The Youngest Ragnarson

By chazza_11

1K 24 2

Ashter must grow up facing many problems and learning to cope with skills the gods blessed him with More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

111 3 0
By chazza_11


Chapter 5

Uhtred had more encounters with ragnar for the next year, ending in both brida and ragnar becoming Alfred's prisoners. Sihtric took ashter to the woods often where ashter could bend without being constantly watched. They all aged more, ashter turning 16 in captivity. Nights when he heard his sister screaming were still a pain, her dogs a constant reminder also of thier situation. Ashter had heard word of what his brother was doing in wessex and of how he killed Ubba at cynuit, which earned him beatings from kjartans men although sihtric did his best to not let that happen, and he had heard of Ragnar briefly, that he was now a prisoner in wessex.

Kjartan had heard that there was to be a new 'king' in the North from his son, sven when he returned from the slave trade. When sven returned speaking of a dead horseman sent from odin to collect kjartans and his souls, kjartan grew mad, further Infuriated by thyra and her hounds. Sven was sent to get thyras dogs to shut up.

"You are never welcome here" it was directed to sven.
"My father asked for you to keep the hounds quiet. Thyra, if you do not comply he will have them killed, again."
"And again, you shall bring me pups"
"He will have men hump you... Your brother will be beaten, more so than he already is. I tell you every time, you do not need to live like this, you don't need to eat and sleep with hounds."
"It is my wish."
"I dream of you, as you were..."
"I dream of nothing but the fire. And pray for Ashter's safety, for odin to save him like when he was a babe." Thyra stood walking towards sven. "My wedding necklace, do you like it?"
Thyra asked for death once again.


Kjartan ordered one of his men to put together a group to go to Guthred, to join his Danish and saxon army but more importantly to bring uhtred to Durham to be killed. Among this group of men was sihtric, which in turn meant Ashter was coming too.
"Why must I come sihtric, your only planning to capture my brother like your father did me and thyra and he will recognise me!"
"No, you are to wear this cloth around your face to ease suspicion. And your not to use your gifts!" sihtric handed ashter a black bandana, "and keep your hood up".

They soon arrived in Cumberland, a group of seven. After being directed to uhtred by a smith, ashter saw his big brother for the first time in a long while, he was sparring with an angry big man. Sihtric heard ashters intake of breath upon seeing his brother,
"You're not to say a word, be mute and don't show your face to anyone but me" sihtric whispered in his ear. Kjartans right hand spoke, "forgive me, we are looking for Uhtred, the commander of the kings army." They all dismounted from thier horses, ashter sticking close to sihtric. "We are here to offer our swords." He continued.

The king spoke, asking of where they came from and whom they belonged to. Ashter could see uhtred take a defensive stance, the same one from when they were little, he didn't believe a word of what was being spoken. Ashter looked around, taking in the surrounding people only to see agnar, his wolf, he thought she was dead. Agnar spotted him across the way, the wolf sat next to a nun, agnar recognised him even with a mask. Ashter shook his head no slightly, telling her not to approach or give him away.

They went to a cart to get food, sihtric taking enough for two. A man named Halig approached starting conversation, he looked to ashter,
"Why do you cover your face?", sihtric spoke on ashters behalf
"His face is burned and he can't speak, that is why" and they walked away.

That night kjartans men sat drinking ale and eating, watching for when uhtred would be alone, halig would look back at them occasionally and would lock eyes with ashter. The men left, loring uhtred to the stables by sending a boy telling of a sickly horse. Ashter had been left at the table and he caught haligs eyes once again. It was like he warned something was wrong with his eyes, ashter stood and motioned for agnar to follow like when he was a boy and nodded to halig. Halig followed,
"Uhtred is in danger"
"You speak?-"
"Yes, now follow me to the stables. Agnar, come" the wolf followed obediently along with halig trailing behind, wondering who this boy really was.

When they arrived Uhtred was fighting off the Danes, halig raised his sword and took on some too, while ashter used water from the troff to freeze a man to the wall and freeze sihtrics feet so he couldn't move. By the end of the slaughter sihtric was the only one left alive, ashter stood infront of him agnar by his side, swords being pointed at both of them by multiple people. They went to tie sihtric and ashter up, only for agnar to start growling viciously.

Uhtred looked perplexed,
"Name yourselves"
Ashter remained silent for moment.
Ashter removed his hood and his mask,
"Ragnarson, Ashter Ragnarson, the youngwolf and Odins blessed"
Uhtred looked on in shock, he had thought his brother dead by now, only hearing word of Thyra.
"Do not look so shocked brother" Ashter dropped to his knees pulling agnar close, "I missed you so much girl" he whispered into her fur.
"I thought you were dead, I'd had no news of you." Uhtred gathered Ashter in his arms. Halig, hild and the other men who'd helped kill the Danes looked shocked.
"Hang on, how's he odins 'blessed'?", of course that's all halig would pick up on. Uhtred turned, a Cheshire grin on his face,
"He is blessed, blessed beyond the powers of your Christian God". Ashter sparked a flame in his palm, "I was born dead, then the fire erupted and brought me life with odins symbol. I was given gifts of the elements... fire, water, earth and wind.". That night was confusing for everyone. Sihtric was now a prisoner and ashter had been reunited with his brother.

During the kings speech of victory Ashter stood with his brother and agnar, both looking bored. Sihtric was tied with rope and he was looking on at the boy he tried to protect for the last year or so. The speech had ended and uhtred began ordering his men. Telling them to behead the dead Danes and put them in a sack for safe keeping hoping to gift them to kjartan. Ashter spent the rest of the evening with his brother.

"I would like to speak to lord Uhtred, and young Ashter." Sihtric requested to halig.
"You cannot."
"I would like to serve him and continue looking after ashter."
"You cannot." Halig persisted.


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