A Simple Shop Owner

By Yechez

49.3K 1.1K 231

Things aren't always as simple as they seem. Just because he found himself in a new world, Naruto shouldn't h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Short story+Extra
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A simple goodbye

Chapter 3

2.4K 51 15
By Yechez

Deep in the untouched forests of Japan, a small clearing sat surrounded by the miles of dense forestry. Sitting in the center of the clearing was Naruto Uzumaki. The young man had his legs crossed with his hands folded on his lap. His eyes were closed and his body was completely still as he seemingly meditated.

If one had the ability to see the energies of the world, they would see a very interesting sight taking place. The trees, the grass, the bushes, every single piece of the earth was filled to the brim with energy. This energy was not the type you would find in fallen angels, demons, devils, angels or mythical gods. This energy was unique, forged from thousands of years of planetary movement. This energy was called natural energy.

Ever since he had arrived in this world, Naruto had been rather interested in the natural energy it held. Unknown to most, each of the planets had their own type of natural energy. The energy was created from thousands of years of interaction between the planet, its inhabitants and space. The energy was almost sentient in nature. It learned, adapted and took in everything around it. It could be healed and purified or it could be tainted with hatred and sadness. And the latter was exactly what had occurred with this planet.

Naruto had done some research on the history of the planet and its interaction with humans. What he found definitely explained why the natural energy pouring from the planet was so hate filled. In the earlier days of history, wars left the earth soaked with the blood of humans. As war advanced, the weapons that came along with it advanced and these weapons left even more of a mark on the planet. Nuclear weapons filled the earth and the sky with chemicals that only served to increase the damage that was being done. More and more blood was shed and the earth unwillingly soaked it all in.

That was just war. Other industries around the world had done just as much damage. Oil drilling and excavation left giant holes in the planet. Harmful chemicals were consistently pushed into the atmosphere by cigarettes while factories ripped holes in the ozone layer. Artificial dams and human structures made rivers run dry and took away habitats from aquatic animals.

In the end, the earth felt all of this. Rather if it had a consciousness or not, it felt it all and it absorbed it all. It grew angry at the ones who were causing it so much harm. Its once peaceful and healing energy turned tainted with hatred due to the treatment that it had suffered under the rule of mankind.

Now for most people, this wouldn't be a problem. The only real noticeable effect for most was an increase in erratic weather patterns and natural disasters. But the people who felt the biggest effect from the tainted energy were senjutsu users.

The act of creating senjutsu involved drawing in an abundance of natural chakra and mixing it with the user's own life energy. The art of senjutsu required large chakra reserves and, more importantly, strong mental fortitude. For when you take in the natural energy, you also take in the emotions behind it. In earth's case, you take in hundreds, even thousands of years of taint. The mental backlash of taking in that amount of emotions could literally drive a person insane or leave them brain dead. The physical backlash could cause a heart attack or instant death. That's why it was impossible to take in natural energy without being in a meditative state. One needed to be at peace with themselves and at their strongest to be able to conquer the effects of natural chakra.

When Naruto had first entered sage mode on this planet, he had been taken back by the amount of hate he could feel flowing through the earth. While in sage mode, his range of sense was spread over miles of land. And every single inch of it was flowing with this intense, tainted, hate-filled energy. And that energy was now currently flowing through every single drop of his chakra. It had taken a lot of his own mental fortitude to overcome the intense hatred, but in the end he won over it and purged it.

When the purged chakra had exited Naruto's body and entered nature once again, it had spread through the area he had been meditating in. The grass seemed to shine a brighter shade of green, the sunlight seemed to gleam brighter and the trees seemed livelier. It had actually put a smile on Naruto's face when he saw just how much the clearing had changed from the insertion of the natural energy.

Ever since then, Naruto had dedicated his Sunday mornings to purging small pockets of natural energy around the areas of Japan. From the top of skyscrapers to the middle of forests, Naruto always made sure to at least spend two hours purging as much of the planet's energy as he could. To be honest, the amount he managed to purge wasn't even a drop in the bucket when it came to the amount of tainted natural energy that was all around the world. But as a sage, he had to at least try to make a difference.

For the first time in the past hour, Naruto's chest moved as he inhaled a long breath. The morning sun was shining down on his form, illuminating his golden hair and giving him an almost ethereal appearance. The boy's chest slowly fell as he exhaled, unconsciously pumping another wave of the purified chakra back into the earth.

Deep inside his own inner consciousness, Naruto's eyes fluttered open. He immediately took in the abundance of nature around him. Enormous trees formed the outline of a massive clearing. In the distance, an active volcano could be seen erupting. A plume of black smoke was rising from the active mouth of the natural disaster. Above the stack of smoke, high up in the sky, were 8 planetoid object. They weren't big enough to be considered planets but they definitely weren't meteors or anything like that. Each of the planets had a set amount of moons rotating slowly around it, stretching from one moon all the way up to eight moons.

"How cliché of them." Naruto thought to himself as he stood to his full height. He allowed himself to stretch for several seconds even though it wasn't entirely necessary considering he was currently in his own mindscape.

When he had first arrived in the new world, Naruto had been almost completely alone. Lost with no idea where to go, most would've broken down and quit right then and there. Fortunately for the blonde-haired shinobi, he had the tailed beast sealed within him. The nine beast helped counsel him and guide him in his time of need. Their experience, inside and outside their containers, had given the boy and the beasts plenty to talk about and occupy his mind with. Their relationship had grown so much that Naruto allowed each of the beast to reign over a domain in his mindscape. Each of the domains were represented by the planetoid-esque objects in the sky. The number of moons rotating around the planetoids represented which tailed beast were located on it.

"It's not cliché. It's just an expression of their egos." A voice boomed out from behind the tree line. Naruto turned his body and looked on as a section of trees along the tree line began to shake. Slowly, a massive red paw came into view. Following the paw was a leg covered in red fur. The leg was connected to a slightly humanoid body. Attached to the body was the head of a fox, adorned with massive rabbit ears. The eyes held the pattern of the Rinnegan as the foxlike creature stared down at its container with a smirk on its face.

"Whole planets, though? Is that really necessary?" Naruto asked the giant fox. The beast let out a soft hum before slowly sitting down, leaning his head on his front haunches.

"My brothers and sister are thousands of years old and spent the majority of the past couple of centuries sealed away. And in most cases, where their sealing took place was not exactly the most pleasant of places. They only wish to have a place where they can stretch their legs and roam free." Kurama stated while looking down at his container. Naruto could only nod at the explanation as he was sure he would feel the same way if their positions were switched. He went to took a seat on the forest ground but just before his butt could hit the ground, a chair rose from the ground to catch him and propel him upwards until he was eye level with the fox.

"When you put it like, I can understand. Anyways, what have you found out about the energy and resurrection technique the girl used?" Naruto asked. After seeing the red-haired girl bring back the boy from the dead, he had immediately wanted to capture and interrogate the girl for information about the technique. Any ability that had the power to resurrect those from the dead, seemingly more powerful and rejuvenated than before, needed to not be in the wrong hands. Of course he realized there was more to the girl than it seemed. He just needed to figure out what that was without tipping her off. That was why he had given Kurama full permission to delve into his memories of that night to analyze the chakra and technique in order to find out anything that could help to shed some light on the inner workings of the skill.

"The energy, if I had to compare it to something, is somewhat similar to the chakra created by the Zero-tailed beast. It's dark ... not corrupted but dark. The chess pieces seemed to be a catalyst for it all. The energy produced by the girl set off the reaction within the chess pieces. When I took a closer look, the pieces seemed to serve three purposes. The first one was to revive the boy. I hypothesize that the pieces contain some sort of very powerful healing technique that helps revive the dead and bring their body to perfect condition. The second purpose is to fill the body with this dark chakra, basically converting the newly revived human to whatever the girl is. Trust me, she is not human. No normal human in this realm contains that much dark energy. Anyways I'm getting off track. The third purpose the piece serves is the most worrying to me honestly. You see, the energy that fills the revived body carries similarities to the energy the girl sent through the pieces. The energy is integrated through every single fiber of that boy. The third step basically bounds the boy to the girl. I don't know how but I can sense a connection between the two and it definitely wasn't there before he was revived." Kurama finished as his tails swung lazily behind him.

Naruto had his head propped up against his hand as he went over the new information. It honestly did not help to alleviate any of the worries he felt. This teenage girl had the ability to revive the dead and bound them to herself while making them even stronger than before. The strange energy that she possessed that had the ability to revive and strengthen the deceased was also just as worrying.

"There's also another thing you should know. I took the liberty of looking a bit deeper into your memory and along with chakra, I could sense the exact same dark energy coming from your little girlfriend. There's a possibility that she may have gone through the same process as that boy." Naruto gave no visible reaction to the news, earning a soft sigh from the tailed beast. While the boy may have acted stoic to the news, Kurama knew that the information was affecting his container. If there was one thing that could get a reaction out of Naruto, it was anything that affected his precious people.

The giant beast rose its paw into the air and gave the boy a reassuring pat on his head. He then stood to his full height and walked out of the clearing, leaving the Naruto alone to himself and his thoughts.

"What is going on and how is Koneko-chan involved?"

Rias Gremory tapped her fingers in a rhythmic pattern against one of the many hardwood desk located within Kuoh academy. Though, if one was to be honest, this wasn't just any normal, old desk. The thing that made this desk special was the fact that it was located in the student council room. The student council was made up of an illustrious group of students located within the education system of Kuoh Academy. The head and leader of this council were no other than Sona Sitri, heiress to the Sitri clan and the very same person that the red-haired girl was waiting for.

"It's very unusual that Sona-chan would be late. Especially for one of our meetings." Rias thought to herself as her fingers continued to tap against the desk. Not even a minute after the thought, the door to the council room creaked open, revealing a somewhat flustered Sona Sitri. The black haired girl took a second to remove any out of place hair and dust off her uniform before walking over to her desk.

"I am sorry for the delay Gremory-san but I have recently acquired a rather stubborn pawn that has been giving me a lot of trouble. I had to deal with him before I could make my way to this meeting." The girl stated while taking a seat at her desk. Rias nodded as a bright flash a light covered the desk the girls were sitting at. The light soon disappeared to reveal an intricate chess board now sat upon the table.

"It's not a problem. I recently managed to get a new pawn myself and he is a bit of a handful." Rias said as she began the first move of the game. Her having the first move in their games was unspoken tradition that was in place ever since Sona had soundly beat Rias in their first game.

"Yes I heard or rather I sensed it. Issei Hyoudou, one of the members of the perverted trio but also a suspected sacred gear owner. A rather interesting pick, even for you and your diverse peerage." Sona stated as she quickly moved her own piece. The Sitri heir would be lying if she wasn't just slightly envious of the amount of unique pieces the girl sitting in front of her had acquired. While she had trained her peerage to the best of her abilities and knew that they would be able to evenly compete with Rias', she still felt slightly jealous since the boy was suspected to have a sacred gear within his possession. Though her own new addition to her peerage somewhat made up for that fact.

"Yes, he is quite the handful honestly. His status as a perverted individual wasn't exactly well received by some of my peerage members. He is still very rough around the edges but we're working the kinks out." Sona hummed at the response as she once again analyzed the board. Rias and she had been playing against each other in the game of strategy for years at this point. Ever since the two had met each other as children, a natural rivalry had formed between the them. Their position in the devil society, the power their siblings had and the natural ego they each contained made for the perfect formula for a rivalry. Unfortunately, when they were younger, neither had a full peerage so they were forced to compete against each other games of chess. That tradition had carried on throughout the entirety of their childhoods and continued to this day.

Usually Sona would find herself on the winning end of most of their matches. She was the more intelligent of the two and as a child, there was almost no competition between them. Though as time went on, Rias adapted and began to use unorthodox strategies that would catch the Sitri heiress off guard. Their matches had become more even as time passed but usually Sona would still come out as victorious most of the time.

"I sensed your brother in town a few days ago. Is everything okay?" At this, Rias froze before releasing a sigh. Sona raised a single eyebrow at this. She knew that the red-haired girl's brother could be rather eccentric, the same thing could be said about her sister, but the girl never reacted like that when she asked about Sirzechs in the past;

"Yes, I needed to meet with him for a personal matter. Koneko recently found herself a boyfriend and I was rather suspicious of the man. He is around our age and doesn't even attend school. I was attempting to find out more information on him by using my brother but that plan failed horribly." The red haired girl stated as she slumped down in her seat. Sona blinked owlishly at the information, not exactly comprehending what she had just heard.

"Koneko? As in your peerage member, Koneko?" Rias nodded her head solemnly, shocking Sona even more.

"I know, I know. I was shocked too. And now she is mad at me for prying into the relationship. I just want to make sure that she is okay." Rias sighed out once again. Sona stared at her fellow heiress for several seconds before snapping her fingers. The chessboard in front of them disappeared in a bright flash of light, leaving the table clear and the red-haired heiress confused. Sona stood up from her chair and began to walk towards the door.

"Wait! Where are you going? We haven't finished our match yet." Sona stopped right at the entrance of the door, her body seemingly freezing up at the sound of her friend's voice. Very slowly, the Sitri heiress turned towards her fellow heiress and looked the red-haired girl in the eyes.

"I am the president of the Student Council. My job is to uphold the reputation and mood of the school to the best of my abilities using whatever resources I have at my dispose. Koneko-san is seen as the mascot of this school. This emotional integrity of this school cannot withstand the fallout of an upset Koneko. I refuse to let this school fall because of that!" The girl said with an unusual amount of passion held within her voice. Rias blinked at the girl's rather unusual behavior as the Sitri made a sharp turn back towards the door and charged out of the office.

"...Well that was unexpected."

Koneko shivered once again as she slowly made her way through the streets of Kuoh. The entire day, she had chills running up and down her spine. A constant sense of foreboding hung over her head during school. It took all of her mental strength not to attack the closest person next to her whenever the foreboding feeling reached an apex. Her instincts as a Nekoshou and as a reincarnated devil constantly screamed at her that something bad was going to happen. It had even gotten to a point where she had even reached out to her fellow peerage members to see if they felt the same. She made sure to avoid Rias and Akeno as she was still rather upset with them because of their actions.

A shiver traveled up the young girl's spine once again, breaking her focus and almost making her stumble. That had been the strongest one she had felt so far today. She could literally feel the hair on the back of her neck raising as she continued her journey.

"What is going on?" Koneko thought to herself as she continued to make her way towards her boyfriend's shop. The walk only took a short five minutes but during those five minutes, she was bombarded with shivers and a sense of foreboding that grew stronger with each step. After what seemed like an eternity, she got to the entrance of Naruto's shop and was rather shocked to see that the place was completely empty. She saw that the sign said "Open" so she shrugged her shoulders and went in. Immediately, the chills running through her body stopped and the foreboding feeling faded away. A small smile popped up on her face as she walked to the back room.

She hopped over the counter separating the back of the shop from the front of the shop and walked to the back room.

"Naru-kun, are you back here?" The girl asked as she opened the door to the room. She immediately noticed that the room was dimly lit with only a single bulb in the corner providing the room with only the tiniest amount of light. The second thing she noticed was her boyfriend. The boy was sitting directly in the center of the room on a stool. His face was overshadowed by his blond locks as he slowly and methodically cleaned a small, glass cup.

"Naruto?" Koneko called out the boy's name due to his lack of notice to her presence. The boy's head slowly raised up, revealing his bright, clear blue eyes to the girl. A soft smile adorned his face as he continued to run his rag over the small glass.

"Hey Ko-chan. Why don't you sit next to me?" Koneko's eyes immediately locked on to the stool directly next to the teen. How she didn't notice it when she first entered the room, she didn't know. But she had no reason to refuse him as she slowly walked over and plopped her butt on the stool.

"Why aren't there any customers in the store?" Koneko said as she stared out into the empty store. Naruto remained silent next to her for several seconds before letting out a small sigh. Koneko's head turned and she watched as the blonde-haired boy slowly set the glass down and turn to her. The girl almost recoiled by the steely look the boy's eyes had suddenly taken on. She had never seen this look in his eyes before.

"Koneko-chan, I know we haven't been together for long but I want to ask you something." Koneko's heart completely skipped a beat when she heard this. Millions of possibilities immediately began to flash through her head as her boyfriend continued to stare at her. Was he going to ask her to take their relationship to another level? Was he going to ask her to marry him? Was he going to ask her about Rias and Akeno?

"Koneko ... Are you a human?" At this, Koneko froze. Her body, mind and heart just seemed to stop moving. Of the millions of possibilities that crossed her mind only seconds ago, this had not been one of them.

"I guess I should explain some things first. I know that you have chakra." Once again, Koneko's heart was forced to skip a beat at the sudden revelation. "I've been able to sense it from you since the day we may met but I was unsure on whether you knew about it up until recently." Koneko had to hold in a growl as her mind immediately went to the King of her peerage. Her interference in her relationship had forced this to happen!

"I was unsure until that girl Rias showed up. I sensed an energy coming from her. Though hers was not chakra... it was much darker. Then a red-headed man came into my shop carrying the same energy. That set off even more alarms in my head. But the final straw happened a few nights ago. I watched as your friend... she raised a boy from the dead. I could sense the same energy flowing through her now in that boy. And when I took a deeper look into your energy, I saw you had the same energy. I can feel it intertwining with your chakra. So, all of that leads me to my question... Are you a human? Or have died before?" Naruto asked once again. By this point in the conversation, Koneko's mind had started to work once again. It was racing as it attempted to process everything she had just heard. A part of her was furious with her King when she realized that she had somehow gotten her brother involved if the statement about the red-headed man was anything to go by. A part of her was terrified that everything she had tried so hard to hide from the boy had somehow been revealed to him within a week of meeting Rias and Akeno. But finally, the last part of her was very curious of how the boy beside her was able to sense all of this. And that part of her was the first to speak.

"H-how... How are you able to sense all of this?" The girl managed to stutter out. Naruto let out a long sigh before standing from his stool. Koneko watched as the boy stripped himself of his apron before stretching out his arms. The boy closed his eyes and took in a very deep breath.

Koneko's eyes widened when she felt a massive amount of chakra wash over her. She didn't notice her Nekoshou features come out as the warm chakra poured over her entire body. It felt so warm and comforting. It surrounded her entire body and filled her up completely.

"I've been keeping some secrets from you as well Koneko-chan. And I can't exactly expect you to be honest with me if I'm not being completely honest with you. I'm not from this world. I am from a world of chakra using ninjas. I am a sage, a master of senjutsu, I am a ninja and I have several demons sealed inside my stomach." Naruto blurted out. His eyes glanced down to his girlfriend in order to judge her reaction. He knew it was somewhat of a risk to just throw everything at the girl all at once. He was very shocked to see the white cat ears sitting on her head and the white cat tail laying limply behind her. He had known his girlfriend was special but he never expected anything to this extent.

"S-senjutsu?" The girl stuttered out while slowly standing from the stool. Naruto slowly nodded his head before closing his eyes once again. Koneko's heart almost leapt out of her mouth when she felt the familiar feeling of nature surround the boy. She could literally feel the hate of the world slowly filling the boy.

"No!" Koneko screamed before pouncing on the boy. Naruto was knocked out of his meditative state when the full weight and strength of the reincarnated, devil girl with the power of a rook slammed into his chest. He was lifted off his feet and slammed full force into the nearby wall. The concrete wall cracked as it absorbed the full force of the teen's body being propelled by Koneko's strength.

Koneko, on the other hand, was now straddling her boyfriend's hips while her hands laid on his chest. She had immediately dashed over to him when she realized what she had done. Her breathing was heavy as she stared down at the slightly shocked boy. She didn't mean to use her full strength to tackle the boy. But when she had started to sense the nature chakra flowing into the boy, she had no idea how to react. Her instincts had taken over and her body had just moved on its own.

"I-I-I'm sorry Naruto-kun. I didn't mean to hit you that hard." Koneko slowly trailed off when she noticed that her boyfriend was now chuckling beneath her. His chuckles turned into a full blown laughter that sent the girl spiraling in confusion. Her confusion was soon erased when she felt the boy's hand softly brush against one of her ears. The stiffness in her body immediately melted away and her body became lax at her boyfriend's touch. Naruto continued to slowly stroke the girl's ears and head as she melted more into his embrace.

"You don't have to apologize at all Ko-chan. I deserved it for keeping all of that from you. Though it looks like you've been keeping some stuff from me as well." Naruto said. He couldn't even tell if the girl was listening to him anymore as his fingers assaulted every single pleasurable area on her head. She had even started purring a couple of seconds ago, adding even more cuteness to the situation.

Koneko was currently experiencing one of the most pleasurable moments of her life. All thoughts of the previous conversation had went straight out the window as the blonde haired boy's hand continued to assault her head. She almost let out a hiss when his hand left her head but was quickly silenced when she felt the boy's lips press up against hers. His hand immediately found her head once again and she was forced to moan into the kiss as the combination overloaded her sense of pleasure. She slowly began to grind her hips against her boyfriend's as the kiss grew deeper and deeper. Her own hands began to wander the sculpted body of the man beneath her. She was pleasantly surprised when she felt a slowly growing lump begin to press against her rear end. She could feel what she could only guess to be her boyfriend's erection slowly press up against her ass. Just the feeling of it made the girl shiver with pleasure as the kissed continued on.

"And what is going on here?" A voice cut through the entire mood of the situation, making Naruto and Koneko freeze. Naruto had no idea who the voice belonged to and ended up just being stunned by the sudden intrusion. Koneko, on the other hand, recognized the strict and stern voice and immediately grew angry at the sound of it. Her hands balled up into fist as her anger quickly filled her body.

"Well Koneko-san, would you like to explain yourself? You know this behavior is rather unfit for a freshman of Kuoh Academy." Koneko's head slowly turned and her eyes met with Sona Sitri's. The president of the student council was standing in the door of the backroom with her hands folded behind her back. Rias Gremory stood behind the girl with a shocked but slightly worried expression on her face as she observed the situation.

"Koneko-san, I think it's best that you get up so we can lea-" Koneko didn't even allow the girl to finish as she leapt up off her boyfriend and pounced at the girl, her fist balled up in preparation of hitting the student body president. Sona, not expecting that type of reaction from the girl, could only stand in shock as the Nekoshou grew closer and closer. Rias attempted to throw up a barrier spell but it was obvious that she wasn't going to make it.

Luckily for everyone in the room, Naruto's senses when it came to negative emotions were very acute. He had sensed the buildup of anger in Koneko and had acted appropriately. Just as she leapt off of his body, he had moved as well. His top speed far surpassed the girl and he managed to slip past her flying form. He placed himself in front of the girl and managed to catch her just before she managed to tear out the throat of the Sitri heir.

"I think it's best if you two leave." Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around his rampaging girlfriend. Sona continued to stare in shock as she looked into the eyes of the pissed off Nekoshou. She was snapped out of her stupor when she felt Rias's hand land on her shoulder. She turned her head back towards the redhead and saw her shaking her head. Sona turned back towards the odd couple and saw that the girl had yet to calm down. The heiress coughed into her palm and straightened her back in an attempt to regain some sense of the dignity she had walked in with.

"We will be discussing this later, Koneko-san." Sona said in a clipped tone before quickly exiting the room with Rias in tow. The two heiresses scurried out of the store with Koneko's hissing following them all the way out.

"We messed up... We really messed up this time."

Hello people. Another chapter has been posted. Hope you guys enjoyed it. A little of an announcement, I will not be posting anymore chapters until Next week, But do expect chapter 4 on Sunday or next Monday.

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