Utterly Unspoken

By Yeol_Inspirit

899 44 2

What if one day you meet the one boy who changed you completely? He made you a somebody after being a nobody... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter One

194 10 0
By Yeol_Inspirit


"Is this... Our mom?" he asked as his brother dusted off snow that covered a grave stone. The particular grave stone that belonged to there late mother. "Listen, you saw her in those memories, didn't you? So tell me, what was our mom like?"

"She was very lovely." he simply said.

"That does nothing for me! You gotta be more like... Who did she look like, or were her eyelids, double-lidded." the brother said, clamping his hands, like a crab, in front of his eyes.

"Rin... I wonder if it was right for us to be born into this world... If only we'd never existed, neither dad nor mom would've had to die and nobody around us would have gotten hurt."

"What are you, an idiot?" his brother said immediately, startling his brother to look at him. "Its cause they struggled so hard for us that you and I got to be born! These are precious lives that were given to us by them!" he reasoned, pasteing a smile on his brother's face.

"Your right." he admitted. "Rin... Parents are really amazing, aren't they?"

"Damn right they are! Because they're our parents."

*snif, snif*

This is the last episode of "Blue Exorcist", the anime about two twin brothers that were born by Satan. Im watching the emotional scene of when they finally see their mothers grave for the first time. Its very touching.

Im sitting in my bed, curled up in my puffy white blanket with my coat, Dokii, sleeping in between my crossed legs. Its the first Sunday of December and I woke up this morning, immediately watching this anime I told myself the day before that I'd finish today.

My nose and eyes were red and my cheeks are bloated because of all the tears I'm shedding over this anime. I probably look like a mess, because like I said, I immediately watched this anime right when I woke up. I didn't have any time to wash my face or brush my teeth or hair. My mom brought me food and I watched the anime as I used the restroom.

I grabbed the last tissue from the tissue box and blew out all my snot that clogged up my nose. Carelessly, I threw it at my tiny trash can. Yes, literally at my trash can not making it inside for the 50th time. Around my trash can and my bed was all that was a mess in my room. My mom was always sweet enough to clean my room whenever it got too messy, which was almost every week, since I practically live in my room.

I only leave my house for school or when I have to do some errands for my parents. No, I don't have any friends that I go out with nor do I have any friends. I don't need friends and I don't want any. Im fine with being the loner that I am.

I combed my pink, mess of hair back with my hand and looked at my digital clock that was on my bedside dresser. My clock was white with pink numberings and my dresser was a light gray color that set up very nicely with my clock. My eyes widened when I saw the time.

"3:23am." I gasped and looked out my window. It was dark already. After closing my laptop and setting it on my dresser, I picked up my coat from between my legs and set him beside me so that I'd be able to lay in bed and get as much rest as I could possible.

~3 hours later~

*Loud music box alarm*

"Ugh...." I groaned and uncovered my face from my blanket. I looked at the clock.


I turned off my alarm and got up from bed, wobbling side to side to get to my mirror. It was a full body mirror and now... I wish it wasn't. I was still wearing the same clothes from two days ago, my hair was a complete and total mess, dark circles were visible under my eyes, and dried up drool was on both sides of my mouth and cheek.

I stripped off my clothes as I stumbled over to my bathroom and took a quick cold shower. It didn't faze me, it never did. I love the cold. Thanks to my good immune system I don't get any colds. After finishing my shower I changed into white skinny jeans, a pink top and a big Grey wool sweater that had black wool sewed to mix with the Grey.

I put on pink chapstick, that added color to my face and bold eyeliner and mascara. My hair was down, as usual. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror before grabbing my gray shoulder bag and leaving to school in my white Camery.


When I entered the class I sat down in my usual seat in the back. I put on my reading glasses and continued to read in silence as I waited for the class to start. I was reading "A Wrinkle In Time", an old book from the 1960s. It was about three kids who tessered through space and time, with 3 witches, to find their scientist father.

I sat alone in silence for 30 minutes till the bell rang. Soon enough, loud kids came into the class and sat down with their friends. Some sat on the tables. They laughed loudly and filled the class with chatter. I shrugged in my seat, continuing my reading. It was a bit hard with the chatter though. I missed the quiet silence that was once this room.

The teacher finally came into the class after the late bell rang. She closed the door and walked up the front of the class. As she did, students went to their seats and slowly the chatter lowered itself and the class started.

I sat alone. No one next to me, infront of me, or diagnally sitting from me. It was ok, that way no one would talk to me. Like they would, unless they needed something or wanted to bad mouth me. The class went on and the teacher called on me.

"Aiden, What was the first country to recognize Mexico's independence, in 1836?" she asked. Now all eyes turned to me. Some looks good, some bad, some bored. It was an easy question that I knew the answer to. The pressure of everyone looking at me was what was hard.

"The U.S..." I said in a low tone, making some of the students annoyed.

"What was that again?" she said. Now more eyes went to me.

"The U.S." I said louder. She nodded at me.

"Correct." I let out a breath of relief.

"So annoying. Its always like this when she has to answer something." the blonde that sat two seats infront of me complained and scoffed. I shrugged lower in my seat and the class continued.


The girl sitting far in the back of the room finally answered the question our teacher asked. I saw alot of bad looks as I turned to face the front of the class again. I don't see what's the problem. She just had to answer her louder.

"Who was that?" I asked Trevor who sat at my right side.

"Aiden, the mute in the back of the class, dude." he looked at me as if I was suppose to know that. I gave him a look back.

"What? Just askin." I said to him before turning around again to face the girl. She was so far away I couldn't see her face but, I saw her hair. It was a cute pink that turned white as it climbed up to her roots. I smiled.

Aiden, the mute in the back of the class. Why haven't I heard of her. Trevor seemed to know her, why didn't I? Did she just move schools? Surely, she was a very unnoticeable girl. Ill talk to her some time.


Megan, Trevor, and I walked out of the class and towards Megan's locker. My other friends, Gerald, Aja and Brian, were in a different class from us but, we always meet back up together at Megan's locker. They were a couple, Aja and Brian. Since last year, freshman year when the dancer Brian wanted to ask out the 'model-since-birth' girl, Aja. Funny story.

"Its your birthday in two days huh, Clement." said Megan as she smiled at me, her perfect row of teeth showed as she did. The two front teeth of her mouth were bigger than the rest, which made her look like a cute hamster.

"Ya." I said smiling back.

"And also the school winter fair, in two days" Trevor added, opening a pack of white chocolates which he always ate after our first class. When I say always, I really mean always. He's always eating those disgusting white chocolates in front of me, knowing very well how much I hate them and how they smell. Ugh.

"Are you guys going?" Megan asked grabbing a chocolate from Trevor's bag.

"Yeah, I'm going." I said as I looked at the chocolate, in her hands, in disgust.

"Same here." said Trevor. "Its suppose to be a dress-up thing. Christmas Related. I can't wait to see all those hot babes in short Santa dresses." his eyes gleamed with mischief. Megan and I scoffed at him.

"What are you going as?" I asked Megan.

"Not as Santa, that's for sure." she said giving Trevor an amused yet disgusted glance, earning a nose scrunch from him. "Maybe an elf."

"I'm going as frosty." I said, my eyes gleaming with joy.

"Why am I not surprised. You loved that guy when were kids." Trevor and Megan laughed.

"He's not a guy, he's a snowman!" I corrected.

Suddenly, a flow of kids started to move. Me, Megan, and Trevor looked around bewildered.

"Did the bell ring?" I asked. The two nodded no. I looked around and grabbed a small guy by his sleeve. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Aiden, the mute, got into a fight." he said and immediately started walking again. We looked at each other before following the crowd.

"Dumb ass bitch!" yelled a tall girl as she threw her fist to punch Aiden but, she swiftly avoided it and she punched the locker, hard. "Ahh..." she screamed in pain. "Get her!" she commanded the two other girls who were in the circle too.

They both ran at her, one trying to punch her but missing, and the other trying to tackle her down but instead bumping into the other girl. It was complete and utter chaos. No one wanted to stop the fight instead, they cheered the other 3 girls on.

"Ahh!" Aiden screamed as she, just barely, dodged another one of their punches.

"Hey, stop!" yelled one of the teachers as he pushed through the crowd. "Stop this!" he yelled again, blocking the 3 girls from Aiden. The crowd quickly dispersed but, me, Megan, and Trevor stayed.

"What's going on here?" the teacher asked sternly at the 4 girls.

"They suddenly started attacking me when I tried getting my stuff from my locker." said Aiden in a low voice, close to the teacher. He looked at the 3 girls who said nothing but glared at Aiden.

"You three are coming with me." he said and started walking away, the 3 girls gave Aiden a few more glares before following the teacher. Aiden walked slowly to her locker and began to pickup her stuff from the floor.

"Lets go." said Trevor and him and Megan walked away. I stayed, watching as she picked up her stuff before walking towards her. I bent down next to her and started to help her grab her stuff.

"No, its fine." she sobbed, grabbing the pencil from my hand and stuffing it in her bag. I looked at her crying face. She had blue eyes and very pale skin. Freckles stickered on her cheek and nose. Her nose was reddish and her hair was a mess, stuck to her damp face. She had very famine lips that were rose red. Her eyes gave me a short glance before putting in the last of her stuff and getting up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." I said getting up too. She put her bag strap on her shoulder and wiped her face with her big sweater sleeves. She combed her pink hair back with her hand before scampering away, not turning back to look at me.

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