Not your conventional witch

By -Mixom-

58.1K 1.9K 1.2K

Follow Luz, a self-assured teenage girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to a magical world where she... More

Episode 1: Part 1: A human, a Witch, and a Hunter
Episode 1: Part 2: Breaking into the Conformatorium
Episode 1: Part 3: Take back the crown
A Hunter's Day in the Boiling Isles: Part 1
A Hunter's day in the boiling Isles: Clinic Visit
A Hunter's day in the Boiling Isles: Finale
I was a Teenage Abomination: Part 1
I was a Teenage Abomination: Part 2
The Intruder: Part 2
Episode 5: Convention: Part 1

The Intruder: Part 1

3K 129 87
By -Mixom-


We begin this chapter on a cloudy day at the Owl House where we get the sight of Luz who was filming King who was currently tearing at a sock that was stuck to his mouth, Luz speaking in a hushed voice as if she was an animal watcher observing a wild creature

Luz: "And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, The King of Demons. Facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock!" 

King was able to tear the sock to shreds and eventually remove it from his mouth as he began to hit it with his fists

King: "Where are you now, Ducky Sock?!" 

With the documentary finished, Luz spoke in her normal voice as she got onto the real reason as to why she was there 

Luz: "So, why'd you call me here, again?" 

King: "Oh, yeah!" 

Climbing onto a nearby trunk, King then pointed towards Luz as she kept filming him while he put on a college professor's hat

King: "Human Luz! You've been so obsessed with witchcraft, that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself! For...Demons 101!" 

Grabbing a nearby cloth, King pulled it down to reveal a corkboard set up with all sorts of different Demon drawings

King: "Demons like me are grim tricksters or the twilight. Creatures of sulfur and bone!" 

Luz: "And cute little paws!" 

King: "...And cute little paws...true. We live only to create chaos and misery! Our only weaknesses are purified water, and passive aggressive comments...sometimes" 

Luz: "Aww, you guys are sensitive!"

King: "Even demons have inner demons" 

King then tore one picture away to reveal a picture of one demon that had it's back covered with a large spike shell while a grey goop dropped from the inside and surrounded it's pink body 

King: "Worst of all is the Snaggleback! He is a-" 

Luz: "Bad boy!" 

King was interrupted by Luz speak as through her camera, we could see as a filter was placed over the video, giving it an orange and blue tint with the words 'Fierce' in the bottom left corner, followed by neon words that said 'Big Shot', a sun hat, and a smiling moon emoji and sparkles 

Seeing as Luz was barely paying attention, King then spoke up, trying to get back on track with the course

King: "Luz! Try and pay attention, this information could save your life someday!" 

Luz: "No, no! I am so paying attention! This is my paying attention face" 

Luz then looked at King with a pretend serious expression while one hand was grasping her chin and the other was straightened out and pointing towards King before their attention was drawn to the sound of thunder and lightning from outside 

King: "Uh oh, looks like it's gonna rain" 

Luz however, gasped with excitement as she got up from her seat and started rushing towards the door

Luz: "Oh, I love the rain!" 

King however looked very concerned with what Luz was doing as he followed after her

King: "Hey, wait!" 

Luz then opened the door of the Owl House as she stepped outside and gave a small twirl 

Luz: "I always love the first few drops in my hair" 

Luz then approached a nearby flower that was growing from the ground and knelt down before it with a smile 

Luz: "I bet you do too, little buddy" 

She was taken aback however the moment a drop of water from the sky hit it and killed the flower immediately from the heat alone, much to Luz' horror 

Luz: "What?" 

From the distance, Eda could be seen running towards the house as she screamed out to Luz 

Eda: "Boiling Rain! Everybody inside, now!"

Luz: "Huh?- Wha-!" 

She was stopped when Eda grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the house, the young human screaming all the way until there was a crash. The scene then changed to show Eda in the house and sitting on the ground as she was unharmed by the rain 

Eda: "Phew, that was close! But the important thing is, you didn't get hurt, right Luz?" 

Looking to where Luz was, she was currently laid out on the ground in obvious pain after being tossed like a ragdoll and colliding with the corkboard that had all of Kings demon notes on it

Luz: "Yep...not hurt" 

We then got a brief scene of Bonesburrow as we saw everyone running for their lives as they seek shelter from the rain, all the while, we then got the sight of Y/n who walked through the rain, dressed in his signature coat and hat as they protected him from the harmful rain 

Y/n: "Looks like I should-" 

Y/n cut himself off when he suddenly let out a violent cough into his face mask and almost collapsed to a single knee. Taking a moment, he then slowly yet shakily steadied himself as he felt ill 

Feeling his mask was now wet, he pulled it down and wiped at his mouth before looking to his hand, his eyes widening as he spotted what looked to be a deep crimson blood smear on his leather glove, the blood itself looking like it gave off a soft, barely noticeable glow in the lights around him

Y/n: "Bloody hell... I need to hurry" 

Pulling his mask back up, Y/n began to run through the streets of Bonesburrow as the scene then changed once more to show Luz getting a band-aid for her injuries from King who had one on his snout while they sat outside under the safety of the porch as they watched the rain

King: "There! Now we're booboo buddies!" 

Luz: "Oh my god I love you so much!" 

The two then looked out to see Eda was currently standing in the rain, under the protection of a dome spell while focusing on making another one 

Luz: "A boiling rainstorm on the Boiling Isles! The weather here is so fun!" 

Eda: "Yeah, we don't have weather, we have plagues, gore-nados, Shale/Shail Hail, Pain-bows" 

King: "It's like a rainbow, but looking at it turns you inside out!" 

Hearing all that, Luz then pulled the strings of her hoodie, making it close around her face, leaving only her eyes and nose exposed to the outside world

Eda: "So, until the boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight" 

King: "And if the rain doesn't get you, the Snaggleback will! They wander the rains, feeding on boiled tourists!" 

Eda: "Well whatever the case, this forcefield spell should protect the house from boiling rains, and made up demons" 

Hooty: "Hoot! well hurry it up with that forcefield, that rain is getting closer to my precious. That rain is getting closer to my precious stucco" 

Eda: "Yeah, yeah, I got it"

Grabbing her staff, she then put the orb of magic onto the end and gave the staff a spin before slamming it into the ground as the dome around her expanded and covered the entire house from the boiling rain before taking shape to match the house's design 

Luz: "Wow. Someday I'd like to be as cool as Eda the Owl Lady. Magical, sassy, surprisingly foxy for her age. Hey, why do they call you the Owl Lady, anyway?" 

Eda: "'Cause I'm so wise"

Hooty: "'Cause she coughs up rat bones"

King: "I think it's 'cause she gets distracted by shiny objects" 

Eda: "No I don't!" 

Pulling a pen from his hat, King pressed a button on the side that made the fake diamond on the top light up, causing Eda's pupils to widen in fascination as she stared at it and smiled 

Eda: "It sparkles and shimmers. It shines and delights. I must have it for my nest..." 

Eda then dived for the pen, only to miss entirely and hit the ground while Luz looked surprised at the mentioning of the nest

Luz: "You have a nest? I want a nest! Nest party!" 

Eda then stood up as she held her head in slight pain and grunted from exhaustion 

Eda: "Ugh. That forcefield really took it out of me" 

King: "Uh-oh. Moving a little slow. Age finally catching up to ya?" 

In response, Eda frowned before pulling the hat over Kings eyes, clouding his vision in darkness as he panicked 

King: "Ah! Darkness!" 

Luz then spotted something out in the rain as she looked out there and saw a figure approaching that she quickly realized was Y/n, a smile appearing on her face as she pointed him out 

Luz: "Hey, Y/n's back!" 

Hearing that, Eda looked in the direction Luz was pointing, a smile on her face, but it quickly faded away when she saw that while Y/n was using his cane, which normally wouldn't be a cause for concern, the arm that used it was trembling, his steps were sluggish and he stopped to cough violently which almost made him collapse 

Seeing all this, Eda's eyes widened in panic as Luz also realized something was wrong when Y/n got closer to the forcefield and fell to his knees with another cough

Luz: "Eda, what's wrong with Y/n?"

Eda: "Kids, clear the way!"

Seeing her beloved in such a state, Eda quickly rushed towards Y/n, creating a hole in the forcefield and pulling him in, not caring if she got stung by the boiling rain at the same time before closing the hole

Eda: "Y/n, are you alright?" 

Y/n: "It's early...n-need to get to my room" 

Eda nodded her head as she then helped Y/n stand and entered the house, the others watching worried as they followed them inside from a distance and up the stairs until they saw them enter a room and the door shut behind them 

Inside the room, we got the sight of Eda and Y/n as they now stood in an old Victorian England style bedroom with various firearms, axes, and other weapons lining the walls while against the back wall and in the center was an old bed yet in perfect condition, almost looking brand new

In the corners of the room and on various shelves filled with books and upon a desk with paper that appeared to have strange runes drawn on them in what appeared to be a grey Ink, sat multiple urns of varying sizes while another door was located on the left side of the room 

Entering the room, they were met with the sight of a bathroom with a couple more urns inside. Taking Y/n to the bath, Eda let Y/n rest on the side as she quickly got to work on using her magic on the urns which got the incense within them to ignite, quickly filling the room with a thin white mist that got thicker the closer it got to the floor 

Y/n: "Sor-...Sorry to make you do all this...dear, I thought I had another day before this happened"

When Eda turned her attention back to Y/n, she saw that he was already undressed with the bath quickly filling up and saw that his body was no longer looking healthy as usual. He looked to be almost completely skin and bones to the point one could almost see his heart beating in his chest and his skin looked sickly pale with tufts of fur growing in patches on his left side and legs while his mouth had blood running down it from constant coughing fits and his eyes looked sunken

 Eda: "Don't ever apologize for this Y/n, you just focus on resting for the day, alright?"

Y/n: "Alright, if you say so"

Once the bath was complete, Eda slowly eased Y/n into it, the Hunter letting out a sigh of relief in the process before he looked to Eda with a weak smile while she used a wet cloth to wipe away the blood on his mouth and smiled back at him

Y/n: "I hope the others aren't worried too much, gave them quite the scare, huh?"

Eda: "Hehe. Yeah, you did. Don't worry, I can just tell Luz you're not feeling well" 

Y/n: "Thank you...What about you? Are you gonna be ok?" 

Eda: "Yeah, I'll be fine, you don't gotta worry about me" 

Y/n: "I know... but I choose to do so anyway"

Eda smiled at that before she leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead while he let the warm bath water and moon scented incense do their thing, a relaxing sigh coming from him as he shut his eyes 
(according to google, the Apollo Astronauts that had been to the moon said the scent of the Moon is unique and hard to properly describe, saying it's similar to spent gunpowder which is fitting since in the game, the Incense used to ward off beasts smells like the moon)

Eda: "When you think you can move, I want you to stay in bed until you're all in the clear, alright?" 

Y/n: "Of course, love you" 

Eda: "I love you too, Hope you have some pleasant dreams"

With that, Eda then made her way out of the bathroom, leaving Y/n on his own as he mumbled to himself while relaxing in the bath 

Y/n: "I hope so too" 

The scene then changed to show Eda stepping out of Y/n's room as she was met with Luz and King, the two looking concerned as King spoke first 

King: "Is he...ok?" 

Eda couldn't help but smile as she knelt down and pat him on the head as she spoke 

Eda: "He'll be fine, his condition just caught him by surprise" 

Luz: "Condition?" 

Eda then looked to Luz as she was thinking about whether or not she should tell her before she sighed and stood up and started walking down the stairs while they followed 

Eda: "It's not my business to say what's wrong with him, it makes him... uncomfortable. Doesn't want people seeing him as a monster" 

Luz: "He did get pretty upset when that conspiracy person was insulting him at the conformatorium when we went to get King's crown"

Eda: "It's best if no one disturbs him for the rest of the night, he needs to rest"

Luz: "Got it!"

Eda then nodded her head and started walking down the stairs after finishing their conversation while Luz realized that now could be the perfect opportunity to try and learn some magic

Luz: "Wait, with us all stuck inside, maybe now Eda can finally teach me something" 

King: "But, don't you want to finish our lesson? I was gonna let you scratch a demon's tummy, me!" 

Luz: "Oh...uh, sorry, King. But...Magic!" 

Luz did look a little remorseful at abandoning King's lessons on Demons, but she had prioritized trying to learn something about why she was here in the first place with what little time she has

Back downstairs, Eda was seen walking by a partition wall as with a snap of her fingers, her clothing changed from her usual dress, to her pyjamas as she felt exhausted after everything that's happened so far, taking the moment to collapse onto the couch with a sigh of relaxation and smile 

Her moment was ruined however when a shadow blocked her light and opening her eyes, she was met with Luz staring her down with a smile on her face

Eda: "AAH!" 

Luz: "Oh, Eda, have I told you how rad your fang looks today?"

Eda: "Whatever it is, no" 

Luz: "Uh, and your hair is like... Girl"

Eda: "I'm not teaching you magic tonight. I'm sleepy. I'm a sleepy little owl" 

Eda then pulled a blanket from off the back of the couch as she used it to cover herself up and get comfy on the couch, wanting to take a nap 

Luz: "Please, Eda, please. How am I supposed to earn my witch's staff if I don't know any spells?" 

Eda: "No. Sleep"

As Eda covered her head with the blanket in protest, she could hear the sound of a very familiar sparkle thing being clicked just outside the coziness of her blanket, her eyes widening in surprise 

Eda: "Sparkle thing"

Sitting up with the blanket covering her like a hood, she saw Luz with the Sparkle pen in her hand, flicking the light on and off while Luz had a smug grin on her face as she held the pen 

Luz: "Oh, this?"

Leaping from her spot and onto the arm of the couch, Eda was in a crouching position as she focused solely on the pen and the pen alone as she stared at it with much interest

Eda: "Ooh!" 

Eda would follow where ever Luz would wave the wand with her head until trying to grab it from the human, only to have it snatched away by Luz at the last second, leading to the Owl Lady falling onto the ground

Luz: "Nope! Teach me one spell, and I'll give you your sparkle thing" 

Eda: "I respect your cunning, but I also hate you for it" 

As lightning struck outside, we then got the sight of Y/n as he slowly shambled throughout his incense filled room, dressed in a pair of long-sleeved pyjamas as he slowly made his way towards the canopy bed, looking only slightly better than before. He then collapsed onto the bed which had it's blanket pulled to the side so that it could be pulled over him 

While he laid there, it was clear he was too weak to move anymore and decided to rest with the blanket not covering him yet but instead of it staying like that, an unseen force began to move the blanket over him before part of his hair moved as if something was patting him while he soon fell asleep with a smile on his face

Back downstairs, we got the sight of Eda and Luz, the former now with her staff as she had agreed to do a single lesson to get the sparkle thing 

Eda: "If you want a witch's staff like mine, don't make me repeat... myself" 

Eda had momentarily almost fallen asleep while talking, only to catch herself and wake up again before she could fall asleep

Eda: "Witch's staffs have power embedded into them" 

Luz: "Gimme!" 

Eda: "But before one is earned, every witch needs to know how to cast spells on their own. Now..." 

Eda then tossed her staff to the side like it was nothing as she then turned away from Luz and began to draw a magic circle in the air 

Eda: "Tonight I will show you how to create...light!"

From the magic circle, an orb of glowing light began to take shape as it floated down in front of Luz and popped, causing her to gasp with astonishment while in the background, King, who looked uninterested in the whole affair spoke up after looking under the couch 

King: "Yawn! Who needs another boring spell lesson when you could be learning all the fun ways a demon could kill you?" 

King then held up a drawing he made of someone being eaten by a monster

King: "Look how teethy! Bite! Bite!" 

Luz: "Be quiet. I need to focus" 

King looked downtrodden at hearing this, while Eda resumed the lesson

Eda: "Now, humans think magic is made out of thin air, but that's stupid. Everything comes from something. Let me ask you, kid. Where do you think magic comes from?" 

Luz: "Uh, from the heart?" 

Eda looked mildly surprised at this answer while Luz had a more hopeful look on her face as she hoped she got it right

Eda: "Actually, you're right" 

With a smile on Eda's face, Luz let out a shocked gasp of excitement at getting the answer correct while Eda dug around in her hair 

Eda: "No, really. It comes from a sac of magic bile attached to a witch's heart" 

Pulling a scroll from her hair, Eda then unraveled it to reveal a diagram of a witch hear with a large growth attached to it 

Luz: "Oh, gross!...Can I keep that?" 

Eda: "No" 

Eda then put the scroll away in her hair again as she continued 

Eda: "Now, everything depends on the spell circle. The bigger the circle, the more powerful the spell" 

She demonstrated this when she made an even bigger circle that took shape into an even larger ball of light that popped into smaller ones while Luz now looked unsure of all this 

Luz: "But how can I, little ol' Luz, do spells if I don't have a magic bile...sac?"

Eda: "...You know, I'm not actually sure"

Luz: "What?!" 

Eda: "I know witches did magic differently in the past, but I never bothered to figure out how" 

While Eda found amusement in that and snorted while laughing, Luz on the other hand, didn't find that amusing

Luz: "Eda!" 

Seeing her worry about that, Eda then crouched down and ruffled her hair

Eda: "Don't worry. You'll figure it out. Now..." 

Eda then stood back up, cracking her back at the same time as she yawned once more and started walking towards the couch

Eda: "I need to lie down"

Luz: "That's it? Wait! I need to see you do the circle thingy again!"

Stopping for a moment, Eda looked towards Luz who pulled out her phone

Luz: "I'll record it on my phone this time" 

We then got the scene through the lens of Luz' phone camera as she began to record, showing an unamused Eda on the other end 

Luz: "Smile! You're on camera. One more spell won't kill you"

Eda then finally gave in, wanting to get this over with as quick as possible 

Eda: "Ugh, fine! Now, you see, the...spell really key, because...ooh boy!"

Eda never got to finish her explanation as exhaustion overpowered her and she collapsed onto the floor face first as Luz and King looked at her in silence for a moment as she laid there unmoving 

King: "Welp, looks like one more spell killed Eda"

Luz: "AAH!" 

Luz then rolled Eda onto her back this time as Eda was currently passed out

Luz: "Oh, my gosh. My obsession with spells knocked out Eda. I'm a monster!" 

In response to this, King just walked up to Eda and repeatedly 'bapped' her on the face

King: "Bap! Yep. She's out. Bap! Hahahaha! Just making sure" 

Luz: "We should go get help, right? We can't get Y/n, because he's unwell so let's go!" 

Without thinking, Luz then ran towards the open front door, only to be stopped when she felt something grab her ankle and looking back, she saw it was King 

King: "Boiling rains, remember?" 

Hooty: "No, let her try. It'll be funny" 

In response, King slammed the door shut on Hooty, leaving them inside the house

Luz: "But what if Eda's dead?" 

While looking over at the sleeping Eda, she could then be seen snoring and talking in her sleep, quickly disproving the possibility of her being dead 

Eda: "Shiny thing. Big nest. Sweet Y/n" 

As she continued snoring, King gave Luz a confused look while Luz herself was still looking at Eda with a little surprise 

King: "Remember when her head got cut off last week? That woman can survive anything. She's probably just tired from staying up all night chasing shrews and voles"

Luz: "Well, we can't just leave her on the floor" 

King gave an unamused look towards the sleeping Eda before the scene then changed to show them dragging her down the upstairs hallway and coming to a stop outside Y/n's room while Luz looked a little apprehensive about going in there, seeing the white smoke from the incense leaking from under the door yet not going any further beyond a few inches past it

Luz: "Are you sure it's alright to go in? Eda said it's best we don't disturb him while he's resting" 

King: "I know, but I've seen them napping together in the past when Y/n's been like this, it should be fine. Plus it'll be nice for Eda to sleep in something that isn't her nest" 

King then slowly knocked on the door, but before he could call out, it then opened on its own, slowly and silently as they were greeted with the strong scent of the Incense now that it wasn't obstructed by the door while the two got the feeling they were being watched by something

Seeing and hearing no reaction from Y/n, the two slowly dragged Eda into the room and towards the bed where they managed to barely get her onto the bed and into the covers next to Y/n while Luz whispered to Eda

Luz: "Sorry for pushing you, Miss Eda. Please don't hurt me when you wake up"

King: "Should I bap her again?"

Luz then giggled at King's question and smiled at him before giving him a pat on the skull

Luz: "Just let her rest, you little goober. Come on, let's go downstairs" 

Luz then walked out of the room first, leaving King on his own as he gave Eda one more Bap on the face and laughed before running out, missing as a single black feather floated down from above him and onto the wooden floor and the door shut on it's own, the screen cutting to black in the darkened room, signaling the end of the chapter

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