Angelomorphia. Anthem of gend...

By Angelomorph

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It is a manifesto for the abolition of sexes and gender. More

× Appealing to the nonbinary ×
× Appealing to the girls ×
× Appealing to the boys ×
× Gender and Sexlessness ×
× Neuroisocracy: Polity and Communication ×
× The Teens Emancipation ×
× Mental hospitals and schools ×
× Angelomorphism and Christianity ×
× The Metaphysical Foundations of Angelomorphism ×
× Image of the Future ×
× A pamphlet on gender ×
Dedicated to all those who have lost their identity

× Ectogenesis. Artificial reproduction. ×

20 0 0
By Angelomorph

The idea of creating an artificial human being dates as far back as the Middle Ages, and was closely intertwined with alchemy and hermetic philosophy. These, in turn, were often based on Christianity, where there was a treatment of God as androgynous. Moreover, the very first mention of an artificial man with no particular sex appeared in the European tradition by the hermetic philosophy. In the treatises of the alchemists who drew upon it, the process of man's artificial creation is analogous to the man-made alloying of perfect metals.

As the philosopher Henri Bergson noted, one of the main things that distinguishes humans from other animals is the separation of technology from the body. And reproduction is no exception here. Thus, the entire reproductive system in the world of angelomorphism will be taken outside the body into incubators - artificial wombs. In artificial wombs, the application of the knowledge accumulated by humans will allow humanity to be forever deprived of sex, and society to be cleansed of the vices of the social sex. And now this topic is slowly gaining momentum: there are studies stating that the cost of artificial incubation (ectogenesis) will be less than the cost of natural childbirth for women. Accordingly, the consequences of this will definitely be much less.

In 2018, the journal Scientific Reports published a paper that found that with each pregnancy a mother's telomeres become older than them of her peers without children. This difference was estimated by scientists to be up to four to six years. Although telomeres are known to shorten with age in all people, certain phenomena, such as high body mass index (including pregnancy) and severe stress, easily accelerate this process. The study also examined women's epigenetic age: a measurement based on DNA isolated from white blood cells. The results echoed what telomeres showed, and each additional pregnancy was associated with an increase of 0.5 to 2 years in internal aging. 

On top of all that, incubator reproduction makes any discussion of abortion meaningless. An incubator, unlike a living female human being, has no rights or choices. The incubator solves absolutely all the social and biological problems associated with reproduction. This method is the only one that would help mankind completely forget what death in pregnancy and childbirth, abnormal children, reproductive violence and unwanted pregnancies are. At the moment, such experiments are generally considered unethical by the international community. But it begs the question, what is more unethical: to allow many women around the world to die every day because of childbearing, or to use fetal material for the ultimate solution to the problem of reproduction?
Shulamit Firestone, one of the authors of the seminal works of the feminist movement, described in her writings the need for a radical solution to the problems posed by changing the reproductive organization of society, moving reproduction to incubators, in order to free women from the need to determine their role in society by biology, because female bodily autonomy is in principle incompatible with female reproductive biology. Her "first requirement for any alternative system" was "to free women from the tyranny of biology by any means available." "The reproductive organization of society," she wrote in her writings, "is always the real basis on which we can work out an explanation of the whole superstructure of political, economic and legal institutions. And as we understand it, since sex has no purpose other than reproduction, then with a change in the reproductive organization of society, the existence of sex will lose all meaning.

However, despite everything, the situation is improving: in 2022, the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering created an "embryo culturing device" based on artificial intelligence.Previously, researchers controlled fetal development in the laboratory uterus manually, but Chinese scientists managed to program the world's

first smart monitoring system. The system is able to check the indicators of the environment in which the embryo develops: temperature, the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen, and the concentration of nutrients. In 2021, the University of Virginia Medical School succeeded in growing a mouse embryo from stem cells that began to form a heart and nervous system. The same year, Israeli scientists managed to grow mouse embryos in a kind of incubator. Two other research teams report in Nature a breakthrough in the creation of artificial human embryos. These teams succeeded in forcing normal skin cells and stem cells to self-assemble into formations similar to early human embryos.

Consequently, such experiments conducted for experimental purposes, are now ending up quite fruitfully. Artificial reproduction technology has all the chances to appear in its final form and then begin to be tested en masse. In 2004, scientists in Japan managed to create a viable cell by fusing two oocytes taken from different female mice, the division of which led to the formation of a viable embryo, which developed into an adult, and which lived longer than normal congeners for 186 days. As the scientists noted in their February 2010 publication in the journal Human Reproduction, all resulting female mice compared with normal mice were significantly smaller in size and weight.

Presumably, male genes increase the growth potential of muscle and skeleton in the body of the cub, while shortening its life. It has been proven that individuals of all species with less testosterone are more prone to longevity, but here we are already talking about the genetic level. Without signs not only of puberty, but also of hormonal bursts in the embryonic period, human bodies will apparently be close to androgynous and even to the outlines of adolescent bodies, since they will be significantly smaller in size if ectogenesis (artificial reproduction with an incubator) and parthenogenesis (growing an embryo without male genetic material) is performed. This has been successfully confirmed by the above experiments of Japanese scientists on mice. It remains to be seen whether time will show how this experience will affect and transform humans - however, there is every reason to believe that the changes will only be for the better.

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