Screams Into Dreams // d.m.

By genevieveperidot

861 67 151

"My greatest enemy came in the form of a blonde git. Wrapped around his devil ways and topped with his twiste... More

Screams Into Dreams
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By genevieveperidot


"Crap, crap, crap!" Maeve was practically out of breath as she sprinted down the empty corridors in the dungeons, making a swift turn towards the potions class. It was one of those classes with Slytherins and Gryffindors combined so neither Esme or Tessa could realize she was late. In her defence, the far right section of the library was an ideal location for an afternoon nap. At this point she could only hope her ponytail was still intact because her tie was in her hand crumpled and loose.

Everyone jumped when she swung the door open and she grimaced. The clock showed that she was 15 minutes late and Professor Snape had started writing down a few formulas and he too frowned at her presence. She half expected either a hex sent her way or simply the door shutting at her face by magic. Instead he turned to face her completely and laced hands against his chest.

"Tardiness robs us of opportunity. Have you heard that before, Ms. Whitlock?"

"Forgive me Professor, but I was—"

Professor Snape grumbled, "Excuses are all the more reason for me to fail you in my class."

Maeve's eyes were now focused on her new dark brown boots that had a cute rim of fluffy brown fur. Her mother insisted that she wait for Christmas, when the snow would be suitable to wear, but she was too excited. Her father went home with them for her, he even bought one for Ei. He didn't take it with him to school though.

"Hair messy. Tie gone. Robe's wrinkled and lopsided. Do I even want to know what you were doing during your free period?" Maeve groaned at the Professor's words. He made it seem like she did something unworthy or even robust. She was simply napping for Merlin's sake. Her muscles were screaming at her to rest. 

"She probably went wrestling with Mrs. Norris. Bet the cat won and looks better than her." Draco Malfoy just had to open his mouth. To him this was comedy gold and his time to shine served on a silver platter, like all of his things in life. The whole class snickered and gawked at Maeve who was still standing by the open door.

"A two week detention for you Ms. Whitlock. Find a seat if that is not too hard for you." He glared at Malfoy, "for opening your mouth and further disturbing the class you get two weeks as well Mr. Malfoy. Might I suggest thinking before you speak some other time."

Rosier waved at her, signalling the empty seat left empty beside him. Maeve sighed in relief but cursed internally when she found out it was right in front Malfoy's seat. She had no other choice but to comply.

"Was the nap extra long?" Rosier whispered.

"Did you steal Madam Pomfrey's sleeping draughts?" It was Malfoy again chiming in from behind. Zabini chuckled beside him, his pathetic little minion.

Rosier held her arm, preventing something catastrophic no doubt. Maeve gasped slightly and took a good look at him. His bright green highlights are starting to fade into a light brown. And the grin he was sporting made something flutter deep inside

"Here." He handed her a small clear vial with a golden clasp filled with green liquid. "We're partners now. We were asked to examine this Wiggenweld potion."

"Professor Snape didn't say anything about partners. Don't make things up, Rosier." Maeve wanted to elbow Malfoy right there and then but settled for a death glare instead. Hurting him here would just prolonged their detention.

Malfoy stared at her with equal hatred. She knew why he was pissed off at her more than he was supposed to. Two weeks of detention meant two weeks off the pitch for quidditch practice. Since tryouts are in exactly two weeks, it meant they had no time left on a broom.

To say Malfoy and her were the epitome of quidditch practice was an understatement. Maeve was the only one that was brave enough to challenge Malfoy in the seeker position and he was not letting her off easily. The Quidditch stands were always full on every Slytherin team practice. Not only did the Slytherin boys dubbed 'eye candy', Maeve had heard people whisper about it, but being the first female trying out for the green team had caught people's attention.

Malfoy made the tryout practice a living hell, creating impossible turns and even more ridiculous moves. A few of them nearly knocked her out of her broom, but most of the time she managed to excel right alongside him. To be honest, she felt it was thrilling to have someone that challenged her with each breath she took. It gave her some insights to his playing methods and her brain documented each of his tactics, especially those that Eli had yet to teach her.

Rosier placed a hand around her shoulders and leaned closer, trying to shield Maeve from anything Malfoy was trying to do. He tapped the vial on the wood, the sound echoing through the desk. He smile was easily a distraction enough from the wicked evilness behind her.

"Is she ignoring me? I swear on Salazar—" Malfoy was cut off by Blaise nudging his shoulders because Professor Snape was looking at them now. Maeve didn't even realize, because her senses were solely focused on Rosier being only a few inches away, his arm now resting by her seat. He started babbling away about the questions on the board and its possible answers. Maeve noticed that he has only one dimple on his right cheek and emerges even with a slight movement. His green eyes still pop, more vibrant than those of Malfoy's icy grey.

No. Maeve won't allow Malfoy to occupy her thoughts. Not when he's been a slimy git to her during practice. Him and his oily hair could sod off.


Maeve surveyed her options. Sitting on the far left corner reading a book was Linda Clearwater. She would make an excellent ally but the sharp bangs and heavy black eye shadow made her snarl even more frightening and Maeve would rather live through her second year. She could ask Lincoln, one of Eli's friends, but fought against the idea. The whole plan would be awkward with a senior in tow. Eli himself was nowhere to be found. That was another problem Maeve had been avoiding ever since the meeting at Malfoy Manor.

She could never ask Greengrass or Parkinson. They were lounging by the emerald flame fireplace, chatting away about something without substance. Begging them for help would make her seem like a racoon begging for scraps. Maybe she could give Crabbe and Goyle a try? They would appreciate the free cake. Maeve shook her head in disgust. Tessa would murder you with her elemental crystals tonight and you would miss tryouts, she thought.

There was only one clear option and he was sitting by the stairs. He was stroking a yellow coloured Puffskein in his lap, laughing at something his friends were saying. It was the circle he was in that made Maeve reel back from approaching him, which included Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. Zabini's buzz cut hair and dark tan skin has yet to change ever since he goaded her at the ball. Nott however, looked taller than the rest, not nearly all skin and bones compared to his first year. His hair was unruly but his quiet smile... Maeve had to admit he was quite charming.

Their King sat on the throne, or in this case was the top stairs. Malfoy leaned back and settled his elbows by the carpeted floor. Watching over the whole Slytherin common room, with Magnum's head resting on his lap. His dark green turtleneck reached his chin as he dipped his head down to look at his subjects. Wet hair meant he was straight out of the shower and it meant the oily sheen was gone.

No. Maeve had a mission. She needed a friend. Draco Malfoy is anything but.

Sucking up all her dilemmas she made sure to groan internally as she approached her only hope. A few eyes bore into her skull, including the prick of a king.

"Hey!" Rosier lifted his Puffskein in the air and he waved at her with it. The creature emitted a low humming sound at his voice.

"Hey..." Maeve bent down to make this a hush hush as possible. "I need your help."

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

She looked around to find most of his friends staring at her. Zabini raised an eyebrow in suspicion, while Nott just gave her a shy smile.

"Already in trouble, Whitlock?" Zabini goaded, "I am not surprised."

"I am not." Maeve mustered her best stink eye, "Please resume your nonsense chatter. As you were boys." She waved her right hand to dismiss them, but their curiosity prevailed.

"I'll help you, what do you need?" Rosier placed his pet on his shoulders so now both of them were paying attention to her.

"It's in the kitchens." When he made no move to follow her, Maeve grabbed him by the wrist to pull him up. "Come on, we don't have much time."

The boys holler and hoot as they walk with her hands locked around his larger ones. A creeping crimson blush started to make its way up from her neck, colouring her cheeks.

"Can I bring Custard along?"


"My puffskein."

Maeve laughed at the low purring sound that the little sphere of fur made. "Of course. Just make sure he doesn't eat the food."

"There's food? I like this already."

His skin must be cold to the touch because Maeve felt his hands were the same temperature as hers, and she was always cold. She noticed this a while back when she dragged to charms class, avoiding another late debacle. The shuddering of her heart at his contact was still present. Rosier was the only friend she could trust in this snake pit. She did not view her as blood traitors nor did he comment about the size of her chubby cheeks and fuller waist. He was always there.

As they fled the Common room, Maeve noticed that it was not only Rosier's hand in hers that made her shiver. His cold silver eyes tracking their movements also made her skin crawl.


"You would make a good assistant." Maeve commented. Rosier kept his stance just by the kitchen doors, signing off any potential entry. She was glad she chose him, because his way with words, even with older students, made it easy for this job. He had been in between handing her ingredients for the cake, grabbing oven mitts and scaring people away. At the end, he even helped her put on some popping confetti by the ceilings that was ready to burst into colours when Esme and Tessa entered.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He flashed her a smile that showed his pearly white teeth. "She'll love this I'm sure. You made enough cupcakes to feed an army. I didn't know you could bake." He was being nice. Maeve miscalculated the recipe and made two dozen batches without enough pink buttercream to frost them all. Therefore half of it looked awful, with dots of non-existent cream. At least the chocolate cupcakes looked moist enough.

She had her mother to thank for that. Leanne Whitlock always said good food means good mood and Maeve couldn't agree more. Ever since her allergies were discovered, her mother made it a mission for Maeve to still enjoy food despite a few setbacks. Maeve would always tag along in the kitchen, using a chair from the dining table to increase her height, just so she could see what her mother was making.

"I hear them!" Rosier blew the candles in the kitchen and huddled close to her behind the table. Again with the closeness and his presence. Maeve reminded herself that he was only here just because she asked him to and for nothing else. But when Rosier placed his arm around her to keep her close as they hid, she looked up at his face in the dark. Her eyes adjusted to the soft edges of his lips as he waited with a giddy smile. He was here to help her surprise her friend at nearly midnight.

"For Merlin's sake, this better be the greatest emergency of your life, Tessa, because it's past midnight--" Esme's complaining can be heard far and wide.

Maeve decided it was time and she tugged hard on Rosier's T-shirt. With flick of his wand the room illuminated with golden light, shining bright back to its warm glory. The confetti placement was perfect as it popped and rained down sprinkles of shining silver glitter that turned into stars as they poured.

"Happy Birthday!" All three shouted, leaving Esme gobsmacked.

"I told you this was for a greater good! My crystals sense a good energy for this day." Tessa beamed and hugged a still shell-shocked Esmeralda.

"Esme say something." Maeve brought the tray of loop-sided cupcakes towards her. "Are you that surprised?"

They stood in silence for a whole minute, until Esme's eyes started to weather with unshed tears. The girls rush over to her side.

"Oh no! What did we do? Do you hate it?" Maeve pulled her long sleeved to wipe away the tears that started to roll down Esme's cheeks.

"Of course I love it." She choked on her words. "It's just I never had a surprise before, let alone someone that cares about my birthday like both of you do. I bet even my parents don't even remember." She pointed at the chocolate cupcakes, "You made them, Maeve?"

"Yeah... but we could get something else if you'd like."

"No!" She snatched one right away and held it by her chest. "I love it. Thank you. Thank you so much."

The trio hugged each other into a group of warmth and snuggles. A few more tears escaped Esme's eyes and Tessa joked about her not getting snot all over her shirt. Esmeralda's kind was well known for their cold blooded personality. Their abilities were once their downfall, it made them hunted and killed. Maeve guessed that being a descendant from a long line of mind-reading witches must be difficult. Having to control one's head from the onslaught of people's thoughts vibrating in their eardrums. A venomous past forced them to shut down and became a closed off community, until a few years ago a law passed for their freedom.

Esme might be more aloof than the rest, but none of her heart was cold.

"I'm sorry but why is he here?" Esme broke the hug and Maeve chuckled.

"He helped me a lot. I couldn't pull this all by myself no matter how amazing I am."

"Well then." Esme smiled at him. She never smiled at another Slytherin before. "Thank you." 

We will see more of quidditch tryouts in the next chapter! Hope you guys like this one. Hugs and Kisses, Genevieve 🌻

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