imperfect love | soulmate au

By rockmahead

29.4K 818 125

seventeen ff. in a world where red writing develops on your skin at the age of eighteen, signifying the names... More

coffee & cigarettes
cupcakes & organs
hangovers & cursing
jack rabbits
bloody knuckles
♤ whiskey & whines ♤
♤ chinese enchantress ♤
♤ yogurt & denial ♤
pompeii & waterfalls
hot stuff
♢ boba & chaos ♢
blue's blues.
♢ breathing exercises ♢

♤ catastrophe & wotsits ♤

1.7K 46 1
By rockmahead

"you guys fucked?!"

"shhh!" you smothered kibum with your hand, desperate to quieten the obnoxiously loud man, "shut the fuck up, dude. half the school literally hates me and you're shouting that shit."

"i'm pretty sure half the school is scared of you, but okay." hyemi sassed from beside kibum, her attention on trying not to laugh at the death stare you gave her.

"whatever, i need details! how was it? was he good? was he big? was-"

"one fucking question at a time, ki. yes, he was good. so good..." you trailed off, mind travelling back to be in the moment, eyes fluttering.

"isn't it kinda soon?"

"i'm just thinking of it as a one night stand. with my soulmate. that i am most definitely gonna see again."

you stopped in front of hyemi's locker so she could fish out her textbook from the pile of rubbish that had accumulated since the start of the year.

the hallways bustled with life as students prepared for their lessons that began in less than ten minutes.

you pulled out your phone, searching for ash's contact number so you could shoot him a message, asking him where he was. as you were typing, you felt a shadow loom over you, blocking the light.

"hey," a low voice said, bluntly.

"oh, hi again wonwoo. what's up?"

"i forgot to ask this mornin', but, our biology work? i wanna get it done as soon as possible."

"oh shit, yeah, cool," you stammered, "where'd you wanna meet?"

"i was wondering if we can do it at your's? i'd invite you over but i'm trying to avoid the house."

you cocked your head, eyebrows furrowing in confusion; everything seemed alright in the morning when you were there, what could've went wrong?

"there's just a lot of tension right now, and i don't wanna get caught up in it."

you stiffled a laugh, watching as the glasses wearing male scratched his nape.

"okay, that's totally fine."

"meet me at the carpark at the end of the day, i'll drive us. see ya, blue." he waved as he walked off, disappearing in to the mass of students.

you turned to kibum and hyemi, wondering if they'd seen the interaction, only to find them bickering and completely oblivious. you huffed out a sigh in disappointment, and walked off to your lesson.

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

chemistry was a bore as usual, but you were finally able to stay awake as you had someone to talk to, though jinyoung barely uttered a word, only quietly laughing and humming in response now and then.

you were slightly concerned as ash looked troubled, picking at his skin, eyebrows knotted behind his blond blunt fringe and frowning. you were always good at reading body language and mannerisms, so it didn't take you long to pick up on this, but you didn't patronise him, believing that if he wanted to, he'd voluntarily tell you what was bothering him. but when you saw his flesh broken and bleeding, you decided it was time you asked.

"hey, jinyoung, what's up." you rummaged in your bag for a pack of tissues, pulling one out and mopping up the cut on his finger.

"huh? oh... i'm good."

"ash, you're obviously not good. you've torn your finger to shreds," you applied pressure to the wound to reduce the bleeding, "talk to me, youngie."

ash finally looked up to you, holding eye contact momentarily before diverting his attention to the board at the front of the room.

"i'm just thinking about yesterday. minsoo, the fight, everything," he began, you nodded your head at him, allowing him to clear his mind and not interrupting, "fuck, why me? she killed the man i loved, and i'm expected to love her? i'm starting to think this whole soulmate this is fucking bullshit. the universe has it all fucking wrong, i can't love that, that monster. and, and look what she did to you? and for what?"

"the part that's pissing me off the most, is that i feel bad, i pity her. i can feel the connection we have. i fucking hate her, but for some fucked reason, i feel like i need her."

you felt choked up as your friend spilled his bottled up thoughts, words dripping with emotion. you pulled him into a tight hug, allowing him to calm down for a few moment before you pulled away to cup his hollow cheeks.

"you're allowed to feel like this, youngie. honestly, i feel like the universe is fucked up too. don't suppress your emotions, you'll end up drowning in them and you won't be able to get back. instead, live them. grab onto everything they make you feel. and that's how you'll move forward. youngie, just do what you feel is right, no other influences. just, you."

you pulled your lips into a thin smile, releasing your grip on his face, feeling kind of proud at the little motivation speech. you barely had time to relish the moment when your chemistry teacher told you to stop flirting and distracting the lesson.

jinyoung looked slightly more comfortable after unloading his emotions, his tense shoulders relaxing as he slouched in his chair. you kept an eye on him during the lesson, your worry seeping through at some points forcing ash to adamantly reassure you that he was fine.

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

soon lunch rolled round and the four of you managed to snag a table in the corner of the hall, away from preying eyes. kibum and hyemi were squabbling over some trivial issue, as usual, and ash just observed, smiling in content.

he'd been grateful that you'd paired up that chemistry lesson, as he felt more integrated; he had spoken to three more people and he was only a few steps away from having friends. good friends, he hoped. friends he could lean on and reminisce good memories with. friends that would support and uplift him, even when he was being spiteful, or slightly more introverted. his brows relaxed from the screwed position they were in, the corners of his lips upturned slightly as he pushed around the food on his plate. 

"hey, ki and i were thinking about going bowling later, he's got a coupon and it expires today," the brown haired girl spoke sipping on her juice box.

"can't today, wonwoo wants to work on our biology project," you frowned, slightly upset at the fact you'd miss out on bonding time.

"shame, dude, shame... ash?"

"yeah?" the mulleted man questioned, slightly confused.

"come bowling with us, dude. it's gonna be fun, ki's paying."

"i'm what!" kibum spat, in complete astonishment.

"shush, bro. so what d'ya say, ash?" hyemi asked, using puppy eyes to convince the frozen man to join them.

"i mean, i guess..."

hyemi did a little celebratory dance which caused all of you to laugh heartily before returning to your conversation.

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

the end of the day approached rapidly, much faster than you'd hoped, leaving you anticipating your next few hours with your soulmate, less anxious than you'd though you'd be. you were stood in the carpark. shivering in your tracksuit whilst scrolling absentmindedly on your phone, when a hand on your shoulder jolted you out of your trance.

"sorry, didn't mean to scare you," wonwoo smiled and you didn't think you'd ever get over how beautiful he looked when he did.

"you're good, i get easily startled."

you followed behind wonwoo as you walked through the array of cars, making your way up to a slink black ford where wonwoo popped open the door for you. offering your thanks, you hopped in, grateful for the warmth that surrounded you in a matter of seconds.

the drive to the apartment was rather chill; you turned on the radio and hummed along to songs, both of you singing along heartfully when rick astley came on, laughing at each other when you'd caught eyes. this relaxing and comfortable mood tailed you as you exited your car and entered the buzzing lift.

it dawned upon you as you stuffed your keys in the lock that your apartment may not be in the cleanest state, but calm down instantly when you remembered hyemi said she'd tidied up your home out of boredom whilst you were away.

"welcome, to our home," you grinned at the black haired male kicking your crocs off, him soon following suit. walking through the narrow entrance whilst engaging in small talk, you failed to notice the loud background noise of the television playing. 

you stopped in your tracks when you saw a huge man, clad only in white socks and boxers, covered in crumbs of crisps and biscuits, a pepsi can in hand, laughing at an episode of a real housewives reunion.

"what the fuck did i tell you about wearing fucking clothes?" you practically yelled, moving from wonwoo's side to snatch the bag of crisps from the intruders hands and dragging him up from his lounging position on the now soiled couch.

"dude, stop manhandling the merchandise." johnny argued, swatting your hand away.

you turned and scowled at your friend, opening your mouth to snap back, only to be cut off abruptly.

"hello. i guess blue didn't tell you i was coming. then again i didn't know about you either. i'm wonwoo."

you watched as he spoke, mouth still agape, observing the interaction. wonwoo pushed his frames further up his nose, eyes cool and empty, as he communicated through gritted teeth, mouth moving ever so slightly.

"'sup, i'm johnny, or john. whatever's fine," he replied offering a cheesy hand to shake which wonwoo just stared at with a blank expression before reinstating eye contact. johnny retracted his hand and you smacked him on his back repeatedly, pestering to go put some clothes on, which he did, vanishing into hyemi's room and locking the door.

"sorry, about that. he's just...johnny," you laughed stiffly, scratching your nape in embarrassment.

wonwoo hummed in response, lips pressed firmly into a line.

"so can we get on with the project, or, do you have other men hiding in your house i should meet?"

"no, yeah, sorry," you half laughed at what you hoped was a joke, frantically trying to clear up your toddler like friend's mess.

wonwoo sat himself on the couch and pulled out his books and laptop, getting to work straight away. after the embarrassing moment, you huffed out a sigh and joined him seconds later, leaving space between you as wonwoo seemed more reserved today.

whilst working you felt the once comforting and chill mood evaporate completely, leaving a tense and sharp feeling in its place, and you hated it. it felt like a heavy weight was being pressed down on you, making you feel vulnerable.

after about an hour of work, you couldn't withstand it, tapping out for a break. you knew for a fact that wonwoo had felt it too, the constricting atmosphere that was more than uncomfortable, as he had his brows tightly knotted and had been repeatedly letting out soft sighs.

"hey, wonwoo, let's take a short break, yeah?"

"i'd rather not. tryna get out of here sooner rather than later."

"oh," you started, rather confused, "...i thought you said you were avoiding the house?"

"i'd rather be there with my boyfriends than here with your boyfriend."

you blinked.

you blinked again.

"i just wish you'd told me about him, blue. i was starting to like having you around."

this time you burst out laughing, tears leaking from your eyes, abdominal muscles cramping.

"i can't believe you think that johnny is my boyfriend."

"is he not?" he cocked his head of the side cutely, eyebrows still furrowed.

"christ, no. he's hyemi's soulmate and since we're roommates, the dude practically lives here. always turning up unannounced." you tutted, cursing the lanky male in the bedroom.


now wonwoo turned a magnificent shade of pink, and you'd wished you could sample it and paint it to the colour of your walls.

"don't worry, wonwoo. i only have eyes for the thirteen of you, as of now."

"as of now? so you're saying it'll change in the future?"

"i hope not. as you said, i'm starting to like having you around."

wonwoo hummed and smiled this time, the life returning to his face as it had been when you were in the car, on your way to your humble abode.

"so, is that why the mood shifted? where you...mad? jealous, even?" you teased, dying to get a reaction out of him.

wonwoo diverted his eyes from your face, looking down at the sheet he had at hand and folding the corners down.

"no." you watched as his ears burned red.

"so if i was lying and johnny was my boyfrien-"

you were cut off when your soulmate called out your name abruptly, ditching your usual nickname, eyes set on you.

you swallowed thickly, staring back into his deep eyes, heart rate picking up at a fast pace.

"don't do that."

"do what?" you wanted to tease and provoke him, but something about the way he looked at you, the way he exuded dark energy that felt somehow familiar yet foreign, told you that you would regret ever trying.

wonwoo inched forwards, still not uttering a word, causing you to cautiously move back until you were pressed flush against the arm rest of the couch.

"playing dumb, i see," he whispered out, so close his breath hit your lips. his voice sounded delicious and rich, and you swore you'd get addicted to the deep tone.

"i don't know what you're talking about," your attention flipped from each eye, flickering over his delicate looking lips now and then. he hummed softly, shifting in impossibly closer, embedded between your legs where one was folded up on the settee, the other seeking refuge on the carpet.

"i'm not over the fact that there was a man, practically naked in your apartment, my love."

your breath hitched at the statement, more so the pet name he'd called you, but you'd convinced yourself otherwise.

"not my fault, wonwoo. he's hyemi's boyfriend," you almost whimpered, feeling so small under wonwoo's gaze.

"now, princess that doesn't matter to me. can't have our pretty girl around naked men."

"i'm not your's though."

"oh? that's were you're wrong, baby."

wonwoo pressed his lips against yours, the soft flesh molding together under the force of the needy kiss. your eyes fluttered shut and the glasses wearing male shifted, putting half of his body weight on you.

you whined quietly when he pulled away, leaning forward slightly as if to reconnect your lips, at this he smirked.

"my baby's so needy," he teased, teeth glimmering, "want more?"

you stared at him with a slight pout plastered on your lips, that quickly disappeared when he inched forward and claimed your thick lips. for some unknown reason, being with wonwoo made you feel so little and submissive, needy and craving attention.

one of his large hands rubbed on your clothed thigh, squeezing firmly here and there. how you'd cursed the damn cloth that obstructed the skin on skin contact. you wanted to feel the electricity shoot through your skin and dance up your spine.

and you did.

the dark haired man had trailed his hand further up, slipping under your hoodie, palm coming in contact with your supple breasts that had been barred behind the torture device of a bra. he squeezed lightly, then the hand was no longer on your chest and had been relocated to wrap around your throat, where he used his thumb to tilt your head back and shower your neck in butterfly kisses.

"wonwoo, please..."

"what do you want, baby?" you shivered as he spoke onto your neck, feeling the bass in his smooth voice.


he chuckled softly at the pleading tone you took on, contrasting greatly with how hardheaded mingyu had made you out to be when describing your altercation.

"use your words for me, baby, then i might give you what you want."

he had now moved to peppering kisses all over your face, hand still held gently held onto your neck with his thumb stroking the skin tenderly in soothing motions.

"want you... need you."

"well done, baby, that was perfect."

you whined audibly at the praise, becoming more turned on than you were previously, throwing your arms round his neck and sinking your face into his chest. he then lifted you up off the couch, causing you to wrap your arms round his torso, his left hand placed securely under your butt. he made his way down the hall, stopping at a door he believed was your bedroom, relived when he'd seen he'd guessed correctly.

he lay you down on the mattress and resumed your soft make out session that left you craving his touch. in a blur of a few heated minutes, you were beneath him in your underwear, him shirtless, his bottom half still clothed.

"junnie hyung was right; you are beyond beautiful. can't believe you're ours."

he stared into your eyes that were slightly hidden behind your curly bangs, pressing a chaste kiss to your two toned lips.


you shuffled slightly and he moved to get out of your path, watching as you made your way over to the corner of your room.

"nice ass, princess."

you looked back at him over your shoulder for a brief moment, smiling at the compliment, before rummaging in the purse you'd taken to the birthday party the day prior.

in this moment, you were thankful to hyemi, grateful that she'd stuffed a handful of the rubber protection into your bag, though you'd protested against it. 

when you'd made your way back to the bed, you realised the lack of denim coverage on your soulmate's legs while handing him the little sachet which he tore open with his teeth in a swift motion.

"on your hands and knees for me, baby."

you complied, pressing your face into the pillow and displaying a delicious arch, ass in the air for him.


wonwoo pushed your lacy pants to the side and slowly inserted himself into you, causing you to draw in a deep breath as he continued to fill you. he let out a deep guttural moan as he entered the warm wetness, muttering curses under his breath. he stretched you to his fill, short little sounds of pleasure escaping your lips.

he began at a slow pace, spouting words and phrases of appraisal. but you needed more, so you began to press back onto his cock rhythmically, brain fogged, only thoughts of want and need seeping through. at that, wonwoo increased his pace, thrusting into harder, faster, just as you wanted. you began to qualm that action when wonwoo began to hit a spot so deep within you, you began to see stars. at that you could no longer hold back, moans ripping from your throat, joining the sound of skin clapping. you began to beg, the word please becoming overused as you felt yourself reaching your climax at a brisk pace.

"fuck, baby. gonna cum."

you were almost relived when you heard that, and hit your high with a great magnitude, tears forming in your eyes. wonwoo's hips stuttered and he pushed into you finally, a long deep moan leaving his body before he pulled out.

he flipped you over, wiping the tears from your eyes and kissing you passionately, tongues mingling, before crashing onto the bed beside you, not forgetting to wrap his arms around you and pull you close.

"your man friend definitely heard us," he laughed into your hair, and you did in return, thinking about all the insults you'd get abused with when wonwoo should leave.

"i feel like a whore," you half joked after a moment of silence. it felt like you were doing that a lot today.

wonwoo pulled away partially so he was able to see your face.

"why's that?"

"i just... in less than twenty four hours i've slept with two men that are in happy relationships," you smiled up at him dryly.

"don't feel that way. we want you, and some things just turn out the way they do. it doesn't help that we're insanely attractive," he pretended to flick his hair which elicited the cutest giggle from you, "besides, it was bound to happen at some point. before or after we make it official."

you pushed your head back into his chest, drowning in the warmth he gave you, an actual smile on your face this time.

"thank you for saying that."

"nothing to thank me for. it's the truth. i really like you, you know."

"i kinda like you too."

"kinda?" wonwoo acted offended, causing you to laugh hysterically at his pantomime as he went off on a tangent.

"you're just fucking shit at anything that has to do with straightness. how the fuck can you get the ball in the gutter the whole fucking game?"

you both locked eyes the moment you heard foreign voices.

"shit, they're back!"

you both scrambled to put your clothes on, wonwoo hopping on one leg trying to stuff his leg in to his jeans. you would have enjoyed ridiculing him, but due to the severity of the situation, it wasn't deemed appropriate.

"blue, are you in there? i'm coming in."

hyemi swung the door open, only to see you and your soulmate with papers scattered on the floor around you, pen in hand with wonwoo trying to explain something to you.

"oh, hey mi, you're back. we didn't even hear you coming in."

hyemi looked at the both of you, eyes squinting. you gulped, hoping she didn't realise, but if she did, she sure did a damn good job of playing naive.

"we got food, ash and ki are gonna eat it without you, well mostly ki. hi wonwoo, fancy seeing you here."

"just working on our project, we were wrapping up anyways."

"sure hope you did wrap up," hyemi muttered, causing heat to rush to your face, eyes widening. you changed your mind; hyemi did an awful job of playing naive.

"excuse me?"

"oh, nothing. do join us, i insist."

there was a loud noise of a crash and a bang, then the click of a lock and out flew johnny, who was thankfully, fully dressed.

"babe, i missed you," he clung onto hyemi's smaller frame, scowling at the two of you that sat cross legged an the carpet below. you stuck your tongue out at him childishly before standing up and dragging wonwoo by the sleeve behind you.

the couple watched as you lefts, eyes inspecting you as you manoeuvred down the halls.

"they fucked, didn't they," hyemi spoke rather than asked.

"so loudly, too."

♤ ♧ ♢ ♡

so i lied...

accident but i'm gonna try my hardest bc i have a heap of ideas for this story

sorry friends !

                                       -  :)

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