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"I've been here three years. you've been here three days!" gally exclaims.

"that should say something! I've only been here three days and I've already found the potential way out!" Thomas yells in gallys face.

I see the anger raise in gallys body.

"maybe you should actually do something!" Thomas screams.

"even the other runners should start doing something! I found the way out in three days, you didn't find it in three years." Thomas yells in my face.

I push Thomas away.

"I suggest you get out my fucking face before you get yourself kicked out of the runners." I threaten.

"and how can you kick me out the runners! you're not the keeper of the runners." Thomas asks scoffing.

"I think you're forgetting who my boyfriend is." I say, glancing over at minho.

"I think sometimes he forgets himself." Thomas tells me.

and that was my final straw.

I turn around and slap him.

"you forget where you stand in the glade! you've been here three days! you're nothing." I yell at him before running the opposite direction to my hut.

as I sit on my mattress, I begin crying.

minho treats me like I'm just a friend, in fact he acts more like he's newts boyfriend than he does mine.

I just want to mean something to someone.

I mean, of course I mean stuff to chuck, newt, god even gally.

but why not minho.

"y/n, alby wants you." gally says from outside my door.

"can you walk me?" I ask, walking to my door and opening it.

"yeah, you're probably staying in the slammer tonight." gally says, letting out a small chuckle.

"but who does he think he is!?" I exclaim angrily.

"exactly, of course I'm not gonna find the way out. I'm a builder not a bloody runner."  gally says before letting out a small laugh, which sends me into a fit of laughter.

"y/n!" alby yells.

"sneak food to me later?" I ask staring at gally.

"I'll try." he says chuckling before I run to alby.

"yes?" I ask standing infront of alby.

"did you slap Thomas?" he asks.

"yes, but I had reasons to!" I try to defend.

"you broke a rule, you're going to the slammer." alby tells me, before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the slammer.

I jump into the slammer as alby ties the door up.

"try sneak out and it's two days." he threatens before walking off.

I stare at all the small drawings I've made in the muddy walls.

'y/n was here'
'and again'
'this time it wasn't my fault'
'this time it was chucks fault.'

I pick up a small wooden chip and begin carving something else.

'this time it's Thomas' fault. '

and I begin looking at everything else I've carved.

'minho is mine-y/n'

and then the message minho carved back.

'y/n is mine-minho'

and then chuck appears at the door.

"do you have food?" I ask staring at him and jumping up.

"no, but minho slapped Thomas too so he's getting sent here and he's sneaking food." chuck explains.

"you're kidding me on." I say frowning.

"why is that a bad thing?" chuck asks.

"it's not important, now... go and get food please I'm starving." I beg.

"I'll see what I can do." chuck says before running off.

I sit back in the slammer, enjoying my own company for five minutes until alby is opening the door and minho climbs in.

"both of you are in here for a day." alby says, pointing a stern finger in at us before walking off.

"what about Thomas!? the one who started it!?" I yell.

"he didn't hit anyone!" alby yells at me.

"that's bullshit!" I yell at alby.

"do you want it to be two days!?" alby yells back.

"much rather having two days than having to be near Thomas." I grumble.

"what Thomas said isn't true." minho says looking at me.

"but it is minho, you treat me like I'm just a friend, you and newt act more like a couple than we do, I try and constantly make time for you but you never make any time for me." I say glaring at him.

"because you're always with chuck!" minho yells.

"he's my brother! of course I'm gonna spend time with him!" I yell, gasping.

"god how insecure are you to think I'm gonna do stuff with my brother?" I ask him.

"what about you and gally then?" minho asks.

"I'm not putting up with this, this is about why you treat me like I'm just a friend, why you never make time for me. am I not good enough for you!?" I ask, feeling tears prickle at the corner of my eyes.

and then everything hits me like a pile of rocks.

I'm not good enough for him.

"I'm not good enough am I?" I ask, before breaking down.

"no! y/n do not say that. you are good enough." minho says, cupping my face with his hands.

"I'm sorry for treating you like a friend, I really am. I didn't realise how much it was hurting you, and from now on I'm gonna make time with you." minho tells me.

"and you are good enough, you're good enough for me and that's all that should matter." minho finishes , as tears continue falling down my face.

"I love you so much y/n." minho says.

"I love you more." I say, smiling slightly.

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