survivor || p. mellark

By ana-alexis0

121K 3.6K 692

hunger games X hp watching the movies Nova Clematis Lupin Black Or Clematis Nova-Black Everdeen The middle... More

Hunger Games
Hunger Games
Hunger Games
Hunger Games
Hungar Games
Hunger Games
Hunger Games
Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Catching Fire
Name Meaning:

Hunger Games

6.7K 247 49
By ana-alexis0

                People in the hall were worried for the middle Everdeen sister, even though they could see her in the room with them, that didn't diminish that worried feeling after seeing the teen collapse.


Clematis waking up on the ground she looks to see her arms covered in a type of leaf and touches her neck feeling a leaf there too.

Most let out a sigh of relief while the other half question how, why, and what those leaves were doing on her body.

"Why do you have leaves on you?" Someone in the room asked.

Beetie answered the student by saying "Those leaves had a type of antitoxin which would essentially heal her a small amount."

Looking around she noticed her weapons next to her.

She picks them up and started counting how many arrows she had before she stopped when she heard rustling from the trees.

Again most of those that don't know what happened during the games are on the edge of their seats with worry.

Looking to a big tree a few feet from her, she gets up with her weapons in hand and slowly walks towards it.

CLEM: Rue?

The young girl slowly peaks out from behind the tree.

Those that were worried immediately let go of some of the tension that was in their shoulders once they knew it was the younger girl, Rue.

CLEM: It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you.


The two girls from District 11 and 12 sitting on one of the logs, that was near their camp, as they ate frog legs.

"What we're you eating?" A Slytherin asked the girl.

"Frog legs."

                  Some groan out in disgust while the teacher gave them incredulous looks.

                 'Did their student not know that they served that at school as well?'

Clematis noticing that the younger girl had finished hers so quickly, she holds out her frog leg to her.

CLEM: You want mine too?

RUE: No, that's okay.

Clematis let's put a soft laugh and puts the food in Rues hand.

                   Those that were close with Clematis along with her biological family all watch the screen with the smallest of smiles on their faces hearing her laugh.

CLEM: Here.

Rue smiled at the older girl that she had saved.

RUE: Thanks.

The younger girl started to eat the leg with a smile.

CLEM: How long was I asleep?

RUE: A couple of days. I change your leaves twice.

CLEM: Thank you.

Rue smiled.

CLEM: So what happened? When I was out?

RUE: The girl from 1 and the boy from 10.

CLEM: And the uh- And the boy from my district?

RUE: No, he's okay. I think he's down by the river.

Clem, although not showing it, she was glad that the boy she would burn the world for was okay.

Rue smirking.

                 The adults and children that had come to like the younger District 11 girl all grin knowing why she was smirking at the Everdeens question.

RUE: Is all about true?

CLEM: What?

RUE: You and him.

Clem let's out a laugh making the younger smile brighter.

               Some awe or cooed at the two on screen.

All the middle Everdeen did was whisper into the younger girls ear saying:

CLEM: Yes. And you are one of the only 3 people I've told.

               "Three people?"


               "Was she ashamed!?"


                "She didn't tell anyone, but everyone in the District knew." Katniss said not liking the fact that they were bombarding her twin with accusations and questioned her about her relationship.

                "I don't owe you any answers." Clematis said in a tone that meant she wasn't going to discuss it any further.

                Peeta nodded his head in agreement. It was their choice not to tell very many people. The only people that knew from his family was his father and one of his brothers.

Rues eyes immediately lit up and her smile widened, even bigger than it had been before.

Clem not wanting to ruin the younger girls smile so quick she stands up and reaches her hand out for the District 11 girl to take.

Rue taking the older girls hand and they took a short walk.


Clematis remembering exactly where their camp was and where they are.

                "That is such a beautiful spot, Ms. Clem." Luna said to female victor of District 12.

                  Said woman turned to the younger girl that wore blue and smiled softly and said "Yeah, it really was. And you can call me Clem."

"I'm Luna."

             Clematis seeing Lunas innocent aura reminding her of both her sisters more so Prim and Katniss before everything happened thus making the Everdeen smile softly before whispering to her love, "Can we keep her?"

CLEM: Just stand right there, okay?

RUE: Why?

Clem looking at something flying towards the two, that the younger girl hasn't noticed just yet.

CLEM: You'll see.

A beautiful blue butterfly landing on Rues hand that Clem had told her to extend.

Some people watched in awe of what was happening. They remembered some time ago when Clem had been alone when that had happened.

The few butterflies that came surround the two, not in a deadly way, but in a more peaceful way.

Rue looking at them in awe and looks to the older girl that had butterflies on her arms and head.

Clematis looking at the younger girl with a smile knowing that she was in that moment as happy as she could be in the arena.

Clem watching with watery eyes and Peeta noticing her change of emotions he kissed the side of her head, which very few noticed.

The older District 12 girl watching the younger girl as another butterfly lands in Rues nose making the young girl giggle.

A few students in the room all giggles too while the adults had a small sentimental smile on their face, all temporarily forgetting the horror that these children were put through while hearing Rue giggle.

Clematis smiling sadly hearing the dead District 11 girls giggle. She knew it was her fault, she should've been faster, she should've been more observant.

As if Peeta had sensed her thoughts he squeezed her hand making her look at him. "It wasn't your fault, Nova."


The two girls now back at their little camp.

CLEM: So where are Cato and the others?

RUE: They got all their supplies down by the lake.


RUE (OS): It's prod up in this great big pyramid.

Shows the careers supplies all piled up in to a tall pyramid.

A very small amount of people looking at the pile of supplies with suspicion.


CLEM: That sounds tempting.

Rue smiling at Clem.


Rue cuddled up to Clematis as she slept peacefully.

The older girl not being able to drift off into a sleep just looks up into the fake sky.

She turns and sees Rue sleeping softly making her smile gently at the younger girl.

Plenty of people smiled softly at the scene that had just played for them. All knowing that Rue was like a sister to Clem and vise versa.


Clem carrying a branch with many leaves on it.

CLEM: Now this green stuff is gonna smoke like crazy, so
as soon as you light it. Move on to the next fire.

Putting it onto the trap.

CLEM: Light this one last.
And I'll meet you back over there.

RUE: Right.

CLEM: I'll destroy their stuff while they're chasing us.

RUE: We need a signal, in case one of us gets held up.

CLEM: Okay. Like what?

The young girl thinking for a moment before looking at Clematis' pin on her jacket.

RUE: Here. Watch this.

Rue sings a small note.

And birds start to repeat it back.

CLEM: Mockingjays. That's great.

RUE: Back home we use them signal all the time.

RUE: You try.

Clem whistles a tune making the mockingjays all repeat it back.

RUE: Okay so, if we hear that means we're okay and we'll be back real soon.

CLEM: We're gonna be okay.

Rue nods her head although she had her doubts but didn't voice them.

"That was actually a decent plan." The District 7 girl said to Clem.

Finnick agreeing with his friend by nodding his head. "It was, Clematis. Things just don't always go accordingly."

As the District 4 male Victor finished his sentence it made many people across the whole room start to doubt the plan that the two girls had come up with and immediately start to worry for them both.

The older girl opened her arms knowing that the younger girl needed a hug.

Rue not hesitating hugs the older girl tightly.

CLEM: Hey. I'll see you for supper.

Rue backed up a small bit.

RUE: Okay.

Clem giving the girl another hug and a comforting smile before turning and going on with their plan.


The Careers all huddled together by their pyramid of goods.

Clematis looking around, she notices that by all the pedestals that each of the tributes came up from all have holes near each one.

Very few knew what the Career Pack had done to the pyramid and all gasped.

Remembering what Haymitch had told her about how if anyone got off before the countdown reached 0, they would be blown up.

Clem muttering under her breath.

CLEM: Explosives.

"Muggle bombs?"

"Yeah, essentially. These ones are censored, so if something falls or someone steps on it, it would explode."

Those that didn't know of that all let out gasps of horror.

MARVEL: Guys, guys look!

He gets up and makes the rest get up and points.

MARVEL: Come here. Come on, come on look!

He showed them the smoke.

MARVEL: Let's go.

CATO: You stay guard over, till we get back.

The District 2 boy said to the boy they had made apart of their group only for his intel on explosives.

Clematis watching at the group of careers run, following after the distraction.

Ron muttering in excitement to Hermione "The plans working!"

The District 12 girl walking up closer to Careers camp to get a better look of what she was dealing with.

Clematis taking notice for the dirt patches around the pyramid as if someone had placed something their or had dug something up.

She turns to the pedestals and back to the pyramid.


CAESAR: I wanna see if she's gonna figure out this booby trap.

ANNOUNCER: Yes. It seems they reburied their mines-


ANNOUNCER (OS): around that big pile of goodies.

Clematis whispering under her breath.

CLEM: They rigged the supplies.

CAESAR (OS): Beauty, Brawns and Brains. She figured that out quick. Only what is she going to do, now?


"What are you going to do?"

People in the room all wondering what exactly she could have up her sleeve.

What would she do?

Clem moves up closer to step out of the tree line that protected her from being seen but immediately stopped when she noticed red hair.


"What District was she from again?"

"5, She was from District 5."

The District 12 girl steps back into the tree line to stay hidden a bit longer and watches as Foxface jumps around closer to the pyramid of food the Career Pack had rigged.

"She has incredible balance." Harry said and continued "I wouldn't be able to do that."

"We know, Harry. You can't walk without tripping. That and you have the Potter luck." Perseus said with a laugh.

"He's right, mate." Ron said to his best friend.

"Pads, it's not that bad right?" James asked his brother in everything but blood.

Sirius just whistling a tune and looking around not wanting to answer his question.

Moony shaking his head and answering Prongs for his husband. "I've never met someone with the best worse luck beside you and Harry."

Both Potter males smiled at Remus and said "Thank you."

Some people in the room laugh or let out a snort while the rest all watching in amusement.

Lily rolling her eyes and lifted her fingers and counted down from three.



CAESAR (OS): She certainly figure it out, haven't she?

Taking what she needed the red headed girl sprints back into the safety of the tree line.

The boy that Cato had made stay behind heard her run so he got up and started to look around before walking further out to see what happened.

"I know that we want him to leave so the plan can carry out, but that poor kid." Someone muttered.

Clem watching as he walked away giving her a chance to step out of the tree line.

She loads her bow with an arrow after spotting a bag of apples.

The middle Everdeen raises her bow and draws it back and takes a deep breath before releasing the arrow.

Cuts the bag.

"Oh, she's going to make it blow up." Ron said.

"Jeez, Ronald. Have you not been listening?" Ginny asked exasperated.

Noticing that it needed to be cut a bit more she steps further out of the tree line that had shielded her from being spotted easily.

She loads her bow once more drawing it back.

Taking a deeper breath.

Some on the edge of their seats and crossing their fingers hoping that she doesn't have to use another arrow.

She released the arrow.

The apples falling out of the bag.

Some people clap and cheer knowing that Clem had just succeeded in cutting open the bag of apples.

While others worried about what they were told earlier, regarding the explosion of something fell on the censored mine.

The apples touching the ground and immediately the bombs that were once used for the pedestals were going off.

"Oh my God."

"Holy Fucking Slytherin!"


"Merlin's left saggy ball sack."

As they were exploding the District 12 girl was thrown back due to how close and how strong the explosives were.

People started throwing questions and yelling over each other at her or just in general wanting answers.

"Are you okay?"

"Were you okay!?"


"Was it really that strong?"

Clematis landing on the ground.

People groan in pain feeling a bit bad for her knowing that it must have hurt.

The pyramid with that used to be the Career Packs best chance now destroyed.

An eerie ringing noise being heard.

People started to grimace hearing that ringing noise.

Clematis slowly coming back to it.

She seeing the male tribute had ran back to only see everything now destroyed.

"Oh, shit."

Cato along with the rest of the remaining Career Pack now back to their camp, pissed when they saw what they had come back to.

"He's going to be pissed."

Her hearing still not all there only heard the District 2 boys voice distorted and an eerie ringing noise still there.

Not wanting to hear the eerie tuning noise that was being heard throughout the room some people covered their ears with their hands.

CATO: What happened!?!

Cato yelled at the other district boy, the blonde taking the raven haired boys weapon and throws it to the side leaving the kid defensive less.


"Poor kid."

After not getting any answers Cato wrapped his hands behind the boys neck and snapped it as if it were a twig.

Some let out gasps not because they had not expected it, they did. They just didn't think he would do it so easily and so remorseless.

The boy dropping to the ground.

Clematis seeing gets you quickly and runs back into the woods.


Clem running into the woods looking around.

"How are you still going?"

"Adrenaline." Was the simple answer that all the Victors gave unanimously.

She whistles the tune that she had done earlier when she was with Rue.

The birds repeating it back but she didn't hear a response back.

The Everdeen girl walks to the last trap/distraction that Rue had to set on fire.

She immediately noticed that the trap was left untouched meaning that the younger girl hadn't been able to finish.

"Oh, no."

People instantly began to worry for the younger girl that they had become so fond of.

Immediately thinking the worse Clem turns looking around.


Everyone's eyes widen hearing Rue scream for the Everdeen.

Hearing the younger girl cry out for her the older girl started to run towards her voice frantically.


Many in the room began covering their ears not wanting to hear the yells of a child screaming for help.

The Everdeen girl pushing herself worried for the younger girl she had gotten close to in a short amount of time.


Clem sprinting and swatting the branches that were in her way.


Hearing Rues voice getting louder she knows she heading towards the right direction.

RUE: Clem! Help!

Finally reaching the girl she sees Rue trapped under a net.

People covering their mouths seeing the younger girl trapped under the net.

RUE: Clem!

Clem running up to the girl and quickly pulls out the knife and started to cut the rope to get the younger girl out.

RUE: Clem!

The rope bow cut Clem pulled it off of the young girl and pulled her up and into a tight hug.

Some letting out a sigh in relief seeing as Clematis got the girl out of the trap.

But looking at the Everdeen who sat their watching emotionless made them all tense once more.

CLEM: It's okay.

The older girl said rubbing the younger girls back.

Rue pulling back scared making the older girl go stiff and pull out the knife that she had put back into her pocket.


People whispered under their breaths all knowing that the girl had fear on her face.

She looks to the ground noticing that her bow and arrows were on the ground.

The Everdeen girl starting to mentally scream at herself knowing that she shouldn't have just thrown it onto the ground, she should've put it on her back.

Some people winced seeing the weapons on the ground before remembering that she had a knife on her as well.

Marvel throwing his weapon making the older girl roll to avoid being hit by it.

                Those that couldn't watch covered their eyes.

                Clem watching and blaming herself.

The District 1 boy running and tackling the District 12 girl to the ground.



He tries to get the upper hand as he wrapped his hands around her throat.

                  The people that were still watching let out gasps and or covered their mouths.

But he had forgotten about the knife that was in her hands and her arms being free.

Clematis although not wanting to kill, she slits Marvels throat.

             Again people let out gasps.

The District 1 boys blood spluttering all across the District 12 girls face.

Clematis' first kill.

                  Remus and Sirius along with Perseus and Regulus started tearing up having to see her kill.

                They knew it was life or death, but they were crying because she didn't have a choice.

                 Crying because she shouldn't have been in that position in the first place.

                 Mad because they weren't there. They were completely helpless.



                 Clem squeezing her eyes shut having heard those specific cheers.


People cheering for the kill they had just witnessed.

             People all in the room in shock of watching the Capitols people cheering for more.


RUE: Clematis?

Clematis coming back to her senses pushes the dead boy off of her and looks to see the younger girl standing up with the weapon Marvel had thrown lodged into the young girls stomach.

                   People screaming and crying over each other.


                     "Oh no!!"



Rue slowly pulled it out.


Still in shock.

                  People in shock but have teary eyes.

Rue slowly started to fall down, Clem catching her before she hit the floor.

Bring the younger girls head onto her lap.

Clem unzips Rues jacket a bit to see her wound.

                Some in the room either squeeze their lips together to avoid crying or are crying and and wincing seeing the younger girls deadly wound.

The older girl squeezes her eyes shut and pierces her lips to avoid crying and to stay calm for the District 11 girl she had become so fond of.

Clem trying to stop the shaking of her hands.

Rue crying.

CLEM: You're okay.

Clem sniffs.

CLEM: You're alright. You're fine see?

RUE: It's okay.

CLEM: You're okay. You're okay.

Rubbing the girls cheek.

                   People letting tears slide down their faces.

CLEM: You're okay.

RUE: Did you blow up the food?

Clem letting out a dry and sad chuckle.

CLEM: Every bit of it.

                People letting out saddened watery chuckles.

RUE: Good.

Rue taking a deep breath.

RUE: You have to win.

The younger girl told the older girl she had began to view as an older sister with tears slowly rolling down both of their faces.

                  People still crying as they blew into tissues or used their robes as one.

RUE: Can you sing ?

                  Some more people started crying harder remembering when Primrose had asked Clematis and Katniss to sing in the beginning of the movie.

CLEM: Okay.

Clem trying to calm herself for Rue and cleared her voice to sing for her.

CLEM: Deep in the meadow.
Under the willow.
A bed of grass.

Rue looking at Clem with a tired smile making the District 12 female sniffle but give a soft but sad smile back to her.

CLEM: A soft, green pillow.
Lay down your head.
And close your eyes.

Rue letting out her last breath but not before seeing two blue butterflies slowly fly by and one landing on Clematis's shoulder.

                 Some biting their lips to keep from crying while those that had managed to keep from crying before started to cry just as hard as everyone else.

Clem closing Rues eyes.

Leaning forward she kisses her forehead.

Clematis starting to cry.

                 Katniss and those that grew up with Clem started to let tears roll down their faces seeing the girl cry.

She rubs the young girls face and mutters apologies.

CLEM: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

              Clem muttering apologies just like how she was on screen. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."

            Peeta knowing that words aren't going to comfort her just hugs her tightly and kisses her head. 

She zips up the girls jacket and places her head back into the ground.

Clem starts shaking.

Seeing the weapon that killed her and she picks it up and throws it away from them both.


                Mental and Emotionally drained.



              That was all that was going around in the room and flowing through everyone's emotions.

Turning back to Rue she sees a butterfly on her nose.

Clem starts sobbing and lifted her hands to her head and putting her head down into the dead girls chest.


                Some flinched hearing Clematis scream in emotional and mental heartbreak.

              Hearing how raw and in pain her screams were made people start crying once more.


Clem looking at flowers and bends down and started to cut them.

               People wondering what she's doing.


Clem on her knees putting flowers around the girl that she had become so attached to.

The girl that was innocent and pure.

She was too good.

Clematis putting white flowers into her hands.

The Everdeen girl leans forwards with tears rubbing down her face and kisses Rues forehead once more.

                    People still crying and crying harder than before.

Looking up.

Clem stands back up, and walks a small distance away before turning to where she knew a camera was.

Still the District 12 girl with blood on her face, sadness in her eyes and a tear stained face.

Clematis Nova-Black Everdeen kisses her three fingers and lifts them up to the sky still looking at the camera.

                Watching the Everdeen do that made everyone's heartbreak and start sobbing just like when the butterfly came down and landed on Rue after she had died.


Everyone watching as the District 12 girl, Clematis Nova-Black Everdeen kissed three fringes and raised them to the sky.

Everyone raising three fingers back.

              People watching with tear stained faces but a small smile knowing that Clem reached those people.

A man going up to a Peacekeeper and shoved him.

Someone throwing a bin of wheat.

Three people pushing the wheat grain holder down making everything spill onto the ground.

Someone throwing a can at the glass.

Two people pushing a Peacekeeper and holding him down.

People throwing things.

Pushing things over.

A fire started.

One of the stands that held light was pushed down by a group of people.

A riot.

            People watching what was happening in shocked and surprise.

The people were fighting back.

               Snow watching the screen angrily, knowing that he was going to have to put down Ms. Everdeen and everyone that stood with her.

              The Victors, Plutarch, and President Coin all discreetly looked at Clematis knowing that she would lead them.

             Gale watching in shock along with Katniss. They whispered to Peeta and Clem "H-holy shit."

              Gale continues "It's finally happening. They're fighting back."

More Peacekeepers were flown in.

They started stomping towards the people of District 11 and started spraying them water.


Seneca walking down his stairs quickly and watches everything.


Clematis sitting where Rue had taken her to heal after being stung.

The Everdeen girl sobbing hysterically and covered her face with her hands before seeing some blood on her hands.

She spits on them and started trying to rub it off her hands. When she immediately pauses hearing the familiar ringing of the parachute.

"They didn't show this" Johanna said out loud.

Haymitch shaking his head, he knew why they wouldn't show it, but he also didn't see this during the games. He only knew what Clematis told him, which wasn't really much. Just more than the average.

Her eyebrows scrunched together she gets up and rubs her arm on her face to dry it off before walking up to the sponsorship.

Opening it.

Inside was loaves of bread.

With tears in her eyes she looks up t the sky with a sad smile painted on her face and whispers a thank you.

She knew who gave her the bread.

It was District 11.


HAYMITCH: Don't kill her. You'd just create a martyr.

            Although Snow knew that Haymitch was right. He needed Ms. Clematis Everdeen dead.

SENECA: Well it seems we've already got one.

HAYMITCH: I hear these rumors out of District 11. This could get away from you here.

SENECA: What do you want?

HAYMITCH: You have a lot of anger out there. I know you know how to handle a mob, you've done it before. If you can't scare them. Give them something to root for.

SENECA: Such as?

HAYMITCH: Young love.

             The Victors knowing that what the District 12 drunk Victor was right nodded their heads along with him.


PRESIDENT SNOW: So you like an an underdog.

SENECA: Everyone likes an underdog.

How many are dead? 10? 11? 12?

SENECA: Uh. Not personally, no!

Lots of underdogs.


Lucy Grey singing defiantly.


Reaper yelling. Him tearing down the capital banisters.


Sejanus Plinth screaming at people.


Snow freezing not moving.

"Who's that!"


PRESIDENT SNOW: Not too coal too. Raw crops. Minerals. Things we need. There are lots of underdogs. And I think if you could see them. You would not root for the martyr. I like you, be careful.


ANNOUNCER: Attention Tributes. Attention! The regulations acquiring a single victor has been suspended!


                "Guess that explains how they are both here, right now."


              "OW! Ginny!"

              "Just learn how to shut up, Ron!"

Clem still with blood on her face and dried tears looks up surprised by the announcement.

ANNOUNCER: From now on, two victors maybe crowned if both originate from the same district. This will be the only announcement.

Clem picking up her things and muttering under her breath:

CLEM: Peeta.


Clem looking around when she spots something on the ground.

She touches it and noticed it was blood.

             Peeta winces in remembrance of his wound he had gotten from Cato.

Looking around some more she finds more on a tree.

Then some more a bit closer to the creek of the river.

Suddenly something wraps around the District 12 girls ankle making her gasp.


                 "What was that!?"

She looks down and sees a face camouflaged into the clay of the creek.

Clem bends down and takes the moss and stones off of the baker boys chest.

CLEM: Oh my God! Peeta!

               "Holy Shit!"

               "That's crazy!"

               "Who would've thought decorating cakes would save your life." Someone said in total disbelief.

Taking off some more of the stones.

CLEM: Peeta.

She picks him up a bit so he could sit up right.

PEETA: Hi. It's okay.

They hug.


Peeta sitting down letting Clematis look at the bloody wound on his thigh.

CLEM: What was it?

PEETA: A sword. It's bad, huh?

CLEM: It's gonna be fine.

              Prim and Mrs. Everdeen push their lips together knowing that what Clem had said was a lie.

The Everdeen child ringing out a rag that held water onto the Mellark boys wound.

PEETA: Clem-


PEETA: Clematis!


They look at each other.

CLEM: I'm not gonna leave you!

They stay looking into each other's eyes before she turns back to his wound.

CLEM: I'm not gonna do that.

PEETA: Why not?

                     "Say it." Someone whispered.

Clematis looks back up at Peeta and softly said:

CLEM: You know why.


Clem helping Peeta walk as he leaned on her hobbling as they tried to find a place to stay.

The two finding a cave.

                "Not a bad place to camp out."


Clem helping Peeta slowly lay down trying to make sure he didn't strain himself.

CLEM: Nobody's gonna find you in here.

PEETA: They already found me.

Clem looking down at his sword wound that he had gotten from Cato.

CLEM: We'll just get you some medicine.

PEETA: I'm not gonna get many parachutes.

CLEM: We'll figure something out.

She leans closer to him a bit and ran her fingers threw his blonde hair.

PEETA: Like what?

CLEM: Something.

The middle Everdeen girl looking at the Mellark boy softly before kissing his cheek.


Katniss and Gale watching.


A ringing tune heard.

                "It's the fake muggle bomb that brings presents!"

                Hearing that made the Victors laugh and shake their heads at the older redhead man with small smiles on their faces.

The same one she had heard when she had gotten both her burn medicine for her thigh earlier in the game along with something that wasn't shown to the public.


Clematis gets up and goes outside of the cave with her bow loaded just in case.

She looks around to make sure no one was around and walked up to the parachute.

The middle Everdeen girl opens it up and reads the note that said:

- H

Clem looked at the note with a deadpanned look before playfully rolling her eyes, making sure that no cameras saw.

               Haymitch turned to the Everdeen girl and said "I knew you'd do that."


PEETA: Is that medicine?


She said opening up the container.

               "Then what was it?"

CLEM: Soup.

Peeta goes to get it for himself before Clematis stops him.

CLEM: No, I'll do it.

Taking the spoon and lifting it to his mouth.

He slurps it trying not to spill any.

PEETA: Nice taste.

Clem chuckles at his words making him let out one to.

             People letting out laughs at the awkwardness of Peeta on screen in that moment.

CLEM: Well, you fed me once?

PEETA: I think about that all the time. How I tossed you that bread.

CLEM: Peeta.

PEETA: I should have gone to you.
I should've just gone out in the rain and-

CLEM: Shh. Shhh.

Clematis brought her hand up to the Mellarks forehead and felt it hot, way too above the normal.

CLEM: You feel hot.

                 "I mean. He is hot." Ginny said and Hermione snaking her upside her head making the younger girl pout and rub it.

                "I was just telling the truth!" She said with a pout.

PEETA: I remember the first time I saw you. Your hair was in two ponytails instead of one.

Peeta smiled remembering how she used to wear to ponytails instead of one, just as her twin wore two braids instead of one.

PEETA: I remember when you-
You sang in music assembly, the teacher said: Who knows The Valley song? And yours and your sisters hands shot straight up.

                 People imagining a younger version of both girls doing as Peeta Mellark was describing on screen.

CLEM: Peeta, stop.

PEETA: After that, I watched you going home everyday.

He pauses.

PEETA: Everyday.

                    "That's so cute."

                    "Um- that seems nice?"

                     "So sweet."

                     "Or stocker-ish."

                     "Or obsessive."

                    "It's CUTE! Like puppy love."

Clem taking a deep breath and looks at her lover sadly knowing that she was never really good with words.

PEETA: Well, say something.

CLEM: I'm not good at saying something. You know that.

Peeta looking at her with a sad smile and opened his arms for her to lay with him.

               "I love how he doesn't pressure her or push her."

                "How he just understands her."

               "I need someone like that. Anyone know where to find someone like that?"

               "Hey, yeah! Remember me? Yeah, your boyfriend. Yeah, I'm right here." Jake said pouting as Jen playfully rolled her eyes before kissing his cheek.

PEETA: Then come here. Please.

The District 12 girl lays down with her head in Peetas chest listening to his heartbeat.

PEETA: Even if I don't make it-


ANNOUNCER: Attention Tributes. Attention!

Clem slowly sitting back up.

ANNOUNCER: Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cornucopia.

The two District 12 tributes look at each other.

ANNOUNCER: This will be no ordinary occasion, each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts.

                  "A trap." Someone said out loud getting many voicing agreeing with them.

CLEM: Your medicine.

She said starting to pick up her things.

PEETA: You're not going alone.

CLEM: Yeah, you need it and you can't walk.

                  "She has a point. You'd only slow her down." Johanna said.

PEETA: Clematis, you're not gonna risk your life for me. I'm not gonna let you.

The Mellark boy said grabbing her arm.

CLEM: You would do it for me,
wouldn't you?

He stays quiet, both knowing the answer to her question.

Yes, yes he would do it for her.

He would do it without a single thought.

PEETA: Why are you doing this?

Clematis not having the words she drops the things that were in her hands onto the ground and puts her hand on Peetas jaw and leans forward to kiss him.

Peeta shocked but kisses the Everdeen girl back after a second.

           Clem not liking this covers her face by hiding in Peetas chest.


Katniss and Gale watching the screen.

Both of them confused as what was happening. The two knowing that Clem wasn't one for PDA and that she didn't really like their relationship being so put in the public.

One would say that the middle Everdeen child had been paranoid that others would use them against the other to get what they wanted.

If only they knew just how right she really was.


The twos kiss slowly ending before she leans her forehead against his.

PEETA: Now there's no way, I'm letting you go.

Clem leans back and looks at his face.

CLEM: Peeta.

PEETA: Please.

He looks into her grey eyes.

PEETA: Stay.

CLEM: Okay.

The girl sighs, and she lays back down with her head on his chest.

CLEM: I'll stay.

              Johanna snorts.


Peeta fast asleep and shivering.

Clematis watching to make sure that he was completely asleep.

The Everdeen girl gets up fast and picks up her things and leaves but not before pressing two pingers to her lips kissing them and putting it to Peetas forehead.


Clematis hidden in the tree lines and sees four packs that held each District Tributes needs.

District 2.

Cato and Clove.

District 5.


District 11.


District 12.

Clematis and Peeta.

Clem looking around and gets up and started to get out of the tree line to go and grab her and Peetas pack.

Everyone that hadn't watched before were watching on the edge of their seats hoping that this time things would go as planned and she wouldn't get hurt.

The Everdeen stopped quickly as she had noticed something move in her peripheral vision.


Out ran Foxface from inside the Cornucopia.

She quickly ran off with her bag and sprinted back into t he woods.


Clem not wanting to wait to see if anyone else was near by she runs to the Cornucopia and takes the District 12 bag.

As she's turning the corner of the Cornucopia to go back into the woods she noticed Clove, the District 2 girl lifting her arm.



"You have shitty luck."

Clem immediately bends backwards and pushes herself up.


"I'd die just right there. Or just flat out fall on my back and get the air knocked out of me."

Her forehead now with a cut from where the District 2 girls life had just missed its intended target.

People in shock knowing and remembering Clove never missing her target. They also feeling relief when Clem did have quick reflexes but also winces when they had seen her new cut.

Clem drawing her bow and arrow and shoots it.

Clove invading the arrow.


Again people were shocked as Clematis missed knowing that it wasn't a normal thing, she had only missed once or if it was her intention.

Again she shoots another one this one landing in the District 2 girls left shoulder, not that it had stopped her.



"Her adrenaline and pain tolerance must have been really high to continue on like nothing not even a wince."

"That and she didn't hit her dominant arm."

Clove tackling Clematis to the ground.

"What's up with people tackling you?"

The two rolling around for Clove to be on top but Clem immediately kicks the Career off of her and she lands on her back.

People watching everything holding their breaths and trying not to blink worried for the Everdeen.

The two girls getting up to their feet as quick as they could.

Again Clove tackled the District 12 girl onto the ground.

Clove straddling Clematis as she pulled out her knife and lifted it above Clems head and goes to stab her only for her target to move.

Some people in the room closing and covering their eyes as other yelp out scared for her.

Clematis reaching into her pocket to get a hold of her knife.

The same knife that Clove had thrown at her at the start of the games.

Getting the knife into her hand while her other arm was keeping Clove from shoving her knife into her face.

People closing their eyes seeing that Clematis was at a disadvantage.

Peeta watching worried even though he knows she's okay and that her wounds have healed.

He never knew just how she got them, the Mellark heard the just but Clem never gave him detail.

Clematis gets her knife and tries to stab Clove in her stomach only for the District 2 girl to notice and move Clems direction of her hand.


People wincing.

The knife now lodged into the District 2 female tributes thigh.

CLOVE: You bitch!

Clove doesn't take it out knowing that it would make her bleed out, she pushed through her pain and moved her legs on top of Clems arms so she wouldn't be able to move them.

Clove on Clems arms with a knife held to the girls throat as she began to taunt the District 12 tribute.

A few more people closing their eyes seeing Clem disarmed.


CLOVE: Where's lover boy? Oh I see. You're gonna help him. Well, that's sweet.

Clematis not wanting to show her fear says:

CLEM: Where's Glitter? Where's Marcel? Oh, that's right.

"Don't antagonize someone when your defenseless and they have you pinned!"

"She not showing her fear."

Slightly picking her up a bit and slamming Clem back into the ground.

CLOVE: Well, it's too bad that you couldn't help your little friend.

With a sickening smile on her face as she continues.

CLOVE: That little girl, what was her name again?

Clematis trying to break out from under the District 2 girl when she heard her talking about the younger girl she had once thought of as a sister.


Pushing the knife deeper by her throat, not enough to kill her but enough for a small bit of blood to be drawn.

People wincing watching the bit of blood go down Clematis neck.

CLOVE: Yeah. Well, we killed her.

Clove had said with a manic smile.

CLOVE: And now

Flipping out another knife, this one smaller, which would allow Clove more control of what and where exactly to cut.

CLOVE: We're gonna kill you.

Putting it by Clematis's lips and lifts it up to kill her.


"Not the time. Not the time. Not the time." Ginny said muttering to herself.

"Time for what?" Hermione asked.

"Don't. Just- don't."

The District 2 girls arm being caught.

She gasps.

Some of the people in the room all gasp watching the girls arm get caught too.

Thresh, Rues District partner from 11, picked Clove up by her throat and slammed her onto the side rod the Cornucopia.

THRESH: You kill her?


THRESH: I heard you!

CLOVE: Cato!

THRESH: You said her name!
You said her name!

A few people crying and letting tears flow down their cheeks again after hearing the pain in the District 11 males voice.


THRESH: You said her name!

The District 11 boy wanting to avenge his District partner.

Thresh pulls her back and slams the District 2 girl onto the side of the Cornucopia.






District 2 female tribute, Clove, laying on the ground her eyes wide open.


Most of the people in the room watching in shock not having expecting her death that quick.

Clematis on the ground slowly backing away.

Students and teacher alike all holding their breaths.

Thresh pointing to her.

THRESH: Just this time twelve,

Looking at her and nodding his head.

Those that held their breaths all let it go hearing his words, thank for him.

THRESH: For Rue!

With that he runs into his side of the woods where he was staying.


Words: 7,399


How no one told me my update wasn't up I don't know-

Anyways here's the update that should've been out on the 19 of January.

Have a good night!

^hair up top^

⬇️ Clems face after blood and tears: ⬇️


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