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Violet was a wanderer, always had been. In a near-constant state of uprooting her life whenever things got ro... More

Authors Note & Foreword
The Wanderer
The Stranger
The Invitation
The Housewarming Party
The Interference
The Makeup Simps
The (Un)Forgotten Birthday
The Number One Imposter
The Dave & Buster's Party
The Perfect Ten
The Grumpy Wolf
The Ball & Chain
The Cucumber Water
The Arachnid Eyes
The Overstimulation
The Labored Union
The Double Date
The Quickest High
The Hardest Comedown
The Lift Up
The Knots & Invites
The Halloween Party
The Horror Movie Night
The Realization
The Chaotic Happy Hour
The Dye, For You
The Slow Dancing In The Dark
The Plausible Move
The Unexpected Christmas Gift
The Naked Christmas Morning
The Drunken Discord Call
The Blinded Date
The Glitter Bandages
The Heart-Shaped Cakes
The Beachside Sign
The Turbulent Waters
The Calm Before The Storm
The Lifeboat
The Valentine
The Cat Girls
The Circular Argument
The Boardwalk Dinosaur
The Chaotic Weekend
The Poet & The Crybaby
The Infamously Petty Corpse Husband
The L
The Runny Eyeliner & Smudged Lipstick
The Markings Of The Boy In The Bar
The Miscommunication
The Do-Over
The Epilogue

The Potato Head

393 16 30

"I gotta say, I'm loving the new look." Emma teased softly to Violet as they all headed back inside toward the arcade while Christian went to get everyone another round of drinks. Violet flushed as she tugged at the hem of Jack's hoodie, long enough to cover her shorts. "But I think you'd look even better without the getup."

"If this is your way of getting me naked..." Violet winked coyly, though still slightly self conscious at all her attention.

"I'll have you any way you want, gorgeous."

"Christian was right, you really are a manwhore when you're drinking." Violet laughed. Emma merely held up a finger as she dug through her eccentric bag before pulling a small tin case. Inside was an assortment of bandaids and mints and... a fake mustache that she placed perfectly on her upper lip. "Oh my god, look at this distinguished young gentleman!" And this is why you're pansexual. It really wasn't fair how some people managed to look that hot with every presentation of themselves.

"Why thank you ma'am." It was Emma's turn to blush as she turned on a southern drawl as she tipped a fake hat in gratitude.

Jack watched the exchange with more caution than curiosity as Seán followed closely behind him.

"Should we fill up the cards?" Everyone nodded, their head highs all making them space how the bizarre currency of the establishment worked. "C'mon buddy..." He nudged Jack to follow him.

Despite Jack's distaste of leaving Violet to the hands of this mustached menace, he would honor their deal. He'd been joking at first- but seeing how receptive Violet was to Emma had him a bit worried given her 'I swing whatever way I want' comment. Given the heated moments they'd shared even beyond making out, he couldn't help but wonder if she maybe wasn't interested in him for anything more than superficial reasons. She'd mentioned terrible dates with men before, so maybe she wouldn't ever see him as a real option. But that wouldn't explain why she went so hot and cold with their interactions, from how earnestly she kissed back and the flirty interactions she wasn't hesitant in dishing back. But then she'd go cold when he pushed it just a tad further, whether it was excessive sex jokes or even what he thought were basic genuine compliments without ulterior motives. Despite how obvious he thought he was, it was possible he was missing even more context than Emma had berated them all for.

Whatever her interests, he wanted so badly to be supportive but the selfish and jealous side of him was trying so hard to take over. He twisted his rings as he walked behind Seán, guilt starting to creep up. If this- god forbid- was the answer he'd been waiting for, the sign he'd been waiting for, he had no choice but to accept it. If he wasn't what she wanted, he'd have to make peace with it and move on.

"How much do you think I should put on each card? Should I do the unlimited or do you think we'll get drunk and move to pool or something?" Seán questioned, pulling Jack from his inner turmoil.

"Uh, I mean- how much is it for unlimited?"

"Like $40..." Seán laughed, "...I forgot you don't get out much. I just don't know what we're planning on here, how grand of a time are we talkin'?" He peeked over from the screen to a miserably sober looking Jack, emphasizing his accent satirically, hoping to coax out a laugh.

"The grandest of times!" Violet piped up, mimicking his accent with a laugh. "It's Jack's fuckin birthday, it's time to celebrate." She hadn't missed how miserable he suddenly looked, and wondered if he was upset with her for something. Had she said something embarrassing? Or was he irritated with her returning Emma's flirtations? While the alcohol was definitely influencing a bit of ego on her end to reciprocate, she definitely didn't want to push Jack's boundaries with his friends, and she really did need to make a decision on what to do about her ever growing feelings for Jack. But shallow flirting was so much easier than trying to figure out what someone's endgame was. Her anxieties were calmed slightly when he turned and met her earnest gaze, his face softening slightly as he smiled at her.

"If only Christian would hurry up with those drinks..." He squinted dramatically as he shielded his eyes, searching around their area.

"If only you wouldn't be so whiny..." Christian blanched from behind them all, startling the group.

"Next round's on me." Emma declared. "I'll get you a double, sweetie." They all took their drinks and decided on ski ball to ease them into the games. They moved on to competitive button games before Christian won Emma an old-fashioned detective's hat, who proudly donned it the rest of the evening while Violet impressed them all at whack-a-mole; viciously hitting each figure as they popped up.

"So don't make Violet mad." Seán noted with a laugh before they moved on to the hunting games, each taking turns playing against each other. Violet couldn't help but slightly ogle Jack's form as he gripped the plastic rifle, his lithe form standing stoically as he aimed with what she assumed was perfect form. His arms flexed as he made each shot, as if preparing for the recoil.

"You good?" Emma chuckled as Violet's lips struggled to find the straw to her drink.

"Oh I'm... great." The only downside to inebriation was the inability to mask as her hormones, desperately in need of a release, made headway. While weed made it easier to suppress her physical desires, the stealthy combination with alcohol had her fumbling like a toddler. It was no wonder Jack found it so easy to flirt with her and take her off guard. "I'm um, I'm gonna pee. Do we want more drinks?" Everyone seemed to agree as she headed off toward the entrance.

"Ok spill." Emma commanded as she followed Violet to the bathroom. "Have you fucked yet?" She could see that the feeling between the two was obviously mutual as Violet turned beet red upon everything Jack did and said, while only somewhat blushing at Emma's own remarks. Watching the roommates interact so obviously yet somehow still hiding behind walls had her absolutely flabbergasted over what they were even trying to accomplish.

"I'm- ha, what?" Violet was taken completely aback by the blunt question. "No- we're roommates. That would... complicate things..."

"Don't lie to me Violet... you are not just roommates... spill."

"I- we haven't..." She stammered, shrugging slightly as she tried to think of something to appease the demanding person she still barely knew. "It's just- ya know... he's a flirt." She quickly went into the closest stall, now nervous and sobering up at the interrogation.

"Not really... like- on camera? Sure, farm the views... but off? No." She explained as she hopped onto the counter and pulled a mini disposable toothbrush and scrubbed the teeth on her necklace absently. "I see the way you look at him bestie..."

"Farm the views?" Violet muttered to herself in confusion before trying to keep her brain on track. "I'm just... that's just my face." She briefly thought of all the possibilities that would have Emma bringing this up with her rather than Jack, and what exactly she was trying to get out of her. "Ya know, it's just a bit of banter."

"So you really only like him as a roommate?" She paused her scrubbing and looked up at the stall Violet was in with an unamused expression.

"I mean, I'm still getting to know him..." She responded with a sigh as she pulled up her pants and flushed the toilet. She had to admit, she was mildly amused at Emma washing the necklace as she washed her hands.

"Violet, I mean- it's obvious. You can talk to me about it, I'm not gonna tell him. I may not always identify as female but I stick with the girls..." She raised her right hand up as if to swear in for court.

"No, I-I mean it..." She chuckled anxiously, still feeling like she was gossiping in high school, nervous and still not really knowing Emma. "I moved in like, barely two months ago and we've been busy with work and all that shit." She shrugged before drying her hands. "So- yeah, I dunno. I'm just getting to know him and... we'll see where it goes I guess." She knew the annoying flutter in her chest meant a bit more than she was letting on, but she wasn't sure if it was enough to move on- given some very important factors in their dynamic.

"Hm..." Emma hummed softly, realizing neither had really come to terms with just how down bad they really were. "Fair enough. I could see it though..." She smirked at Violet as she tossed the mini toothbrush in the trash and hopped down. "You two are absolutely nauseating." She laughed softly.

"That might just be the alcohol." Violet teased as they headed out toward the bar, trying to hide her flush at how obvious she was.


"So, you're uh- in pretty deep huh buddy?" Christian commented as they watched Seán finish up his own hunting game.

"It... seems so." Jack huffed defeatedly.

"Have you made a move or said anything? I mean, I haven't seen you like this since- well Anna I guess." He questioned cautiously as he sipped his drink.

"I mean, would we really be acting like this if I had?" Jack retorted jokingly shrugging off his ex's name being brought up.

"I mean, yeah... that's why I'm asking." Christian tested with a laugh. Seán chuckled and missed a shot in the game, earning a soft curse.

"I told you guys, I-I'm just getting to know her." He sipped his own drink sheepishly.

"I mean, I get that but it seems like you both want more, you can't keep your eyes or hands off each other." Christian chuckled.

"Seriously, I didn't expect you guys to be this deep in from what you told me..." Seán laughed lightly as the game he was playing ended.

"I mean, I am catching feelings," he nearly choked at the admission. "But... honestly, I'm not 100% certain of what I actually want." He let out a deep sigh. "I have so much other shit going on in my head and I'm not trying to start anything when I don't know if I can even handle it. I have so many other issues and things to figure out first in my life that it doesn't feel as simple as deciding if I want more."

"I get that," Christian started, understanding the depth of his caution and hesitancy, "but have you talked to her about it? Even if you don't really admit anything yet?"

"No." He rolled his eyes and finished off his drink. "It's not just seeing where she's at with all this, it's my stupid brain. I have this stupid nonsensical feeling that every person I let in is going to end the exact same way. I feel like I'm not healthy enough."

"Jack," His friend stated seriously, "I think it's good that you're trying to be better and improve yourself first to be ready before jumping in... just don't let it become an excuse to close yourself off either, you know? We're here for you though. Girl problems, how hard life is, vent sessions. Ya don't have to go through it alone man."

"Seriously Corpse. If it's any consolation- I can see the fucking growth you're trying to- and have already- made as a person, and... I'm feckin proud of you dude... regardless of this shit, I know you feel like fecking shite and you're not in the best place, but I think that you're doing amazing- this road is just the fucking hardest road imaginable- only you know how hard this is for you... and I'm sorry." Seán quickly retorted, trying to get it out before his friend shut down again.

"I know, I know." Jack smiled and sipped his drink, slightly embarrassed at all the attention on him. "I'm- I'm trying to get better at letting people in and talking but... I don't know... shit's fucking difficult you know?" He chuckled and spun his rings around his fingers anxiously.

"It's not a linear process, man." Christian tipsily threw his arm around Jack. "Don't go beating yourself up just cuz it's not on your timeline. Shit takes time. You can do all the work but you also gotta take care of yourself. I know it's fuckin cheesy, but every day is a new opportunity."

"I know, I just I- wanna be worth people's time I guess, relationship or not..." He laughed harder now. "I need to stop being such a toxic bitch I guess..." He shrugged and laughed.

"What about our Lord and Savior Britney, bitch?" Emma laughed as she rejoined the group, Violet in tow.

"You're toxic, I'm slippin' under..." Violet set the tray of shots down at the hightop they were at as she softly sang the lyrics. It felt like it had taken forever for their drinks to be made, and while they hadn't been within eyesight or earshot, she'd definitely noticed the dark cloud looming over her roommate's mood once again, leaving her wondering what was discussed while they were gone.

Christian pulled his sunglasses from his shirt, tossing them on and throwing a familiar look at Emma as the shades slid down his nose.

"It's Britney bitch..." He chuckled out drunkenly, still leaning on both Jack and the table for support. Jack laughed and held him steady with one hand gripping Christian's arm while the other grabbed a water glass and handed it to him assertively.

"Hell yes, free Britney!" Violet set out the shots for them to take before moving onto the cocktails. "Also, I got hungry again." She'd brought over a couple baskets of nuggets and fries for them to munch on as they moved about the games.

"Mmm thank youu..." Jack hummed out as he grabbed a few fries and a shot, smacking Christian's hand away from the shot. "Aye, water first you little freak..."

"Aww, what? Jarhead here can't handle his drink?" Violet chuckled as she bit into a nugget.

"Guess he chain-smoked one too many fags outside." Seán laughed out as he exaggerated his dialect, patting Christian's back softly.

"He did not smoke me!" Emma exclaimed. As Jack slapped a hand over his mouth in astonishment at the unexpected joke holding back the guttural laugh brewing, Violet's raucous laughter erupted through the area, well on her way past tipsy and entering the fully drunken zone, especially with the additional weed flowing through her.

"I'm ready to smoke you at some more games." Violet finally calmed enough to tell her.

"Violet, I know we're both traumatized, but you can't just make up memories when people around you know the truth..." Emma taunted, hands emphatically placed on her hips. "Everyone knows that I had you begging on your hands and knees for help..." That caught everyone's attention...

"Look, honey." Violet started seriously. "I know you're upset because I'm your lucky eight. But- Jack's my ten." They all looked to the wide-eyed and speechless alleged-ten.

"Psh, yeah, ten-years-old!" Christian slurred out with a giggle.

"Hey! It's his birthday, show some respect!" Seán laughed out. "He's eleven now..."

"The perfect age for shots!" Violet toasted hers.

"God you guys are the best babysitters, my parents never let me do anything fun..." Jack laughed as he whined out, toasting along with her.

They all toasted, throwing down their respective shots and snacking a bit more before heading off to blow Seán's money on rigged games. After a few too many tries, Jack finally won a small stuffed bunny on a crane game that he handed to Violet, claiming Emma already had the hat.

"GodDAMit!" Violet huffed in frustration at yet another loss.

"C'mon, this shit's rigged." Emma bemoaned. "Let's play pool."

"Weren't you saying something about smoking us earlier?" Jack joked.

"Yeah, at pool." Emma responded simply, trying to dismiss her loss at the crane games.

"Oh." Jack had to stop himself from laughing at the similar game requests that his newer friend Karl would flood his phone with, responding with what any serious text he'd sent Karl was usually met with. "Sooo... 8-ball?" Everyone agreed and followed him up past the bar to the tables, only one pair in a far corner finishing up their game.

"Oh, shit we're uneven." Emma commented as they grabbed sticks.

"I'll sit this one out." Christian agreed easily, waving vaguely as he sat in a close booth with Violet's bag and the rest of their food and drinks. "Aw, look at this little guy..." He started fiddling with the bunny. "Reminds me of someone..." He laughed drunkenly to himself before Jack hurled a cue chalk at him, leaving a goofy blue mark on his forehead.

"Guys against girls?" Seán recommended.

"Doesn't that leave Violet all alone?" Emma piped up, eyebrow raised but still smiling.

"Oh, right. Sorry Emma..." He laughed lightly. "Er, accents and non?" That seemed fair.

"Are we playing for real or our own rules?" Jack piped in as he set up the balls.

"How we usually do at bars..." Emma retorted, as if obvious. Jack laughed and nodded.

"Who splits?"

"Birthday boy!"

"That works, I have some anger to work out..." He shot Christian another feigned glare as he tested the weights of the cues, selecting one and lining up the shot.

"Oh, thank fuck we're gonna win." Violet celebrated.

"Obviously..." Jack chuckled as he broke the formation, sinking in two stripes right away. "Emma sucks at geometry." He smirked as he sneered over the table at her.

"How unfortunate." Violet pouted mockingly, though not without a smile. "Would you believe it was the only area in math I excelled in?"

"Oh, god-fuck!" Seán cried out; he should've known this would happen. "Christian, get back here, Violet's dismissed." Everyone laughed at how distraught he suddenly was at the potential loss.

"C'mon, bestie, relax. Enjoy the ride." Emma teased lightly. "Game hasn't even started yet. Just be like me and win out of spite." As much as Seán wanted to agree, he couldn't help the deadpan he gave her when Violet sunk another shot.

"You good?" Violet asked Jack softly, now that she had a chance to quietly ask.

"Yeah? Why?" He vaguely wondered. She bit her lip, wondering now if she should have brought it up. If he was really upset, wouldn't he tell her? Maybe, maybe not. But seeing as how she'd promised earlier to get them out if he needed, she could at least double check that he was still chugging along.

"You just seem- down still."

"Oh, yeah no I'm okay..." He chuckled sheepishly. "Just, catching up is hard... I wish I could see Seán and Christian more often."

"That's fair, I'm sorry." Violet chuckled with a bit of relief, understanding the want to be closer with someone. "Long distance is always hard no matter what context. Like, you wanna pick up where you left off, but so much has happened in between and shifted your perspective on some shit and can make catching up a weird juggling act."

"Exactly, yeah." He smiled to himself with an eye roll at the truth in her words and her apparent obliviousness. "And, I'm sure you've noticed I'm not exactly the best at talking about more serious things- trying to be- but still not great..." He laughed lightly.

"Being vulnerable is... scary." Violet admitted with a slow nod, wondering if there was any subtext he was trying to cue her in on. "Especially with the wrong people." And you never know until it's too late. "But um, you seem to have a good group going." She smiled at him. "Even if Emma is a little rough around the edges," she laughed. "East Coasters really are a different breed." He nodded in agreement, smiling softly.

"You doin' okay? Emma didn't put a move on you in the bathroom right?" He laughed, trying to disguise the genuine curiosity and concern. "If she's too charming I can tell her to ease up."

"No... no nothing like that." She laughed, a bit startled by the question. "We just talked, but no she's fine, you did warn me, afterall. " The attention hadn't exactly been off putting, but it had only made her that much more aware of Jack's entire presence, and she wasn't sure how she even felt about that.

"Oy! No conspiring!" Seán exclaimed, pointing at them sternly with a turtle frown.

"We don't really need to conspire when you guys wave such a big white flag..." Jack half shouted over to him with a laugh before leaning back to Violet. "You're up, blossom." He smiled sweetly down at her.

"Here's a conspiracy for you." Violet knew she could take the shot, it was just awkwardly placed. She took her stick and awkwardly held it at an angle just slightly behind her, arching her neck to eye the shot. Her vision was just a tad blurry from the alcohol, but she knew she could sink it if she hit it with just enough pressure. Jack cleared his throat to stop the small laugh from escaping at her contorted pose. He tried to focus more on her upper half rather than her jutted out hip screaming for his attention under her tight shorts and those damned fishnets.

"You're cute..." He muttered softly with a chuckle. His unexpected compliment startled Violet out of her focus, head going foggy at his soft tone. She couldn't stop herself from fumbling lightly and scratching as her chest flushed in a way she couldn't blame on the alcohol.

"C- Jack you can't just use your voice like that, you know the effect it has on people!" Seán shouted over.

"Oh, the effect it has on people? You have first-hand experience with that Seán?" Jack mocked back in a darker lewd tone, leaving Violet enthralled at what she was witnessing.

"Ohh.. could you just... say my name again..." Seán said, fanning his shirt as if overheating. Jack chuckled.

"Oh baby! I'm gettin me the fuckin' shivers baby!" Seán shook emphatically as he stepped closer.

"I feel you getting- closer and closer to me..." Jack's voice was practically a pur now, and as much as Violet wanted to giggle at the silly interaction, she was enraptured with his voice.

"I- Christian, turn down the lights for us..." There was no response from the exhausted, inebriated man.


"Oh..." Jack looked at the shrinking space between him and his friend, then back up to Seán's reddening face and smirked as he leaned in. "Baby lock them doors n'..." He sang lowly, letting the words trail off at the end.

"Turn them lights down loww..." Everyone erupted into pitched giggles and laughter at Seán's country accent.

"Uh, heh, we should probably finish the game."

"Yeah," Seán giggled. "Probably should. Instead of flirtin' with ya."

"Wait, what do you mean flirting?" His sudden cluelessness would've made Violet laugh again, but she was still too focused on how low his voice went, and if he was actually this clueless when it came to how he was interacting with her. But then again, it could've just been the alcohol.

"Wh- wait was Corpse singing for us or did I just dream that?" Christian sat up slightly, words still heavily slurred through his grogginess as he continued to clutch the plushie Jack had won Violet. Jack stiffened instantly at the name, cautiously and inconspicuously glancing over at Violet, who seemed to be focused way too entirely on her cuticles, attempting to focus on anything but the vulgarity of her own mind.

"Ohh, uh... yeah, we should- do karaoke..." She hadn't quite heard Christian's slurred words other than commenting on Jack's singing, entirely too focused on how deep he could really go. Jack's hoodie really hadn't been needed after they'd come back in, but Violet hadn't wanted to part with it quite yet. Though now it was proving to be just a bit too much, especially now that she was conscious of her breathing and was completely engulfed in him.

"That's a great idea Violet! He has such a great voice! I mean, really, he could be famous!" Emma offered, sipping her drink slowly as she innocently looked up from under her lashes.

"Mmm, yeah, uh I'm gonna go get us drinks..." Jack coughed out.

"Oh no ya don't, Christian can't hold his head up anymore, it's time to ease down." Seán chuckled out, grabbing Jack's shirt and pulling lightly nodding to the once again-dozed off man in the booth.

"Damn, and that's coming from an Irishman." Violet tried to calm her thoughts and focus on reality. Damn, had she really had that much? It really wasn't like her to feel so physically drawn to someone. "Is he good to get home though?" She looked to Jack, about to ask if they could drop him off safely.

"I've got him." Seán affirmed steadily, though still a little flushed.

"Are you good?" Violet teased kindly, still entertained at his last interaction with her roommate.

"Of course... couldn't endanger that..." He chuckled as he looked over at a snuggled up Christian, still clutching Violet's plushie.

"Look at him, all tuckered out." Emma cooed. "I'll go get some waters for us while Mr. Money Banks closes out the tab."

"Money Banks, huh?" Violet gave Seán a questioning look. They'd all made a few comments about spending his money all night. The comment only made Seán manage a noise between a scoff and grunt of annoyance as he came up with yet another 'solution'.

"Er, yeah, I-I'm uh, I'm comfortable."

"Ah, the nice rich person excuse." Violet chuckled before sitting next to Christian. "Hey, want some water?" She asked him softly, trying to tug the stuffed animal away. His only response was to pull the toy closer with a grunt, eyes still squeezed shut. "Man what the fuck...?" Jack laughed softly at her tispy pout, not truly comprehending just how much she'd appreciated the small gift.

"Drunken thief..." He shook his head with a smile. "Well, if you want to stay a little longer I can win you another... I think this place will still stay open after Mr. Moneybags leaves."

"Wait, for real?" Her eyes widened at his willingness to stay out. "Are you sure you wanna stay out so late?" And just to win her another dumb toy at that. "We don't have to, Nugget's a pretty good squishmallow." She laughed. She couldn't quite understand the gentle surge of adrenaline sending another wave of inebriation over her, head now foggier at his smile. He smiled softly at her, feeling more at ease now that his friends weren't there to make any more tipsy comments toward him. He leaned his arm up on the booth behind her and leaned in with every innocent intention of hearing her better over the loud music, but he couldn't help the innate instinct to just be close to her.

"I mean, if you're up for it I'm down." He chuckled lightly. "I don't want to keep you out too late if you have something to do tomorrow or anything." His expression was earnest as he searched her face, the alcohol making it difficult to navigate his racing thoughts.

"I have to go into the office tomorrow, but my first meeting isn't until noon."

"So... fuck it?" Or me... Nope. He didn't know if he needed another shot once his friends left or needed to switch to water to keep his mouth shut with her.

"So fuck it." She confirmed. As much as she wanted to do that to him, she forced herself to slow down before she moved too quickly.

"Alright kids... how do we get this lightweight up?" Seán's voice was loud enough to make them both lean away, Jack caught the knowing smile of adoration before it left his face.

"Ah, yeah- not sure, he's like a bag of cement..." Jack chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"You're really asking the chronically ill folks to try and haul this lump out?" Violet asked sarcastically.

"Yeah... yeah... God Seán, don't you know we have weak wrists?"

"Wrists? I thought you two were weak in the knees?" Emma piped up loudly as she rejoined them from behind Seán, setting a few water bottles on the table.

"Nah, that's for later." Christian mumbled weakly, eyelids finally fluttering open. Jack let out an abrupt laugh as his face flushed from more than just the liquor.

"Guys... girls dont like me..." Jack enunciated with playful humility. Violet scoffed softly, unable to stop the deep eye roll that nearly started a hangover.

"Jackson, you absolutly irredeamable fucking moron." Emma groaned at his incorrigible self-deprecation.

"Ah- Okay, shut the fuck up first... Don't eever call me that shit again- don't eever fucking call me that shit again." He let out loud giggles that shook the entire booth followed by Emma's laugh being interrupted by a soft snort, making the others laugh along.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Emma snarked in a mock cutesy voice with a giggle.

"Don't play..."

"This is two Leos having a stand off right now..."

"So the entire night." Seán noted rhetorically, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off Mr. Potato Head." Emma snarked back, still laughing uncontrollably.

"OH, I-IComeAllTheWayFromThe-FromThePotatoFieldsOfTheHomelandFor AGoodLashinA-AGrandCoupleOPintsOnJackyBoy'sBirthdayJustToReceiveAProperEffin'NBlindin'FromNonOtherThanAFehkin...EGirlSnookie..." He jokingly stumbled over his thickened 'drunk' accent.

"The fact that I can still understand you is baffling to me." Violet gaped at him as he continued his ramblings.

"All I heard was E-Girl Snookie, you're so fucking lucky I want you and Christian to get home safe, otherwise I'd fuck you up Seán."

"Oh I'd love to see ya give it a go..." Seán laughed as he squared up, accent still thicker than Guinness.

"OH my god, alright you two, calm the fuck down before Christian here reaches the point of no return and vomits..." Jack laughed and scooched over to Christian's side of the booth, carefully nudging him to slowly get up. "You good to stand dude?"

"Fuck offff." Christian mumbled with a sleepy grin, slowly standing. "Fuckin exhausted, man. I'm too old for this shit."

"You're younger than me..." Jack responded flatly.

"Better lookin too..." He drunkenly booped Jack's nose, earning a grumble and eyeroll.

"Let's get going, your bed awaits." Seán wrapped his arm around Christian's shoulder.

"I'm gonna head out, too." Emma announced. "Piggies are gonna be prowling soon and my bumper is hanging on for dear life after it uh- made like Violet and Jack- with a light pole." Violet was too busy trying to understand the reference to notice Jack's flushed glare.

"Pole..." Violet whispered in concentration. "Are you a stripper?"

"I..." Jack laughed harder now. "Honey..." he sighed "... I'll explain later."

"Yeah... he will..." Emma sniped softly with a laugh as she helped Seán gather up Christian. "Get home safe, you two."

"Yeah, no binging after we leave." Seán warned lightheartedly. "Text me when you get home."

"You too." Violet waved. "It was nice meeting you guys." It was good to know that Jack at least had a few people he could rely on for special occasions like this.

"You as well..." Seán shot a worried smile between her and Jack, "... take care of our birthday boy, will ya?"

"Of course. Gotta keep him out of trouble." They said their goodbyes as Jack and Violet walked them out. 

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A story in which Sykkuno was thrown into a very toxic relationship and after a whole month of him dealing with it he finally found away out. Rae bei...