Professor Romanoff's Athlete...

By PerptualMotion-

36.9K 923 125

Y/N L/N was the best point guard at Midtown High School, so he got a full ride to the University of Michigan... More

You're Leaving?
I'm Sorry
Goodbye Dinner
Transferring to Michigan
Not Ready
Good Boy?
Her Apartment
Pretty Girl
I Hate You
Date Night

Late Night Shenanigans

2.4K 53 5
By PerptualMotion-

This chapter was supposed to published like last week...Oopsie😃.
Thank y'all for 7k views and over 300 votes! Here's a LONG chapter just bc i love you guys so much😏.

Y/N's Pov

While we're hugging, I hear a rumbling sound coming from somewhere. I think I have an idea what it is because Natasha pulls away and looks everywhere but me. I smirk at her and sling my arm around her shoulders.

Y/N: *teasing* Did you hear that?

She still doesn't look at me but still replies.

Natasha: Hear what?

Y/N: You know what I'm talking about. I think I heard someone's tummy grumble.

She looks at me with wide eyes before smirking at me.

Natasha: You sure it wasn't you? I know how much you love to eat.

After she says that, I have the most offended look on my face. I dramatically unwrap my arm around her, and cross my arms over my chest.

Y/N: UH! That was so rude of you to say that!

I stomp over to the bench and sit down with a huff. Natasha laughs before walking up to me.

Natasha: *teasing* Is the little baby sad?

Y/N: YES! I know I like to eat but still!

She throws her head back laughing while I just stare at her. After she's done laughing, she makes her way between my legs and cups my face.

Natasha: Aww, you know I'm just playing around. Right?

She asks the last question with uncertainty. I immediately stand up and put my hands on her waist.

Y/N: Hey, hey, I know. I was playing along, too.

She nods her head rapidly and lets out a relieved breath.

Natasha: Okay, good. I just thought that-I I didn't wan-

I quickly cut off her rambling with a kiss. At first she's shocked, but kisses me back once she realizes what's going on. She tries to deepen the kiss, but I pull away much to her dismay.

Natasha: 1. Why did you pull away? 2. Why did you kiss me in the first place?

Y/N: 1. Just felt like it. I don't know. 2. To get you to shut up.

I say the last sentence with so much confidence and a bright smile. She looks at me with an offended look.

Natasha: Excuse me?!

Y/N: You were rambling too much, and that was the only thing I thought of.

Natasha: Really? So, you think kissing me would work?

Y/N: Well, it did, didn't it?

I give her my signature smirk, and she puts her hand over her mouth with a shocked expression. Then, she lightly hits my chest.

Natasha: Ugh! You can be so full of yourself sometimes!

Y/N: *mumbling and smirks* You can be full of me anytime.

Natasha: What did you sa- OMG! You're so disgusting, Y/N!

Again, she lightly hits me and I laugh. I shake my head and keep laughing as I walk to put my basketball in my backpack and slip it onto my shoulders. I make my way back to the short redhead, and sling my arm around her shoulders once again.

Y/N: Come on, let's go get something to eat.

Natasha: Y/N, what the hell is going to be opened at this time?

Y/N: Damn, girl, chill out. There's a diner a few blocks away that's open 24 hours for your information.

She hums and nods her head, and we begin to walk to the diner. Since I'm wearing my workout hoodie, I put the hood part on my head. In the process of that, my arm unwraps from Nat's shoulders. That causes her to frown a little and look at me, and takes a double look once she sees me.

(here's a reference pic bc why not lol. so many people have used this guy to catfish others☠️. they be searching "light skin boy" "cute light skin boys" on google😭)

Natasha: Why the hell are you wearing a hoodie? Especially after you just worked out?

Y/N: I always wear this when I work out; it's my workout hoodie.

Natasha: You're not hot? And, don't say anything stupid.

Y/N: Damn it! How'd you know? Anyways, nah, I wasn't using all my energy, just simple drills.

She "ahhs", and we continue walking down the dark streets of Ann Arbor.

Natasha's POV

The past couple of days have been hard for me. I know Y/N was joking the other day, but I just was fed up from all the shit that happened in my past. When I told him to leave, I didn't want him to leave. Then, when I realized that he wasn't coming back, I wanted him to call me even though he didn't have my number. He also could have showed up to my apartment, but he didn't. Maybe he thought I needed the space? Maybe Y/N thought I didn't want to see his face ever again? So many possibilities could've gone through his head.

Then, he showed up at my apartment with a gift basket and an apology. No guy has ever done that for me. Even though I wanted to ignore everything he was saying, I couldn't because of the sincerity in his voice. That made me realize he never meant to say the things to me the other day.

After coming to the conclusion that I needed to get things off my chest, I marched up and down the streets just to find him. When I found him practicing, I was worried because he was supposed to be resting, but I kept my composure. After I gave him my speech, he held me in his arms while I cried even though I didn't want him to. Y/N made me realize that everything was going to be okay.

Back to us walking down the street, Y/N can't walk in a straight line to save his life, so his body keeps brushing up against mine. I am so close to yanking him and dragging him around like a little kid! If he does it again, I sw-

I don't even get to finish my sentence because he bumps into me again.

Natasha: Y/N!

Y/N: Huh?

Natasha: Will you stop bumping into me?

Y/N: I can't help it! I don't know what you want me to do!

I just shake my head at him and he gives me a goofy smile. Even though there are no cars in the streets, we still wait at the crosswalk lights. The light changes, and we begin walking when I feel a hand slip into mine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I can't stop the giant smile that spreads on my face. I look up at Y/N, and see him smiling back at me. I squeeze his hand and continue walking to the diner.

When we make it to the outside of the diner, he opens the door and lets me go first. I smile gently at him.

Natasha: Such a gentleman. Thank you.

Y/N: Only for you and your welcome.

Natasha: You're too kind. Where are we sitting?

Y/N: Wherever you'd like.

I nod my head and lead him to a booth that's in the corner. I get on one side, and he sits on the opposite all stretched out and comfortable like he's at home.

Natasha: Seriously?

Y/N: *confused* What?

Natasha: The way you're sitting, and I can see your boxers.

Y/N: Hm-Wait, why are you staring at my downstairs area?

He gives me a smirk and adjusts himself while I just roll my eyes at him.

Natasha: Have you been here often? I can still see your boxers, by the way.

Y/N: Yes, I come here a lot with Pete and oh my gosh. It's these damn shorts! they were riding up my ass while I wa-

He doesn't get to finish his sentence because I burst out laughing. As I'm laughing, he's staring at me until he starts to laugh as well. We're still laughing until a voice clears their throat.

?: Sorry to bother you two, but I'm your waitress Samatha.

I don't like this Samantha girl already. Her attitude is UGH! They way she rudely interrupted us! She looks over at me then to Y/N and starts to smirk at him.

Samantha: But you can Sam or whatever you'd like.

She winks at him, and Y/N just smiles at her. I clear my throat to get their attention. She rolls her eyes and looks over at me.

Samantha: Yes?

Natasha: If you're done staring at him, could you please do your job?

I give her a fake smile, and Y/N is sitting there speechless.

Samantha: *sarcastically* You are soo right! Could I get you anything to drink?

Natasha: Yes, I'll take an orange juice.

She writes it down and hands us our menus. I don't know why she didn't give it to us earlier. Probably because she was too busy "flirting" with Y/N.

Samantha: *winks* And for you, cutie?

Y/N: Uh, I'll take a Y/F/D.

Samantha: You got it! Your drinks will be out here in a few minutes. Oh, here's something for you.

This bitch throws him another wink and gives him a note. Before she leaves, she throws me a devilish smirk. After she leaves, I quickly bury my head into the menu. In the corner of my eye, I can see Y/N smirking at me.


I know that Natasha's pissed off right now because of that Sam girl, and it's hilarious. After contemplating what I should do, I get up from my side and slide right next to Natasha. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean into her, so I can read off of her menu.

Y/N: What are you getting?

She ignores me, so I bump into her and ask once more.

Y/N: What are you getting, Natasha?

She doesn't look at me but still responds.

Natasha: Shut up.

Y/N: UHH! That was rude! What did I ever do?

Natasha: Shut up and you know what you did or didn't do.

I am dumbass. I don't know why I didn't realize it before, but she's jealous! HAHAH!

Y/N: *teasing* Is someone jealous?

She whips her head around to face me, and our faces are inches apart.

Natasha: Jealous? Why would I be jealous?

Y/N: Because our waitress was flirting with me.

Natasha: Oh! So, you do know what you did! I can't believe you let her flirt with you! Especially if I was right in front of you!

Y/N: AH HA! So, you do admit you were jealous!

Natasha: I am not jealous! How about you go find Samantha. Or should I say Sam and go flirt with her! Huh, what about that?

Oh shit, she is really jealous! I decide to keep pushing her buttons and tease her.

Y/N: Fine! I'll just eat with her, and tell her how much I wanna fuck her!

I say the last part with so much sarcasm and start to get up from the booth. Before I can get too far, Natasha yanks me back next to her.

Natasha: You better sit your ass down!

Y/N: Only if you admit that you're jealous!

Natasha: *huffs* Fine! I'm jealous! Are you happy now?

Y/N: Extremely. Now tell me why you're jealous.

She looks down and starts to mumble things I can't quite hear. I lift her chin up with my fingers to make her look at me. Damn! Those damn green eyes!

Y/N: Speak up, pretty girl.

After I say that, she blushes like crazy.

Natasha: I said that I'm jealous because she looks a lot closer to your age and...prettier than me and other stuff

Y/N: Hey, hey, don't say that shit. Sure, she's closer to my age, but I don't care about that. You may think she's prettier than you and other stuff, but I don't think the same. You know why?

Natasha: Why?

Y/N: 1. Her age does not matter to me. 2. That other stuff most likely does not matter to me. And most importantly, YOU'RE the prettiest girl I've ever seen. That's why you and no one else has the title: Pretty Girl.

I give her a bright smile, and see tears in her eyes as she's smiling at me.

Natasha: Yeah?

I nod my head, and she crashes her lips together to a powerful and passionate kiss. We make out for a while until we remember that we are in a public place.

Y/N: That was a great kiss, but what are you ordering?

Natasha: Really? You go from talking about a kiss to food. I was thinking of pancakes or waffles. Maybe a cheeseburger. What about you?

Y/N:  *goofy grin* All of the above.

She shakes her head and laughs at me while we look at the menu. The waitress comes back to take our order and is weirder than before. She starts to make me uncomfortable which Nat notices. Thank the lord she did. The manager of the diner, who's an older man, notices the encounter and sends Samantha back to the kitchen area.

Old Guy: I would like to apologize for her behavior.

Y/N: You don't have to do that, sir.

Old Guy: No, no, I do. She was clearly bothering and making the two of you uncomfortable.

He gives me a sweet smile which I return.

Y/N: Thank you, sir.

Old Guy: No problem, young man. She will not be bothering you two anymore tonight. You kids have a nice rest of your date.

Y/N: Wa-Thank you.

Old Guy: 'Nuff said.

After he leaves, Natasha looks at me with worried eyes.

Natasha: You sure you're alright?

Y/N: Uhh, yeah, yeah.

Natasha: We can leave or have our food to go.

Y/N: No, no, it's fine. I'm not gonna let some random girl ruin this, alright?

She smiles at me and kisses the side of my cheek. While we wait for the food, we talk about things in our lives or just stare into each other's eyes.

Time Skip

We've finally finished our food, and we're now on our way back to Natasha's apartment. During our wait in the elevator, Natasha is leaning up all against me, and I'm not even complaining. The door opens, and it's not the hallway to Nat's apartment.

Natasha: Why the hell are we at the pool area, Y/N?

Y/N: I, uh, must've pushed the wrong button! I don't know!

Natasha: Well, come on! Le-

She doesn't finish her sentence because I take off sprinting to the pool while taking off my parts of clothes until it's just my boxers.

Natasha: Y/N, you better not jump in!

I just laugh at her, and she starts speed-walking towards me. Before she can get to me, I jump into the pool.

Y/N: Woo-hoo! Join me, Nattttt!

Natasha: What? No! I don't even have any extra clothes! And you probably don't either!

Y/N: You can use my clothes, and I have an extra pair!

She just stares at me, and I stare back at her with puppy dog eyes.

Y/N: Pleeeasssee, Naaat!

Natasha: Fine, I guess! You better not look at me, perv!

Y/N: HAH! I'll think about it!

When she begins to change, I start to swim around and do all sorts of tricks. Right now, I'm floating on my back when Nat yells out for me.

Natasha: Y/N, come help me with these shorts!

Y/N: They're shorts! How can you need help putting them on?!

Natasha: Get your ass over here right now!

Y/N: Yes ma'am!

I swim back to the side where she's at and get out. I walk up to her, but she doesn't notice because she's too busy staring downstairs.

Y/N: *clears throat* If you're done staring at my dick, I'll be happy to help you.

Natasha: Wh-Shut up! They won't tighten and keep falling down.

Y/N: Are you calling me fat? AGAIN?

Natasha: Shush! I'm so tired of you!

Y/N: HAHA! Alright, I'll help you, but I kinda need to, uh, touch around your stomach area and...yeah. May I?

Natasha: Yeah, of course.

I nod my head, and bend down a little, so I can put my hands around her waist and stomach area. Once my hands touch her, she stiffens a little but quickly relaxes. I smile at the action and finish adjusting my shorts on her.

Y/N: *smirks* Damn girl! You look great in my shorts!

Natasha: You're hilarious! I bet you-

I don't let her finish her snarky comment because I pick her up and jump into the pool with her.

Natasha: AHH! Y/N, you're such an ass!

She hits my chest, and I burst out laughing. Once I calm myself down, I look back at her.

Natasha: I wasn't done talking.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. And before you say anything else, I don't let other girls wear my clothes. You can ask Peter.

Natasha: Hmm.

Y/N: I'm being dead serious! I don't let nobody wear my clothes, even Peter isn't allowed to wear my clothes! Let's just end the night with a good, fun time.

Natasa: You're right. I'm sorry that I accuse you of shit.

Y/N: You're fine, Nat. Come on, let's have some fun!

I give her a quick kiss before splashing her with water and swimming away. She quickly swims after me and follows me around until she catches me. While we're in the pool we do all sorts of stuff like Marco Polo, racing, splashing around, and everything in between.

After our shenanigans, we're all tired out and just floating in the pool. Natasha swims up to me and wraps her legs around my waist, and her arms around my shoulder. She gives me a sweet smile that I return back to her.

Natasha: Your hair is soo cute when it gets wet! Aww, your curls!

She squeals out in excitement while I blush and look away from her. That makes her go wild and start peppering my face in kisses. Not that I'm complaining! Once she's done, she looks me in my eyes, and I can tell it's gonna be a serious conversation.

Natasha: Can I tell you something?

Y/N: Sure, what is it?

Natasha: I just wanted to say sorry-

Y/N: Nat, you don't have to apologize. It wasn't you-

Natasha: No, you've already apologized. Just listen, alright?

I nod my head and encourage her to continue.

Natasha: I wanted to say sorry to you because you didn't deserve what I said to you that day. Looking back on it, you were joking around, and I got mad at you. You did nothing wrong, but I didn't care because I had all that pent up anger over the years, and I needed to let it out. I shouldn't have done it on you. I overreacted, and I'm sorry.

She unwraps her arms around me, so she can wipe her tears. I look at her with a small smile and gently kiss her. When she kisses back, I can feel teardrops on my lips. I think? Or maybe it's from the pool? I pull away from her and lean our foreheads against each other.

Y/N: Even though you didn't have to apologize, I accept it.

Natasha: Thank you. It felt good to get that off my chest.

Y/N: Anytime. I just wanna let you know that whatever guys did to you in the past, you didn't didn't deserve it, and I would never do that to you, alright?

Her lips start to quiver, and she nods her head. I pull our foreheads away from each and pull her into a hug. She gladly accepts it and buries her head into my neck while I rub her back.

Y/N: Shh, it's okay. We don't have to talk about it anymore. I got you, pretty girl.

She only nods her head ever so slightly. We stayed like that for a while until I get out the pool with her still hanging on to me.

Natasha: AHH! OMG! You better not drop me, Y/N!

Y/N: I won't, I work out. Hehe.

We made it back to my backpack, and I set her down. She starts to change of of my clothes into hers while I open up my backpack.

Y/N: Oh shit.

Natasha: What is it?

Y/N: I lied. I don't have any extra clothes. *chuckles* Fuck.

Natasha: What? You said that you did.

Y/N: I thought so, too.

Natasha: You can borrow some of my clothes.

Y/N: Okay. Wait! My ass is not gonna fit into your clothes!

Natasha: You do have a big ass, but you never know.

She winks at me and slaps my ass before running off to the elevator.


I chase after her all the way to the elevator while she laughs at me.

We finally make it to her floor, and I'm freezing my ass off because I'm only wearing boxers and some Nike slides. Nat is taking forever to unlock her door.

Y/N: Natasha, I swear to-AHH! Hurry up! I am freezing my ass and balls off!

She only laughs at me and unlocks her door. As soon as she does that, I run in as quickly as I can.

Y/N: I'm glad that me being cold is bringing you joy. You're welcome.

I give her a sarcastic smile which she returns.

Natasha: *smirks* Anytime, babyboy.

That statement makes me weak to my knees. I go to say something, but it just comes out as a bunch of gibberish. She laughs at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I look down and see my friend starting to show. Panic settles in, and I began to shake my head and tell it to stop. Wait! Why the hell am I talking to my dick?

Natasha: *smirks* If you're done talking to yourself, there's a towel in the bathroom, so you can take a shower.

Y/N: I-I, uh, ye-ah thanks. What about my clothes?

Natasha: I'll take those, so I can wash them. Just leave your boxers outside the door, and I'll get them as well.

Y/N: Thank you. I'll, uh, go now. Bye!

I quickly make my way to the bathroom, leaving my boxers outside, and hop into her shower.

After taking a nice, hot shower, I wrap the towel around my waist and walk to her room. I see Natasha reading a book in her bed with her hair damp. Damn! This girl got two showers! Crazy!

Y/N: You said you got clothes for me?

Natasha: Huh? Oh, yes! Right there, on the dresser.

Y/N: Thank you.

I make my way over there, grab the clothes, and head back into the bathroom. I see that it's a pair of boxers, sweatpants, and a shirt that looks a little too small for me. I put the boxers and sweats on without any problems. I barely put the shirt on when I hear a rip.

Oh shit.

The shirt just ripped. I leave the bathroom and head to her room.

Y/N: Uh, Nat?!

Natasha: Yeah? Oh my gosh, Y/N! You just ripped my shirt!

Y/N: I didn't mean to!

She laughs at me and gets up to take the shirt from me.

Y/N: I'm sorry! I can buy-

Natasha: No! It's fine!

Y/N: Are you sure?

Natasha: Of course!

Y/N: Alright if you say so. Is it okay if I don't wear a shirt?

Natasha: Yeah! It's fine!

We just stand in silence. Lowkey is kinda awkward.

Y/N: So, uh, I guess I'll sleep on your couch?

Natasha: NO! I mean, no. W-well if you want to.

Y/N: *teasing* Do you want me to sleep with you, Mrs. Romanoff?

She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand.

Natasha: I'm not even gonna deny it. Yes.

I scream out and jump onto her bed belly first. I roll over on my back and give her a big grin.

Y/N: Come on, Romanoff!

She shakes her head and joins me in her bed.

Natasha: What have I gotten myself into?

I loudly laugh at her and pull her closer to me.

Y/N: Sleeping in the same bed with the best sophomore basketball player at Michigan!

She gives me a "really" look and turns off her lamp.

Natasha: I haven't even seen you play yet. You could be lying.

Y/N: Rude! That was uncalled for!

Natasha: I'm just kidding.

She turns to face me and gives me a sweet kiss.

Y/N: I guess that kiss made up for it. I think one more kiss should do it. Don't ya think?

Natasha: Oh jeez. I guess I can give you one more.

I cheer like a child, and she pulls me down for a slow and meaningful kiss. My tongue licks her lips, asking for permission to explore her mouth. She gladly accepts it and moans into my mouth as I continue to deepen the kiss. My hands make their way to the hem of her shirt when she stops me.

Natasha: *out of breath* C-can we take this slow?

Y/N:  *breathing heavy* What do you mean? You talking about the kiss? If so, then we were taking it slow.

Natasha: *chuckles* No, no, I'm talking about...furthering our tiny makeout sessions.

Y/N: Ohhhh, okay. Yeah, whatever you wanna do. We can take this as slow as you want to.

Natasha: Really?

I nod my head and watch her eyes light up. She gives me a quick peck and smiles brightly at me through the dimly lit room.

Natasha: You're so understanding. Thank you.

Y/N: Of course. Let's go to sleep, shall we?

She nods her head and cuddles up against me with her head on my chest.

Natasha: Yeah, goodnight, Y/N.

Y/N: Night, Tasha.

I kiss her head and head off to dreamland with a pretty girl next to me.

Look at Nat getting all jealous😹. Aww, look at Y/N and Natasha being all lovey dovey😏. See ya next time!
Last Updated: 9/25/22

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