tmr imagines

Por AjIsGayAsHell

952 4 4

just a bunch of imagines from tmr. Más



79 0 1
Por AjIsGayAsHell

Your names Cassandra/cassie/cass like usual.
Doesn't follow the plot but it's the part where Thomas, newt and frypan all take the car to the tunnels with the cranks, so its just gonna be however I want it to be.

"now where the hell do you think you two are going?" newt asks turning the light on exposing me and Thomas sneaking to the car.

"busted." frypan says as he opens the car door causing me to double over in laughter.

"now, cassandra and Thomas. We're coming with you both  and again  you two have no choice." newt argues

"don't call me cassandra." I say crossing my arms my laughter suddenly coming to a halt.

Thomas climbs in the front of the car with frypan and newt and I both climb in the back fighting over who's sitting where.

"fine you win!" I sigh letting him sit behind frypan and I climb into the seat behind Thomas.

And then the drive begins.

Its gonna be a long ride so I watch as next places his back against the door and leans his head against the window.

"open your legs." I say to him.

"why?" he asks confused.

I shoot him the just do it look and I scoot up between his legs until my back is against his chest and he slides his arms up my jumper from the back and wraps his arms around my waist.

"sorry for calling you cassandra." he says quietly.

"it's fine honestly, it just kinda shocked me because nobody had called me that in years. Literally." I say laughing slightly.

"so you're not mad at me?" he asks.

I shake my head.

"not at all." I say smiling.

"why did we even argue over who was gonna sit here if we've both ended up here?" newt asks me and I can tell he's smiling widely.

I shrug.

"if you two want a window down remember to keep it down half way, we're gonna be driving for a day or so and it'll probably get quite warm." Thomas says to us before turning around and smiling at us.

"want me to open that one a little?" I ask pointing to the window facing across from newt and I.

"it'll be quite cold out seeing as it's night time so maybe not right now." newt yells me before kissing the back of my head.

I Smile and blush slightly and turn my head around to face newt and he looks at me, smiles before kissing me.

I kiss back before turning my head back around and scooting my body down sligtily so my head is on newts shoulder.

"it's funny how we're surviving the end of the world and they two still find time to fall inlove and do couple shit." frypan says.

I let out a small laugh whereas newt and Thomas let out massive laughs.

"it's been a while since we've spent time together guys. I really missed this." I say to all of them.

"i miss the glade yknow? Always stealing frypans food before running the maze." I say frowning slightly.

"god the full time we were in that maze we hated it but now the minute we've left it all we wanna do is be in it." newt says sighing.

"i miss my hut." I say frowning.

"you mean you miss sneaking newt into your hut." Thomas says with a massive smirk on his face.

"that too." I say jokingly smirking.

"awwh." frypan coos.

"can't believe minho wasn't here to see the day newt and I finally got together." I say sadly.

"how long ago was it now?" Thomas asks.

"since minho got taken or since newt and I?" I ask confused before yawning.

"i remember how long it was since minho. Three years, six months and ten days." he answers.

I guess that makes two of us counting.
Makes me feel less weird for counting.

"two years and nine months." newt answers before I can.

I yawn again and rub my eyes.
The hum of being in the car is making me extremely tired.

"i miss minho." I say sadly.

"i miss him way more." Thomas says.
Is he serious.
Is he fucking serious!?

"Thomas uh? Hate to break it to you but, this isn't a competition. And either way cassie will miss him more, hes her big brother. They were way closer than any of us could've been to minho." newt says in my defence as he knows when anyone tries to say that minho liked them more than he liked me I will lose my shit.

"sorry Cassie." Thomas says quickly realising his mistake.

"I'm going for a nap wake me up soon." I say looking up at newt.

He nods and quickly kisses me.

I kiss back before pulling away and getting comfortable.

"i love you." I say to newt.

"i love you too." he says to me.

"i tolerate you two." I say to Thomas and frypan before closing my eyes and almost instantly falling into a deep sleep.

When I'm woken up it's because the car jolts slightly and I wake up and let out a small groan.

"shh cass it's okay." newt whispers to me and his voice causes me to wake up fully.

"how long was I sleeping?" I ask quickly.

"nine hours." newt tells me.

"did you go to sleep?" I question.

"for eight hours." newt tells me.

I turn around carefully so I'm sitting on his lap.

"is Thomas asleep?" I ask newt.

"yeah, you just missed him." newt tells me.

I then remember about what Thomas said about minho and suddenly frown.

"we're gonna find minho you know, even if it has to kill me I'll make sure you're with your brother again." newt tells me  as I look down on him.

"no, you need to be with him too." I argue.

"i suppose." newt coos slightly.

I then just stare down at newt and smile.
How is he my boyfriend.

I know newt and I have been together for quite a while but I still have the worlds biggest crush on him.

He constantly makes me blush or gives me butterflies.
I still have they little daydreams about him.
I even sometimes still plan our wedding even though I know there's no chance it'll ever happen.
Infact, I even think about when we save minho about telling him.
Minho will probably be extremely happy.
He always knew newt and I liked each other and he constantly tried to set us up but we were both far too embarrassed to admit our feelings for one another.

Newt notices me staring and smiles slightly.

"planning our wedding again?" he asks.

"who told you about that!? The only person I told was.." I say trying to think and then my head snaps to frypan and in the small mirror above the his face and see a small smirk on his lips.

"i swear to god when this fucking car stops I'm going to beat you." I say which makes newt and frypan laugh

"i hate you so much." I say to him rolling my eyes.

"thought you tolerated me?" fry jokes.

"okay I was joking. I still tolerate you." I tell him.

"i miss you when you were sleeping." frypan then adds.

I collapse onto newt so that my nose is buried in his chest and I begin to fake sleep, but I guess I was so tired I fully fell asleep and then I'm being woken up by newt shaking me saying we're at the place and I happy sit up and jump out the car newt following close in behind until suddenly I look at where we are.

"not trying to sound negitave but if I was a crank this would be exactly where I'd be hiding." newt says.

Thomas just shrugs and we all climb back into the car, but I quickly grab two guns and shove one in my pocket without anyone realising before climbing back into the car.

"if there's cranks in there let me deal with it." I say to everyone.

"no. I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself for cranks." Thomas argues.

"i have an idea on how to kill them alright." I say in defence.

"i don't care." Thomas argues

I slump back and cross my arms angrily as fry drives into the tunnel and he drove almost straight into a crank.

"maybe I should drive." I offer, a grin appearing on my face.

"fuck it yeah, you should." fry says as he climbs into the back seat and I climb into the front seat.

"this is a bad idea." fry says the minute I put my foot down on the pedal.

I drive straight into the crank killing it and continue driving deeper into the tunnel until I am met with a large group of cranks.

"thomas take the wheel!" I scream as I jump into the back seat closest to the window and pull a gun out my pocket.
Thomas panics and jumps onto the drivers seat and I pull the window down and begin firing bullets
Until I feel something grab my arm and I quickly pull my arm back on and roll the window back up as quickly as I can.

"did you get bitten!?" newt screams.

I roll my sleeve up and check my arm.

"not bitten or scratched or anything." I say as I check my full arm.

"Thomas keep fucking driving!" fry and I scream at him as the car suddenly comes to a hault and cranks begin to bang at the windows causing them to crack

Thomas quickly presses the pedal and the car does flying forward and we crash and the car flips upside down but I can't help but laugh.

"quick get out!" I  hear Brenda yell.

I kick the door open and realise the cranks are all gone and I climb out the car, everyone following in persuit and I climb into the back of Brenda and jeorges car collapsing in shock.

"Cassie how the fuck did you manage to get two guns?" newt asks angrily as he climbs into the car behind me.

"i hid them in the trunk of the car because I knew we'd need them." I say shrugging before Thomas slams the door after him and frypan.

"are you stupid!? You could've got bitten!" newt screams as jeorge begins driving out the tunnel.

"but I didn't. And if I didn't do that we would've probably been dead." I say rolling my eyes.

Newt just scoffs and turns away from me so I look out the window and give the middle finger to all the cranks we drive past and laugh slightly to myself.

And that's when I feel newt hugging me and he just whispers 'sorry' over and over again.

"it's fine, you were angry because I could've got hurt." I say to him.

"it's not fine though, I screamed at you." newt argues and I hear everyone making their own small conversations.

"newt. It is fine." I say shutting him up as we leave the tunnel.

I sit up properly and hug newt back smiling slightly.
It's moments like these that make me realise newt really does care about me.

/time skip to where you finally see minho again/

I hear minho screaming.
I know it's minho.
I can tell.

And I run towards it before a guard grabs me and presses a gun to my head.
I left Thomas and newt a while back as I realised where the hospital wing was.

And that's when I hear a really loud scream of 'get your hands off of my fucking sister'

And suddenly the screams are right behind me as the guard gets thrown off of me and I hear loud bashes, I'm assuming that's minho bashing the guard off the walls and that's when I turn to minho and gasp.

"cass? You've changed so much." minho says quietly.

"you haven't changed at all. Well maybe a few wrinkles but." I joke before he throws his arms around me and I break down crying.

And that's when I see Thomas and newt sprinting in our direction and I smile.

"I've missed you so much." I sob into his shoulder.

"i missed you more than I've missed anyone else." minho says quietly before I pull away and point at Thomas and newt right behind us and he turns around and stares at them in awe.

They quickly hug him before newt pulls back from the hug and pushes me into a wall.

Which is pretty bloody hot.
Did I just say bloody!?!?!?

"if you ever run away like that again, I'm going to bloody murder you." newt says before kissing me.

I kiss back and I hear minho gasp.

"they're finally together!?" he screams

"two years nine months." Thomas says.

Minho claps his hands proudly before I see guards running towards us and I scream we have to run.

"we gotta go!" Thomas screams before running in one direction and they all follow him apart from me

OH god.
Newt is gonna kill me.

I hope he shoves me against a wall first though.

Well anyways.

I quickly  pull out a gun from my pocket and aim at at janson.

"step closer and I'm gonna blow your fucking brains out!" I scream at him.

He takes a single step closer and I shoot towards him, it hits him on the shoulder and then suddenly tons of bullets are flying in my direction and I turn the corner and run the same way newt, Thomas and minho did and I meet them at a large window.

The minute I run in the pain hits me.

My back is in the worst pain I could ever imagine and I turn around to barricade the door and I hear minho newt and Thomas gasp.

It's a struggle to move my body as it all feels weak and limp.

"can I get a little help?" I ask quietly wondering why suddenly my full body is practically giving up on itself.

Nobody moves towards and instead Thomas smashes the window and newt runs and grabs my hand before we all jump out the window into water together, but I get pulled under the water and can't pull myself back up.

"Cassie!" minho screams before everything goes black.

And I guess that was it for me.
That's how I died.
The day I get my brother back I die.


I wake up and my head is extremely foggy.

Was that all just a dream?

I sit up although my back is in extreme agony and look around the room.

"hello!?" I call confused.

"she's awake!" I hear aris scream and gally, Brenda, newt, minho and basically everyone else runs in

"where are we?" I ask confused.

"we made it out love. We're in the safe place now." newt says sitting beside me on my bed

"why is my back so sore?" I continue to question.

"you got shot three times, but they're almost fully healed." minho tells me.

I turn to minho and smile.

"it's good to have you back." I tell him nodding.

"but cass, I have a surprise for you." newt tells me and I look at him confused as everyone else that I've ever became friends with walks into the small room I've been in.

"i told you when we got out of everything and were safe I'd marry you. You remember right?" newt asks me smiling.

I nod.

"i remember.." I say confused.

"well, will you marry me? Today?" newt questions and I gasp and nod my head before grabbing his face and kissing him.

He kisses back and everyone claps or cheers, some even do both not the loudest person clapping was minho.

Newt smiles into the kiss before pulling away.

"well, we better get ready for our wedding right." newt says before standing up and walking out, all the boys following him and all the girls stay with me.

"i don't have a dress or anything." I say frowning.

"we made you one, exactly like how you described it to frypan." Brenda exclaims pulling out the dress from behind her back.

It's a short white skater dress but it's beautiful, it has lace sleeves and everything.

"how did you make this?" I ask gasping.

"a few of the people we rescued are clearly amazing at sewing." she says laughing.

I take the small gown off me that was clearly put on me so it was easy access to my back and realise I have a clean pairs of bra and pants which is a good thing and I stand up forgetting the pain and quickly putting the dress on and I look down at myself and gasp.

"i look amazing!" I scream twirling around and Brenda claps.

"so, are you and Thomas together yet?" I tease.

She actually nods and I gasp.

"i fucking knew it." I mutter before sonya throws some shoes at me.

"newt and I also discovered we were siblings." she tells me and I gasp again

"you're gonna be my sister!" I exclaim happily.

"you're gonna be my sister!" she exclaims back.

I catch the shoes, they're nothing too fancy, but they're perfect.

"we also raided alot of the houses in the city." Harriet tells me winking.

"wait but how long was I out for?" I ask everyone

"two or three weeks, newt never left your side." Brenda tells me smiling.

Awwwh that's cute.

"so I'm actually getting married?" I ask them not realising if this was a prank or not.

"you're really getting married." all the girls scream at me.

I stand at the bottom of the quick made Isle and gasp.

Minho links Arms with me and we slowly start walking down the Isle together.

"Teresa died?" I ask confused on why she's not here.

"yep." minho tells me.

"nice." I say before looking around the venue.

Although it's clearly quickly made it looks exactly like the one I told frypan about.

Maybe even better.

And that's when I see newt and he's stood smiling.

OH my god.
OH my god.
OH my god.

I'm really getting married.
This is really happening.

"I'm shitting myself minho I'm so scared." I whisper to him and we both burst out laughing.

Jeorge is the priest obviously I'm not surprised.

I walk up beside newt and just stare at him.

"holy shit you actually look so hot." I tell him laughing.

"dearly beloved and dearly people we rescued who we haven't quite gotten to know yet." Jeorge begins and I hold back my laughter again.

"we are here to celebrate the wedding of Cassie and newt as they take each others hand in ever lasting love." he says clearly already bored.

"are people gonna have speeches?" I ask in shock.

"you bet." newt tells me causing me to panic.

"I've done alot of insane shit." I cry out.

"Cassie shut up or I'll not be the priest." Jeorge tells me and I stop talking and go back to just staring at newt.

"newt, repeat after me please." he then says.

"i, newt. Promise to look after Cassie through her sickness and through her health and love her till death do us part." Jeorge says and newt happily repeats it.

"now Cassie you do the same please." jeorge says before he starts talking.

"i, Cassie promise to look after newt through his sickness and through his health and love him till death do us part." he says and I slowly repeat it trying my hardest not to mess up.

"and now we exchange the rings, Cassie if you could reach into your pocket please." jeorge says.

"the dress has pockets!?" I scream excitedly and I take the rings out my pocket and gasp.
They're beautiful.

"say your own vows and then give each other the rings I forgot what I was to actually say here." jeorge.

I give newt the ring for me and we both look at jeorge as we don't know who's going first.

"newt goes first." he tells us shrugging.

Newt reaches into his blazer pocket and takes a bit of paper out of it.

He clears his throat before he starts to read.

"dear Cassie. I love you so much, you don't understand how much you mean to me. I promise I'll always be right by your side even if sometimes you're fed up of me. I'm always going to love you. I'll always love you. I'll forever be here." he tells me and I feel myself already getting slightly emotional and I look over at minho and he's sobbing which makes me laugh a little.

I place my hand out to newt and he carefully places the ring on my ring finger and I just smile.

"Cassie it's your turn." jeorge says.

"okay so where do I start? I promise I'm always gonna be with you no matter what you decide and I can't wait until we have our own little family, although at the moment we have our own large family, I love you far too much and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you right by my side today. I love you newt." I say before grabbing his hand and placing the ring on his finger.

"and now, you may kiss the bride!" jeorge screams and newt grabs my waist and kisses me very deeply and I kiss back happily and I hear as everyone screams.

"we're married." I whisper happily.

"were married!" newt exclaims jumping around slightly with the biggest smile on his face.

/small time skip to where everyone has speeches etc/

"can we get some silence for the speeches!?" minho screams.

Everyone falls silent and we all look at minho.

"the groom goes first." he says proudly.

"dear cass, the minute you came up in the box I knew I wanted to spend forever and onwards with you but I was too embarrassed to tell you, even though if you think about it we have been acting like we've been together ever since you came up in that bloody box, I'd sneak to your hut in the middle of the night and we'd kiss and stuff. God, I have never stopped loving you, although sometimes I've been due to kill you, like when you were shooting they cranks, or when you shot janson. Actually there's alot of times I was close to killing you, but now we're married and I wouldn't change that for the world. You're my everything and I mean my everything. I love you so so much cass." newt tells me and I burst out crying.

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