Reborn as Katara (OC)

Da AllisonMC6

251K 11.8K 999

Luna is reborn as Sokka's sister but instead of naming her Katara Hakoda and Kya decided on naming her Luna s... Altro

1. Shot and Killed
2. Water Bender
3. Healing and Fishing
5. Fire Nation
6. The Start
7. Meeting The Village
8. Bad News
9. Meeting the Prince
10. Escaping Zuko's Ship
11. Meeting Captain Zhao
12. Touring the Southern Air Temple
13. His New Home
14. Kyoshi Island Part 1
15. Kyoshi Island Part 2
16. City of Omashu
17. The Newly Refurbished Chamber
18. Challenges Part 1
19. Challenges Part 2
20. Haru More Like Hero
21. Arrested
22. Fight Back!
23. Dead Forests
24. Iroh and Sokka Captured
25. The Search for Iroh and Sokka
26. Iroh and Sokka Saved
27. The Blockade
28. Talking With Roku

4. Harmony

13K 581 24
Da AllisonMC6

Luna was now 5 years old and she was out playing with Sokka. They were playing hide and go seek. Sokka was counting while Luna went to go hide but she somehow stumbled into what looked like a cave.

"Hello!" she yelled walking further into it. Honestly, this looked like some horror movie shit but she must've stumbled into this cave for a reason because this wasn't mentioned at all in the show.

She walked for a few more minutes to where she saw some light coming from. There was a huge cavern that looks like it was ancient and at the top, there were two skylights. One had the sun shining down on it and the other had the moon shining down on it. Both lights met at a spot on the floor where a large egg was.

"What the fuck?" she asked herself.

The sunlight made a ring of fire appear around the egg while the moonlight made a ring of water appear around the egg. It was amazing the two rings combined with each other and surrounded the egg covering it completely.

She watched as the egg started cracking little by little and suddenly just like what happened on her birthday a powerful wave of fire and water was shot out of the egg hitting the cavern walls.

However, the one thing that wasn't affected by the fire and water was Luna. How that was possible, she had no idea. She wasn't a fire bender she was just a water bender.

Walking closer to whatever came out of the egg she squealed silently so as to not surprise the creature.

"Aren't you just the cutest little yin and yang dragon ever," she said in a voice people use to talk to babies and animals.

The Dragon

The dragon turned and made eye contact with her, it was like the dragon was staring into her very soul making a connection. Luna felt a tingling sensation on her wrist and looked down at it to see a little dragon tattoo appear on her.

The Tattoo

The dragon came up to her much like a dog would and nudged her hand with her head. She didn't know what that was but it felt like she and the dragon were one like they somehow bonded.

"You need a name," Luna said petting her dragon.

"Hmm well you're obviously a yin and yang dragon, so how about Harmony?" Luna asked the dragon.

The dragon nodded a little as she understood Luna and nudged her so Luna was now sitting on her back before huffing a little as a signal to hold on and took off flying out of one of the skylights and into the air outside

"Ahhh" Luna screamed in excitement holding onto Harmony tightly.

"Luna! Where are you?!" she heard her mother yelling.

She looked down to see her father, mother, brother, Gran Gran, and Bato looking around worried for her.

"Come on Harmony let's land over there. My family is looking for me," she said pointing to where they were.

"Is that a dragon?!" Bato screamed looking at the sky.

"Impossible" Hakoda whispered. He's heard how all the dragons were extinct, the fire benders killed them all.

"Is that Luna on the dragon's back??!!!! Kya screamed in horror.

"Calm down, I'm sure Luna will explain what has happened, you know she and Sokka are very smart for their age." Gran Gran said to them.

They watched as the dragon gently landed in front of them with Luna on her back smiling.

"Whoa," Sokka said looking at the dragon.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" her mom asked hugging her and looking her over for any injuries.

"I'm fine, why?" Luna asked confused.

"Because you were riding a dragon. Where did it even come from?" Sokka asked confused.

Luna explained what had happened and at the end, she showed them the tattoo that appeared on her wrist when she met the dragon making Gran Gran come closer to her to inspect it.

"Do you know what it is?" Bato asked her.

"I do." Gran Gran said.

Bato waited for her to elaborate but she didn't making him roll his eyes. So Hakoda asked, "What is it, mother?".

"That, my child is a bond tattoo. There are old legends about it, this type of thing doesn't happen a lot. I think the last time it happened was a century ago. The last avatar had a bond tattoo like this with his companion, I don't know what kind of animal it was but bonds like these are for life. Luna and the dragon-" Gran Gran was saying but Luna cut her off.

"Her name is Harmony and she is a yin and yang dragon," Luna said.

"Well, Luna and Harmony are connected now. I don't know exactly what the bond entails but I know that as long as Luna lives so will Harmony. She will be a guide, a protector, a friend, and most importantly her family for as long as she lives." Gran Gran finished saying.

"I think Harmony can control water like me," Luna told them.

"Really?" Kya asked.

"Yeah, but I think she can also control fire. That's why she's a yin and yang dragon because she brings balance between the two." Luna said petting Harmony.

"Well we can't exactly leave Harmony here if they're bonded we have to take her back with us but how can we do that without causing everyone to freak out?" Kya said.

As if answering her Harmony shrunk herself down into a little pocket-size dragon before flying up to rest herself on Luna's hair.

"Wow Harmony is smart," Sokka said making Luna nodded her head gently in agreement making sure not to disturb Harmony too much.

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