A Cruise Changed It All

By DrishKing008

118 15 4

A Cruise changed it all...I had no idea that one simple family cruise could change my world. Like, literally... More

Ch 1: I Become A Pirate Captain
Ch 2: Battle Gone Wrong
Ch 3: I and Demigods Crush Morgens
Ch 5: I had Almost Escaped
Ch 6: I Hate Asclepius And His Rod
Chapter 7: Circe Is Wicked
Ch 8: Krasue Have Twisted Minds
Ch 9: I Play Games(Wasn't Fun Though)
I Miss You, Mom And Dad...
Ch 10: Reuniting With Old Friendly Strangers
Ch 11: I Cry Like A Kid

Ch 4: The Not-So-Safe Tomb

12 1 0
By DrishKing008

Items used : 1 lime to cure scurvy

After a good night's rest, I opened my eyes. After the past few days, I thought I was ready to face anything strange in my life, after all my whole life was a joke now but still I didn't imagine an important war in my life to be a dream. Yes, the entire story with Atlantis, demigods, and morgens was nothing more than a dream for I woke up on the banks of ancient Egypt.

I had no clue. What had happened? Where was my crew? What was I doing there? Or who even was I? My mind was a total blank regarding any of these questions. I figured out that I had somehow, awakened at the banks of ancient Egypt, with amnesia. Just perfect. Exactly what I needed, right?

With difficulty, I got up and looked around. Just sand. But a strange structure caught my attention. It wasn't too far away from me and I couldn't see anywhere else I could go in search of help. So, I started walking toward it.

Walking in that hot and dry climate was hard on me but I somehow managed to keep doing it until I reached there.

I examined it a bit closer and realized that it wasn't a simple house...it was a tomb.

Now, I had no intention of going into a tomb as I had heard they were filled with deadly traps. I had already had my fair share of near-death experiences. I didn't need anymore.

I was about to move away when my eyes met an enormous amount of sand with strong winds, coming towards me. I was left with two options, either go into the tomb and face the lethal traps or get killed by a sandstorm. I chose the first option.

Unwillingly, I opened the old and bulky door to the tomb, entered it, and quickly closed the door behind me. After the fear of the sandstorm had passed, I looked around.

I was in a short corridor. I had expected to be trapped in darkness because the sunlight was totally blocked but the tomb was well lit. I tried to figure out the source of light and finally, found it. It was a real angel. I had only heard about them in myths but that mythical creature was in front of my eyes, radiating so much light that it was hard to look at it properly.

What was an angel doing in a tomb in Egypt? I had no idea. Life never makes any sense. But I remembered some angels were evil too, so I decided not to give it much attention. I acted as if I wasn't seeing it and moved further into the tomb saying, "Oh wow! It sure is deserted".

In the end, the corridor took a right turn and the angel was no longer in vision. But something else decided to show up to compensate. A Phoenix. Ya, those were real too. I couldn't remember something about Phoenix being dangerous, so, I carefully took a step towards it. It was sitting near an inscription, reading, Bennu

I scratched the bird's chin and it tilted its head in affection. Its black eyes were enchanting. I wanted to stay there all day, looking at the beautiful being. I blinked. What was I thinking? I had to get out. I looked backward but from where I had come, now stood a solid wall. Great.

I turned back and glared at the bird. It just chirped, like saying, Duh, kid! What did you expect from a tomb? 

Now, I had no option but to advance into the tomb more if I ever wanted to get out of here.

I turned another corner and was shocked to see a channel of a river flowing through the monument. I was thirsty but I hadn't lost my sanity yet. I knew not to drink the water.

I read an inscription near the bank, "Beware! El Naddaha". I had no clue what that meant. I understood only 'Beware' and decided to follow that advice.

Suddenly, a tall, slender female figure appeared in the water with long flowing hair down her back. She stood steadily very near to the bank of the river, her hands placed at her sides. She wore a loose, long semi-transparent dress.

She smiled at me as I stood there, too dazed and spellbound to move. She spoke in a calm and soft, yet loud and clear voice, "Joe...Come here"

Her voice was charmspeak. I found myself staring at her and advancing toward her. I didn't know why but I had to go near her.

I was getting closer to her when I heard a chirp. The Phoenix had followed me and was chirping, or rather warning. I couldn't care about it. 

I kept on walking and her smile turned hungry. The red bird flew into my face and pushed me backward. I came out of the daze. That female was hypnotizing me.

I turned my back towards it and ran at lightning speed. Even when I was a safe distance away, I didn't dare stop but I tripped over something and fell on my face.

I looked back and saw it was a lamp, like that in Aladdin. I picked it up and knew what I had to do to solve everything. 

I rubbed it with my hands. Surely this would work. If angels and phoenixes were real, so can be a genie, right?

A genie appeared and asked, "Thanks for freeing me. You have earned three wishes"

I thought for a bit and said, "Give me my memory back"


Flashbacks flooded my mind and I remembered everything.

"I don't have much time, kid"

After the flashbacks, one thing bothered me.

"Show me my family"

He flicked his fingers and a vision appeared in mid-air. My mom and dad were on a lifeboat, getting back to shore. I breathed a sigh of relief.


Behind, me I heard a scream and the whole tomb began to collapse.

"Get me safely to my family! Now!", I shouted over the noise.

"Granted", was the last thing I heard as I felt myself dissolve into the shadows.

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