
By FlyDice

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka obliterated everything in the white room, and received a special invitation 1 year later... More

Prolouge-Menace to Society
Chapter 1-A New School
Chapter 2-Roasting Session
Chapter 3-Judo Club
Chapter 4-Flexing
Chapter 5-Celebration with the Boys
Chapter 6-The Invisible Hand
Chapter 8-Seeds of Discord
Chapter 9-Recording. . .
Chapter 10-Gift of Gratitude
SS Reminiscent Encounter
SS Disaster
SS Blunder
SS Expelled
Chapter 11-Cruising
Chapter 12-Special Exam Time
Chapter 13-Double Attack

Chapter 7-Savage

4.1K 144 30
By FlyDice

"What do you mean by take care of us, huh? Sure, you're strong, and you have good academics, and you won the swimming tourna. . .oh. Well shit." Ike said.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I'm happy that you saved us a lot of points, but you shouldn't punish them. The class has suffered enough," frowned Hirata. His tone of voice was vastly different from usual, almost as if he was threatening me. His fan club was shocked.

"Who said I would punish them? I just said that I'll take care of them. Nothing more, nothing less," I replied.

The classroom atmosphere became even more tense, proving that they didn't believe what I said. Well, I guess I'm partly lying, but who wouldn't trust an honest man such as me?

"I think it's okay if he's only going to help them. Right guys?" Kushida said. I know she can read the room, which meant that she believed that falling into my good graces is more beneficial than going against me. A wise choice.

"If Kushida-chan says so!" Ike beamed. I don't think he would've rejected my "help" even if she didn't say anything though.

"Forget about all this. What the hell about this class? Why was I put into Class D?!" Yukimura cried resentfully. A thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. I guess the shock of being placed in Class D is more than the shock of a classmate being expelled.

"Wait, does this mean that we can't get into college now? Why did we even go to this school? Does sensei hate us or something?"

The classroom started erupting again, which is becoming kind of annoying. No wonder they're the class of defectives.

"Didn't I tell you guys to listen up? Now shut up if you want to pass the midterms," I said.

The entire classroom quieted down at this, since they were all too scared to rebel against me. The shock of Shinohara's expulsion is still there after all.

"You've noticed how the passing score is 38 points yes? Knowing just how short-sighted all of you are, you probably didn't even notice that it's half of the class average rounded upwards. That means in order to pass the midterms, you just have to not fall below half of the class average," I explained.

"All? Please don't include me with these clowns. You can lead the class however you want, just leave me out of it." Koenji smirked. He was honestly more cooperative than I thought.

"I know, you're probably the only other competent student in this class," I replied. My classmates didn't like how I kept insulting them but they just have to get used to it. "Back to the midterms, don't you see how there's an easy way to make sure we don't get expelled?"

I asked my classmates and looked around. My seatmate had a look of understanding. Although she was way too prideful, she can be quite sharp.

"Do you mean that all of us should score zero points? While it's true that's the easiest way for us to pass, it's still easy for a person to betray us, right?" Horikita suggested.

"How could you say that, Horikita? I'd say that it's a wonderful strategy! I trust everyone after all!" Kushida appeared shocked, but she was probably only saying this for appearances sake.

"Are you saying that someone like Koenji won't just score highly across all subjects to get rid of us? It's not hard to imagine him not caring enough about us," rebuked Horikita. "I'd say you're way too trusting, Kushida-san."

Seeing this, I sighed. Of course, a zero-point strategy won't work. Not while I'm here anyways.

"While a zero-point strategy is the easiest, it's also the riskiest. A good balance of difficulty and risk would be to go for 50 points. That way it's way harder for people like Koenji to get rid of all of us, and it's still relatively easy for most of the students," I explained. On an unrelated note, 50 points is quite a satisfying number.

"But won't people like Sudou-kun and Yamauchi-kun struggle immensely then? I can't see them scoring anywhere near 50," Horikita responded.

"That's why I said that I'll take care of them."

Hearing this, Hirata's expression brightened up.

"Does that mean you will be tutoring them for the midterms then, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Well, something like that."

"Tch. Why do we have to study with you? Just because you have good grades doesn't mean you can just force us to learn. I'm leaving," said Sudou.

"Do you want to relive the first day, Sudou?" I asked a genuine question. He stopped in his tracks and turned back with a resigned expression.

"Geez fine, no need to be so scary man," Sudou mumbled. Well that was easy.

The class forgot about their problems and thought about this strategy. There's only a small risk for them, and they don't need to study much for 50 points. Probably. You never know for these people.

"Well that's a great idea Ayanokouji-kun! Let's all form study groups and pass this together everyone!" Kushida cheerfully said. I expected Hirata to also lead the discussion, but it looks like Shinohara's expulsion really shook him up.

━┳━ ━┳━

Kushida stood at the podium and prepared for a big discussion. Koenji and I left, since we didn't give two shits about whatever they were going to talk about.

"It seems we share the same opinion, Ayanokouji-boy. I would've thought you'd stay behind to tutor those idiots?"

"I've never said that I'd tutor them. I'll do something similar though."

"Ha! You really are interesting! I wouldn't mind if there were two perfect existences, you know."

I hadn't expected Koenji to say something like this, but there's a first for everything, I guess.

The loudspeaker came alive with a soothing sound effect, and a robotic voice issued an announcement.

"Ayanokouji-kun, from first-year Class D. Please come see Chabashira-sensei in the faculty office."

"Well, seems like I have to go," I said.

I walked to the faculty office and entered. I looked all around, but I didn't find Chabashira-sensei anywhere. Baffled, I called out to a teacher inspecting her appearance in a mirror.

"Hello, is Chabashira-sensei here?"

"Hmm? Sae-chan? Oh, she was just here a moment ago."

The teacher had wavy, shoulder-length hair, which made her look mature. The way she said Chabashira-sensei's name made them sound close. They were near in age and probably friends.

"She must have stepped away for a minute. Do you want to wait here?"

"Sure, I don't mind." I didn't know who she was, but it never hurts to get more information.

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, in charge of Class B. Sae and I have been best friends since high school. That's why we call each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan."

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you Hoshinomiya-sensei."

"Hey, why did Sae-chan call you? Huh? Huh? Why?" she asked.

"No idea."

"I don't understand. You were called to the office without a reason? Hmm?"

"I think she's on her menopause, so maybe it's related to that," I replied.

I expected her to get a bit angry in defense of her friend, but she chuckled instead. Is this Kushida's mom by any chance?

"You shouldn't say stuff like that Ayanokouji-kun. To be able to joke like that, you must be pretty popular huh? Do you have a girlfriend?"


I confirmed her question, and in return she latched onto my arm. I think these types of people are what Matsuo calls "a gold digger bitch."

"Hmm? How unexpected. If we were in the same class, I'd never leave you alone. Perhaps because you're so innocent? Or do you like playing hard to get?"

"Good thing we're not in the same class."

"Aw, Ayanokouji-kun's such a meanie!" she whined. She was about to make a move on me but Chabashira-sensei appeared out of nowhere. I was quite curious how far she was willing to go though.

"What are you doing, Hoshinomiya?"

With a loud thud, Chabashira-sensei smacked Hoshinomiya-sensei on the head with her clipboard. Hoshinomiya-sensei crouched and gripped her skull in apparent pain.

"Ouch! What was that for?" she cried.

"For getting involved with one of my students."

"I was only keeping him company while he waited for you, Sae-chan."

"It would have been better if you just left him alone. Thanks for waiting, Ayanokouji. Let's go into the office."

"The guidance office?" I asked. "I don't need any guiding though."

"This is an important matter. Come."

While I wondered what this was all about, I followed Chabashira-sensei. Hoshinomiya-sensei remained by my side, smiling widely. Chabashira-sensei noticed and turned, her face much like a demon's.

"You stay," she ordered.

"Come on, don't be so cold! It won't be the end of the world if I listen, right? Besides Sae-chan, you're definitely not the type to give one-on-one guidance. Pulling a new student like Ayanokouji-kun into the guidance room out of nowhere. . .Are you after something, I wonder?"

Grinning, Hoshinomiya-sensei scooted behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders. I sensed a storm brewing.

"So, Sae-chan, are you looking to be dominated by a younger man?"

Yep. She's definitely a bitch.

"Don't say such stupid things. That wouldn't be possible."

"Hee, you're certainly right. It wouldn't be possible for you, Sae-chan," Hoshinomiya-sensei muttered, her words laced with a double meaning.

"Why are you following us? This is a Class D matter."

"Huh? I can't go to the guidance room? That's not okay? Come on, I can give advice, too."

As Hoshinomiya-sensei continued to follow, a female student came up to us, a beautiful girl with light-pink hair. I'd never seen her before.

"Hoshinomiya-sensei, do you have a moment? The student council wishes to discuss something with you." She glanced at me, but quickly returned her attention to Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"All right, you have someone who needs you. Get to it." Slap! Chabashira-sensei smacked Hoshinomiya-sensei on the butt with her clipboard. It was oddly satisfying.

"Aw! She'll get mad at me if I hang around any longer. See you later, Ayanokouji-kun! All right, Ichinose-san. Let's go to the faculty office."

With that, she turned on her heel and left with Ichinose. She probably belonged to Class B.

Chabashira-sensei lightly scratched her head while she watched Hoshinomiya-sensei leave. Soon after, we entered the guidance room, which stood beside the faculty office.

"So? What's so important that you have to call me all the way over here?" I asked.

"Well, about that. . .Before we begin, please come here."

She briefly glanced at a clock hanging on the wall, which gave the time as nine o'clock, and opened the door. Inside was a small office kitchenette. She placed a kettle on top of a stove.

"I'm going to make tea. Is roasted green okay?" she asked.

I picked up the container with the tea powder.

"Don't make any unnecessary moves. Shut up and get in here. Understand? Don't make a sound and stay until I tell you it's okay to come out. If you don't do as I say, you'll be expelled," she said.

"Oh really? I wonder who's the one that's going to get expelled?"

I pulled out my phone, which showed that it was recording. Her expression turned from shock to fear. After all, threatening a student with expulsion was no light matter.

"Do you just keep your phone recording all the time?" Chabashira-sensei asked with a terrified expression. It was a reasonable question considering I had no reason to record this.

"I would normally blame it on plot convenience-chan, but I actually do put my phone on record all the time." This was a blatant lie, of course. I only do it when there's a possibility of something interesting happening.

"What the hell is a plot convenience-chan? You're unusual, you know that?"

"Not as unusual as someone with the surname of 'Chabashira.' If you looked over all of Japan, you probably wouldn't find anyone else with the same surname."

She glared at me, but didn't say anything else. Looks like she understood what kind of position she was in.

"You know sensei, I could turn in this recording right now. I think we could really use a nicer homeroom teacher. If you don't want that to happen though, then I advise you to follow my orders. If I ever catch you slacking, well you know what happens.

It's really beautiful just how convenient phones are nowadays. I don't even need to resort to complex plans or violence, saving the author his two brain cells."

My eyes turned cold, devoid of any emotion. Her expression turned into one of unfiltered fear, similar to Shinohara's expression when she got expelled. I guess expulsion is akin to death for these people, huh?

"What's the matter? You're looking at me like I'm a savage or something."

Normally I would continue breaking her down, but plot convenience-chan told me that someone was approaching. I swiftly turned around and left the fear-stricken sensei in the guidance room.

Thinking about it, this was the second time I blackmailed someone in this school. The first one resulted in Shinohara's expulsion, but this time I have full control over a teacher. School life is finally starting to get fun.


2232 words

We're finally at the climax of volume one! Hooray!

I think I did okay on this chapter, but I feel like it wasn't as dramatic as it could've been. Anyways, it's getting easier to write now that it's at the interesting part of the story. I'm going to go fail a math competition now (well now it's yesterday).

Can you guess who Kiyo blackmailed first? Even I don't know since I just go with the flow, and planning in advance uses too much of my brain space.

Next chapter will be next month or something since I need to study for AP exams and shit. I'm really unprepared for that, and it's kind of scary ngl. Well, enough rambling for now.

Hope you enjoyed!

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