I Run To You

By lost_dyke

2.9K 61 30

"I just ran away like I was possessed or something". Carson had a troubled face, but the description was accu... More

Author's notes
A perfect match
A completely different world
Catch Me

A place of their own

728 22 19
By lost_dyke

When Greta got near the train station, Carson was already outside there, sitting on the top of the stairs, surrounded by their suitcases and her baseball bag, reading the book Greta had given her weeks ago.

"Hey, you brought the book, it belonged to our Rockford home", she widened her eyes in shock, "I never took you for a thief".

Carson closed the book and stood up.

"I left all my books there, so I think it was a fair change".

"How come you still got all our stuff here?" Greta asked. "I thought you were getting us a motel room!".

"You won't believe what happened", Carson grinned.


"I was walking down the street, looking for a motel, or a cup of coffee, whatever appeared first, and a few blocks down there was this bakery, so I went inside and I bought a slice of pie and, well, it wasn't that good, so I told them mine was better", she giggled at her own audacity.

"You did not!", Greta cackled, "did they kick you out?".

"Actually the baker came out. An old man. And dared me to make a better one".


"So I tied my hair and washed my hands and made the most amazing pie I've ever made. And the baker's granddaughter tried it and loved it and then he offered me a job".


"I'll be on pie duty, I'll know more on Wednesday".

"You have a job, Carson!". 

"I do, yeah! But…", Carson smiled awkwardly, "I lost track of time there, when I checked the watch it was almost six so I came here, and now we have no motel room to sleep in".

"That's actually great!", Greta smiled, "I checked out one apartment for us to rent, and it is… it is perfect, Carson, you're gonna love it. The landlord, well, they're two women, Maggie and Drella, and they invited us over for dinner".


"Yes! And we could sleep in our own apartment tonight".

Carson got the chills listening to Greta calling it their apartment. She smiled shyly and let Greta help her pick up the suitcases.

"Our apartment, huh?", Carson grinned.

"Yes, I mean, if you like the place, then yes".

Greta motioned them forward, pointing Carson to walk ahead.

Carson only smiled and started walking. She couldn't stop smiling as she walked to what was going to be her new home.

Greta stayed behind for just a second, watching Carson carry her suitcase and baseball bag, her girly dress moving with her hips, her hair waving softly in the cold breeze.

Then she hurried up to get closer to Carson.

"I really like to watch you", she whispered.

Carson bit her lower lip but didn't say anything.

They continued moving ahead, crossing a few streets packed with pharmacies, coffee shops, little stores, and beauty salons, until they reached a street full of apartment blocks.

"We go right from here", Greta pointed, “two blocks up”.

They kept walking, avoiding people and cars while they crossed the street, and finally, there they were, in front of their new little home.

Ms. Peters was outside, putting away the garbage in the trash can.

"Greta!", the woman greeted her, "this should be Carson", she extended her hand and Carson shook it. "We just finished cleaning your apartment a bit".

"Oh, you didn't have to", Greta appreciated the gesture though.

"I'm pretty sure you're staying, so that was our way of saying welcome", she smiled, "come on, I'll take you upstairs. We can have dinner at 7.30 if that’s ok with you. That way you have enough time to go organize your things up there and relax a little".

"That'd be great", Carson was the one to answer, already melting at the idea of going into the apartment where they would be safe and alone.

Maggie opened the door and Greta noticed it was the same apartment she had seen earlier. The one with a bed for a couple.

“I thought we were getting the one with two beds”, Greta felt confused.

“Greta”, Maggie sounded like a loving mother talking to her children, “you’re safe here. Both of you are”, Maggie squeezed Greta’s shoulder, “you can watch your back outside. Here, just enjoy your freedom”.

All her life trying to protect herself, and now Greta had found a place she could just be. It was a strange feeling. A little too good to be true.

“I’ll leave you to it”, Maggie said her goodbyes.

Carson entwined her fingers with Greta’s and both of them walked inside in solemn silence. Greta closed the door behind them, locking it, and observed as Carson set her things on the floor near the bed and spun around herself, checking the apartment.

"It is perfect, indeed", Carson smiled.

It was small and simple and they would still have to buy some things. But it already felt like home.

Greta decided to leave her worries outside the apartment and her things by the door. She walked slowly towards Carson.

“We’re staying then?”, Greta asked.

She didn’t wait for an answer though.

Greta took Carson by the neck and kissed her deeply, running her fingers through the short and soft strands of her hair.

Carson moaned audibly when she felt Greta’s tongue licking its way in.

“You smell funny”, Greta commented once they’d cut the kiss.

“Well, I spent my afternoon inside a bakery”.

“No, it’s not that. You’re sweaty”.

“I am not!”, Carson lifted her arm and smelled her armpit, “I smell fine”.

“I didn’t say you smelled bad”, Greta chuckled, “I like it actually. But I think you-we should shower before dinner”.

Greta grinned mischievously and Carson felt a wave of heat spreading through her body.

“May I help you?”, Greta asked, freeing the first button near the collar of Carson’s dress.

Carson stayed quiet and watched as Greta undressed her. First the dress, then her sandals. She unhooked her brasier and helped her out of her shorts.

“Go inside and start your shower”, she pointed to the washroom, “I’m getting soap and a towel from my case”.

Carson stood frozen in place for a moment, wondering if Greta knew how many urges she awakened inside of her, urges she didn't even know she could have.

She shook her head and breathed in, trying to steady her heartbeat, and walked towards the washroom, closing the door behind her. She stood below the shower head and let the stream of water cool her off.

Carson gasped for air when the door of the washroom was opened again. Greta was standing there, completely naked. A bar of soap in one hand, a white towel in the other.

"My heart", Carson put her right hand over her chest, trying to calm her racing heart. She didn't mean to say that out loud, it just came out.

"What's wrong?", Greta tossed the soap and the towel into the sink and quickly joined Carson.

"I'll never get used to seeing you completely naked".

Carson's eyes slowly left Greta's eyes to check her lips, then her collarbones, her breasts, going down to her navel. She licked her lips at the sight of the scissor-trimmed hair.

"You do look like a teenage boy staring at me like this".

Greta approached her, lifted her head up with her thumb and forefinger, and kissed her, feeling how wet and warm Carson's tongue felt against her own.

"I could never get enough of this", Carson sighed.

"I hope not", Greta winked, "now let's shower, we have to go down for dinner".

Carson shook her head. Her body was warm, her center was wet. She felt thirsty. And Greta wanted to take a shower and go down for dinner.

"You're too much in control of your own body", Carson bit her lips.

"Just because I'm not drooling doesn't mean you don't make me feel hot inside", Greta gave her a peck.

"I just… miss you".

"I know, but why rush? We have all night".

With that promise, they started showering, helping each other rub the soap on their backs.

Carson left the bathroom first, dried her body and her face, and put on a strapped dress, white patterned with little red leaves.

“I like your shoulders showing”, Greta kissed her on the cheek and started getting dressed. She decided on long green jumpsuits.

Five minutes later they were in front of apartment number 1’s door. They knocked and Maggie warmly greeted them and invited them in. The table was already set. Four plates, a big bowl of tomato soup in the middle, and also a tray of rolls.

“Carson, this is Drella”, Maggie introduced.

“Such a pleasure to meet you”, Carson extended her hand and Drella shook it, smiling widely.

“Wait until you meet her rolls”, Maggie pointed to the table, "will talk about pleasure then".

After the tomato soup, they had coffee, and after coffee, a dose of gin. All the way to the drink, they talked about baseball, and women’s rights, and safe havens, and chosen families. No subject seemed out of place or out of reach there, they were equals, and they understood each other.

“I can’t wait to see you two back on the field next season”, Maggie pointed from Greta to Carson, “you make a good team”.

“We do”, Carson yawned, scrunching up her nose like a little kid.

“Well, well, well, I think we’ll call it a night”, Greta smiled sweetly at Carson.

“Sorry, I just barely slept these last two nights, but we can stay a bit longer”.

“It’s ok”, she caressed Carson’s right hand, “it was a lovely evening”.

“Let’s repeat it again soon then”, Drella said. “Anything you need, any time of day, don’t hesitate to ask us”.

“Thanks”, Carson said with a sleepy smile.

Carson climbed the stairs with her eyes only half open but safely holding onto Greta’s arm. Greta guided her up and through the doorway. Carson only felt a bit more awake when she heard the sound of the door lock.

“We’re home”, Carson whispered.

Greta got closer and took Carson by the hips.

“We are”, she replied.

And they kissed.

Five seconds into that kiss and Carson totally forgot why she’d been feeling sleepy in the first place.

Greta’s hands were all over Carson, caressing her hips, then her waist and her back, then her shoulders and her neck. Carson was melting inside that embrace, longing for more of those touches.

Greta cut their kiss for a second, took Carson by the hand, and led her to stand near the bed. Then she went down on her knees and looked up, finding Carson’s eyes. She untied her sandals and took them off. Her hands went up her legs, under Carson’s dress, until she reached her shorts and slowly brought them down.

Carson stepped out of her underwear, trembling in anticipation of what was about to happen. She watched as Greta stood and kissed her again. This time the kiss had a different rhythm. 

Faster. Deeper. Harder.

“Sit”, Greta commanded and Carson obeyed.

She sat on the edge of the bed and one more time she just watched as Greta got down on her knees again, lifting Carson’s dress and spreading her legs open.

She kissed the inside of her thighs and Carson felt like she was about to be tipped off the edge of a cliff. She moaned and Greta bit her thigh.

“Will you be quiet for me, Carson?”.

Carson looked down and found those eyes she already loved so much dark with desire.

“I will try”, Carson’s voice pitched.

Greta went for it, licking her with the flat of her tongue, coming from down below until reaching her pleasure point above. Carson bucked her hips, unable to formulate words that could ever describe that feeling. Greta’s fingers she’d had before, and they were amazing. But this, this was what could be described as paradise.

Greta circled her tongue and sucked, moving her head back and forth, feeling Carson’s fingers run through her copper hair and pull at them, harder and harder, so she intensified her movements to match with that.

“Oh my God”, it was barely a whisper and Greta moaned hearing it. “Greta”, Carson’s voice faltered, “I… I’m…”.

Greta knew. She squeezed Carson’s thighs, keeping her in place while she sucked and sucked, moving the tip of her tongue up and down that perfect little spot.

Carson fell onto the bed when the wave of pleasure hit her hard. Her body was trembling, her heart was racing and her breathing was shallow.

Greta licked her own lips, tasting a bit more of Carson’s flavor. She moved up, cupping Carson between her legs, providing comfort to that very sensitive spot. Then she lay on the bed beside her, moving the strands of her hair that were stuck to her face, and smiled at Carson's satiated expression.

“That was…” Carson tried to put it into words, but simply couldn't.

“I know”, Greta smiled coyly.

“May I?”, Carson wanted to make her feel like that too.

Greta seemed to be considering her options. Then she made up her mind.

“Take off your dress. And your bra”, Greta's voice was commanding again.

As Carson sat on the bed and got rid of her clothes, Greta stood and did the same, coming back to bed after.

Carson’s mouth watered at the sight of Greta’s naked body.

Greta propped herself up on her knees and Carson mimicked her actions, so they knelt on the bed, looking at each other.

“I want your mouth here”, Greta pointed to one hard nipple.

Carson blushed furiously but didn’t waste a second before granting Greta’s wishes.

She closed her mouth around that nipple and sucked. Greta moaned her name softly.

“Yes, like that”.

Carson moved her hand from Greta’s ribs, scratching her waist and hips until she found the warm space between her legs. Greta was soaking wet and Carson felt her own pleasure build up again just by realizing that that was for her, because of her.

She moved her forefinger and middle finger up and down, there was barely any friction, and Greta’s body shivered when her fingertips reached her slit.

“Please”, she purred, begging.

Carson knew what to do. She was already familiar with Greta’s body and Greta’s pleasure, it was like she’d been touching her for her entire life.

Her fingers slipped easily inside and she started moving them. Her mouth was now sucking the other nipple, her palm provided perfect pressure on Greta’s clit when she moved her fingers back and forth. Faster. Deeper. Harder.

“Oh, Carson, don’t stop”.

Carson had no intention to stop.

She felt Greta’s body shivering harder and had to leave her breast to move her head up and look at her. She needed to see her pleasure.

Carson’s eyes were wide and brilliant as she watched her girl unravel before her.

Greta opened her dazzling eyes as she came undone to find Carson staring at her.

Carson gently pulled out and both of them sat over their knees. Greta moved forward and kissed Carson slowly until their breathing came back to a normal pattern.

Once they’d calmed their hearts, both of them lay on the bed, onto their sides, resting their heads on the pillows, facing each other.

“Is this real?”, Greta asked, tracing Carson’s jaw with her fingertip.

"It feels real", Carson smiled.

They inhaled deeply at the same time. Their hopes and fears reflected on each other.

"What changed your mind about coming to New York?", Greta asked, "you seemed very sure about not coming before".

"I… I was afraid. Afraid I was going to come and live your life as I did with Charlie".

"I would never keep you from living your life and finding your own path, you know that, right?", Greta spoke softly.

"I know, I know. It was me. My problem. Not you… but then, Charlie appeared".

"What?", Carson saw confusion and fear spread through Greta's face.

Greta sat on the bed and Carson did the same. 

"He saw us, he knows. But, Greta, I promise you, we're safe", she squeezed her hands in a reassuring gesture.

"Are you sure?", Greta asked, her voice shaky.

"I am. I promise you. He's not a bad guy, he actually took me to the station".

"Why would you leave such a nice person… for me?", Greta didn't feel worthy. Right now she felt exposed and scared, so she let her fears take over for a moment. "Your life was good, you were safe, I could never keep you safe".

"Look at me", Carson held her by the face, "I'll keep us safe. And I know most of the time you don't believe it, but the world is changing".

"I so want to believe that", Greta dried her own tears once she realized they were falling down her cheeks.

"Well, you should, because it is changing, and we are changing with it, and I want to change right next to you".

"I never had anybody like that, except for maybe Jo", Greta sighed, missing her best friend. "Do you remember what you told me in the bar the first night we kissed?".

"About?", Carson asked, she had said many things, she hadn’t really stopped talking for a second that night.

"We're not stopping because it feels good", Greta said, "and it does, and I want this, so bad, but I'm still scared".

"You think we're moving too fast?", Carson asked. "I have some money saved up and I have a job at the bakery now, I can rent a place of my own and we can… date, I don't know how it works, but dating seems the right word, so we could do tha-".

"Carson, slow down", Greta had to calm herself and put behind her worries, so she could help Carson do the same. "I want you here. I just don't want us to stop being careful. Just because we're here and together, it doesn't mean the rest of the world won't give us a hard time if people find out… I-I would never forgive myself if you ever get hurt, Carson. I care about you too much to let it happen".

"Look, we'll set rules, I know they make you feel in control of the situation, and safe", Carson whispered.

"Ok" Greta agreed, "out there, we're friends and roommates, we play baseball, and that's it. Here, I'm yours and you're mine".

"I know how hard it is for you to let go of the fear and allow yourself to feel. And you put your guard down to let me in. I'll cherish this forever, Greta".

"I love you, Carson", Greta said matter-of-factly.

Greta thought she would never be able to say that, not about Carson, not to someone that really mattered to her in that way.

"I wish I could marry you", Carson gave voice to her thoughts and Greta's heart stuttered in her chest.

"Maybe in 50 years", Greta winked and smiled.

"You're saying yes then?".

"Yeah, I think so", they beamed at each other.

"I should work on a time-traveling machine then, to make sure we get there in time", Carson joked.

They giggled and smiled. They were happy.

The worries in the back of their minds wouldn't go away, they'd be a constant reminder of what the real world was like, but they would help keep them safe. Like an alarm system that would bother them just a little with its weird noise.

But they were happy. So it was all worth it.

It would be worth it even if it lasted only 5 minutes, let alone if they could get to 50 years.

"Instead of moving to another time, maybe your machine could take us to a brand new world", Greta suggested.

And somehow that had already happened.

Inside those four walls, their brand new time and their brand new world had already come. And they were aware of it as they lay down on the bed again, tucked below the duvet, holding each other tight.

The End

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