Rise of the Arockalypse (Seco...

By darklordi

527 48 17

Faced with growing tensions for three long years now, monsters and humans are no longer allowed to meet. Whil... More

Chapter 1 - The Assembly
Chapter 2 - Uncertain Future
Chapter 3 - The Duty of a Lady
Chapter 4 - New Home, Same Love
Chapter 5 - Evolution or Damnation?
Chapter 6 - Black Market
Chapter 8 - The Arrival of Doom
Chapter 9 - The Messenger of the Ancient Ones
Chapter 10 - The Watcher
Chapter 11 - The Darkest Times
Chapter 12 - Hell Heirs
Chapter 13 - The Eye of GENESIS
Chapter 14 - The Soldier from the Future
Chapter 15 - Scarctic Battle part 1
Chapter 16 - Scarctic Battle part 2
Chapter 17 - A Very Last Hope?
Chapter 18 - The Prime Monsters
Chapter 19 - Faith and Redemption
Chapter 20 - The First of the Ancient Ones
Chapter 21 - Wrath of the Thunder God
Chapter 22 - Last Calm, Last Storm
Chapter 23 - The Cosmic Overlord

Chapter 7 - The Demon and the Doll

41 2 0
By darklordi

In Transylvania...

Outside, a new morning was dawning in the secluded valley, the sun slowly beginning to show from behind the snow-capped mountain range.

Her eyes being closed, Hella was moaning happily with pleasure, lying on her back in the big bed in the bedroom, naked, while Mathias, also completely undressed, was on her, making love to her tenderly while kissing her neck with several smoochs. Then he came back to kiss her passionately on the mouth, their lips parting and their tongues touching.

Then, when they had reached orgasm, feeling this intense pleasure in unison, Mathias gently withdrew from Hella and came to lie down next to her. Both were panting, hot, but happy, still holding hands under the covers of the bed. The couple remained snuggled up against each other, entwined and looking at each other tenderly, Mathias coming to brush aside a lock of Hella's blond hair to get a better look at her face.

_"I could stay here, looking at you and touching you for hours..." said Mathias with a teasing but loving little smile.

_"Hey, little rascal, you have to know how to remain patient to appreciate things..." Hella replied, giving him a friendly pat on the cheek.

The couple chuckled together, then kissed each other lovingly and passionately one last time, before Hella got up from the bed, walked over to her clothes on a chair, and began to dress. Mathias stayed in bed, watching her put on her clothes. He stood up too, and approached the Scarbie's back as she finished putting on her denim jacket. She chuckled softly as she felt Mathias' body gently press against her from behind, his arms wrapping around her waist and his lips beginning to kiss her neck.

_"Come on, Mathias, I have to go. I have work to do, you know? And you, I remind you that you have your training to practice, for your own good." Hella said lovingly, turning around, sticking to Mathias and wrapping her arms around his neck.

_"I know, but it's just that... I had been away from you for a long time, and with everything that was going on, I wasn't even sure that I would even be able to see you again. It's for that I decided to leave my country." Calmly explained the young man.

Hella understood perfectly, being even touched that he decided to leave his own country to come and live with her. She kissed the young man's cheek.

_ "We can do it again tonight, if you want." she whispered in Mathias' ear in a loving and naughty tone.

_"And you dare to tell me that I'm the rascal." replied Mathias with a small smile and a wink.

They shared a loving little laugh again, a last kiss for this morning, then Mathias went to get dressed and ready while Hella left the bedroom to go down into the heart of the factory and supervise the work of her zombie dolls, but also to continue working in her private workshop on the new weapon she was making.

Work was in full swing in the bowels of the old metal factory, now brought back into service by Hella and her army of dolls that she could summon at will and which was her very first power when she joined the brotherhood. In this scent of scrap metal and gasoline, the living dolls stood by the dozens in the middle of the large mechanical carpets distributing in infinite quantity various pieces of metal, which the dolls examined one by one with attention and deposited the interesting pieces in large boxes, carried away by other dolls to be taken to the forges where weapons and armor were made from these metal parts. In the forges, the dolls working there were forced to wear special outfits in order to protect themselves from the infernal heat that reigned there because of the many ovens. The metal pieces were immediately thrown into the great pits of fire, to be melted there, to then flow into the many metal containers of different looks, such as swords, axes, and others. In other workshops in the factory, dolls were busy working on a machine that Hella had come up with: humanoid automatons, 3 meters high, entirely covered with metal plates and armed with a drill in each hand for the clinch.

Meanwhile, Hella, in her personal studio, sat at a large desk, surrounded by blueprints and cluttered pieces of metal. Fully focused on her work, the scarbie didn't even look away as with her magnetism control power, she drew the necessary tools right into her hand without having to move from her chair. Once in a while, one of the dolls came to bring her a plan or ask him for approval of something. It wasn't easy being the head of an entire factory every day, so she felt sorry for Mr. Lordi and Emily, who as lord and lady, had to keep the worlds in balance. She had a thought for them, and for her other friends staying on the other side of the world, and hoped that they were all well. This decision to leave Canada to come and live in this isolated valley in Europe was a choice she had made, no longer supporting the unjust laws and the unhealthy distrust established by humans. She hadn't liked leaving her friends of the brotherhood like this, but all of them had respected her choice, and even some, like Amen, Otus and Hiisi, had chosen to come with her so that she wouldn't be alone.


While their parents took care of the daily chores in the village, the children entertained themselves with various games in the snow. A group, consisting of a little elf girl, with a dwarf boy, a werewolf boy and a faun girl, had silently approached a place near but away from the village, and hiding behind a big rock, were watching something. What they were looking at was Mathias, standing in the middle of this small, sparse space surrounded by trees and busy training, his claymore of hell in hand.

_ "So he's Lady Hella's boyfriend?" asked the little faun girl, curious.

_ "Yes, and it is said that he is a friend of Lord Lordi and Lady Emily." replied the little elf girl.

_ "Did you see the size of that sword? It's amazing. How can he lift it so easily?" said the dwarf boy with fascination.

Unaware that he had a small secret audience, Mathias continued his daily training that he had been practicing for months now. Every morning, he spent nearly two hours practicing a kind of meditation, mixed with claymore combat movements, in order to perfect the mastery of his concentration, his emotions, and thus better control the demon Lamia who was now part of of him, sometimes feeling that the demon remained wild and ready to try to get out at the slightest imprudence.

_ "Well, you're getting better and better with that sword." came Hella's voice suddenly.

_ "Look, it's Lady Hella." the werewolf boy whispered to the others, still hiding behind the rock and watching.

Scarbie arrived with a small smile, while Mathias paused and went to wipe his face with his napkin to remove a little sweat.

_"And that? What's behind your back?" Mathias then asked, noticing and pointing to something.

Hella smirked, then revealed it by pulling the object into her hand with her magnetic power. It was a forged hammer, made from scrap metal salvaged from the factory and reinforced with plates, and bristling with small spikes around the head.

_"Oh that? Let's say that a simple knife was no more enough for me to fight in melee." Hella replied proudly. "I needed something more... how to say..."

She hurled the hammer with her metal control power, sending it flying at full speed and slamming into the trunk of a tree, nearly slicing it in half and bringing it crashing down. Mathias hissed in admiration at such a weapon and immediately approved. Striking would be the adequate word to describe this weapon.

_ "Would you like to test our weapons in a small friendly fight?" Hella asked as she picked up her hammer, doing a few nimble flips with it.

_"If you want, but I warn you: I'm a bad loser." replied Mathias with a smile and a teasing look, taking his claymore back in hand.

_ "Oh me too, baby...me too." Hella added with a wink.

Behind the rock, the group of children were still watching, seeing that they were going to clash. Mathias was the first to act, running and leaping forward, striking with his claymore but whose blade hit the head of the hammer in a perfect block by Hella. The metal clang loudly and sparks exploded in the impact of the two weapons. The couple looked at each other with the same looks and the same smiles.

_"My turn." Hella said.

She leaped nimbly over Mathias, and attempted a swinging attack with the hammer, but in turn was countered by the claymore's thick blade. Hella landed on her feet. She showed pride in seeing that Mathias had gained confidence and strength in the handling of his weapon and that he managed to control his emotions well in the middle of a fight so as not to let the demon take over.

Hella had an idea. She threw her hammer, but Mathias slammed it with his claymore, knocking the weapon back past him and falling heavily into the snow further behind him. Hella had wanted to take advantage of this moment to run and catch Mathias, but the latter had remained attentive and held her at a distance with his sword.

_"No more weapon. I think I won." said the young man.

_"Oh, do you think so?" Hella replied with a sly little smile, then with a wave of her hand, triggered her metal control power, and like Thor calling Mjolnir back to him, levitated the hammer which returned at full speed behind Mathias' back.

Sensing the thing, Mathias spun around quickly and hit the hammer again to deflect it and send it back to the ground. However, Hella managed to jump on the young man this time, both of them falling and rolling in the snow for several meters, before Hella stood on top of him, pinning him on his back to the ground.

_"Gotcha." Hella said with a small laugh.

_"What was that?" Mathias asked.

_"My little magic trick of which I have the secret." she said laughing.

_"Pfff... well ok, I admit it, you won." breathed Mathias, sulking a little.

_ "Oh come on, my handsome warrior, you defended yourself well. Give me a smile, okay?" Hella teased him gently.

Mathias kept his sulky face for a few seconds, but finally smiled and shared a loving laugh with his beloved scarbie, then they kissed tenderly in the snow.

_ "Oh look, they're kissing." whispered the little faun girl, her cheeks flushed.

The werewolf boy wanted to bend over to see better, but slipped and fell heavily in the snow, catching the attention of the couple who broke off their hugs and kisses and noticed the group of monster children hiding behind the large rock at twenty yards from them. Knowing that the couple had seen them, the children, very embarrassed and intimidated, remained hidden.

_ "We're sorry, we didn't want to disturb you." said the little werewolf boy, ashamed.

_ "It's okay kids. Don't be scared. Come." Hella then said to reassure them.

A little hesitant at first, the monster children finally decided to come out of their hiding place and come to the couple who were waiting for them. They seemed to be used to seeing Hella, but seemed more intrigued and even intimidated by Mathias. In a way he understood them, he was probably the first human they had seen so close and maybe hadn't heard many good things about them. He made his claymore disappear and knelt down to be closer to them.

_"You don't have to be afraid of me. All of Hella's friends are mine too. My name is Mathias." he said, wanting to greet them.

_"Mr. Mathias. You kissed Lady Hella, so does that mean you're married?" asked the shy and curious elf little girl.

The cute and innocent question made the couple blush, and they looked at each other for a moment.

_ "Well, to be honest with you, no." replied Mathias, scratching the back of his head, laughing.

_"But you love each other, don't you?" asked the dwarf boy in turn.

_"Oh yes, I love her more than anything, and I know it's reciprocal." Mathias said, looking at her. "Because that's what's beautiful about true love: hearts are united, doing nothing more than 'one, so much so that a bond, however invisible but very real, is created, and that nothing can break it. I feel it as she feels it, it is anchored in us, like our blood and our soul. It is something that cannot be explained, but which is felt."

The children smiled, fascinated by this explanation. Hella was very touched by his words and came to take Mathias's hand, thanking him with a small kiss on the cheek.

_ "Hey, what's that thing?" the werewolf boy then asked, pointing to something in Mathias's belongings.

He then noticed that it was his acoustic guitar that intrigued the children so much. He smiled and took the instrument in hand to show it better.

_"'It's my guitar. I brought it because I wanted to keep something that would remind me of my country, because for me, it's important to never forget where you come from." Mathias said. "I've always loved making music, I even had a band before, but that's over now. And to be honest, I was making music the night Hella and I first met."

_ "And that I could never forget." said the scarbie with a smile.

To show the children, Mathias decided to do a little demonstration and play a country song that he liked very much, that he had often listened to, alone or when his parents were still alive. Sitting down on a rock, he started the first notes on the guitar. Hella came to sit next to him, deciding to sing with him, having also listened to this song several times with him when he had made her discover it. The monster children sat, fascinated and listening. Mathias first began by singing alone, he and Hella letting themselves be gently lulled by the melody of the guitar.

_ "Come down off your throne and leave your body alone

Somebody must change

You are the reason I've been waiting so long

Somebody holds the key..."

Hella then began to sing with him.

_ "But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time

And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home

Come down on your own and leave your body alone

Somebody must change

You are the reason I've been waiting all these years

Somebody holds the key..."

Attracted by the sound of the song, several monster inhabitants of the village came to see what was happening, including among them Amen, Otus and Hiisi. They then saw Mathias playing guitar and singing with Hella for a group of children sitting near them and listening with interest. Amen crossed his arms, smiling to see that, like Hiisi and Otus. The monster parents seemed a little hesitant at first, but seeing the children smiling and seeing that they would run no risk with this human, decided not to intervene and let it be.

Moments later, the song ended, and the reaction of the monster children was to applaud and express their admiration for this kind of music that they had never heard. Mathias and Hella smiled at that, happy to be able to give a few moments of joy to young souls in such troubled times, in a world not even their own. For Mathias, the monsters deserved to be accepted as they are and no difference, whether physical or spiritual, should be involved.

Amen, Otus and Hiisi approached the couple.

_"It was great, Mathias. Now, I think that the inhabitants of the village will see you with a better eye." Amen said.

_"You should host some evenings at the tavern." Otus asked. "You are going to be a star in the valley."

Mathias, a little embarrassed, smiles anyway, with Hella's support by his side. Suddenly, the young man lost his smile and seemed disturbed by something, feeling that the demon Lamia in him was suddenly agitated, and he too felt like an abnormal presence, closer and closer. Hiisi seemed to notice it too, starting to sniff the air like an animal and turned his gaze in a precise direction, just like Mathias, who then showed a much darker look and even clenched his fist.

_"Hiisi? Mathias? What's going on?" Hella asked, noticing their change in attitude.

_"I smell... a smell of sulphur." Hiisi growled.

_ "Tell the villagers to go back to safety now." Mathias asked without looking away and summoned his claymore, ready to fight.

Seeing him doing this and trusting him, Amen brought the monster children back to their parents and ordered the villagers to return to the houses. Meanwhile, Hella had taken her hammer in one hand, and her sawed-off shotgun in the other. Otus moved forward, taking his meat grinder and a knife. Hiisi growled, cracking his knuckles and snapping his jaws. Amen joined them, fists clenched and gaze focused.

Sure enough, a stronger and stronger smell of sulfur appeared in the air. Then, from the snow-covered pine forest where crackling sounded, several shapes loomed up, roaring and degenerate, rushing toward the group. Demons! Humanoids, slightly hunchbacked, red and dirty skin, inhuman yellow eyes, horrible mouths full of sharp teeth, black horns on their heads, they were dressed in coarse armor or lacerated clothing, and were equipped with weapons like swords, axes or tridents. Amen was the most disconcerted in the group upon seeing this, these demons resembling the ones that had once attacked Oakville under Evilyn's orders.

Having no time to ask questions, the group stood ready to defend the village against these unexpected attackers. A first demon leapt forward with his sword, but Hella killed him by blasting his head off with a well-placed shotgun blast. Mathias concentrated, sensing that Lamia was agitated by the presence of other demons, but managed to contain him and moved on to attack, slicing an enemy in half with his claymore, black blood exploding and painting the snow. Hiisi roared like a predator, grabbing a demon trying to jump on him by the throat, and crushed the head with his mighty jaws, in a horrific crack of crushed flesh and bone. Otus blocked a trident slash from a demon, and retaliated with an effective stab, hitting the creature in the leg which roared in pain, and was finished off by decapitation with the meat grinder. Amen concentrated, dodging one axe, and another, and headbutted the attacking demon, knocking him off balance and ending him with a snap in the neck.

Mathias and Hella teamed up, the young man kicking the demon in the stomach, knocking him backwards while the scarbie leapt through the air nimbly, and finished off the demon by crushing its head with a violent blow of her hammer. For the last demon, Mathias tried to get information, hurted him to the legs and grabbed him by the throat.

_"Who are you and who sends here?" asked Mathias menacingly.

_ "I have nothing to say to a filthy hybrid like you." spat the demon in response with his repulsive voice.

_ "Then go back to hell." Mathias added mercilessly, and used his demonic power to wrap the demon in hellish flames, making him scream in pain and reduce him to a heap of ashes.

The fight was quickly over, with all the demons slain, their black blood spilled on the ground. Hella came to lean near one of the corpses to examine it closely, joined by Amen, while Hiisi and Otus checked that all the demons were indeed dead.

_"Demons? On earth?" Hella said, confused. "I thought they were all destroyed when Evilyn and Vexus died, and all the passages to hell were closed."

_"This attack was completely disorganized." Amen added. "There were too few of them to hope to win. I admit I don't understand myself."

_ "Do you think... a new demon king could have been crowned in hell?" Hella said worriedly.

_ "It's very unlikely..." Amen confessed, scratching his bald head. "Evilyn and Vexus were the last living members of the demonic royal bloodline, and to this day there has never been another powerful line of demons... No, the only ones who might have enough power to successfully open a vortex from hell are..."

The pharaoh didn't finish his sentence, like a revelation flashing in his eyes and he sighed heavily.

_"Damn, yes, I should have known sooner."

_"Amen?" Hella said.

_ "The priests of hell..." growled Amen. "The bastards!"

Hella understood better then.

_"The priests of hell? Who are they?" Mathias then asked, having heard and joining the conversation.

_"From what we know, they acted as advisers to the demonic kings and queens since the beginning." Hella explained to Mathias. "They have great influence in hell. No wonder they took power after the disappearance of the royal family."

_"But why attacking the earth again?" Amen asked. "The demons don't have enough power anymore. Evilyn is dead, so is Vexus. They're finished."

Hella admitted to understanding nothing of this act as well. During this time, Mathias, thanks to Lamia, could suddenly feel the presence of a demonic source, coming from the forest, from the side where the demons had arrived.

_"Mathias?" said Hella then, who with the others suddenly saw the young man set off with a determined step and enter the forest, armed with his claymore.

For several minutes, the monsters followed Mathias in the middle of the forest, until finally reaching a specific place: among trees, on ground that had been charred and covered with ashes, was the access through which the demons had arrived on earth: a demonic pentagram, drawn on the earth and always incandescent. The smell of sulfur was even stronger here.

_ "Oh shit... a demonic portal." Hella growled.

_"It is the mark of the infernal priests." Amen added, looking dark. "But we still don't know why they are doing this when they no longer have a sovereign."

Mathias approached the infernal circle, taking a handful of still burning ashes in his hand, without feeling the effects because protected by Lamia. The young man then turned to Hella.

_ "There's only one way to find out: go ask them in person." he said.

The monsters looked at him with concern.

_"Going to hell? Mathias, are you really sure of yourself?" Hiisi said.

_"If we don't do anything, other demons will eventually come, and maybe more this time, and better prepared." explained Mathias to the others. "This group may have been just a trial, sacrifice to test our strength. If there's a chance to stop the priests of hell first, we must take it."

The monsters shared looks, acknowledging that Mathias could be right on that point. Hammer and shotgun in hand, Hella advanced towards her lover.

_ "In that case, I'm coming with you." she said, determined. "Amen, Hiisi and Otus, stay here to protect the village in case any more vortexes open while we're gone."

Mathias made no objection, on the contrary, appreciating that Hella comes with him. Amen, Hiisi and Otus didn't liked the idea too much, but respected the couple's decision.

_"I will send a message to Mr. Lordi and Emily and warn them of what is happening here. If the demons are indeed back, we will have to be extra vigilant." declared Amen.

_"We will protect the valley and the villagers. You can count on us." Hiisi said, giving Otus a friendly pat on the shoulder.

_ "I really hope you know what you're doing." added Otus, less smiling and addressing the couple.

Mathias and Hella acquiesced to the words of their friends, and hand in hand, both advanced just in front of the pentagram of hell, whose flames began to glow even more, as if sensing the presence of the demon Lamia in the young man. Mathias and Hella looked into each other's eyes, having no idea what was about to happen, but would stay together, always. They advanced to the middle of the circle, demonic flames rising and enveloping them, until they opened a hole into which the pair disappeared, as if they had never been here.

_ "Good luck my friends." growled sincerely Amen.

Mathias and Hella were now gone. Destination: Hell. 

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