Teenage parenting

By evilestshadows

3.4K 118 19

Maka Albarn ends up getting pregnant with twins, so now soul and maka must raise 2 kids plus go to school. Wh... More

Chapter one-new year
The apartment
The best days
Karma's a bitch
The doctor's vist
Tsubakis star's
The new car
The babies room(s)
Time to come out
Going home
Time to wake up
The play date
Chapter 14~ four
Chapter 16~ kids back
Chapter 17~ the new additions

Chapter 15~naming them

137 3 10
By evilestshadows

Maka's POV

I looked up at soul numbly worry filling his eyes. "maka what's wrong?"

Tears started flowing out of my eyes "I'm- er we're have twins again." I told him waiting for him to scream at me, tell me he's leaving, to just tell me he hates me, I prepared myself for anything. "Maka this is......" The suspense grows up inside of me. "amazing!" He finished. I looked at him surprised "y-your not mad?" I asked

"Why would I be mad? I get to be a daddy again." he pulls me in for a hug kissing me head. "plus think of the girls their gonna be big sisters.

I laughed "i have to give birth again...." soul chuckled.

****five months later****

Lisbeth came up to me and touched my big round belly while I was watching tv. "darling what're you doing?" I asked her "why are you so fat mommy? And when's my baby brothers or sisters gonna come?" She replied with questions.

"Well mommys fat because your baby brothers or sisters are inside of her tummy!" I said

Lisbeth looked terrified "you ate the babies!!!" She finally screamed. she started crying and ran away, before I could grab her, she came back with soul carrying her shushing her cries.

"Mommy? Do you know why lissys crying?" Soul asked me.

"She thinks Mommy ate the babies. and she ran off before mommy could explain herself." I mentioned for soul to give me my precious baby and he obeyed.

Lisbeth looked up at me teary eyed. "mommy didn't eat the baby love, the babies have to grow inside of mommy so the babies can come out and see you and asuna ok?" I said softly. she nodded her head and returned to her cheerful self, then ran off to play with asuna.

I sighed "being a parent is a lot of work soul."

"Yeah but way worth it!" Soul flashed his signature smirk and we cuddled on the couch. "hey maka we haven't named the babies."

"Oh yeah, well let's come up With them now!" I told him

"Ok how about if their boys, gray and Loke" soul looked at me.

"Ok and if their girls..... how about Lucy and bisca?" I looked at soul and he nodded his head in agreement "here we go again." he chuckled

a/n: hia so I know this chapter is really short but I wanted to show them making up the names, anyway the next chapter I'm going to skip a few years. anyway thanks for reading bye!!!

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