First Bloom

By April-13

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First Bloom is about a girl who has the power to create spring with the touch of her fingers, just can't have... More

First Bloom
Chapter 1: First Bloom
Chapter 2: First Home
Chapter 3: First Lesson
Chapter 4: First Name
Chapter 5: First Day
Chapter 7: Betrothed
Chapter 8: "Going Out"
Chapter 9: Not a date/ My mother's love life
Chapter 10: The Darkness Stirs
Chapter 11: A Dance with the Roses
A True Best Friend
Chapter 13: Wedding Details
Story Update/Contest

Chapter 6: Fun with Boy's Head

99 1 1
By April-13

The next morning I woke up, and decided that I was not going to be the quiet one. I was going to be the loud one, with funny sayings. I got up, and changed my hair to purple with hot pink streaks. I picked out a tutu and a pair of zebra leggings with bright pink high-tops and a colorful three-quarter-length sweatshirt. I went downstairs and got quite the look from Summer.

"Wow, Lillie. That's quite the outifit..." She said

"Thank you! I think so!"

"Alright... Let's go. I'm not sure what the Gals are gonna think." The Gals were the girls that Summer called friends from the bus. 

"Okay, well I'm just going to hang out with Jessa and Shaye on the bus." Jessa and Shayewere my new BFFL's (I'm so proud of myself that I already learned some human phrases on the first day!) Jessa is blonde with the Smurf love, and Shaye is dirty blonde with the vertical challenges.

"Hey, what goes on, Tessa?" Jessa asked.

"Just got on a bus, you?" I asked

"OMG! Me too!" Jessa said

"Hey! You forget about me!" Shaye said

"Sorry, I just couldn't see you over there!" I said, knowing that this would make her pretend to be mad.

"Hey! Don't diss the shortness!" Shaye said.

"Wasn't dissing!" I exclaimed

"SHUT UP OR GET OFF MY BUS!" the bus driver said

"Who put Smurfs in her cereal?" Jessa said

"Well, we be at school now." I said

"See you later, -essa buddy!" Jessa said. We called each other that because our names are so similar.

"See ya!" I walked over to the band room, which was now my homeroom. I play flute. Pretty well, I presume

"Get your instruments out, and pull out Etowah." The band director said. My flute was already out, so I thought about if grasshoppers had exercise machines like we do. My whole day kind of went on like that, me thinking random thoughts and pretending to pay attention.

Lunch was particularly interesting. I was going to sit down next to the other Seasonal teens, but stopped when I realized that we weren't the only people with a table to ourselves. There was a boy all the way on the far side of the cafeteria, by himself. He had dark brown hair and wore a green layered tee-shirt and jeans. I decided to have lunch with him.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" I asked politely.

"Yes." He said. I sat down anyways.

"What's your name?" I asked. He didn't answer.

"I'll call you Boy then." I said.

"Fine." Boy said

"Do you think grasshoppers have exercise machines like we do?" I asked him. This seemed to pull him out of his solitude.

"What?" He asked. He looked up at me and I felt- something. I wasn't sure. He put his head back facing the tray. His eyes were ice blue, but had some sort of warmness that I couldn't figure out.

"Well, I guess you wouldn't know considering you aren't a grasshopper. I think that you are more like a ladybug."

"Why would you think that I'm a ladybug?"

"Well, ladybugs are my friends. And they don't tell me their names either."

"You think that you can talk to ladybugs? And they talk back?" He asked. He looked up at me again, and this time his eyes were guarded and I didn't feel whatever I felt the last time I looked at his eyes.

"No, I don't think that they can talk back," I didn't tell him that as a Spring Seasonal I actually can talk to bugs, because I think that that would freak him out a bit. "But they do make the nicest friends."

"You are crazy." He said. Then we started cracking up. I tried to control myself, but I guess I didn't do such a good job, considering I made the trees outside of the cafeteria smash the windows open.

"What...?" He asked

"I don't know! I know nothing!" I said

"My mom and I have seen the same thing, last week we were planting daisies and all of a sudden they popped up above our heads. And not only our heads, but above our house too."

"Wow... That's crazy..." I said

"I know! Ohio weather, I guess."

"Ya... Ohio weather." I said. I assumed that Ohio was where we were living. Which reminded me...

"Gotta go!" I said

"Where you going? Lunch isn't over yet!" Boy said

"I have to go to a family thing!" I said and exited the cafeteria. I completely forgot that I had to bring spring to Ohio! I rushed into the closest park and started melting some of the snow off of the trees. Before you knew it, it looked almost like summer. The park was green all over. There was no snow, which looked weird in contrast to the snowy road beside it. I decided to let Spring come to this area. Then I went back to school. I was in Science, my last class by then.

"Thank you for joining us, Miss Season. Not ditching, I trust?"

"No sir, just helping my family prepare for a funeral."

"Sorry I asked. Take your seat. Now class, the difference between igneous and sedimentary rocks is that sedimentary rocks are made of igneous rocks, but igneous rocks aren't made of sedimentary rocks..."

"Where were you?" I realized that my science partner was actually Boy.

"Like I said, I was helping my family with a funeral."

"You didn't look sad when you left lunch today."

"Well, I was preparing a funeral for my mom. I never knew her, so I wasn't that sad."

"Oh really? Because what I remember is that after you left, the trees shrunk down. Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Yes. The person I was preparing a funeral for was actually my grandmother."

"Not something like that!" Boy said

"What? Do you suppose that I made the trees grow and shrink? Do you think that I am a fairie? OH! LOOK AT ME! I AM A FAIRIE WITH WINGS! I MAKE TREES GROW AND SHRINK!" I whispered loudly

"HEY! No flirting back there!" The teacher yelled at us

"Not flirting!" I said

"Oh really? Then if you were listening so closely, why do sedimentary rocks form igneous ones?" The teacher said, thinking that I wouldn't know the answer.

"Well, unless you are talking of the long cycle, sedimentary rocks do not immediately form igneous rocks. A sedimentary rock must first become a metamorphic rock, then the metamorphic rock melts into magma, then over time the magma becomes an igneous rock. Or the sedimentary rock can be melted immediately into magma. Does this satisfy your question?"

"Yes, I suppose so." The teacher looked rather sheepish. The bell for the end of the school day rang.

"See you later, Boy."

"Bye, Tessa. You are a very confusing girl."

"You're welcome."



Hey hey people, what goes on? Sorry I havn't written in awhile, I got severe writer's block. Btw, tyrus222, did you find your character? And IM A FAIRIE! I CAN MAKE TREES GROW AND SHRINK! MUAHAHAHHAHAHA!

Happy Spine!


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