She's Bad

By ItssMonicaaaa

196K 5.3K 222

Alicia Jones is 17, how does someone so gorgeous get treated so badly, is it jealousy or is the damage from h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
What's Next?
Book 2
Book 2 Chapter 2

Chapter 11

6.4K 197 10
By ItssMonicaaaa

Alicia P.O.V

I'm so excited to be graduating today. After everything I been through I'm finally gonna walk that stage in front of the people that care about me the most. I got up and immediately felt the aftermath of lastnight which was amazing!! In that moment I became closer to Jay.

He was still sleeping and I took that as an opportunity to admire him. His perfect skin and his eyelashes. His crisp hairline. The way his arms were perfectly toned and how he smiled- this nigga know I'm staring at him smh.

"Jay I know you awake I see you smiling..." He just layed there trying not to smile looking extra stupid acting like he can't hear me. Nigga I'm not blind.

"Mkayy finee I guess I'll just go to graduation without you then..." I guess that got to him cause he hopped up and ran to the shower.

Ever since last night I'm kind of...happy like...I feel closer to Jay and it just made our bond much stronger. I think I wanna talk to him about birth control because I'm going to college and I don't want anything to get in the way of that.

After he got out the shower I got in. When I was out I put on my white dress with the back cut out and I curled my hair. I just threw on my black sandals cause I ain't feel like wearing heels again.

The closer we got to leaving the more nervous, excited, and happy I was. Nervous because I'm no longer in high school and I'm being thrown into the real world. Excited because I'm looking forward to my future and what it has in store for me, and happy because I made it. After all this crazy stuff thats happened I made it and I couldn't be more proud of myself for pulling through and coming out as a strong woman, with a benz ;).

Caliana P.O.V

Y'all I did it! I'm graduating!!

When I found out that I was pregnant I didn't think I would be able to get this far. I thought my whole life was gonna stop. Thats why I'm really thankful for my grandma and Alicia for being there for me. Without them I don't know where I would be or what I would have done. After I lost Michael I didn't feel like I could go on but I pulled through. And as hard as it was to let go and trust that he's looking over me and our babies, I did that. I know he's proud of me and thats what gave me even more strength to get out of bed and go get that diploma.

I decided on my red strapless dress with my white wedge sandals and I straightened my hair out with a head band. Simple but cute I was ready to go. I had told Alicia I would meet her at Jays place so I headed that way after I got us some strawberry smoothies from starbucks.

When I arrived I gave Alicia a giant hug I was so proud of her. I've seen her grow so much in these last few months. She walks with her head held high and she smiles more. She's getting treated right by people who care about her and its showing in a good way. We finally made it!

I have 3 more months left in my pregnancy and im so excited. I don't wanna know what I'm having yet but i hope its 2 girls.


"Caliana Hernandez" it felt so good walking up to get that diploma. The fact that I made it this far is something I'm proud of. I kind of wish my parents were speaking to me but it is what it is.

"Alicia Jones" she practically ran up there she looked so happy...and she was kinda walking funny too...hmm ima have to ask her about that. After the principal finished with the names we all stood.

"I now present to you the John F. Kennedy class of 2015"

There was a burst of applause as we threw our caps in the air. Now we go into the real world and pursue our hopes and dreams and I can't wait to see what my future has in store for me.

*later that night*

After celebrating all day I was finally getting a chance to lay down and sleep. I picked my pajamas and went to brush my teeth and stuff. As soon as I was about to lay down I felt a sudden urge to pee. If there is one thing I can't stand about being pregnant its that I always have to pee and the dizzy spells.

When I wiped myself all I saw was blood and I started to feel woozy. All I remember is calling for my grandma once or twice before everything went black...


The sound of Alicias phone ringing woke me up. She was knocked out so I answered it for her.

"Hi this is Revere hospital we have a patient here by the name of Caliana Hernandez. Its urgent if you could please get down here as soon as possible. " What the hell did she go into labor or something?

"Is she in labor? Whats going on??" She still got 3 months to go.

"Im sorry sir I can't tell over the phone just get here soon." And with that she hung up the phone. I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know if it was good or bad.

"Li wake up we gotta go"

"What? Go where its 2 in the morning" she said barely awake.

"We gotta go to the hospital its about Caliana..." the way she got up lets me know that she would do anything for her bestfriend.

"Is she having the babies?" She sounded excited at the thought of that even though its too early and risky especially for twins.

"I don't know babe we gone have to see the nurse didn't tell me anything so I can't say if its good or bad.." With that we headed out to the hospital. I hate going there cause its never a good experience when I go and I had a gut feeling that something was wrong.

When we got there I went to the front desk and asked Cali's room and they didn't give it to me. Instead they said they would send one of her nurses out to speak with us. We sat next to her grandma and waited impatiently for a nurse to come.

After waiting almost 30 minutes a nurse finally came out.

"Family of Caliana Hernandez?" We all stood up as she walked towards us.

"Yes we're here I'm her grandmother what's going on?" She asked sounding a bit worried.

"Well what she suffers from is a high risk pregnancy and it's automatically like that when you're pregnant with twins. she started bleeding because one of the twins had died." The nurse explained and I couldn't believe it.

"We had to do an emergency ultrasound to check the vitals and we only heard one heartbeat. Keeping the deceased baby in the womb would have risked both the lives of the mother and the other twin so we were forced to do a c-section." oh lord.

"So does she know that she only has one baby that made it out alive?" Her grandmother questioned.

"No we wanted to wait until her family was here. Its easier to hear when someone close to you tells the bad news...well bitter sweet news. We'll have to keep the baby here for a while in the NICU since she was born so early. I can't yet determine how long we'll keep Caliana." she gave us some more info and her grandma spoke.

"Alicia I think you should tell Cali the news. You're her bestfriend." She said.

"Are you sure miss Hernandez?" Li asked.

"Yes baby I'm sure" with that the nurse led me and Li back there.

After the nurse woke up Caliana and checked how she was doing I gave Alicia the look.

"Cali I'm gonna tell you why you're here okay?" She nodded her head.

After she said what the nurse said about the high risk pregnancy she paused.

"So what about my babies?" Cali asked.

"Only one of them made it..." she said and she waited for cali to say something.

"I'm sorry boo its gonna be okay I'm here for you alright?" She just nodded and cried into Alicia's chest. It was sad to watch. I mean I wasn't gone cry or nothing but it was pretty sad.

"Do you wanna know what the sex of your baby is?" Cali didn't respond she just stared off into space, you can tell that she's hurt.

"Well...the baby is a baby girl.." When Alicia said that Cali kinda smiled but didn't say anything we stayed there with her until the nurse told us it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes and headed home. I knew we would be back later.

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