Scandalous Spotlight

Door HP0207

13.7K 1.7K 1.1K

"Knights".!! The famous Boy Band of India.! Consisting of 7 members.! 1 lyricist 2 rappers 4 vocals Out of a... Meer

The Girl....!
She is different!
Assistant Manager's Approval!
The Interview!
My worst Nightmare!
The Past..
Can't Fall!!
Healthy Flirting!
Best friend who???
You WHAT.???
What did she say?
Cold Hearted Writer!
Down the hill..
You & I...
Happy Endings

Rumor Or Reality?

486 68 44
Door HP0207

(Avneet landed in LA and soon reached her hotel.! On the way she was just wondering how peacefully she is able to walk around with worrying too much as after her appearance at "The Tonight Show" of Jimmy Fallon will be changing everything.! The world will know the face behind the name AK. The world will know AK is Avneet Kaur who worked for The Knights.. The only thing she is hoping is that the world won't bring the scandal that made her take this step!
It was almost night.....
She was making sure all the copies of the book has been packed properly to be taken to the set of  The Tonight Show when she got a call from unknown number.....)

In the evening......

(The group reached LA and were taken to their hotel under high security! They all settled down in their rooms... While everyone was relaxing in their rooms, Siddharth was doing something very important......

It was almost night when....
With the help of a friend he was able to figure out the number he wanted to talk to right now...

After giving it a thought he dialed the number and wished that she picks up the call......)

(Avneet saw an unknown number on her phone calling her.... Usually she sleeps won't pick up the call but she wanted to get amused by the ad people who she thought might be calling so she picked up the call....)

(Siddharth almost gave up as it kept on ringing but she was not picking up the call when suddenly he heard her voice and he sighed in relief........)

OTP conversation of Avneet
OTP conversation of Siddharth

Avneet: Who's this.???

SN: Hello to you too.....

Avneet: The hell.??? You.??? How the hell you got my number..????

SN: Karan bhai....

Avneet: Ain't no way Beera would do that... He hates you.....

SN: Okay stop stop stop.... Geez!!! Why don't we have a cup of coffee and have a small chat... I really wanna talk to you about something very important..

Avneet: And why do you think I would agree on going out with you for a coffee...! Why would I.... After all these years.????

SN: C'mon I won't take much time.... It's really important.... I know you are in LA...

Avneet: The fuck.??? Don't tell me Beera is double crossing me....

SN: You know I have my ways.....

Avneet: Fine..... Send me the address..... Not more than 15 minutes....

SN: Might take few more minutes but as far as you are coming I am ok... We really need to talk.....

Avneet: Bye (she disconnects the call and sighs)
I need some answers from Beera.....

(She dials Berta's number..... )

(On this side Siddharth was glad that she was ready to meet him in person as once he meets her , things will be much clear and he can go back to what he wants in his life..... He searched online and found a cafe nearby..... He noted down the address and texted it to her...... Once done he started to get ready so he can be there on time )

By Avneet's side....



Beera: Uffffff...... Chill Chhoti....... My ear.......

Avneet: Chill.???? After what you did.... You think I would be in a state to chill.??? Really Beera.???? You.??? Why would you do that.???

Beera: Listen Listen Listen Chhoti..... He is a changed man now..... I have been keeping an eye on him..... He just wanted to clear few things out with you.... That's it..... And he was going to be in LA as well.... So I thought.....(cut off by Avneet)

Avneet: To double cross me .??? Beera I thought you had my back...! You know I hate him! After what he did..... But now.... I have to meet him... Why.??? Cz my own Beera gave him the permission.... MY. OWN. BEERA.....

Beera: Haayo Rabba..!! Chhoti shaant..... Gusse naal phat jaana hai tennu....... Chill kar.... And go and meet him... you will feel better.....

Avneet: You will have to face consequences Beera.... I am gonna tell her.....

(There was a pause from Beera's side...... And he practically begged her...)

Beera: Neet..... Neet..... Na....... Don't..! Not Laddu yaar.!!! She will kill me if she comes to know I did something like this...... Yaar ek baar mil to le..... If anything.... I will make sure you won't see him again...... But.... For now...... hold on to your thought of involving Laddu here please.......

(Avneet chuckled......)

Avneet: The only one who can scare the shit out of you is her.......

Beera: Ha ha ha.... Very funny...... Her innocent face is what deceive people and make them think she is very innocent.!!! Only I know what kind of a Devil she is.!!!

Avneet: Good for you.! Only she can tame you..... Anyway I gotta go... Seems like he sent me an address I have to go to.....

Beera: Just stay calm and talk to him..... That will really help you and him both.....

Avneet: I am not gonna expect anything from this meet of ours..... Let's hope he don't mess up..... like he did years ago.....

Beera: He won't.... I can assure you that.....

Avneet: Not in my wildest dream I ever imagined that you will say something like this for him..... What has world come to.....

Beera: Chal Oye..... Drama...... Go now.... And remember..... Try and be a good listener....

Avneet: Fine fine FINE..... I didn't know you were his lawyer...... Bye... (she disconnected the call and sighed....... )

(She looked at the address that he sent..... )

Avneet: Wow.! He selected cafe facing beach.!!! I hate it that he knows me this well....

(She got ready and left for the cafe..........

She reached the cafe and as soon as she asked at the reception was lead to the back of the cafe where there was a table booked for them but she couldn't see him..... Well she arrived 10 minutes late and he still hasn't arrived.!!!
She just walked to the table and stood by the railing soaking in the beautiful view of the sea in front of her....
It was very calming atmosphere.....

She was enjoying the breeze when she felt two arms hugging her from the back, she was startled but she realized who it could be so she just slightly pushed his arms signaling him to unwrap the arms....)

Avneet: I am not into hugs so if you don't mind.....(she said in her usual cold tone)

(He unwrapped his arms and stood next to her facing her......)

: Wassup bun.!!! Long time no see......

Avneet: You took advantage of Beera to meet me..... I hate you even more now..... (she said still keeping her cold tone and her eyes towards the sea....)

: I am sorry yaar Bun.... But what can I do.? You have blocked me from every social media platform plus you blocked my number also your security has my picture.... I am not allowed to even enter anywhere where you are around.... You hate me that much han.??

Avneet: Even more.....

: Sheeeesh.... Cut me some slack bro...... I thought we really need to talk.... We needed to clear our few things of past so we can have a better future...

Avneet: There is no future for us together.....

: I know I know... But we can still go back to being friends right... Just listen to me please.....

Avneet: Listen.... I am in no mood.....(she turned towards him but he was bending on his knees with his head low and he has huge bouquet of Lily of the Valley in his hands lifted up for her with SORRY BUN note in it........

PS: Lily of the valley is the best apology flower if you don't know how to apologize to someone you hurt. This delicate white flower represents rebirth, which can be the result of a broken relationship if your apology is received well. It can express the start of a new chapter in the relationship and leave the past behind.

Back to Story

Avneet: Wow.! You really did your research han.!

: Had to apologize to you.! Who is a well known writer now.! I had to do my homework.!! (He said still looking down and keeping his head low and behind the flowers)

(Avneet sighs and take the bouquet...)

Avneet: I appreciate your research and love flowers... Only that's why I am taking the flowers... Not cz i forgave you.!

: Noted.! Now can I stand up.??? My knees are hurting.!!!

Avneet: Never asked you to go on your knees.! So getting up is your choice too.!!
(Saying this with cold face she sat on the chair of their table and he just stood up and sat on the chair in front of her....)

: Damn you are cold....

Avneet: Tell me something I don't know....

: I ordered iced coffee for you as well... I came to know you ditched Hot Chocolate... Any particular reason.??

Avneet: You don't have to know... Anyways... Why you asked me to come here.?

: To apologize.!  Bun.... Can't we forget about our past and start afresh.!? I know what I did was wrong.! But I did that cz that's what I was being told.! I was immature at that time and just did what I was asked to... I know I hurt you a lo(cut off by Avneet...)

Avneet: It's not you....... You never hurted me Darsh.....(hearing his nickname from her after this many years.... He was half relieved...)

Author's note:

I am sure by now you all might have guessed who he is.....

@thenatashashekhawat thank you for the suggestion.! This suggestion really made it easier to sketch this character.! ❤️

Anyways introducing

Darsheel Saffarey as Avneet's ex-boyfriend.!

                              Back to story

(Avneet said that looking at the sea in front of her...)

Avneet: It was never you Darsh..... Yes I am upset with you... Not cz you hurted me for faking to be in love with me and whatever we had in between us was just your job.! I am upset with you cz we were best friends first.!! You kept it from me even though you knew how sensitive I was towards such thing.! You hurt me more as my best friend than my boyfriend.! But the one who broke me was my father and my mother.!

(A lump formed in her throat as soon as she mentioned their names ... Darsheel felt it and kept his hand on hers and started caressing it as if to convey her that he understands her pain..... She closed her eyes and few tears left her eyes.... She took deep breath in order to calm her down....)

Darsheel: I came to know about this very late.... That was the main reason of me breaking up with you and telling you that I was faking it..... Yes .! The way I said was not right.... Cz it was so sudden and out of the blue that you hating me after that was the least reaction I was expecting.!

Avneet: Why didn't you tell me about this beforehand.... That would have helped me so much to comprehend that situation.! I got betrayed by closest ones in the same day... You and my father.! I lost all my faith in love since that day..... I erased "trust" word from my dictionary.... I started to hate love.!(the pain in her voice was heartbreaking)

Darsheel: No.... Don't do that.! Love was not at fault.! It was us.! Neither your love was wrong... Nor you trusted wrong people.... It was the circumstances Bun..... I wish I would have been mature enough at that time... I would have never agreed to do so.....

(Avneet sighed and stood up..... )

Avneet: I will get going now... Good night.... I have an early day tomorrow....

Darsheel: Are we good now.? Can we start afresh.???

(Saying this he forwarded his hand..... Avneet looked at him who was giving him genuine smile and finally shook his hand approving to start afresh...)

Avneet: Only cz of the flowers.! You really put thought into it....

Darsheel: Thank you (saying this he hugged her...... )

Avneet: Ok ok ok.... As I said... I am not into hugs......

Darsheel: Since when.??? And why.??

Avneet: Some other time.... Btw.... How and when you and Beera came in contact.? I thought he would shoot you on site but he literally gave you my address and contact information to settle down things.!!

Darsheel: I know Teja..... That helped me a lot.... Also I had to talk to you about something very important......

Avneet: And that is.????(she asked raising her eyebrow)

Darsheel: ..........................

The coming chapters and events will show what they talked about.... Till then...... Shhh 🤫
It's a secret.........

(After that "important talk" Avneet bid goodbye to Darsheel and left for her hotel.... )

While she was meeting with Darsheel......

Siddharth was meeting with someone too..... Remember.????

Now whom did he meet and what they talked about..???? That will be reflected in the upcoming events too with flashbacks..... but for now..... Just imagine 😉

(Next day.....

This side Avneet and the other side Boys were getting ready as they had to go to Attend the Jimmy Fallon Show "The Late Night Show"

Avneet got dressed and arrived on the set before boys with less commotion.! This was the last time she would be having less commotion upon her entry or exit anywhere.... As from today onwards... World will know the face behind "The Cold Hearted Writer: AK" not to forget.... Many who knew Avneet Kaur will be shocked to know that AK is Avneet Kaur.....

She was nervous and that could visibly be seen as she already had 3 cups of coffee.! Her manager Krupali was more nervous than her...... Soon Jimmy entered the backstage dressing room with a knock to introduce himself and have a small friendly chat in order to make her feel comfortable when she gets up on the set....

As the conversation progressed Avneet became bit relaxed and was feeling comfortable around him.....)

Avneet: No wonder why you are the most favorite TV host for everyone.! You really made me feel home.! Thanks Jimmy.!

Jimmy: It's my pleasure... Well I gave the set of the questions my team arranged for me to ask you to your manager......

(Avneet looked at Krupali and could see she is a bit worried about something.....)

Avneet: Can you give us a minute.... She will be back with you with the questions.... Also .... I would love to have conversation with your other guests as you mentioned I will be sitting with other guests... Can you tell me who is or who are the other guests....?

Jimmy: Oh.... Sure... I guess they are running late cz of the fans and paparazzis.!! Soon it will be the same for you too... Anyways... you might know them... You know.... The Knights.! (Avneet's eyes shot up upon their mention.....)

Avneet: The.... Knights.?!! (She asked to make sure she heard correct)

Jimmy: Yup.! They will be my second guest and that's all.... All fun and banter and games with you all.... Let's hope for a great show.... Just send me the list and I will see if they are here or not...

(Saying this he left leaving a speechless Avneet behind...)

Krupali: That is not my main concern as I know you will maintain your poker face..... Look at the questions...... I have taken care of most of them but........ (she took the list from her hand and started to go through the list .... She was not surprised as infact they will show it as the reunion of the whole group after 4 years... and looking at the questions it seemed as if they have actually forgotten the reason behind her leaving the group... Or they are completely unaware of it.! She saw which questions were left and which other questions she added and Avneet thought it would be better she let these questions be asked and answer them so they know what they caused her to go through...... She gave a slight nod and asked Krupali to go ahead and hand over the list.!

Krupali left and came back with a bit nervous face....)

Avneet: What.????

Krupali: We have to wait in the waiting area....

Avneet: Cool... Let's go then...

Krupali: The boys are already there......

Avneet: It's...... Its ok..... I will be fine.... C'mon AK..... You can do it.......( she said as if self motivating )

(She soon left after final touch up and reached the waiting area where boys were sitting and waiting for the show to start and their name being called but soon all stood up as soon as they saw Avneet coming in along with Krupali......

Bhavesh was the first one to speak....)

Bhavesh: Hey..... I am.... I mean.... We are so happy to see you again.... How are you Av..(cut off by Avneet)

Avneet: AK..... It's AK Bhavesh..... Good to see you too.... (She was back with her cold aura)

(MK gathered up his confidence and spoke..)

MK: Long time Nee..... I mean AK.....(he said hesitantly)

Avneet: Indeed...

(Siddharth was about to say something when a rather cheerful voice was heard calling someone from the doorway of waiting room....)

: Hey BUNNNN.......

(All the attention was now on that person who now was next to Avneet and took her in a bear hug.... Resulting into SN rolling his fists in anger/"jealousy")

SN: Who the hell is he.?(he whisper yelled)

Bhavesh: What is he doing here and like this.???(he was whispering as well )

SN: Who. Is. He.?

Bhavesh: Her Ex...!

(All members looked at Bhavesh with same... shocked expression...!)

(He had a small lavender bouquet for Avneet...... He plucked couple of flowers from it... made a small hairpiece out of it.... Took a Bobby pin from Krupali and put it in Avneet's hair.......)

Avneet: And what's that for.?

Darsheel: My good luck charm...... I know you are nervous.! But you will do great.! I know my Bun.!!! Go kill it girl.! I will be here cheering for you.... (Saying this he again gave her a side hug to which SN just rolled his eyes and turned his face away as he has had enough.... Avneet was completely unaware of this)

(Soon Avneet was introduced by Jimmy and called upon the stage.... After a small chat.... Boys were introduced by Jimmy and called upon the stage and now all of them were sharing the same stage...... The audience were cheering for them as they saw the whole group together again...

The conversation started and they all were very professional while answering the questions.... Now The questions were getting a bit personal and past related.... Everyone got extra conscious... Jimmy looked at Avneet to which she just smiled and gave a small nod hinting him that she is ok...)

Jimmy: So you all go way back..... Like 4 years back.... Am I right.???

MK: That is correct.! We met 4 years ago in one of our concerts.....(he said as if reminiscing good old days)

Jimmy: I heard AK you were unaware of them being "The Knights" is it true.?? *laughs*

Avneet: It is actually.... I was really alien to them and their music.... My best friend was actually a huge fan of them.! And she dragged me to attend that concert as we had tickets..

Jimmy: Then you were hired as their Assistant manager.... How was that experience?

Avneet: It was worth it... Helped me grow....

Jimmy: Did you guys stayed professionals or were you guys friends after working together for sometime....

Abhishek: We were quite impressed by her skills and her learning speed.! She really got a hold of our schedules, our diet, our allergies... Every single details which an assistant manager was supposed to know she got it covered.! And we be...(cut off by Avneet...)

Avneet: I agree.... I learned a lot.... Managing my time was main thing.... That was when I started to figure out different ways of doing so.... I learned many important life lessons while working with them and I will be forever grateful for giving be such life lessons.... (She said directly looking at them in eyes to which boys just tried to avoid her gaze as they knew exactly what she was hinting towards)

Jimmy: There was a rumor about a hashtag..... #SidNeet.....

Avneet: *chuckles* It was a rumor.! You yourself said right.... There was a "Rumor"..!! They are famous celebrities.... They will be linked up to anyone and everyone they meet.... Plus... I knew my position there... (as soon as she said that... the boys got a hint of what is coming up next but nothing had them prepared of what she said later...)

Avneet continued...

I was Assistant Manager .... That was my only job and my position for The Knights... nothing more nothing less....

And now....

I would appreciate if I am known as AK the writer than "THE EX-EMPLOYEE" of The Knights.!

(As soon as she referred herself as just their "Ex Employee" the boys were shocked.... They tried their best to not show on their faces but couldn't hide the hurt they felt after her cruel words..... They knew they deserved that but it hurts...

Jimmy sensed it and called it for taking a short break... The refreshments were brought on the set and Jimmy walked over to boys to ask if they were okay to which Boys convinced him that they were fine.... Both Bhavesh and Krupali came and went to their respective group.... Bhavesh went to check on boys as he knew they were hurt... But couldn't help them as he also knew what Avneet went through these past years.... They were having cookies when Avneet smelled a very familiar smell... It was very familiar smell but a bit different as well.... So she asked....)

Avneet: Did anyone brought hot chocolate on set??

Jimmy: I just came to know one of our staff member is huge fan of your books and came to know that you love hot chocolate so he got the same for all....

Avneet: That is so sweet but the smell is a bit different.... Is it only hot chocolate or has any other flavor mixed.?

(Jimmy got confused so he just asked to call that staff member.... (While all this was happening there was one person who's all senses were directed only towards them... He wanted to know why Avneet's  cold face suddenly changed into worried one.... Soon the staff member arrived and agreed on getting hot chocolate for everyone when Avneet asked whether it's just hot chocolate or it's with some other flavor as well....))

Staff: Oh yes ma'am.! As you Love peanut butter... I specifically went to the famous cafe who makes peanut butter flavored hot chocolate and got it for all of you..... (he said excitedly..... but here Avneet's doubt got confirmation and she was now looking for an excuse so that those hot chocolates could be avoided from going to the boys especially to.............)

Avneet: Umm..... I really appreciate your efforts..... umm.... But.... I gave up on hot chocolate for a while now! I am sorry.!
(The staff member was clearly visibly sad....)

Staff: I.... I am so... sorry... I and my colleagues who also are your fans we thought to..... I am sorry.....

Avneet: No no.... I am really very much touched by your gesture.... How about I sign all those cups later before leaving and you all can have the drink as well as the cups signed by me as a thank you gift.!!!

(The face of the staff lit up immediately when she said that..... where as SN just laid back in his seat with a winning smile as he now could see why she did that and he still has chance and ray of hope is still left for him...... he knew exactly what he could say next to get her attention when the show recording resumes....)

(The shoot resumes... the rest of the group was showing their acting skills and was acting cheerful where as in reality they were under guilt by the way AK was treating them... But there was one person whose toxic traits were about to show their real magic.....)

Jimmy: So as now the world knows the face of The Cold Hearted Writer AK.... You wanna share about your upcoming project.?

Avneet: *chuckles* Well as my book is now released... I will be taking a small break as my sister is getting married.! *audience cheers*
And then will soon get busy with the movie that is based on my book.... As I will be their main writer... I have to update some of the scenes to fit in for a movie perspective.!

Jimmy: May I ask why you got that famous name.? "Cold Hearted Writer"??

Avneet: May be cz of my cold nature.! Also cz during my early days... When people used to watch my plays... they loved it but just had one complaint.. "Why no happy ending?"
They requested often to make a play with happy ending but as per me who believe in reality.. There is no happy ending.! So... that's why I got this name.! *chuckles*
(Boys were shocked to hear what Avneet has become and how her way of thinking has changed after that unfortunate day...)

(Jimmy cheered for her upcoming endeavors and then asked SN...

Jimmy: Well now if I may ask the most requested question.... SN.... Is it true that you are getting married soon...??? Is it really just a rumor or do we hear the wedding bells for you.?

(As soon as Avneet heard that her head shot up in shock and couldn't help but look at SN to confirm what she heard was correct.? This was the first time she actually saw him in his eyes...SN saw what this question had affect on her and this just encouraged his toxic traits to act up and he just gave his famous flirty smirky smile  with the wink looking into the camera and said....)

SN: Oooo Jimmy..! Now now.... Do you think I will spill something like this personal over here.......???? But don't worry You will get the invite.!! (He said with the wink...)*loud cheers by audience *

(Him not declining the rumor just created an unwanted churning of emotions in Avneet's heart..! She was feeling a strange feeling..... We all know what she was feeling.... But she was so adamant that she was not ready to accept the Real name of the feeling.....)

(Soon Jimmy asked another question to Avneet)

Jimmy: Seems like you are getting back with your old "Just best friend" Is it true or just a rumor.??? (It was now SN's turn to get shocked and the way Jimmy had teasing tone in it... it had many unsaid meaning behind it and now SN was waiting for Avneet's reply.........)

There you go...

This chapter got a bit lengthy than I expected.!

Hope you guys didn't felt bored.!

Any who....

What do you think of this chapter??

What's gonna happen next.?
Why is Darsheel back in Avneet's life.?
What was the "important talk"?
Whom did SN meet.?

How come Beera is connected with all this.?

Anyways will leave you all to go ahead with your great imagination power as I know some of you all have amazing talent.!

Till next time...
Aadios Amigos

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