Devil's Pup

By esthersteel_

47.4K 1.7K 115

June Hunter, a powerful business woman with a tongue of liquid heat. She's determined to be the best and she... More



4.3K 83 18
By esthersteel_

His tongue curls around mine, our bodies pressed tightly against one another. I nibble, his growl resonating deep within his chest. I drag my hand down his chest, begging no pleading for him to take me. However he waits, his hand pressing mine back.

He pulls away, his voice raspy, "We can't June."

I spit, my saliva coating his nose. Mark steps back to wipe it off. My heart drops within my chest. If he wasn't so fucking hot I'd beg. But I'm better than that. I'm a somebody.

"Oh fuck off. You and your weird shit." My retort falls on deaf ears. I take my leave walking back towards my office. Mark keeps on my tail trying to defend himself.

"June," He calls out. I can almost sense his hand outstretch begging that I turn around and give him the grace he so demands, "June-bear! Come on. You know I can't."

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. I mumble to myself taking a sharp right. My desk sits comfortably in the middle, phone blinking with missed calls, "I can't believe I left my office for some half assed make out. God, Mark. Do you ever think I just want a quick fuck. Doesn't matter from who."

The male settles himself at the doorway, a silence breaking over him, "Doesn't matter from who huh?"

"If you keep denying me, then yes, I'll find someone who will." I click on the first call to return, "And remember, I'm not just anyone."

"There are things you don't understand. Things I have to wait for." He mumbles.

"Oh? Is it your viagra to come in the mail?" I press the phone against my ear waving him off. The caller on the other end answers quickly, "Hi June Hunter here. Marketing Director for Cosmo Technologies, how can I help you?"

Mark walks up to the phone slamming his hand down the receiver effectively ending the call, "You mother fucker-" I start but he holds up his hand.

"You're a fucking bitch you know that? Someone has genuine feelings for you and just wants to wait things out. That makes you pissed? You can just throw this away?"

I roll my eyes writing down the number he slammed end on, "You are acting like a damn teenager. Why not go back to your desk in IT and forget anything about this."

"I can't believe I thought you had any sort of heart." He mumbles turning himself to walk out of the office. I wait until my clear glass door closes clicking the numbers for the CEO.

"Jeff here, how can I help June-bug?" That damn nickname.

"Hey Jeff. Glad to catch you at a good time, need a check in with a Mark in IT. He seemed to cause a sort of stir on our level today."

"I'll have it taken care of before end of day." He shifts in his seat, the phone moving from speaker to personal in moments, "Coming to see me later?"

I force a giggle. While Jeff is a god of a man, he's much better when he keeps his mouth shut, "You know it babe. Let's say six."

"I'll have your favorite Thai food ready." He ends the call, I set my phone down as well. Instead of calling anyone back I work my way through emails. My relationship with the boss is strictly fun, and I made it clear that I want to keep it between us so none of the hags around here think I slept my way to the top.

That isn't the case in the least, I graduated high school early, college as well. My internship was a luck of the draw kind of moment for me. Her connections put me as the assistant for the previous marketing director when I needed a job. We grew close, her teaching style laying into me so perfectly that when she retired at the ripe age of forty-five I was the perfect candidate as her replacement.

Now twenty-five and I hold a top position one of the leading companies in the country, the late nights with the boss coming much later. The emails drag, a few meetings to force myself through popping up throughout the day. My new assistant sticks her head through the doorway, a smile gracing her face, "Hey Hunter, got a man wanting to speak with you."

"Is he on the schedule? I believe I booked this time for me, myself and I." I mumble checking over the calendar. Nothing shows for the visitor, her smile growing. She's going to beg for a favor.

"Look, his credentials are good. He's with our competitors, Darius Night is the name." She slides her whole body into the room, eyes going wild, "He said if I get him in this office with the June Hunter, he'd buy me a drink."

"You owe me coffee, and have to work over time tomorrow to make up for the early shift I'm letting you take today." My voice is monotone. I know that three years ago when I was in her shoes, I begged my old boss for the same pleasures. Why deny something so small, "Well hurry. I don't have much time before my next meeting."

"I fucking love you!" She scurries out of the office, hair flying everywhere. I get my desk ready for the meeting slipping away anything that needs to be just for my eyes. Darius Night where had I heard such a thing?

I stand from my desk, stretching as the clicking of the assistants heels ring down the hall. A beautiful seven foot man walks quickly behind her, tattoos running up the sides of his neck. My hand almost had to be the support for my jaw, his stunning black hair with emerald green eyes greeting me as soon as they crossed into the room. Hair peaks from the edges of his suit, large hands that are well trained reach out for a hand shake, however I'm star struck just looking at him. Our hands meet, a lighting zipping up my arm. I watch his eyes go dark, nostrils flaring.

"I'm Darius Night, It is an absolute pleasure to meet you Ms. Hunter." His voice is deep, smooth. Something that I could submit to at any point in time. Rachel smiles behind him with a thumbs up before shooing herself away.

"Uh. Um. The pleasure is mine as well. Please, sit. Let's discuss." My words are jumbled, nothing near how I would normally present myself. He takes my breath away just by standing near me. He's buying Rachel the drink later, not you.

We both take our seats, Darius leaning forward. I study his beautiful olive skin. If I could describe a scent without sounding crazy I would connect him to the smell of forest trees, such a wonderful fresh smell of pine, "Thank you for a meeting on such short notice. It took more than I expected to convince the blonde in front to let me speak with you."

"I'm a busy woman, can't have surprise visitors to skip line." I mumble clicking the back of my pen. I slide open a fresh document on my computer to take 'notes', but it's mostly to play the distraction from staring at him.

He leans in, he seems comfortable near me. No threatened stance or nerves coming from him. I watch his nostril lightly shift once more taking me in, eyes running over my body while we sit, "And yet I'm here."

"And yet you're here. Better not waste it." I roll my hand at him to continue with the meeting. The heat that's slowly building between us is tangible. I can taste the want on my tongue. My body craves him, every nerve ending trying to shoot me forward into his sexy arms.

"The famous June Hunter. A terror on the field. Makes any company go bankrupt. Seems to always know things that others don't." He rattles off my credentials ticking them off his fingers one by one, "And yet you're not running your own business."

"I like my position, pays the bills, good benefits." Defend yourself. Why? Good question.

"Do you know who I am?" Cocky, confident, addicting.

"I'd have to say I don't. Some intern from another company coming to kiss my toes for a job?" Hit the ego, lower him. Make him nervous anything to make him less attractive.

"Funny. Wicked tongue you have for a such a beautiful woman." He smirks, "I'm Mr. Night, owner and sole stock holder of Night Developments."

If I had water I'd be spitting it across the room night now. Playboy billionaire Darius Night sitting across from me sends me into a minor frenzy. He keeps from the media, but his company is well known for its success in business development and management.

"Any why would such an idol be sitting across from me?"

"A job offer. One that would come with many perks." He adjusts in his seat, "And maybe even more."


"Won't you have to wait to find out." I shift uncomfortably in my seat. My core is soaked just by looking at this man. No wonder he stays out of the media, women would be hunting him down just for a moment of his time. His eyes take a darker tone, the male shaking his head backing away, "The offer is double whatever you're paid here. Fully covered benefits, and a bonus of half a million dollars to start within the week. You'll have access to company vehicles, free living arrangements, and company technology at your desire. The only thing that's require is working in the sharing an office. I would appoint you Chief Operations Officer."

Holy fuck half a million dollars, "Do you at provide meals for your employees?"

"For you, I'll cover all food costs." He gives me a smile, his canines coming over the bottom lip. Bend me over please!

"And who would I be sharing an office with?"

"That would be me, love." I cream my panties.


Welcome! The Newest Werewolf Novel. This one's been completed :) So it's weekly updates! Joining in on the Thursday Crowd!!! 

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