(MTL)I made a fortune picking...

By Darkknight123457

29K 452 44

https://m.shubaow.net/94/94286/ Author: Panzhihua Category: Rebirth through time Release time: 2020-01-18 Lat... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 91

64 1 2
By Darkknight123457

Chapter 91

    This result is nothing to a student of a famous school, but think about it carefully, Nanshi No. 30 Middle School is a low-end school in a super second-tier city and less than a first-tier city, and it took him several months to complete the first-tier school. In the filming of this TV series, from the effect of the broadcast, he did not slack off and acted earnestly every minute.

    In this case, the math scores can still be above the average, which is already very good.

    Coupled with the fact that the crew was invited to appear on various variety shows except him, the new fans saw that he finally posted a Weibo after a long time, and they all screamed with excitement.

    "I finally waited for you, fortunately I didn't give up!"

    "When can I wait until the day I send a selfie?"

    "I just finished chasing "Atypical Youth", and the acting was really good."

    "I want to see the last time my brother Variety shows, every time various variety shows advertise that there is a crew of "Atypical Youth", but every time there is no you."

    "New fans, don't worry, our primary school principal is going to take the college entrance examination recently, in order to get good grades, no matter what announcements are made I won’t be there, thank you for your love, if you want to get close to our primary school principal, then come to the garbage pickup team, he sometimes has space.”

    “Since I fell in love with him, I seldom squatted at the airport. Don’t follow variety shows, now they have completely become five good young people who love learning, environmental protection and life. Their grades have been squeezed from the bottom to the top ten. Whether it is a teacher or a classmate, I once suspected that I was cheating, and then I threw it out. They just shut up after the garbage pickup app.”

    “They said that they never advertised, and the garbage pickup app that didn’t seek marketing accounts to promote them started to invite sailors again. Let’s see how they perform, selling melon seeds in the front row.”

    "In the beginning, I liked him because of his looks, but now I rarely see a boy with such a clean and clear appearance. Later, I got to know him slowly and found that he is really unusual. If he wants to be famous, he can be on variety shows. The show, use this to sell a character that everyone likes, increase fans, and then promote it. Isn't the effect better than now? People who have followed him from the beginning know that he is also one of the founders of this garbage picker, but later Because of filming, I seldom participate in it, not to mention promotion and marketing, as long as it is worthy of the name, what is it?"

    "Well said, these days, Jiuxiang is afraid of deep alleys! Promote your own platform. What's the matter?"

    "To put it nasty, do you really think that a small platform with a population of more than 10 million can invite Bosheng to advertise? It's not like no one was looking for him before, you guys are too conspiracy theories."

    " It's completely crooked! I'm here to lick my face, why are you arguing?"

    "Everyone says what kind of person he likes, so you can see what kind of person you are. Now it seems that the quality of this little brother is not bad. .” The

    number of likes and comments went straight up. What Zhang Jingqiang could not have imagined was that this inexplicable Weibo, because of the recent popularity of picking up garbage, was pushed to the hot search by fans from all walks of life and those newly added by Li Yuxuan.

    Li Yuxuan went to review after posting on Weibo. There are still a few months left. He can't waste a little time. After all, his foundation is relatively weak, and he is not a good reader, so he must use all the time he can.     As a result, it was less than an hour before he posted on Weibo. He had just finished a set of language papers except for composition. Zhang Jingqiang called him again, to the effect that he was on the hot search now and asked him to post about it again. Check out Weibo.     Li Yuxuan said indifferently, "I'm going to get up, what's there to say?"     But after hanging up the phone, he took the opportunity to call Ye Qian and asked if this matter had any impact on the trash pickup platform.

    Because the main task has been completed, the side tasks have not been completed, so Ye Qian's recent focus is completely on the kitchen waste. After she received the call from Li Yuxuan, she spent another thousand points to get 004 to detect the current stage of the Internet. A general view of picking up trash.

    After taking a general glance, Ye Qian returned to Li Yuxuan, "The negative impact is very small, because of your publicity, more than 50,000 people have registered and logged in within today, and I have also read the comments on the Internet, although there are many criticisms. , but most of it is because you don't know much about it, don't worry."

    After speaking, the two looked at each other silently, and the atmosphere gradually became silent.

    Ye Qian didn't know what else to say. After all, he was not Wang Zeya. He was very nervous. No matter what happened, he would quickly forget it. Li Yuxuan is different, he is very sensitive and very sensitive, but if she says something that makes him misunderstand, he may think wrong.

    "Qianqian..." Li Yuxuan whispered softly listening to the shrill breathing coming from the microphone.

    He knew that it was impossible for him to be with her. She didn't know how many times she had refused, but he was just unwilling and always felt that he could impress her.

    Maybe that's how feelings are, and what you can't get is always the best.

    "Aren't you going to review recently? If you have any questions, you can ask Jingyu. I gave him the review materials I summarized recently, by the way," Ye Qian pretended not to hear his affectionate call and changed the subject, " After watching your drama, it's better than I thought, your acting is great, come on!"

    Li Yuxuan didn't say anything in the end, just hummed lightly, "Thank you." The

    two hung up the phone.

    Ye Qian stared at the phone for a while, his attitude now seems to be much better than before, he used to be dead, and now there should be only a faint loss. Sure enough, time can really change a lot of things. I just hope that in the future, he can understand that she does not belong here. If he really agrees, it will not be good for anyone.

    Fortunately, he now seems to be slowly letting go of the restless feelings of adolescence.

    This incident had already come to an end, but one day, a group of photos of Ye Qian suddenly went viral on the Internet. It was a picture of her participating in "Atypical Youth". In the picture, she was dressed in white and looked sadly in her eyes. Facing the sea, the clothes fluttered, and under the reflection of the dark blue light blue light blue sea water, it looked extraordinarily beautiful.

    In addition to this picture, there is also the scene where Li Yuxuan is facing each other on the track and field. Among the crowd, she is the only one who is alive. Her beautiful eyes are looking at the teenagers running on the field without any waves. She is like a god, like a It is a Buddha, the sun is pouring down, she seems to be able to ascend to the sky and walk away, with compassion in her eyes, not like a god but more like a god.     The photo was sent by a little girl who is chasing drama. It has been more than half a month since the online drama "Atypical Youth" was broadcast. One day, the photo was suddenly forwarded by the marketing account. As we all know, many marketing accounts are owned by a company. When someone forwards it, how can you not join in the fun?     As a result, it was out of control. As soon as the photo was posted, it was simply amazing!     "Don't lie to me! I've seen this show! Why haven't I seen such a beautiful fairy??"     "Oh my God, it's so beautiful! Add a filter to make it the most beautiful Hong Kong star in the 1900s. Ah, she's just so charming."     "I think she has a Buddha-nature between her brows and a feeling of inviolability."     "This is the real flower of the high mountains, a real little fairy."     "I am dead, This look at each other is so beautiful!"     "Ah, isn't this @Ye Qian who picks up trash? Why is she so beautiful?"     "What drama? I want to chase it!"     "The whole drama adds up to less than half an hour . , but to be honest, this drama is really worthy of Amway, it is called "Atypical Youth"."     "Isn't this the person that the male lead cares about at the beginning? I skipped it because I felt that there was no female lead, so I am What an amazing little fairy you missed!"     "The CCTV interview is attached, and she is amazingly beautiful without makeup. Not only is she beautiful, but her posture is also graceful, which reminds you of a noble lady."

    "Yayan Middle School used to be No. 1 in the whole school... This is her ID photo [photo]"

    "The ID photo looks better than my makeup, I cry."

    "Ye Qian, 18 years old, founder of the trash pickup platform, It took less than a year to develop the APP and accumulated 10 million users. Because of sharing learning experience, the performance of the entire class has been greatly improved, which made people suspect cheating. Let more people join in, and it is precisely because of this sharing that the average score of the entire Nanshi high school group has increased by 50 points, and it has been included in the legend and praised by the TV station. Poor student, won countless pennants. At the same time, he launched fertilizer and feed in the garbage shopping mall, which was well received... All of the above are because I know when I have been paying attention to her, but I don't know that she is still quietly acting, I What kind of treasure girl is the fan!"

    "Oh my god, she looks good too, right? In such a scene...no makeup?"

    "The figure is also super good, I measure 1.75 meters, she is not that kind of backbone, Because of the small frame, the muscles do not look fat, and the small face is delicate and small and photogenic, my mother, please come to be an artist!"

    "This plot! I remember it! At the beginning, because I didn't like Bai Yueguang's stalk, so I skipped it. When I mentioned this character later, I didn’t care about it. I regret Liao.”

    “It’s a perfect match with the male protagonist!”

    “As a member of the Thirty Middle School in Nanshi, as a loyal fan of Sister Qian. , although I like everyone to praise her very much, but please don't join the cp, our sister Qian especially doesn't like other people making such jokes."

    "What the hell is an artist? Please open the garbage pick-up APP and see how many active users are there? People don’t advertise, and if they do, they will definitely make a lot of money, what’s so good about being an artist?”

    “Can you be more rational? It’s just because the young lady is good-looking, so I sigh with emotion. I didn’t expect this to happen. sensitive?"

    "As a fan of Sister Qian, I also want her to appear on the screen, but she is really too busy, and now she rarely comes to school, but her grades are always the first, please post her grades. "

    What the hell is this app! Why are there such good-looking people! No way, with the looks of Li Yuxuan and this little fairy, I'm going to try it too."

    "I'm back! Friends, I found that I fell into a hole ." It's just a large-scale scientific research star chasing platform, I actually saw it! The lecture of the boss of

    Bosheng!" "Didn't the boss of Bosheng create the Amway APP a long time ago? It is because of this that I understand it, so It seems, girl, you are not a loyal fan."     "No, I just disliked the ugly name so I didn't click on it! Who knew there was so much content in it! What the hell is it when I saw the post saying that I could help catch rape! "     Everyone says focus on finesse rather than complicated, but this APP seems to have a little bit of everything, but it doesn't make people feel bad. Just the small games in the parent-child system, I think it's done very well."     "Amway is an APP, everyone will know after using it! I'm sorry that I can't take screenshots if my contribution value is less than 3,000. I will try my best to contribute to being able to take screenshots."     Ye Qian has nothing to do with her own hot search. What a great feeling, at most, I just feel that after the hot search, the number of new registrations will become more.     But when it comes to the mini-games bound to the child-mother system, in retrospect, she thinks it was a stroke of the gods. After the launch of the parent-child system, the response was quite enthusiastic. However, due to the positioning, most of the people who joined were young people who had a target. Although it could be regarded as being used in an alternative way, Ye Qian thought about it, and still felt that it was necessary to cultivate children. After a flash of inspiration, she added a little game similar to 'Destroy the Stars'.     Of course, the gameplay is definitely different, and there are conditions to play, but for those who are not regular members, there is only one chance to play a day, and to become a regular member, there are ten opportunities to play a day.

    And it can be passively associated with the circle of friends, that is to say, if you want everyone to know what you are playing and your ranking, you can enter the settings and associate with the circle of friends.

    This game is quite popular. When it was launched, it added tens of thousands of users to the parent-child system. Of course, the participation of real children was not as much as Ye Qian imagined.

    In short, on this APP, if you want to learn, you can, if you want to play, you can, but everything is enough.

    Regardless of whether Ye Qian cares about the hot search, under this momentum, it seems that the merchants also smelled the merchants, and even took the initiative to come to Ye Qian to cooperate. In the past, the focus of the branch task of kitchen waste, Ye Qian, was placed in hotels, restaurants and vegetable markets. Although the system said that schools, factories, etc. could also be collected, but because the target population was too large, it was impossible to do it for a while. to, so focus on hotels and restaurants.

    Unexpectedly, after going on the hot search these few times, the remaining ten percent of the side tasks will be completed soon, not only hotels and restaurants, but even some factories have also heard the news.

    Ye Qian is very happy, after all, the more cooperation, the better.

    And her cooperation with Su Ran, under this kind of momentum, is unstoppable and unstoppable!

    Many feed factories expressed their willingness to cooperate with Ye Qian. Later, after Ye Qian and Su Ran's team discussed, they felt that this kind of cooperation is much better than acquisition. Now Ye Qian provides the technology, Su Ran provides the money, and the factory provides the manpower. Cooperation to achieve a win-win situation.

    It is late March, and so far, hundreds of companies have reached cooperation with the garbage pickup platform.

    Not all factories Ye Qian uses kitchen waste. Through systematic improvement, she has improved the machines in the factory to the same effect as processing machines. In this way, because the raw materials used to make feed fertilizers are better than kitchen wastes It is cleaner and the quality of the feed fertilizer produced is also better.

    For the time being, human beings are divided into three, six, nine, etc., not to mention feed and fertilizer.

    Of course, no matter what it is, Ye Qian's goal is not to live up to the expectations of the common people.

    The cooperation business here is thriving, and Ye Qian expects the completion of the side quests to be completed.

    "004, can we meet again in the future?" Ye Qian suddenly asked at the moment when the side quest was completed.

    Although 004 was lazy, did not take the initiative to do things, and did not remind her at the moment of the accident, but she gradually understood that this is not a kind of exercise for free? She could clearly feel that during the time she was with 004, her ability to deal with things had improved, she had become more sensitive to various unexpected things, and knew how to solve and get out of trouble.

    As she thought, 004 didn't answer, but it was precisely because of the silence at the moment that Ye Qian completely firmed up her thoughts. She whispered, "Thank you for helping me along the way."     She gradually understood that this 233 pick The garbage system came to this time and space to transform the time and space, and she was one of the participants this time. There are thousands of people outside waiting for her to persuade and invite her to participate.     004: "Host, do you want to upgrade now?"     Ye Qian retracted her emotions and said firmly: "Upgrade."     "Ding, the main task of detection is completed, the side task is over, current points: 623541, the system is about to be upgraded, please prepare for the host. , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1—"     When the last word disappeared in her mind, no matter how Ye Qian called, there was no systematic response. She looked out the window and sighed in disappointment.     Regardless of whether the system is there or not, since she has already embarked on this road, she must finish this road well and try her best to achieve the most satisfactory results.     In April, the mock test began, and Ye Qian began to go back to school to review with her classmates. From time to time, the teacher asked her to go up and share her practice with her classmates, and April passed quietly.     This time the system has been upgraded for a longer time, and Ye Qian faintly felt that this new task will be a bigger challenge, but she is not afraid, everything is difficult at the beginning, and she has survived the previous difficulties.

    At the start of May, the system upgrade came back.

    "Hello, host, I'm 005 serving you this time. It's a pleasure to meet you." Even through the mechanical voice, Ye Qian could still feel 005's liveliness and cheerfulness, which is different from 004's lazy personality. In the same way, 005 is more lively and cheerful.

    Ye Qian pursed her lips and smiled, "Hello, how are the others?"

    005 suddenly got stuck, the others? Do you mean someone from the company? Or her family? Family here or family over there?

    But the rules are not allowed to reveal any information about their company, so it pretends to be crazy and sells stupidly, "Host, what do you mean?"

    Ye Qian didn't say a word. She has been in the company for so long and has been in the electronics industry for a while. She knows very well that the system The creator of 's must be very powerful. She can use brain waves to communicate, and she can take objects from the air. No matter what kind of thing, if she hadn't encountered it, she would never have imagined it.

    So to turn a person into a robot, that's a very simple matter.

    Of course, it does not rule out the conjecture that they themselves are robots because of the advanced technology.

    "It's okay, tell me what the next task is." After a while, Ye Qian said.

    005 immediately said: "Host, I'll give you a vaccination, you have to prepare yourself mentally."

    Ye Qian nodded, "Okay, I'm mentally prepared, you talk about it."

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