𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖗 | ᴄᴏʀᴘꜱᴇ ʜᴜꜱ...


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Violet was a wanderer, always had been. In a near-constant state of uprooting her life whenever things got ro... Xem Thêm

Authors Note & Foreword
The Wanderer
The Stranger
The Invitation
The Housewarming Party
The Interference
The Makeup Simps
The (Un)Forgotten Birthday
The Number One Imposter
The Dave & Buster's Party
The Perfect Ten
The Potato Head
The Ball & Chain
The Cucumber Water
The Arachnid Eyes
The Overstimulation
The Labored Union
The Double Date
The Quickest High
The Hardest Comedown
The Lift Up
The Knots & Invites
The Halloween Party
The Horror Movie Night
The Realization
The Chaotic Happy Hour
The Dye, For You
The Slow Dancing In The Dark
The Plausible Move
The Unexpected Christmas Gift
The Naked Christmas Morning
The Drunken Discord Call
The Blinded Date
The Glitter Bandages
The Heart-Shaped Cakes
The Beachside Sign
The Turbulent Waters
The Calm Before The Storm
The Lifeboat
The Valentine
The Cat Girls
The Circular Argument
The Boardwalk Dinosaur
The Chaotic Weekend
The Poet & The Crybaby
The Infamously Petty Corpse Husband
The L
The Runny Eyeliner & Smudged Lipstick
The Markings Of The Boy In The Bar
The Miscommunication
The Do-Over
The Epilogue

The Grumpy Wolf

322 12 16

"So...drinks?" Violet suggested with a bright grin, ignoring Seán's warnings.

"It's like you can read my mind." He laughed and took her hand, leading her back to the bar eagerly, ordering them both a double shot of whiskey.

"So, which squishmallow you want first?"

"Well, we gotta replace that purple rabbit Christian stole."

"Yes ma'am" He grinned down at her before taking the shots from the bartender and handing her one. "Cheers..." They clinked the glasses together and threw them back before heading over to the crane machine from earlier.

"Oh my god, there's no way!" Violet exclaimed after a few attempts. "You fuckin had that!" Jack had tried four times to get her a bigger bunny with the claw giving out every time just before reaching the cubby.

"Alright, enough clownin' around." Jack drawled out with an annoyed laugh.

"Oh? You bringin' out the big guns now? Psh, bout time."

"Oh, if you think you're so great..."

"Oh, I know I'm not!" Violet laughed. "But I'm not wasting my money on every rigged game here, am I?"

"Not a waste..." She barely heard him mutter as he swiped the card again to start a new game. "Do you want god mode?" He laughed a bit.

"Oh, eh, I dunno, that makes me nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" He looked down at her half concerned and half captivated by her sudden shyness.

"Cuz if you haven't been on god mode yet..." She wasn't sure she was prepared for more of his confidence, especially after that double.

"Oh no, I mean god-mode as in I throw 'er into maintenance mode so it's easier cause this shit is rigged." He bumped the machine and laughed.

"You can do that?" She was genuinely impressed.

"Yeah... uh I was just too stubborn to do it before. Leo season or whatever the fuck Emma says." He shrugged. "But fuck it right?"

"Fuck it." She affirmed. "Work smarter, not harder, right?"

"Exactly, we've gotta stick it to that boozed up little thief." He laughed as he started quickly pushing the button and moving the stick in a unique but seemingly random pattern, causing the machine to emit a soft beep it hadn't before. "Get him where it hurts... winning you a bigger one."

"Yes, I need the biggest of mallows."

"That you do..." He muttered softly with a chuckle, stepping aside and gesturing for her to play. "You'll need to rent another space to keep 'em soon, your room will get too full." He laughed.

"At least it's not the Holiday Inn." She joked, moving in to attempt another go at the game.

"Oh my fucking god do not get me started..." He groaned out, throwing his head back and up toward the ceiling dramatically.

"Somebody's pressed." Violet snorted softly, having heard this story about 18 times already. He only started this rant when he was fairly deep into drinking, and never seemed to remember the previous times he brought it up. Violet found it hysterical and brought it up whenever she could when he got to this state.

"We At The Hotel. Motel. Holiday Inn..." He lowered his voice even deeper, a petty mocking tone taking over as he mimicked the song. "I mean are you fucking serious? He really said how do I write the most unsexy song. Filling her pipes with egg whites?" He scoffed loudly. "I'm gonna yak... profusely."

"I dunno, it's not the worst place for egg whites." Violet couldn't help but laugh, knowing the reaction it would get.

"You take that back right now." He demanded. "I will never roll your blunts for you again if you keep this shit up."

"Okay, fine." Violet conceded, still laughing. "...I suppose the Ritz-Carlton will suffice."

"Fucking bet." He huffed out nearly inaudible as he shook his head smiling.

"Holy shit I fucking got it!" Violet hadn't expected for the crane to follow through, especially with how wobbly she'd been with all her laughing. He laughed and retrieved the stuffed toy.

"Atta girl..." He smiled and handed her the purple oversized bunny plush. She flushed into it at the gentle praise, but tried to brush it off.

"Your turn! Which one do you want?"

"Oh... you want to win me something?"

"Yeah, it's your birthday." She responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I-" He shut his mouth just as fast as it opened. "But, I mean- you guys already made it a great birthday..." His brows pulled together, not expecting the gesture after everything.

"Because you're worth it."

"I uh- I'm really not... but I appreciate it." He laughed sheepishly. "I want one that you pick for me." He simpered down at her adoringly. Trying to not be too irritated by the feeling bubbling up again.

"Hmm, okay. You want a mallow or something snazzy?" She looked around at some of the ridiculously expensive items sitting idly behind the inexpensive glass of the machines.

"You pick." He chuckled and covered his eyes. "All you."

"No pressure or anything." She joked before finally settling on a machine a few ones over. "Alrighty, get into god mode I guess." He chuckled, moving forward and reaching his arms around her from behind, inherently trapping her, to put the new machine into maintenance mode, trying to keep his eyes on her for once so he wouldn't spot what she would aim for. He leaned closer and explained how he did it, so she'd be able to if she wanted to. Violet tried her best to control her breathing as her heart began to pulse in her ears at how close he was and his voice low and soft right by her ear. Having him up close and personal with his breath barely tickling her hair draped down her neck and collarbones; his chest pressed warmly against her back, she should've been more nervous. But being close to him was somehow the most exciting yet calming sensation she'd felt in a long while. "No peeking."

"Cross my heart and hope to die." He promised, closing his eyes tightly and dipping his head down behind hers, letting her curled hair cover his face more. Just so there's no way to peek, that's all.

"We're going two for two." She mumbled, trying to focus more on the precise angle to drop the claw to reach what she wanted for him rather than the way his arms still surrounded her along with the gentle weight of him leaning against her . She crossed her fingers in anticipation before the claw dropped the stuffed toy into the chute. "Fuck yesssss!" Jack's chuckle quite literally rumbled down her spine. She had to control her near visceral reaction as she slowly moved down to pick up the toy. "Happy birthday, grumpy." She held out the overstuffed round wolf with animatedly furrowed brows that matched Jack's typical resting surly expression. Jack stepped back and grabbed the plushie a little too hard. He looked from its small face back to Violet's goofy smile and clamped his teeth down on his lip, proving to be completely ineffective at hiding the ridiculous grin growing on his face.

"Yeah, alright this is the best birthday gift ever..."

"Wow and after all that time I spent on your card." Violet rolled her eyes playfully as she leaned against the machine.

"Ok yeah no that cassette uh- that was- something..." He chuckled, gripping the wolf a little tighter to hold in the emotion it brought up to even mention. "I guess I gotta get you another one now though."

"Um, no, you technically got me two. I owe you another."

"Uh, this ginormous thing was all you." He gestured to the bunny.

"On easy mode!" She scoffed. "C'mon, I'm on a lucky streak tonight. Let me win you another." She peered around again, wondering if she should test her luck on something more expensive or flashy. While she hadn't seen him ever get too dressed up, he did like to accessorize. And there were also some fancy chain necklaces she knew he'd probably wear but would never actually buy for himself.

"Hmm, wanna make it more interesting? A little competition?"

"Oh? What are the terms?" She quirked a brow, While still slightly cautious at what he had planned, she was still intrigued with what he had in mind. And it was still a fairly safe establishment, he wouldn't push too hard here.

"Hmm I don't know, how about- whoever racks up the most tickets, gets one redeemable favor?" He chuckled and shrugged.

"What kind of favor?" While a small, though vehement, part of her might have agreed to anything he suggested, she knew he'd probably come up with something either vague or simple and silly.

"Anything." He answered a bit too quickly- the same exact thought in his own head. He chuckled and composed himself a bit. "But um, you've gotta win first, darlin." He winked. "And uh, before any of it, another round of liquid courage."

"Yeah, you're gonna need it." She linked arms with him as they headed back toward the bar. "Don't forget, I'm on a lucky streak."

"You seem very sure of yourself." The bartender immediately set another round in front of them, making them look around and realize they had the whole place practically to themselves for the next hour as everyone had mostly left by now.

"You underestimate my power." Violet could barely feel the burn of the double anymore.

"I appreciate the shit-talk, but I really don't..." He chuckled as he downed his own. More like I fantasize about it...

"Well...eat pant then!" She grabbed her game card and bounded off quickly toward skeeball, where she'd had the most luck so far. He didn't even hide the stupid grin she'd plastered on his face.

They moved from game to game at separate rates, occasionally shooting each other mock dirty looks or making competitive comments as they passed each other.

When Violet found Jack at the shooting games again, she snuck back toward the claw machines in hope she could remember the process Jack had shown her to put them into 'easy' mode. After a few tense moments of fiddling with the buttons, nervous she'd be caught by Jack, the machine beeped happily and she was set to go. It took a couple tries to get the one she wanted, dropping the claw too early, or having it unable to cling to it too long, given how small it was. But finally, the velvet box dropped into the chute, which Violet quickly hid in the pocket of her-Jack's-hoodie, reminding herself to switch it to her bag later.

"Uh oh, is someone hiding?" Jack teased when he noticed her entering the arcade area again. "It's okay to admit you're losing."

"Seeing as how I just won the lotto over there," Violet gestured to a big wheel with a familiar logo. "I don't think I'm the one who needs to worry."

"Damn, you know the wheel trick but didn't know the 'easy mode'?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Wow, you think I had to cheat at that?" Violet scoffed playfully. "Give me a little credit."

"Well, I won't need to if you're being honest... the ticket credits on your card will be enough don't you think?" He laughed.

"Just be prepared to do my bidding when you lose." She teased before skipping off to some sort of Pokemon game before final call was given, letting them know how much time they had before needing to head over to the prize counter.

Jack finished up the last few games before he made his way over to the prizes, leaning against the counter and admiring her fight with a game from afar. She finally finished up before peering around, her eyes landing on Jack and starting the walk up, lights brightening from the cool neons to the obnoxious white fluorescent panels.

"You took your time." Jack chuckled.

"I figured why not ratio the hell out of you." She quipped back as the underpaid associate approached the glass case.

"That's- honestly kind of hot..." He peered down at her, slightly impressed by her competitive nature.

"Yeah, just keep that energy when you lose." She felt her neck grow hot again as she handed her game card to the associate.

"Oh I will..." He bumped her with his hip and handed in his card as well.

"Um, yours has 690,420."

"Nice." All three responded simultaneously to Violet's score.

"Uh...yours has...34."

"Nuh-uh!" Violet exclaimed. "No fucking way, you were going ham on whack-a-mole!"

"...Shoot." Jack deadpanned, holding in a laugh.

"This is Christain's!" She remembered Jack specifically picking the purple card earlier, while Christian's bright red one was in the associate's hand.

"No, I got a new one so it would be fair... I guess I just over-estimated my abilities..."

"Wasn't part of the terms." She told him.

"Never specified terms, so uh- I guess you won." He shrugged. "Rules is rules..."

"Fine. Then I guess I get to buy you everything in the claw machines." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Darlin, it was that you get to make me do whatever you want... not that I let you twist around the rules on my birthday." He laughed.

"Ah, ah," she tsked. "Your words were, one redeemable favor. I can buy anything I want for you and you can't complain." She tilted her head mockingly, feigning patience as she pushed his buttons just enough.

"God you're incorrigible..." He pulled out another card and handed it to the worker.

"Um, this is uh, 690, 412."

"Aw look, you still beat me..." He sneered teasingly.

"At least it was fair this time." Violet shrugged with a grin. "So much for being a competitive Leo."

"Maybe I'll be competitive and stubborn in other ways..." He smirked down at her, "so what's it gonna be- you sticking with that waste of a favor?"

"No, I got what I wanted." She peered up at the high-point items on display on the wall, all with a corresponding number.

"Good, so you won't mind this then..." He smirked before turning back to the worker and quickly listing off several numbers. The associate started to pull the corresponding items from the bottom bins behind the counter and stacking them in front of Jack.

"Look at you, bougie boy." She listed a few numbers off herself.

"Mmm, yeah well it was more than earned." He smirked at her as she watched the associate stack up a PS5 gaming console with a VR headset, two nerf guns, and the largest plushies. He thanked the worker and grabbed one of the nerf guns before sliding the rest of the stack in front of Violet.

"Nooo....That's not what I meant!"

"That's what I meant." Jack merely chuckled back. Violet huffed and moved from behind the stack to look at the items she'd asked for. Two more squishmallows, a pink tulip that she quickly slid toward Jack, teasing him over his 'Blossom' comments, and a black skull one for herself sat atop the glass desk before she slid the others toward Jack, a vibrantly pink set of cat ear headphones, some steel skull wine stoppers and two bulky rings that looked similar enough to his others she thought he'd like them.

"And that doesn't count for my favor." She tried to grasp the large plushies he'd gotten her and stack the electronics she had no idea how to use. If she expected him to not complain about gifts, she'd have to adhere to that too, even if it was his birthday.

"I-hm... fair, I guess." Jack couldn't take his eyes off her choice of squishmallows, smiling to himself. He took the bags the worker had handed them and started sorting all the boxed items and small plushies into them. "Well, are you ready to head home then?" He awkwardly situated the bags on his shoulder.

"Mmm, not quite." Her gaze had landed on the photobooth when they'd first entered, but had waited to see if it was actually working. A few people had used it throughout the night, and seeing it again had Violet deciding what her 'favor' would be. "We should take some photos!"

"Ahh... wait wha-" Jack chuckled nervously.

"There's a photobooth." She pointed to it. "I won, now you have to take dumb pictures with me."

"I uh..." He shot a panicked look over at the photobooth. "That's um, that's what you're picking?" His mind started to race at all the worst case scenarios.

"Well, you did say it was your best birthday. What better way to commemorate? C'monnnn, I wanna decorate my sad little office." She pouted cutely, eyes wide under her glasses. He stared at her in complete confusion. Why did she want to have a picture of them in her office? Was she just baiting him? Did she know something? Do you care? "I need pictures of people I actually like." She admitted with a groan, slightly bitter that hardly any of her 'friends' here had bothered actually catching up, leaving her with outdated photos and memories she kept trying to rationalize were happier than they actually were. And she did like Jack. More than just a roommate. While she was too drunk at this point to completely comprehend how she wanted it to proceed past the physical aspect, she also genuinely enjoyed his company. Regardless of how this dynamic turned out, she wanted more than competitive prizes (however expensive) to remember tonight by.

"I- um..." He let out a nervous chuckle at her blunt admissions, grateful for the last few doubles they'd had as his mind moved from its normal panic reactions to a calmer acceptance brought on by the damn butterflies she was giving him with that look. "I usually- fucking hate pictures- but you're kind of making it impossible to say no with all this flattery, and that fucking face..." He laughed. "I guess I did say rules is rules too, so..." He shrugged. "Just uh- can you just keep it for us? No internet?"

"Of course!" Even though she knew he was private, she found his request a tad strange. But would respect it nonetheless, she knew everyone had something they were insecure over. "No one but Nugget. And when you get snoopy."

"Deal..." He let out a more than tipsy giggle at the idea, his voice squeaking a bit at the end. "You get pics, I get occasional open door policy. Fair trade."

"That is not-...." Violet sighed as he walked away too quickly for her to interject that no, this favor didn't come with tradesies, but she knew it was no use. He set their bags down outside of the photobooth and opened the curtain for her. "Which filter do you want?" She inserted a fiver to illuminate the options menu.

"Hmm, I mean this is your favor so it's what you want... what's the vibe?" He laughed as he thought of all the various photos they could take. "Like, plain goofy, that dumbass Charlie's Angels, uhhh-"

"What is this?" Violet stopped him abruptly. "What's this-this vibe you're going for?" She gestured to him emphatically with her hand in mock disgust, slightly smiling but just a tad concerned by his more panicky tone. "I know you're not that drunk, are you- are you okay with this?"

"Um, it's the vibe of someone trying to uphold their end of the deal honorably of course..." He tried to hide the nervousness in his laugh. "I mean, there's never been any physical art in that apartment so the first one should be good right?"

"Oh, honorably, of course." Violet scoffed out a laugh. "Well, you can't go wrong with Hollywood Noir, always a classic." She scrolled through a few more filters. "And this one gives us prompts, and this one gives us pictures to react to...so take your pick."

"Like I said, whatever you want..." He flashed her a tipsy smile. "I'll even take more with you if you hate the first batch alright?" He chuckled softly. She sighed softly as she contemplated which ones to do.

"Mmkay, prompts first. Cuz I can't decide." She chuckled as she leaned back as the screen loaded with the frame, nearly cutting Jack out. "Oh, my god, you're not even in the booth," she tried to pull him closer. "Get in the picture." He teasingly groaned as he scooted closer to her.

"That was the point..." He whined.

"What happened to honorably upholding your end of the deal?"

"It's honorable to know when to sit something out. The photos would be more perfect with just you..."

"Um, no. Much better with the birthday boy to help commemorate." She kept him close, linking arms with him as she looked up at the prompt. "You go to a wedding and the groom's bride is a whore...well, okay then!" She blanched at the unexpected prompt before laughing.

"Jesus Christ." Jack couldn't help but chuckle as the flash went off to capture the moment. The remaining prompts were equally as entertaining, capturing silly expressions before they chose their next filter option. "Wait yeah do black and white... that's nice..." He hummed out as he leaned forward to see, placing his hand inadvertently on her knee.

"Alrighty, give me a nice smile then." She playfully reached up to smoosh his cheeks together and upward in a makeshift smile. She felt his jaw tense slightly under her fingers as her hold on him muffled his laugh, their amusement lasting through the next few pictures until the screen announced it was the last one. Jack looked down at her and smiled, unsure of how exactly he got lucky enough to have met her. The camera was the last thing on his mind as he moved in, pulling her closer and kissing her cheek with adoration just as the flash went off. He pulled away just slightly and leaned his forehead against her as they both laughed softly lingering for a second too long.

"I guess we should- get the fuck out of here huh..." The emotion didn't match the words Jack softly spoke.

"...yeah- I think they've been trying to close for at least 30 minutes now..." She couldn't exactly fake her tone either after that. Jack hummed out begrudgingly as he pulled away and grabbed the photos while he held the curtain for her again.

"Here," He handed Violet her set of the prints. She giggled at the end result of some of the prompts. While it was easy for her to nitpick everything wrong with her in these photos, she couldn't help but smile again at the last picture. She'd been mildly surprised at the innocent kiss on the cheek, but she stared down at her warm expression printed in black and white for anyone to see. Calm, closed eyes and a gentle smile were etched into her expression at Jack's affection. She'd even reached up to pat his neck in response, that growing piece inside her itching to pull him closer.

Jack gathered up their things and waited for her, smiling as he caught her expression while she looked over their photos.

"Did I make good on the deal? I'm not sure they'll let us stay for a do over..." He chuckled as they started to move toward the exit.

"You look great." Her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.

"Heh, well kinda hard to look bad next to you..." He held the door open wide as she picked up the several giant plushies, her silhouette now a giant fluffy cloud-like shape as she squeezed them all through the door. He moved his hand up to replace his mask back up on his face, despite being outside now- he needed the extra help to conceal his far too telling expressions as she moved carefully toward the car, practically waddling as she made sure not to drop any of the new valuables.

"Um, how are we gonna fit all this?" He could barely make out what she'd said from behind the mass of fluff in front of her face.

"Oh- check this out..." He opened the hood of the car, revealing an empty storage compartment. "It's a frunk..."

"Fro...?" Violet whispered as she tried to put it together. "Oh my God." She laughed.

"Yeah, Tesla went full frontal..." he laughed as he set the bags in and took some of the squishmallows from her arms, "Who do you want with you?" She frowned comically at the thought of having to choose.

"All of them."

"You'll literally suffocate if you have all of them with you." Jack could help but laugh.

"Let them choke me! Why do you hate me?" He laughed even louder at her dramatics. "Mmph, fine." She looked back and forth a few times before picking the bunny he'd won for her with a soft smile as she settled into the passenger seat while Jack got into the driver's side and set up some lofi for the journey home.

She hadn't realized she'd fallen asleep until she felt a slight jostle. Hoping it wasn't the spins, she opened her eyes wide only to see the underside of Jack's jawline.


"Hey, I got you." Jack murmured, his hands clutching her a bit tighter while she shifted as she came to. "Don't worry, you just dozed off on the ride home. I suppose lofi probably wasn't the smartest choice in music." He chuckled softly as he carried her up the last few steps to their apartment.

"Ya shoulda woken me up." She mumbled groggily, exhaustion sweeping over her as she felt the alcohol slowly fading from her system.

"You looked so tired though, it's not a big deal." He paused at their door. "Could you put your little finger out and punch in the numbers though..." He laughed

"Mmkay, hold him." She lifted the squishmallow up hazily before reaching down to feel around for the right code pattern.

He rolled his eyes with a smile and gently grabbed the stuffed animal between his teeth, leaning forward and turning the handle down with his elbow and walking them in. He walked into her room and gently laid her down in bed, handing her back the toy.

"Where are the rest?" Her question was half muffled by her pillow as she rolled onto her stomach.

"I am but a mere man, I can only carry so much." He laughed. "I'll be back with them in a bit, but do you need anything? Water? Advil? Fan?"

"Nuggie." She patted the empty space beside her.

"Uhh-" Jack searched the room, quickly finding the cat by following the vile licking sounds to his left. "Yeah, um your son is a bit- preoccupied at the moment... Do you still want him?"

"Ew!" She didn't need that image as she felt herself dozing off again, only to feel the velvet box she'd nearly forgotten about, still tucked away inside the hoodie she still needed to give back to Jack, however reluctant she was, despite how warm it was.

"Yeah, at least I have some humility." He chuckled as she awkwardly fumbled out of his hoodie before handing it to him.

"Here." Her hair was now standing in awkward directions. "Thank you, it was cozy." She smirked softly before laying back down, thinking about the extra gift he was about to find.

"I- you didn't need to give it back..." He muttered softly, wishing that she would keep it instead. "I mean, you looked better in it than I ever did..." He chuckled.

"Whatever, you always look hot...Happy Birdday."

"I- hm" He hummed quietly. "Ugh..." he groaned softly to himself with a smile. "Get some rest Vi..." He hesitated for a split second before leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Thank you again... for everything." He finished bringing everything up before retreating to his room to pass out just as easily. 

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