and Lena, you both will assist.

Izzy grinned.

SILAS: [to Jace and Lena] And I'll be helping you.

HELENA: [in mind] You like him.

SILAS: [in mind] Who?

HELENA: [in mind] Sebastian. I see the way you look at him.

Bucky/Winter looked jealous, though they got over their envy and jealousy of the Seelie Queen, their still envious and jealous of Sebastian Verlac.

SILAS: [in mind] Maybe. His eyes show pain, agony and craving for love. And his face speaks a different story. He's a mystery and I want to solve it.

"You did always have a thing for mysteries." Klaus said.

HELENA: [in mind] Well, then, good luck in solving it.

ISABELLE: We need to remove Valentine's Circle rune. The new wards in Idris won't let him pass with it on. Jace, do you want the honors?

Jace smirked.

JACE: Thought you'd never ask.


[Izzy, Jace and Lena leave.]

ALEC: [to Silas] Tell me that I'm making the right call, 'cause between you and me, I'm just not sure I'm good at this.

SILAS: What are you talking about? Look, you were born for this job. Hey, think of it like archery, okay? Just trust yourself and don't hesitate, and beyond that, just cross your fingers.

Lena chuckled.

[They both smile and Silas walks away.]


[Clary sits down on her bed, phone in hand, and leaves a voicemail for Simon.]

CLARY: Simon, please call me back. I need to talk to you.

Simon looks close to tears.

[There's a knock on the door. Clary hangs up.]

CLARY: Come in.

[Clary stands up. Izzy and Lena enter.]

ISABELLE: We're transferring Valentine to Idris tonight. I assume you wanna part of the mission.

CLARY: Yeah, actually, I don't. I have to go sort all this out with Simon in person.

[Izzy takes Clary's hands and they sit down on the bed together. Lena sits on the other side of Clary]

HELENA: I know it's none of my business, but after what you guys just went through, maybe you should give Simon some time.

CLARY: No. No, I can't let him think that what happened in the Seelie Court is how I really feel.

ISABELLE: Clary, Seelie magic might trick you, but it's always true.

Simon gasped and Clary had tears streaming down her face. Jace looked down.

HELENA: I know it's confusing, but you can have feelings for two people at the same time. It doesn't make you a bad person.


[Simon is laying in bed. There are blood stains on the edges of his mouth and on his shirt. There's pounding on the door. Cut to outside, it is Clary.]

CLARY: Simon, it's me.

[Inside, Simon sits up, and feels his stomach.]

CLARY: If you're not gonna answer my phone calls, you can at least talk to me.

[Simon moves to the door with his vamp speed. When he slides open the door, his face and shirt are clean. He goes back in and Clary follows, closing the door behind her.]

Everyone tensed up.

CLARY: [tearing up] I am so sorry. I want you to know that what happened at the Seelie court, it didn't mean anything.

SIMON: You don't need to do this.

CLARY: Your life was at risk. I had to kiss Jace. I had no choice.

SIMON: I get it, Clary. I was there. This isn't about you kissing him. The Seelie Queen made you reveal who you desired most, and it wasn't me. It was Jace.

Clary gulped.

CLARY: It's a trick. That's all it was.

SIMON: Just be honest with me.

CLARY: I am. You heard Jace. The Seelies, they thrive on getting inside your head.

SIMON: Clary, stop. Don't make this harder than it already is 'cause you don't wanna hurt my feelings.

CLARY: What do you want me to do, Simon? Just tell me.

[Simon turns to Clary.]

SIMON: Look me in the eye, and tell me you don't have any feelings for him.

[Clary is silent. Simon shakes his head.]

Simon wipes tears from his cheek.

CLARY: [running up to him] Simon, Simon. Wait, please. Look at me. I love you.

Simon shook his head.

SIMON: Don't... don't do that.


SIMON: [tears in his eyes] Because you don't mean it the way I mean it. You never have. Ever since we were kids, I have been in love with you every minute of every day. You're the first person I thought of when I woke up. You always have been. Now, if the Seelie Queen had asked me that question? Kiss the one I most desired? No one would have even come close. There's something between you and Jace, and you can't deny it.

They all felt bad for Simon.

CLARY: I don't know. Maybe... Maybe deep down there is. [taking his hands] But Simon... it's nothing like you and me. It's nothing like it.

SIMON: But it's enough. Enough for me to know that... kissing you... trying to be more than friends... [letting go of Clary's hands] it was a mistake.

Clary started crying and Izzy and Lena went to comfort her.

Simon just looked down numb.


[There are a bunch of guards present. Valentine is in a chair, locked in with straps.]

JACE: Is that tight enough? [tightening the straps] That's better.

[Jace pulls out a weapon to derune Valentine of the Circle rune.]

VALENTINE: Go ahead, Jace. It's not gonna stop me. It's not some rune that makes us who we are. It's our blood. And yours, my boy... is exceptional.

Jace glared at the screen.

JACE: That's 'cause you experimented on me. On my mother. Why? Why her?

VALENTINE: Sweet Céline. She wanted a child so desperately. When she and Stephen learned that she was pregnant again, with you, she was terrified that she was gonna lose the baby. So she came to me, asking for help.

Luke growled at the screen, while Silas glares at the screen his eyes flashing every once in awhile.

JACE: And I'm sure you were so happy to oblige.

VALENTINE: The injections I gave your mother, laced with Ithuriel's pure angel blood, made you strong. And after her tragic death, after I pulled you from her womb, barely alive, I raised you to use that blood. I taught you-

JACE: You taught me not to feel. You taught me that to love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.

Jace flinched.

VALENTINE: And you've proven how right I've been all along. Look at you. Your love for Clary, it will be your downfall.

JACE: Don't you dare bring her into this.

VALENTINE: She is as much a part of this as you are.

[Jace looks at one of the guards. Valentine's head gets pulled back with another strap. Jace starts lasering the Circle rune.]

Both Jace and Silas looks at the screen in satisfaction.


[Simon is standing by some containers, his bloody shirt in his hands. There is a flashback of him at the club with Heidi. In the present, Simon takes one more look at the shirt and then throws it in the garbage. A car stops nearby. Luke steps out of the vehicle.]

LUKE: Simon! Hold up.

[Luke approaches Simon.]

SIMON: Hey, Luke.

LUKE: Are you hungover?

SIMON: Uh... Kind of, actually. Yeah.

LUKE: Plasma? [Simon nods.] Yeah. You gotta be careful, Simon.

SIMON: I know.

LUKE: That stuff is strong.

SIMON: I know. It was just a one-time thing. I went out with a couple of friends and got a little carried away.

LUKE: It's understandable. Clary told me what happened. Listen, I just want you to know, whatever's going on between you two, I'm always here for you. You're the closest thing to a son that I got. Whether you like it or not.

"Thanks." Simon said to Luke, who nodded.

SIMON: [chuckles] So I'm not grounded?

LUKE: Don't push your luck.

Tony chuckled.

SIMON: [Simon laughs, making his hangover play up] Oh. Feels like Metallica's rehearsing in my head.

LUKE: Nothing a little sleep can't fix. [Simon is about to walk away.] Hey, one more thing.

SIMON: Yeah?

LUKE: You've been hanging out with the vamps, right? You hear of any of them feeding on a mundane in Queens last night?

SIMON: What? No, um, not at all. Why?

LUKE: A girl was found dead, bite marks. Whoever did it was one hungry vampire. Her body was completely drained of blood.

Everyone looks concerened.

SIMON: Wow. Uh, no. No, I haven't heard anything, but if I do, of course I'll tell you.

[Luke's phone starts ringing.]

LUKE: [to Simon] Get some rest. [picks up the phone] What do you got, Detective?

[Cut to Ollie in her car, she's swiping through pictures of the crime scene.]

OLLIE: Tox screen came back clean. Strange thing is, the coroner said she bled out through those track marks.

[Cut to Luke. Simon overhears the conversation using his vampire hearing.]

LUKE: Yeah. That is strange.

OLLIE: [cut] Yeah. I did get prints off her bracelet.

LUKE: [cut] Any hits?

OLLIE: You bet. Eighteen-year-old male from Brooklyn. Name's Simon Lewis.

Everyone looks shocked.

Simon paled, his breathing picking up.

[When Luke turns around to where Simon was just standing, he is gone.]

OLLIE: Luke? Hello? Did I lose you? I swear, I hate this phone. Luke?

LUKE: Yeah, I'm here.


[Izzy knocks on the open door and she, Lena and Silas enter. Alec is sitting at the desk.]

SILAS: Valentine's Circle rune has been removed.

ISABELLE: And I've assembled my team.

ALEC: Good. I'll feel a lot better when he's out of the Institute.

HELENA: Have you secured Magnus for the transfer?

[Alec stands up and goes to Izzy, Silas and Lena. They make their way to the Ops Center.]

ALEC: I think we should consider using a different warlock. Catarina Loss lives in, um-

ISABELLE: We're talking about Portaling the Clave's most wanted into Idris. There's not many warlocks with that clearance. Besides, I want the best. And that's Magnus.

ALEC: Look, Magnus isn't exactly in a great place right now. He hasn't been sleeping.

Magnus closes his eyes.

SILAS + HELENA: What's wrong?

ALEC: I don't know. He says nothing's wrong, but I can tell he's not all right.

[They stop walking.]

ISABELLE: You know, some people find it hard to ask for help. If Magnus is hurting, don't let him push you away.

ALEC: Thank you for the advice, but I know Magnus. He needs his space. We can use a different warlock.

Magnus puts his hand in Alec's.

SEBASTIAN: [approaching them] There you are.

ALEC: Any update on the mole?

SEBASTIAN: Yeah. Whoever it was is a clever one. Left absolutely no trace. But, um, I've been auditing personnel files. I've found a few Shadowhunters who have a personal stake in wanting Valentine dead. Family members killed, relatives lost to the Circle. All with enough access and clearance to pull it off.

"There is to many people who have lost something to Valentine." Lena said.

ALEC: Well, send me the list when you're done with it.

ISABELLE: [Izzy's eye falls on a Shadowhunter] By the Angel!

[Izzy and Lena approach the woman.]

"ALINE!" Izzy and Lena said happily.

Alec, Jace and Silas grinned at the screen.

ALEC: Aline.

[Sebastian, Silas and Alec go down the steps, too.]

ALINE: In the flesh.

[Aline hugs Izzy and Lena.]

ALEC: It's been years.

HELENA: What are you doing here?

ALINE: I would've given you both the heads-up, but I didn't wanna spook my dear cousin. [stepping to Sebastian] Who disappears for half a year only to show up here. [Sebastian looks speechless. Then Aline chuckles and pulls him into a hug.] Come here, you gorgeous Englishman.

"If something is wrong with him, Aline will be able to tell." Lena said confidently.

SEBASTIAN: Oh, it's good to see you, Aline.

[Alec gets a message.]

ALEC: Uh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.

[Alec leaves the group.]

ALINE: We're all so worried about you. We thought you were dead.

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, um, I'm really sorry.

ALINE: Your Aunt Elodie was beside herself. Then after she found out that you were safe, she still hadn't heard from you, so she asked me to come here to make sure you're all right. Are you really a yin fen addict?


ISABELLE: He's clean now.

SEBASTIAN: Look, I... I feel terrible. I should've called. Um... I guess I'm just ashamed, you know? I guess I'm not as perfect as everyone thought.

ALINE: Trust me, I never thought you were perfect. But something is different about you.

"Something is up with him." Izzy said. "Him and Aline are close, if she thinks something is up than there definitely is."

ISABELLE: Well, you can tell them all he's a hero.

SILAS: He saved Belle's life and helped us defeat a Greater Demon.

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, uh, look, I'll... I'll fill you in on all the gory details once I finish this report, but... How about dinner? Eight o'clock?

ALINE: Absolutely.


[Sebastian opens the closet door and goes in. He shakes the tied up person sitting on the floor.]


[The beat up and tied up person is revealed to be the real Sebastian.]

"Gabriel." Lena said.

"Who is he really?" Alec asked.

No one replied.

[The fake Sebastian pulls away the tape from real Sebastian's mouth.]

SEBASTIAN: Tell me everything there is to know about your cousin Aline.


SEBASTIAN: She is in New York. Tell me or she dies!


[Luke and Clary are sitting in a booth. Clary is holding Simon's bloody T-shirt.]

LUKE: I really don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just gonna say it. I think Simon killed somebody.

Simon paled, Luke squeezed his hand.

CLARY: [shaking her head in disbelief] He didn't do this.

LUKE: Simon's shirt was in that dumpster, soaked in the victim's blood. His fingerprints were on her bracelet.

CLARY: The only time he was ever fingerprinted is when he signed up to coach Little League. He would never hurt anyone. There has to be some explanation for this. I know Simon.

LUKE: The Simon you know is a vampire, Clary. A vampire with a broken heart. Demon blood, it changes a person.

CLARY: I should have never let him come to the Seelie Court with me.

LUKE: From what I gather, he wasn't really taking no for an answer. I gotta find him before anybody else does.

[Luke stands up and grabs the shirt.]

CLARY: Wait. [standing up] I'm coming with you.

LUKE: No. In his emotional state, I don't want you anywhere near him.

CLARY: He's the way he is because of me, Luke. Please, let me go with you. I need to make this right.

Clary lets out a sob and Izzy pats her back.


[Simon has met up with Raphael.]

SIMON: Is Quinn here?

RAPHAEL: He stepped out. Why are you looking for Quinn?

SIMON: Nothing. It's nothing.

RAPHAEL: Doesn't seem like nothing, mi amigo.

SIMON: Raphael, I think I killed a mundane. An innocent girl. But I don't know if I did. I mean, I'm not a killer. I wouldn't hurt anyone, but... maybe I don't know myself anymore. I-

Simon wiped away a few stray tears.

RAPHAEL: All right. Listen. Calm down. Tell me the last thing you remember.

SIMON: Right, um... Quinn bought me plasma and then took us to the bleeder den. But that's where it all gets hazy. I kind of remember a girl and... and her arm, and me biting into her, but... I completely black out. Do you think he's at the den?

RAPHAEL: No, it doesn't open until midnight.

SIMON: Why is this happening to me? I'm a good guy. I'm an organ donor. I was an organ donor. Do we still give organs as a-

"No, you don't." Lena said.

RAPHAEL: Simon, get a hold of yourself.

SIMON: So what do I do? Turn myself in?

Magnus shook his head.

RAPHAEL: No. What happens if you go hungry in prison?

SIMON: Can I... Can I stay here and lay low? Can you help me out?

RAPHAEL: [nods] Yeah, I can help you out. But I'm gonna need something in return.

SIMON: Yeah, what do you want? Anything. Anything.

RAPHAEL: Tell me how you became a Daylighter.

Clary glared at the screen.

SIMON: I told you, I don't know.

RAPHAEL: I don't believe you. And if you can't help me, I can't help you.

[Simon turns around and runs away with his vamp speed.]


[Izzy is speaking to the team they're about to transfer Valentine with. Jace, Silas and Lena are standing next to her.]

ISABELLE: The transfer is set for 0200. Jace, Silas and Lena, arm up the transport team. I want everyone carrying additional weaponry. Duncan, prepare Valentine's restraints. The rest of you, secure the perimeter. Dismissed.


[Aline and Sebastian are taking a walk.]

Alec, Jace, Lena, Izzy and Silas tense up.

ALINE: Sebastian, I have to be honest... I'm really worried about you.

SEBASTIAN: Hey, look, don't be. I'm happy. Happier than I've been in a long time.

ALINE: I just don't get it. You are the squarest, most rule-abiding guy I know. And then you suddenly vanish, without telling anyone? It just doesn't add up.

[Sebastian holds up. He puts his hand on his weapon, not drawing it yet. Aline turns to him.]

SEBASTIAN: Look, I'm not... I'm not proud of it. But if anyone should understand, it should be you.

ALINE: And why is that?

SEBASTIAN: You know that summer I came to Alicante? And you were secretly seeing that girl, the one with the dimples.

"What?" Lena said surprised.

"Aline is gay?" Izzy said in surprise.

"Got to say," Jace said grinning, "Didn't see that one coming."

ALINE: [smiling] Carolyn.

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, you kept it such a secret. Everyone thought that you simply hadn't found the right boy.

ALINE: They still think that. Unless you blabbed.

SEBASTIAN: Look, I would never do that. I gave you my word. But it's just... You know how it feels to have everyone in the world see you one way, but actually being the exact opposite. You know, I actually like taking risks. Yeah, sure, the yin fen was a mistake, but it led me to what I believe is my destiny. Being here. Sadly, Aunt Elodie isn't very happy about it. I just got off the phone with her and she's... she's heartbroken. I'm actually, I'm a bit worried. Do you mind spending a few days with her? I'd go myself, but they really need me here and...

ALINE: Yes. Of course. I can leave tonight.

SEBASTIAN: Thank you. I mean, that is of course not until I've shown you this fabulous Indian place around the corner.

"If he hurts her..." Izzy threatened.

ALINE: My favourite.

SEBASTIAN: Ah, why do you think I picked it?


[The real Sebastian, face beaten-up, is still in the closet, trying to get his ties loose. He manages to free his hands and a moment later, he exits the closet. Taking a jacket and some shoes, he stumbles out of the apartment.]

"Thank the Angel." Alec said.


[Simon goes into the alley.]

SIMON: [to himself] Come on. You have to remember. What did you do?


[Simon and Heidi stumble out of the club. Heidi is laughing.]

Simon tenses up.

HEIDI: Care for seconds?

[Simon bites in Heidi's arm multiple times.]

"I... I killed her." Simon said weakly.


[A light shines on Simon from behind him.]

OLLIE: Police! Freeze! [Simon turns around] Put your hands on your head.

Everyone looks worried.

[Ollie is approaching Simon, light in one hand, gun in the other. Simon puts his hands up.]

OLLIE: Drop to your knees.

[Simon does so.]

SIMON: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I bit her. It was an accident.

OLLIE: You're under arrest for the murder of Heidi McKenzie. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can... [her voice fades]

[Ollie puts Simon in handcuffs and then puts him in the car.]


[Luke and Clary are looking for Simon. Clary has his shirt in her hands and her eyes closed, trying to track him.]

CLARY: Vampires aren't as easy to track, but I don't think he's too far away.

LUKE: Not far away doesn't help us. I need a direction.

CLARY: Turn left. Up here. [Luke makes the turn.] So, when we do find him, what happens then? I mean, if for some reason it turns out he really did do this, he's a vampire. You can't just arrest him.

LUKE: That's why we need to find him before the police do.

CLARY: Then what?

LUKE: We're supposed to turn him over to the Clave.

Simon looks up worried.

CLARY: Can't we just keep this quiet? You know, like Alec did for you?

"That's different." Alec sighed. "If Simon is guilty than he killed someone, Luke was caught before it got that far."

"Not that," Izzy added, glaring at her brother, "Alec thinks your guilty."

CLARY: If it's true, if Simon did somehow lose control and make some horrible mistake, we can't just give up on him.

LUKE: Look, whatever mess he's gotten himself into... I promise, I'm not giving up on Simon.

Simon smiled at Luke weakly.


OLLIE: They say the bad guy always goes back to the scene of the crime. I always thought it was a myth, but since I'd run out of leads, I thought, "Hey, why not?" So why'd you do it?

SIMON: I told you. It was an accident.

OLLIE: Right. So you just accidentally bit the woman and drained her of blood.

Luke sighed.

SIMON: I can't help myself. I guess you can call it a compulsion.

OLLIE: Odd compulsion. You know, I've seen plenty of different ways to kill people, but biting into a girl's feet? That's a new one.

"Her feet?" Clary and Simon said in surprise.

Everyone but Luke looks at them in confusion.

SIMON: Her feet? No. That can't be right.

OLLIE: The ME says the wounds below her ankle were the most recent.

SIMON: I didn't do this.

OLLIE: Excuse me?

SIMON: Ever since I was a kid, feet have totally grossed me out. Even women's feet.

"Not the best defence." Lena said.

OLLIE: You know what grosses me out? Murder.

SIMON: There's no way I could've done this. I didn't kill her.

OLLIE: Seriously? An anti-foot fetish? That's your defense? If I were you, I'd come up with something more-

[Simon breaks his handcuffs and escapes out of the car. Ollie turns around and gets out of the car as well. She looks around but Simon is gone.]

Rebekah sighed.


[Sebastian and another guy enter the apartment.]

MAN: So, when I found your front door open, I was afraid someone broke into the apartment.

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, thanks for calling me.

MAN: No problem.

[When the guy has left, Sebastian immediately goes to the closet, he finds it empty.]

"Crap." Lena said.


[Cut to real Sebastian limping down the street. He is panting.]


[Simon enters the club.]


[Simon sees Quinn biting into a girl's ankle.]

Simon looked relieved, he didn't kill that girl.

SIMON: Quinn!

QUINN: [turning around] Ah, I heard you were looking for me.

[Simon looks at the bite marks in the girl's foot.]

SIMON: It was you! The girl from last night, Heidi. You killed her, didn't you?

QUINN: It was an accident. Look, accidents happen. She knew the risks. Don't worry about it.

"A woman is dead!" Lena spat.

SIMON: A woman is dead! And I'm not letting you get away with it. I'm telling everyone. Luke, the Shadowhunters and Silas!

QUINN: Yeah, I uh...

[Quinn turns around and stomps on a piece of wood. A shorter piece, much like a stake, comes off.]

QUINN: I can't let you do that.

Everyone looked worried again.

[The vampires in the club start hissing and approach Quinn and Simon. Quinn charges for Simon. Simon throws Quinn against the liquor wall. Quinn gets up, angrier, and breaks the wood in two more pieces. Simon has a stake too.]

QUINN: Daylighter or not, I'm not gonna let you rat me out.

[They start fighting with their stakes. Outside, tires screech. It's Luke and Clary. They run up to the club and are about to enter when Raphael appears in front of them.]

LUKE: What are you doing here?

RAPHAEL: Trying to track down a murderer.

LUKE: Stay out of it.

RAPHAEL: This is vampire business. I can take care of him myself.

LUKE: I can't let you do that.

CLARY: Leave Simon alone.

RAPHAEL: I'm not talking about the Daylighter. Quinn killed the girl.

[Clary and Luke look at each other. Clary opens the club doors.]

CLARY: Let's go.

[The trio enters. Quinn and Simon are still fighting. Simon pushes the stake into Quinn's belly. Quinn pulls himself forward on the stake making him close to Simon. Just before Quinn can stake Simon, Simon breaks the wood in two and stakes Quinn with the other piece. Quinn dissolves into little pieces.]

Wanda gasped.

CLARY: Simon.

[Clary, Luke, and Raphael have approached Simon. All the vampires back off. Simon drops the stake.]

SIMON: I didn't kill that girl.

CLARY: We know. [pause] Are you okay?

SIMON: No, not really.

[Clary steps forward to hug him, but Simon is already gone with his vamp speed.]

Clary let out another sob.


[Magnus is staring into the distance, sipping from his martini. The voice of his young self echoes through his head.]


[Cut to flashback of young Magnus looking at his dead mother. A Dutch white man speaks to young Magnus, he his angry. At that moment, young Magnus' eyes become his cat eyes.]

Magnus closes his eyes.

ALEC: Magnus? [cut to present] Magnus?

MAGNUS: Well, hello.

[Magnus stands up and approaches Alec.]

MAGNUS: I was just about to make myself a drink. You want one?

ALEC: No. We're transporting Valentine to Idris.

MAGNUS: Even more reason. We can toast to Valentine's highly anticipated departure.

[Magnus pours himself a drink.]

ALEC: I love you, and I know something's wrong. Whatever it is, I'm here for you.

MAGNUS: I appreciate it. But I'm fine.

ALEC: No, you're not. I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna leave until you talk to me. Do you remember when you said, "When things get crazy, don't push me away"?

Alec and Magnus smile at each other.

MAGNUS: [pause] When I was tortured in Valentine's body, that Agony rune, it... made me relive my worst memory. And now... I can't get it out of my head. It... Every time I close my eyes, it...

Everyone looks at the screen sadly.

[Magnus sits down. Alec kneels down by him.]

ALEC: Hey. What is it?

MAGNUS: Remember I told you how I found my mother dead by her own hand? My stepfather found me shortly after. He screamed at me. He called me an abomination.

Davina gasped.

"You are not an abomination." Hope said.

ALEC: What?

MAGNUS: He was right. He blamed me for her suicide. He said that she hated herself for giving birth to a monster. So I lashed out. With all the magic I had.

[Flashback to young Magnus. He throws a fireball at his stepfather. Cut to present.]

MAGNUS: [tears streaming down his face] I burned him, Alexander. Right where he stood. I murdered my stepfather.

Everyone gasped. Magnus has tears in his eyes.

ALEC: You were just a boy. You weren't in control of your powers.

MAGNUS: Yes, actually, I was. I never wanted you to see this... terrible, ugly side of me... of my past.

"You are not ugly." Alec whispered to Magnus, who looked at him thankfully.

ALEC: Hey. [stroking Magnus' cheek] There is nothing ugly about you.

[Alec leans in and they hug.]

Everyone smiles.


[Izzy, Lena and Aline are walking to the garden, Aline with her bag in hand.]

ALINE: I wanted to say goodbye to Sebastian. I wonder where he ran off to.

ISABELLE: I'm sure he'll be back soon.

[Cut to the limping real Sebastian. He is making his way to the Institute.]

ALINE: So, when are you going to come visit Alicante?


HELENA: As long as you promise your mom won't drag us to the Accords Hall for another Clave assembly.

"That was awful." Izzy groaned.

ALINE: I definitely can't promise that.

[Aline, Lena and Izzy chuckle and hug. The real Sebastian is so close he can see them. Then, a sword is pierced through him, a hand is put in front of his mouth so he can't scream. The fake Sebastian pulls out the sword. The real one falls to the ground, dead.]

Everyone gasps.

"Ave Atque Vale," Lena said.

"Hail and Farewell." Lena, Jace, Alec, Izzy, Clary, Silas and Luke finished.


[Luke is sipping some tea in a booth. Ollie enters and approaches him.]

OLLIE: I still don't get what your obsession is with this restaurant.

Luke snorted.

LUKE: Have a seat. [Ollie sits down across from Luke.] I wanna talk to you about Simon Lewis.

OLLIE: Luke, I... I've never seen anything like it. It was straight out of some superhero movie.

LUKE: Did you mention it to anyone?

OLLIE: No, I took your advice. I don't want people to think I'm crazy.

LUKE: I'm sorry you had to see that, Ollie.

OLLIE: What? What do you mean you're sorry? [Luke makes eye contact with Raphael, who's sitting at a table close to them.] Luke, what are you talking about? I don't understand-

LUKE: I'm not proud of what I have to do, but it's for your protection. The Shadow World is a dangerous place.

"Raphael is going to encanto her." Magnus said.

[Raphael is now standing next to Luke.]

OLLIE: The Shadow what? [looking at Raphael] Who the hell is he?

[Raphael looks at Ollie intensely. Raphael's voice echoes through Ollie's head.]

RAPHAEL: You will forget the name Simon Lewis. He will no longer exist to you. Daniel Quinn murdered Heidi McKenzie. He's disappeared. And we will never find him.

[Ollie nods slowly.]


[Clary enters her bedroom and finds Simon staring out the window.]

Clary and Simon tense up.

CLARY: Simon.

SIMON: Sorry. Izzy said I could wait here for you.

CLARY: Of course. I'm, I'm so glad you're here.

[Clary approaches him.]

SIMON: This hasn't been easy for me. And I thought dying was bad. This is way worse.

Clary wipes away her tears.

CLARY: Simon, I am so sorry.

SIMON: That night on the promenade, when we first kissed... we made a vow. Remember?

CLARY: How can I forget? We promised that we would always be friends. No matter what.

SIMON: I'm a man of my word. When I make a vow, I uphold it. I can't imagine a world without you in it, Fray.

CLARY: [crying] Me neither.

[Clary puts her hands on Simon's shoulders.]

SIMON: [pulling back] But I need time.

CLARY: [pause] How much time?

SIMON: I'm not sure.

CLARY: Well... whenever you're ready... I will be here. Always.

[Simon nods.]

Clary and Simon look at each other and nod.


[The transfer team enters the cell after someone unlocks the door. Valentine is put in handcuffs. Jace and Lena pull him up from the bed. They all exit the cell, and go to the open space, where Alec and Magnus are.]

ALEC: Valentine Morgenstern, by order of the Clave, you are hereby remanded to the Gard in Idris.

[Izzy nods to Magnus. Magnus opens a Portal.]

VALENTINE: I may be in a cell, but at least I'll be in Alicante, where the air doesn't reek of Downworlders.

Jace growled at the screen, Silas and Magnus rolled their eyes.

ALEC: Get him out of here.

[The team nods to each other and they all go through the Portal, Izzy, Lena, Silas and Jace and some guards first. Before Valentine enters the Portal, Duncan puts his hand on his shoulder. More guards go through after them.]


[The Gard is awaiting the team. Izzy, Lena, Silas and Jace come through the Portal, so do the guards with them and the last guards. Valentine and Duncan don't come through. The Portal closes.]

"What the hell?" Alec said angrily, "Where is he?"

Everyone looks alamered.

MALACHI: Where's the prisoner?

ISABELLE: I don't know, Consul Dieudonné.

"By the Angel." Lena sighed.

HELENA: [to Izzy] What happened to Duncan?

MALACHI: Where the Angel is Valentine?


[A Portal opens up. Duncan and Valentine walk out. Valentine is shocked to see his surroundings. Sebastian is waiting for them. Duncan goes up to him.]

Jace glares at the screen.

DUNCAN: I did as you asked. I brought Valentine here. Now, please, let my family go.

Jace's glare softens.

SEBASTIAN: [holding Duncan's head] Thank you, Duncan. You did uphold your end of the bargain.

[Sebastian pierces Duncan with his blade.]

SEBASTIAN: But I'm afraid that I cannot uphold mine.

"Hail and Farewell, Duncan." Izzy said sadly.

[Sebastian pulls out the sword and goes to Valentine.]

VALENTINE: What do you want from me?

[Suddenly, Sebastian transforms into a burned man with black demonic eyes.]

Everyone gasped.

MAN: Hello... Father.

[The screen goes black.]

"What?" Clary said in surprise.

But the screen lit up before she could say anything.

"This next episode is called "Day of Atonement"." Fate said.

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